Reunion x Resonance

The year was 5000..

Earth had become home to countless alien beings.

One strange night, as a red aurora covered the whole planet... a species called "IDOLS"..descended from the skies..

The purpose of the Idols was unknown, and their interactions were only through "AGENTS"..

After years of diplomatic endeavors and integration, they finally found their entertainment..

The Idols worked alongside their human counterparts, the two dazzling and winning the hearts of the world. Through time and circumstance, however, the Idols would come to dominate the industry.

The relationship between the Idols of space and their human fans was very complex.

When an Idol performed, their fans behaved as though under a spell. In this stupor of euphoria and biological exchange, the fan enraptured would have one ailment completely healed.

It wasn't long before this phenomenon reached the ears of those in power, intrigued by the data revealing attendees who had been cured.

Research on the Idols began in secret at this time, and scandals involving rights violations came to light.

The Agents designed their own company in response: X9 Entertainment

....creating a safe haven for Idols under one umbrella. Be it film, music, business, etc. No longer would human intervention be required. The internal workings of the Idols, Agents, and their ways of life and behaviors, would also slip into obscurity.

At this time, a faction of those organizations involved in the scandals, created an anti-Idol coalition, and began to accuse them of hostile intentions publicly..

..for the Idol's ability to enrapture a human and heal their very soul..surely had to come with a price?


"One rose espresso with hazelnut, please."

"Anything else?"

"..a slice of meringue.."

"Coming right up!"

The sun shone warm and bright as noon washed over Verdant City. Under the shining orb, a quaint cafe was vibrant and bustling.

"Aura! Can you take that to table 3?"

"On it!"

The Fairy, was an up and coming cafe; A hot spot that catered to various groups of people depending on the hour.

At dawn, it was inhabited by remote workers; needing a peaceful environment to lose themselves in. At night, it was the worn out execs and late night couples, who loved the private and soothing ambience.

Noon brought with it a group all it's own. Many were beloved influencers, seeking inspiration among the natural interior..

"It's beautiful.."

Aura stopped behind a polished work station, clad in black and white uniform.

Waiting for the barista, he admired the room of smiling faces.

"Isn't this the best time of day?"


The barista and cafe owner shook his head. His movements were graceful and skilled, wrist, hand, and fingers moving effortlessly between orders. "Night group's best. Much quieter."

"That's funny.." Aura leaned over the counter, jeering playfully at the person he had known for years. "..if you don't like noise, how come you bought 'front' row tickets to every one of W.O.L.F's concerts?"

The barista paused, giving a subtle glare. "That's different. I didn't have to work there.."

"Well, you don't have to work here either. I keep telling you to live stream full-time. As your promoter and agent ..I'll help you leave this life behind..!"

"..but I like this life.." The barista paused over a porcelain cup, an intricate motif of hydrangeas forming between foam and espresso as he drew them. " following go up again?"

Aura beamed, full of pride. "Yup. Another 50K.."

"..I'm gonna be sick."

"Hey! This is a great thing! Don't think about the numbers. Just keep making content and being lovable. It'll be fine!"

Aura rubbed his hands together, thinking of sponsorships. He didn't quite understand the appeal of his friend's content, but as one of only a few humans allowed in X-9 Entertainment, he could care less as long as they adored his client.

"I trust you, Aura. Just don't tell me the numbers again. And I don't want any sponsorships.."

"Why not?" Aura howled comically "..How can you not want money..!?"

The barista shook his head. The thought of 500,000 people watching him through their screens was stifling.

Finished laying the artwork for the customer's order, he placed the ornate cup on a tray and slid it over to his brooding companion.

"Maybe just one or two..but the products have to be something I'd actually use here. It's no good if it doesn't help business." Ever weak to the puppy dog eyes of his best friend, he relented a little.

"You're so generous Mr. Loop!"

Aura brightened, carrying off the tray to a single booth stall facing a window. There, a young woman in lilac snapped photos of the liquid art, lamenting at having to drink it in the end.

