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Adopting Eri

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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This story is nearly over on Pat. 3 or 4 more chapters and its done.

Word Count 1300


"" Haaaaaaa ?!?"

Both Rumi and Momo were shocked

"You want to adopt her?" Rumi pointed at the ball of cuteness in my arms

"Yep~ I won't take no for an answer. Actually.." I look at the little girl who was confused by why everyone is so surprised

"Eri-chan. Do you want to come and live with me? I'll beat up all the bad guys who come after you. So with me, you can be happy and have fun. We can be a family"

"Family..." Eri looks down sadly. She is probably remembering the time when she deleted her parents

"Hey." I nudge her a bit. Making her look up again "I'm strong. The Strongest in the world. Nothing is going to happen to me"

"Promise.." She looks up with those big puppy eyes

"I promise sweety"

"Will the onee-sans come to live with us?" Eri asked with innocent curiosity, not knowing how complicated she made the situation

"If they want to" I look up at both Rumi and Momo. Who were still processing the situation

I wasn't about to put them in a bad spot

"Let's go Eri" I pick her up "We need to have you checked out at the hospital. After that we can play"

"Really? Yay~"

I started to walk. Rumi and Momo followed. Both had an expression that said they were in deep thought.

~ Hospital

"Well, looks like Eri-chan is fine. Just a bit tired" The doctor said with a smile. But his eyes were saying differently, he pointed with them at the door.

"Isn't that great Eri? Why don't you stay here with Momo and Rumi while I go thank the doctor"

"Okay~" she raised her hand up happily.

Me and the doctor exited the room. I already knew what he was going to say. But there needed to be an official statement

"So whats her real diagnose?" I cross my arms and look at the doctors eyes. He starts to sweat.

"Well. Internally she is fine. There is only scar tissue that remains on her hands and legs. Mentally.. the girl went through hell. Its a miracle she can even smile"

No kidding.

"Child services have been noti-" "I'm adopting the kid" I cut him off

"... Excuse me?" The doctor blanked out for a second "I must have misheard you. I heard you say that you were ado-"

"Adapting Yes. Dont make me repeat myself again" I glare at the man

"B-But you are a teenager!"

"Like age is going to stop me. Don't you worry your pretty little bald head. I'll handle it. You just have to notify Child Services about what I said. Specify my name. Kodo Shinichi."

".. Okay" The doctor said unsurely. 'What's his name got to do with anything?'


A door slammed open

"Shinichi! What do I hear you want to adopt a little girl?" My mother stormed in the hallway with an angry expression. With my father running after her

"Stop" I raise my hand stopping my mother in place "Before you say anything, let me show you this"

I open the door and head toward Eri

"Eri-chan these are my parents. Chisaki and Ryuunosuke Kodo" I point at my parents

I just pick up Eri under her armpits and raise her in front of my Mother. Simba style "Look at that face and tell me you do not want such a cute granddaughter"

My mother froze in place as she looked at Eri who was very shy and red in the cheeks "Ahhh... hello.. ba-chan?" she said the last part with a tilted head. Then shyly brought her chin to her neck avoiding eye contact, but still glancing at my mother

"KYAAAAA~!! She Is So Cute~!!!" She picked up Eri from me and started to spin her around while showering her with love

Momo and Rumi sweatdropped at the scene. My mother was happily spinning Eri around

Then she turned to me and stared me down. Like she was trying to set me on fire "Shinichi. If you don't get this girl to join our family there will be consequences. You have my permission. Beat the shit out of anyone that stops you" she says passionately with a fist pump

My father tried to calm her down "Now, now Chisaki. Didn't you come here to stop our son from making a reckless decision"

And that resulted in a small argument

"You know.. I kinda see how she is your mother. She is definitely a.. 'my pace' kinda woman" Rumi scratched her cheek and Momo just noded

"Yes Auty Chisaki has always been like that"

*Bzzzz Bzzzz*

Ahhh here come the calls.

"Sorry I got to take this call"

I exit the room. Let's see who I'm going to kill next.

~ Back in the room

"Hey Momo.. What are you going to do" Rumi whispers quietly

"I am not leaving Sensei. A kid complicates things. But Eri-chan is adorable. And I do want her to have a happy life. So.. I'm fine with it" Momo says with a calm tone

Rumi just scratched her head 'Ahhh. Why do things have to be even more complicated? First, it was to share him with another woman. Now a kid is involved. Why can't I get a break? Is it really worth it?'

"Bunny-nee-chan~" Eri calls out causing Rumi to look at her. Eri was playing with her hair. Momo had made brushes and hairpins for her.

"Can I brush your hair?" She says with an adorable smile, while holding up a brush

'Ahhh. Why does she have to be this CUTE~' Rumi screamed in her head

"Of course, you can. But be careful" Rumi leaned over causing her hair to fall over her shoulder


'Ugh.. This kid is really not making things easy. I really want to spoil her.. Is it really fine to just accept'

Rumi was left with deep thoughts while Eri was playing with her hair.

~ Meeting

I answered the call. they wanted to talk. But I wouldn't have the leverage I need. So I Warped and Soru'ed a few times and crashed their meeting.

Now they were arguing with me

"You are too young.. bla bla bla."

"Too irresponsible... bla bla bla"

"her power is too great we need to contain it."

"ENOUGH" I let my aura and bloodlust go and freeze all of them

"Looks like you are forgetting all the dirt I have on you people. I will ruin you. Do you understand that? The whole lot of you are easily replaceable. A lot of people are after the seats you occupy"

"Know your place!"

Everybody starts to sweat and back away

"I could destroy the lives of everyone in this room. You seem to forget that. And I am not one of those heroes who are working for you. If I say something I expect it to happen, I doubt you will be able to handle the consequences of angering me.

I could destroy your career true. But that's the least of your trouble. If I find you after you have crossed me. You will be begging me to kill you after I'm done with you"

I'm getting sick and tired of dealing with these scumbags. Maybe I should let some Vilians kill them. Just so I get rid of these idiots.

"Y-You can't do this! We are th-"

"DONT CARE! You are dead meat!" I cut the fool off "If my demands aren't met. You know what will happen to you. And not even God will be able to save you then"

I used Soru and I left the meeting room through the window. After gaining some distance, I slipped into the ally and warped back near the hospital


A little overkill yes. Unrealistic kinda.

But the strong decide things. Politicians are easily replaceable. And these people figured out that Shinichi Kodo isn't as nice as he appears a long time ago. It's kinda their job. But they can't do anything to him due to the amount of Blackmail Kodo has on them.