WebNovelMHA: Code97.87%

Stars and Stripes

2 more chapters guys. I'm feeling a bit emotional xD

Word Count 3000


3 days later. USA

In a secure room. A group of people was watching the news.

[For the last 3 days after the Kamino incident in Japan. Hero Hunter Garou has been on a relentless chase for The Number One heroes across the world. In just 3 days, after the fall of All Might. Egypt's Salom, Greece's Zeus, China's Jade, Russia's Boris and many other Number One Heroes have been defeated, sadly some of them were also killed.

All that remains is our very own Stars and Stripes. It's not a question if Garou will come, it's when. We can only hope Stars and Stripes can defeat him and end his reign of terror]

*Crash* *Bzzzzzz*

The muscular woman threw a remote straight through the TV

"Sigh. Star, I know you are pissed, but please control yourself" An old man sighed out. He was wearing a Three piece black suit.

" Easy for you to say you, old geezer. You might have been the previous Number One, but now you are just a retired old man. And I'm perfectly calm. I'm just waiting for Garou to come so that I can wring his neck"

Multiple facepalms echoed across the room

"That's the opposite of calm you stubborn girl" The old man hit the table "Why are so impatient"

But before she could answer. A loud booming voice echoed across the building, probably the entire region

"Stars and Stripes!!! Get your ass outside you Gorilla Woman!!!"

Star grinned "He is here!!" Star jumped out of the door. She used her Quirk. New Order to give herself a superhuman body. Super strenght, speed and durability. Still below AllMight but way above other heroes with strenght Quirks

Her Quirk, New Order. Allows her to place an 'order/rule' on anything she touches and calls out its name. She can change reality with her quirk, the reality on corporeal and incorporeal things.

"Star! STAR!"

"Stars and Stripes! Wait for backup"

The men in the room yelled out but she ignored all of them and exited the secret underground building. She quickly noticed Garou standing in the air. Luckily they were in a forest away from any cities.

"Garou! You have caused chaos for long enough. Surrender now! If you do not surrender you will be brought in by force" Star yelled out. Both of them knew Garou wouldn't be surrendering.

But she needed to follow proper procedure. Otherwise, the American Hero Committee will be calling her and wasting her time by reminding her of the rules.

Garou pointed his finger at her, a tiny red orb appeared on the tip of his finger "Cero"


A human-sized red laser erupted from the orb and headed straight at Star. Who barely touched the laser

'New Order' "Red Laser. As of now this laser is fragile as glass" She then punched the laser as it broke apart into tiny red shards.

"Sheesh, with I feel sorry for your boyfriend. Poor guy probably guy probobly got his pelvis crushed"

Star didn't even flinch

"He gave you the Cold Shoulder huh? Well with an attitude like yours. I would give you the cold shoulder too."

Star's eye twitched. She was getting annoyed

"Do you ever shut up" Star yelled at Garou while her hand went through the air in a griping motion?

She quickly whispered "Air. As of now does not exist.. a 100 meters ahead of me"

" No, but at least I'm not the idiot who is wearing the American flag as clothes. Seriously, did you just grab a few flags and sew them together, because that's what it looks like" Garou said casually as if the lack of air was not affecting him at all.

Star looked at him with wide eyes. "Impossible" 'Wait there is no air, how can his voice reach me here?'

"OH and removing the air was a big mistake. After all.." Garou grinned at her. "No air means no Air resistance

Garou pointed his hand behind him. A bluish energy platform appeared. Garou crouched down and his feet hit the platform. Star was looking as Garou somehow landed on a vertical platform. He raised his head and looked directly at her.

"Shit" Star put one of her arms in front of her, she quickly realized what was about to happen. Garou was about to launch himself like a bullet, straight at her.

And that's exactly what he did.

*BANG* Garou punched Star. With his insane strenght, Garou destroyed the platform, no air means no air resistance. He had reached her before Sonic Boom happened from him entering 'air' again.

* * BOOOOOOOM!!!* *

The aftershock of the sonic boom and him punching Star Synchronized, it seemed like there was only one explosion.

Star quickly got up, but she had a bruise on her left forearm. 'He got past my defenses even with 'Tekkai'. His strenght really is unreal. But I barely managed to touch him with my other hand, It was a close call, A single millimeter and I would have missed. It wasn't even a scrape, I touched his fist with the tip of my finger as I was sent flying backward. But now it's all over'

"New Order. If Garou moves at all.. his heart will stop" Star's words echoed across the forest.

Garou froze for a second before he burst out laughing. He took a step forward and flinched a little. But right as that happened, lighting appeared on his chest.

"Hmm, that was a weird feeling" Garou chuckled

Star clicked her tongue. ' Of course, it won't be that easy. I'm not dealing with regular villains. I'm fighting a monster. It's a good thing it even worked. I expected him to get out of the loophole of me only knowing his first name. Maybe he is an orphan with just the name Garou? No matter. I have to prepare my next attack'

'New Order' "Air. The air forms into my shape, but 1000 times bigger"

The air behind her compressed. Garou could see a giant figure of Stars and Stripes, but made out of air.

