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Almost there bois. it's been more than 3 years since I wrote the first draft for this.

And it's finally about to come to an end.


Well, that was certainly interesting. I'm back into my base form and was lazing around in one of my safehouses.

I was lying on my sofa and drinking some beer.

Today has definitely been beneficial. No that's an understatement. Today has been fucking great.

Oh right.

I'd better write this down now before I forget later.

[ Today I finally went off to face USA's Number One.

Stars and Stripes. Her real name Cathleen Bate. Her Quirk is 'New Order'. And has the ability to impose a rule that can change the reality on things she can touch and understand. These rules can apply on material and immaterial things. So people, elements, composites. Anything she can touch.

A quick worthy of being called one of the strongest in existence.

In my Garou from I went and provoked her. The fight started off with me firing off some weak attacks at her so I can closely study her quirk.

After a few attacks I allowed her to hit me and 'use' her quirk on me. I knew that her quirk wouldn't affect me. As 'Garou' doesn't exist. He is only a persona, a mask.

But I still faked the injury. Mostly because on the off chance some paranoid fuck made a conspiracy theory that Garou and Kodo were the same person. I would have deniability.

Since 'Garou' was affected by 'New Order' that must mean he is real and he doesn't have a last name. Probobly because he is an orphan who grew up in the slums.

She surprised me by using the Earth as a weapon. As I had not even considered it. Compressing the earth and attacking with it was a good move.

And then there was the grand finale. I knew the US had those special Tiamat Nukes.

And I had finished the Energy Absorbtion quirk and Nezu's High Spec quirk.

So I allowed myself to be hit by them. I gained an absurd amount of energy from those Nukes. And I used my ridiculous processing abilities that were boosted by High Spec.

I finished most of the Quirks I had backed up in my queue. But I am excited about these two in particular [#2445-All For One] and [#2537-Cathleen Bate. 'New Order'.]

With these two finished I am practically unstoppable. I will use All For One to rip quriks out of people directly if their quirk is compatible with me. If it isn't I will take blood samples and Grow the quirk to be compatible.

And New Order allows me to change reality, with my insanely new processing power. I can do whatever the hell I want since I can perceive and comprehend a lot more than Stars and Stripes ever could.

My lifelong goal is done. At the age of 15. I have reached the top of this world. I eliminated all Vilians and Heroes that could be a threat.

I killed off all the politicians that didn't like me. And left the neutral ones and the ones that work for me alive. Securing my place in the government.

I started this journal when I was four and a half. It has been more than 10 years. 10 years of gruesome training and failures. Destroying my body only to rebuild it stronger.

Now the only thing left to do is put on the greatest act in history.

The Final Battle.

Garou. The Great Evil. vs Shinichi Kodo. Typhon: The God of Monsters

This will be my final entry. Signifying the end of my journey. After tomorrow a whole new era will start. A new journey. One where I stand at the top of this world.

Shinichi Kodo.]

I sigh as I close off my journal. I'm feeling a bit emotional. 10 years of tirelessly working. Just a bit more and it will all be over. All my dreams are about to be fulfilled


Momo sends a message to come to Rumi's house. She says that the three of us need to have a conversation about our relationship.

I slowly get off my sofa. It's time to face the music. I won't be manipulating a single thing. I really do like them both. And should they want this as well? Nobody on this planet can stop me from being together with them.

~ Rumi's house.

Since I flew here it took me a little while, but flying like this once in a while is nice. It was currently nighttime.

I slowly entered the house, only to find the living room empty.

Wierd.. Rumi likes to laze around on the couch and Momo is not here as well. I focus on my hearing and found two heartbeats upstairs.

" Shin we are upstairs" Rumi called out in a serious tone.

Okay, the moment of truth. Either this will backfire on me spectacularly. Or i will be a happy man tonight.

I go upstairs and head into Rumi's bedroom. I was trying to read their mood. Their hearts were beating strongly. Their breathing was calm and collected. They already had made their decision and were resolved.

I opened the bedroom door and froze in place. Momo and Rumi were sitting half-naked on the bed. Momo was wearing black lingerie that matched her hair and where more emphasized on her white skin. And Rumi was wearing white ones matching her hair and stuck out on her tanned body.

"Hah. Well looks like the Great Kodo can be surprised after all" Rumi chuckled which broke me out of my staring.

"Well you too look gorgeous, but what's the occasion?" They are not the type to do shit like this, especially together.

" I just don't want to have any regrets. You will be fighting to the death tomorrow. And I have waited long enough. Oh and we won't be using any protection"

I raised an eyebrow at that. Okay, I did not see this coming. I foresaw making out and Groping. But sex right off the bat?

Rumi gave a one-armed hug to Momo " In case you die, which you'd better not, Momo wanted to have your baby. I thought about it and so do I. So come on lover boy. You are the one that said a single woman can't handle you. Lets see if the two of us can't drain you dry" Rumi signaled with her finger for me to come to them

I grinned at them

Luckiest guy tonight.

(This part seems a bit meh to me. Idk why)


U.A. on the field where the first Quirk Assessment Test took place.

My friends and family were here. As well as Class 1A and B. The Big 3. And all the teachers and staff.

Well, it's time for the greatest act on earth. My clone is all set and ready. And he is strong as hell. Right now I'm practically unkillable. So my clone will actively be trying to 'kill me'.