Loop stood behind the counter and cleaned off the tools of his trade. The eyes behind his clear rimmed glasses were gentle and doting. Nothing was more soothing than watching his creations enjoyed.

"Would you like anything else?"

Aura glanced at the woman in lilac whose attention seemed fixed across the room. She had noticed the barista's gaze, those amber eyes not downplayed from behind the clear lenses, or their gentle and appreciative nature as they watched her.

"Oh. Thank you. Give my compliments to the barista..he's breathtaking.."

"He's breathtaking?"

" order..the hydrangeas..were breathtaking! ..not..anyone..."

Turning away, Aura nodded sagely, containing the trembling of his shoulders while returning to the counter. He disappeared behind the kitchen doors quickly, laughing to his heart's content.

"What's wrong with you?"

Loop sat behind the counter with a tablet in hand, reviewing the prior week's revenue and inventory. All tables had been served for the moment, the doors locked as they reached capacity.

"I missed a prime opportunity because of you! You've really gotta stop giving eyes to your 'creations'. That flower thought you were gazing at her.."

Loop paused mid swipe, quickly looking down and clearing his throat. "Sorry."

Aura grinned showing all his white teeth, a charming contrast against hazel eyes and caramel skin. "Don't sweat it. I just think it's a shame that you never take a chance. Dating isn't a crime you know. How many years has it been?"

"Don't start." Loop frowned, red lips pursed and defiant. "Unlike you, I don't mix business with pleasure."

"Hah!..Says the guy who spent the deposit for this place on 'Wolf and XO's World Tour'." Aura wagged his finger and looked smug. "Thank god I had savings..or we'd never be in business!"

Hit with an embarrassing truth, Loop flushed from cheek to ear. "Don't bring up the past!"

"..If it's in the past, how come 'Idol News' is on all the screens here? You 'could' turn on the regular news, maybe find out what species are visiting us and global affairs?"

Leaning in, Aura squinted comically, turning his face into less of a handsome man and more of a scheming ferret.

"Alright..alright.." Chuckling, Loop couldn't help but smile. "You win. I still.."

---Emergency Broadcast!---

---"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a HUGE announcement!"---

Holographic screens positioned at angles throughout the cafe, switched from the Idol Newsroom. Stylish anchors in neon suits and glowing eyes appeared on screen. The human guests of the Fairy were stumped into silence.

---"After years on tour in the Arcturus galaxy, A legend has returned! Verdant City's own platinum star, Wolf of W.O.L.F! Is! BACK!"--




"Oh my god.."


"He's back!! He's back!!!"

Screams erupted throughout the Fairy suddenly, floors vibrating from jumps of joy, windows shaking from the flurry of movement.


"Yes! We'll finally be on the same planet again!"


--- "To kick off his return, a free concert will be held at Z-Stadium tonight! All humans in attendance must enter through the appropriate gates; Have your bio-bands ready for scanning! All non-human attendants have your species ID on display..." ---

"We're being spoiled!"

"That's why he's the best!"

---"Doors close at 9! Don't be late! <3 "---




There were only several hours before the big event and everyone was full of anticipation. Matrons of the cafe chatted happily. Drinks and light meals ordered were quickly scarfed down.

"Remember his trainee days?"

"He was SO cute!"

"..and little!"

"Not anymore. Did you see his swimsuit spread in LUX?"

"Oh yes.."

"He's grown in talent..and other things.."


"..Yeah..standing on the edge of any park fountain and singing his heart out.."

"What matters is the talent. The muscles and stuff are just for ads.."

"From that to this..he's really a big wolf now.."

Aura looked on with a smile as their guests spoke amongst themselves in disjointed harmony.

Glad about the news, but not nearly as much as the customers, he turned to the sole fan he knew personally.

"What a coincidence. You were in Arcturus too for a couple years. Still not sure why you studied abroad. Earth has great schools for could've gone to Paris.."