Star punched in front of her. And the giant figure punched at Garou. "Fist Bump.. To the Earth!"

"Hah, Naive" Garou was ready to use telekinesis alongside his incredible strenght to slap away the giant hand. Only for it to disappear.

Star was kneeling on the ground touching the earth

"Earth. All earth within 100 meters will be under my absolute control."

The ground started to shake. "Ground Gladius!"

The earth rose up into multiple sharp, gigantic spears with the appearance of blades. All of them pierced Garou's body.

"Yes!" Star fist pumped.

"Ouch" Garou groaned out. "Well I definitely didn't see that one coming"

Garou started to move

*crack. crack.*

The earth spears started to crack. Garou twisted his body


The earth broke apart. He quickly used his muscles to literally eject the pieces of earth in his body

*Shhhhh* His cuts began to heal rapidly

Star's eyebrow twitched 'Super-regeneration as well. This is going to be a bigger pain than I thought'

Garou started to crack his joints all over his body "Ahhh. Ready for round two?"

"You bet your ass I am!" Star rushed at him the earth all around her rose to the air and big pieces of earth turned into compressed spikes.

"Ahhhhhhh" Star waved her arm, and like a machine gun. The spikes shot at Garou.

Her earpiece buzzed, but she didn't stop running

[Star. Lasers ETA 2 minutes and Missiles in 5. We broke the underground water tanks. We put explosives on the last one. In 5 seconds it will explode, use your quirk on the water]

(ETA- Estimated Time of Arrival)

And just like they promised. After 5 seconds there was a big explosion and water blew out of the earth like a geyser.

Star quickly appeared next to the Water using Soru. She kept it hidden to catch Garou off guard, but going close combat against him is suicidal.

Star canceled her First Order, the one that gave her a Superhuman Body

"Water. I can control this water in all 3 of its forms."

All the water stopped spreading everywhere. Star quickly jumped in and formed an ice platform on the Water. Then rose to the air.

"Earth then Water? Did you become the avatar all of a sudden?" Garou chuckled as he blasted apart the earth spikes coming his way

"Something like that" Star pressed her hands together. And a big blob of water compressed before it exploded at a single point. Forming a water jet cutter. She also formed a lot of Water snakes and sent them to Garou. Hoping for one of them to cover his head and drown him or enter his body and destroy him from within.

Garou saw the attacks coming at him "Naive"

He pointed his hands at her and his arms expanded "Air Cannon"


Pressure Air Bullets left both of his hands. Destroying all the earth and water attacks.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice you turning the water underneath me into steam? Trying to make me breathe it in? I expected more from you" Garou yelled out as he started to launch Air Bullets and Cero's at her.

Star canceled the Earth Order and got back her Superhuman body.

"No but I hoped I would keep you occupied long enough" Star smiled and right that moment. Garou was bombarded with lasers from a hundred fighter jets.

(Ranks: Pilot, Senior Pilot, and Command Pilot, to active duty pilot)

[Sorry we are late Star.] The commander apologized

[Don't worry bros. It hasn't even been 10 minutes. But this guy is really tenacious. I'm going to need your help] Star smiled as she saw her reinforcement

[Missiles arrive in 3 minutes. Spam lasers like your life depend on it!! Which it does!!] The commander of all the plains yelled as loud as he could

[YES, SIR!!!] x 99

"Let me in on that action." Star touched one of the Lasers

"Lasers. The lasers can be held and controlled" She made half of the lasers they fired combine into one yellow spear.

"Take this!!!" Star grabbed the giant Laser Spear and stabbed Garou with it


The Laser Spear. Vaporized a hole in the ground. But they didn't stop there. The Fighter Jets kept shooting at the spot where Garou was. They easily kept this pace for at least 1 full minute. But fear griped their hearts as soon as they heard Garou's voice

"Ahhhh. Noting beats a good sun tan. Too bad my regeneration will fix it up right away" The next moment Garou somehow reflected all the lasers hitting the fighter jets. All 100 jets were stuck down

Luckily all the lasers just damaged the jets, all the pilots ejected themselves. It wasn't known if it was dumb luck or if Garou intentionally did so so that he could put more pressure on Stars and Stripes.

But she quickly rushed at him. Risking a close combat fight. Trying to keep him occupied for at least 2 more minutes. Long enough for the pilots to land on the ground and run away.

The next two minutes were a nightmare. Stars and Stripes used all her strength and skill to keep up with Garou.

Who had fun having a duke out with her. Every chance she got she used her Second Order to attack him with air, earth or water. To keep him busy.

But the time had finally arrived

[Star! The missiles are here!] A voice yelled out into her ear com


Star quickly jumped right into the action

'New Order' "Air. The air forms into my shape, but 1000 times bigger"

The same giant figure made of air appeared. It grabbed one missile and slammed down at Garou like a hammer.