"Shinichi, If you don't come back, I'll come there and kill you myself" my mother hugged with tears in her eyes

My father also gave me a bear hug " Be strong my son. Remember you have a family of your own to fight for" He glances to the side where Rumi, Momo were standing and Eri was in Rumi's arms. He was not blind. He could see the way they looked at each other. But as long as his son was happy, he was fine with it

"You'd better come back, Eri-chan will be sad if you don't" Ran gave me a quick hug

"You will win, anything else isn't acceptable" Testu says in his usual stoic tone, but I can feel his worry. His girlfriend Takako was squeezing his hand "Be safe Shin-kun"

Shu was sitting there with a smile on his face. I raise an eyebrow at him " Why are you so peepy?"

Shu just smiled "I bet my life savings on you to win. So do your best" Shu just gave me a thumbs up.

"And if I don't win?" I ask rhetorically.

"Well then I guess I'll be following you to hell shortly, since I will probably be killed by the Yakuza Gangs for not being able to pay the money, that's if Garou doesn't kill us all" Shu says casually

"What about your girlfriend Ruri?"

Shu just smiled wryly "Well I kinda sent her away to be with her mother after the whole Kamino bullshit. She was not happy"

Now that a friend, he really isn't afraid to die. And would do it for me. Well I won't be letting that happen. My friends give me their 'support' and I turn to Rumi, Momo and Eri.

Rumi was the first one she covered Eri's ears "I think its obvious that if you don't come back we will head there, bring you back, just so we can kick your ass"

Momo nodded along "She is right Shinichi. If you don't come back I'll find someone with a quirk to bring you back so we can kill you ourselves" Momo said jokingly

I turned to little Eri "Papa, you will win right? You are the strongest"

I picked the little girl up and swung her around a bit "You bet I am, he doesn't have a chance, after I'm done we are all going to celebrate with lots of ice-cream"

Eri gave me a tight hug, its obvious that the girl was worried

After that I talked to some of my classmates and the people from Class B

~ 3rd Pov

All Might slowly approaches Kodo

" ..kodo-shonen..." said the armless, Skinny Might with a quiet voice, barely a whisper. He could barely even talk these days.

Kodo and All Might were a bit away from the students, so they don't eavesdrop

" I'm sorry. I have failed you as a teacher. I failed to defeat Garou, even when I fought against him together with my worst enemy... Now I am afraid its all up to you. Just.." All Might choked up ".. give it your all. Use any and every trick in the book, play dirty if you must, just come back alive"

All Might coughed up some blood. As if saying this physically hurt him. This went against his Ideals. He already broke them by fighting together with All for One. Now he was telling his student to do the same. But Garou couldn't be stopped by ordinary means.

Deku trio meaning Deku, Ochako and Iida came forward

"Ummm. Kodo-san, I just wanted to wish you luck in defeating and capturing Garou" Deku said nervously the other too noded with him

Kodo looks at him like he is an idiot.

" Are you stupid? There won't be any capturing, both of us will fight until the other one draws his last breath. He defeated or killed every single Number One in the World. Even some powerful Villians. Capturing him is impossible.

You need a reality check. That hero mindset of yours will get someone killed"

Before anyone could say anything The sky roared.

*Thunder sfx*

Everyone turned to the sky. Where dark clouds appeared out of nowhere. Then the sky flashed

"Garou must you do this?" Kodo sighed out


Lighting struck right before the Group


"Everybody back away!" Iida called out

The students quickly backed away, but none of the teachers moved a muscle. Their eyes locked on the dust cloud where the lightning struck

"Kah ha ha. Well isn't this quite the gathering. So many people are here to see you off. I'm feeling a bit jealous, Kodo"

When the students heard the voice all of them paled. Even when they knew that he was coming, they still froze when they saw him.

The teacher's instincts screamed at them to get into battle mode, but they recalled Nezu's words and the warning Garou gave them

" Well maybe if you fix your bad personality you might meet someone that will care for you" Kodo deadpanned at him

"Ha! Hell no. A guy like me doesn't care about stuff like that. I only care about reaching the peak. And Kodo you are the final Obsticale" Garou smiled murderously at Kodo

" Papa kick his ass!" Eri yelled out, breaking the tension

Garou looks at Eri with a head tilt " You really adopted a kid? I thought it was a publicity stunt. I know you like to use those"

Kodo just looks at him with a cold face

Garou nodded to himself " Eh fair point. You are too lazy to do that unless you were serious"

Kirishima whispered to his classmates " Is anybody else lost, because I'm not following"

Kaminari got closer to him " Same here bro, aren't they supposed to kill each other. Why are they having a normal conversation"

"Shhhhhh" Mina shushed him, stopping them from gathering attention

"Garou must you do this? Kodo is still young, couldn't you wait a few years at least" All Might pleaded with the man

Garou laughed when he saw him "Johnny Bravo, you are still alive I see. Realistically you should have bled out when your arm was cut off"

All Might gripped his stump, but didn't say anything

"Well we will be going now, oh and suggest you go and turn on the TV" Garou opened a portal taking him and Kodo away



I can't be bothered to calculate the date. I got way too much on my hand to reread my fic and calculate what date it would be for the Journal