But she didn't stop at one.


One by one. she repeatedly slammed a missile at him. Forming a giant crater. The air giant grabbed the remaining 7 missiles all together with both hands

"DIEEEEEEE!!!" Star yelled out as she slammed her hands together, the giant followed her movement.


The explosion was so big that it burst apart her 'Air Giant'

Star quickly made herself fly and flew away from the explosion. Once she landed she collapsed on her knees.

*Hufff. Hufff. Hufff*

She was shaking and taking deep breaths.

'It's done. Nobody could have survived that'

[Well done Star! You have saved the world!]

[It was a close call.. I'm just glad it's over..] Star's words died in her mouth as she saw the figure that was walking toward her. His clothes were ruined and were barely hanging on from him. But he was completely fine.

Actually, he was more than fine. There was a golden mist that was entering his body. Making him glow and appear energized

"Ahhhhh. That's the good stuff. Welp, I admit that it was fun, but I have to go now" Garou said casually making Star's instincts flare.

But before she could even move


Garou appeared in front of her in a blink of an eye and his hand had pierced her heart.

"Thanks for the energy boost. You have just made me stronger. But you are too dangerous to be left alive. As a sign of respect for your strenght and for giving me a good fight. I will leave your body intact for your family. Goodbye Cathleen Bate"


Garou mercilessly crushed her heart.

He let go of her body and her body fell to the ground as the light died in her eyes.

[Star! Star!! Answer me!! Come in STAR!]

Garou ignored the yells from the comm piece. He opened up a portal and left.

The world was soon informed that Stars and Stripes. The Number One Hero in the United States. Was murdered by Garou.

The only one who could possibly stop him was the man Garou proclaimed as his rival. Kodo Shinichi. The world was looking and praying. That he could stop him and protect them from Garou. The Great Evil.


A secret meeting between politicians. One they arranged over a 'secret' transmission line.

Their entire building was on fire



"How did you find this place"

Over a dozen politicians were crying and bleeding on the ground. They were shooting their guns at Garou, who didn't even bother to stop them. They just bounced off his body.

Garou raised his hands in the air and formed a big bubble of air. He slowly started to compress the air

*Fng* (Kuma, paw compression)



"Why are you doing this!"



The bubble compressed to fit the size of his palm.

Garou looked at them with a cruel look.

"Because I can." he released the bubble and it slowly started to fall to the floor "The last thing you will remember is a bright light that will erase you out of existence. Sayonara."

Garou waved his hand at them "Urusus Shock"

Garou Quickly escaped with Soru. Leaving a bunch of politicians to helplessly look at the tiny white orb. As soon as the orb touched the ground.


Their entire secret compound was turned into nothing but rubble. Another in a long line of places that Garou has destroyed. And more bodies added to his triple-digit kill count

~ Momo and Rumi talk

"Hey Rumi-san I want to talk to you about something" Momo whispered to her

Rumi sighed realizing what she was about to ask

"Just call me Rumi"

After all with their 'relationship', in other words, chasing after the same guy, Rumi was more appropriate. -San just adds an unnecessary distance

"Okay then, Rumi.. how serious are you about Sens-*cough* about Shinichi?"

Rumi ran her hand through her hair

" Listen, it took me a while to admit it to myself but I like him.. a lot. He really threw me off when he said that he would most likely end up with you and another woman. I called him a pervert"

Momo giggled " Well it's not like he isn't one, all men are perverts, he just has better control than others, even with his.. condition"

Rumi smiled lightly at that" I was surprised to hear about it from him. I also have some effects from my Quirk. But they are manageable, before meeting him I used to masturbate to take the edge off. But after he beat me into the ground, I totally forgot about it after I started to train with the goal of paying him back"

Momo nodded "I'm not planning on holding myself back. Garou had just killed Stars and Stripes. Shinichi is the only one left. And while I hope and pray that he will stop him. I don't want to regret it if he fails. So I'm planning on getting pregnant."

Rumi's eyes widened in surprise "Pregnant! But you are 15!"

"So? I don't want to regret anything. And it's not like I will be pregnant for sure. I just dont plan on using any protection. The rest I will leave it up to fate. What about you? Are you willing to let Shinihi go just like that? Without trying anything. I have seen the way you look at Eri. Don't you want one for yourself" Momo said in a voice filled with conviction making Rumi rethink her decisions

Rumi frowned "No, I'm not okay with just letting him go"

Momo's eyes brightened "Then what do you think about this" Momo stepped near Rumi and started to whisper into her ear. Making her blush harder by the second

"Are you for real" Rumi quickly turned to Momo

"Yep. I'll take care of everything. You just show up at the arranged time. See you Rumi" Momo ran off, heading to start her plan

Rumi just put her hands to cover her face and groaned "What have I gotten myself into?"

~ A/N

MC obviously finished the Energy Quirk. Now he is even more OP.

What did you think of the chapter? Its been a while since I made a 3K chapter.


Wrote 550 words during my work breaks xD