Startled, Loop leaned against the wall to steady himself. "I went to that galaxy because I wanted to learn about space travel and meet different species. That's all.."

Aura cast a knowing gaze to the wall. "Uh huh. How come you've gone pale?"

"I'm not! I just.."

Aura watched calmly as his friend turned from annoyed to anxious. "Relax. I'm on your side, remember?"

Reaching out a long arm he brought the youth close and roughly kneaded the head of ash white hair."You wanna keep secrets and act mysterious? Punishment!"


"Oh? It hurts? Just try and stop me!"


The two wrestled with each other behind the counter, one letting out his frustration while the other let out his worries.

All haggard and out of breath, the two stopped only because of the quiet that now surrounded them. At some point they had made a spectacle of themselves and had captured the 'flowers' full attention.


"Oh. No. Please continue. Don't mind us."

"We weren't.."

"Is this..a lover's quarrel?"


Loop choked on air and looked over at his bright eyed friend. Aura winked in response and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Stop! They'll get the wrong idea!"

"Who cares?" Aura waved a hand in dismissal; unconcerned.





Loop deflated in a chair and took off his glasses.

The last of their guests had finally left, all eager to prepare for the big night.

Lying his head back, he closed his eyes for a bit, only opening them when a 'clink' sound came from the glass table.


Nursing an iced matcha, the barista gazed at the bamboo swaying lazily from the window.

"So. Wanna tell me what went on during your trip? I have an idea, but I want you to tell me yourself.."

Aura dropped down into the opposite chair and popped the top off a sparkling water. His countenance was unusually calm and didn't leave room for playing around.

"I can't tell you everything Aura. We aren't kids." Loop paid no attention and continued to drink.

"Bullshit. You even told me your first wet dream. Is it more personal than that?"

Loop rolled his eyes and sighed. " told me yours too..and wasn't it because we thought we were dying? We were kids.."

"That's not the point!"

"There is no point..let it go.."

"There is! You just have to tell me!"

"How come you're so upset?"

"Upset? I'm just trying to figure out if something bad happened to you!"

"..Why would-"

Surprised, Loop looked over at his friend who was so riled up his shoulders shook.


He laughed warmly, the weight on his heart considerably lighter.

Aura's eyes widened. He stood up abruptly, slamming his drink on the table.

"You think it's funny? Fine! I'm done with you!"

In a huff, Aura whipped off his outer jacket and stalked to the door. Loop stood up and followed after him, as he knew he should, and clung to his arm.


"What." Teeth clenched, Aura stopped with a hand on the knob.

Loop looked up and into the hazel eyes that were brimming with upset. He gazed innocently, eyes big and pitiful.

"Don't leave Au Au. I'm wrong."

"You're so insincere." Aura rolled his eyes, taking his hand off the knob and tried to free his arm from the beautiful menace. But despite the barista being smaller, he found it wasn't easy to break free.

"What do you want from me? I'm just a stranger-nobody you can keep secrets from whenever you want!"

Loop smiled, ignoring the tantrum to drag his friend back to the table.

Knowing the other was in a sour mood, he brought him a new drink and sat closer, giving his shoulder some soothing pats.

"Don't..freak out. When I was in the Arcturus galaxy, I spent some time in the Shadow Sector. That's why I really went there.."

Aura recovered his mood immediately. "The underworld of Arc's solar system? How'd you even get in?"

"I surfed the dark net and saw an ad for a willing human subject. It was at a lab on the planet IGN."

"The franken-planet?" Aura shook his head, feeling the blood rush to it as he grappled with the implications.

"The what?"

"All the mad scientists end up there with their freaky crap. I heard security is insane. Nothing leaves." He looked at the unassuming friend sitting next to him. "Except"

"I was smuggled in and then shipped out. The planet's been compromised for a long time. The scientists are running it now. They 'are' mad.. but they aren't evil. It's because of their strategic leaks that more info is coming out.."

"So..what the hell were 'you' doing there? You were supposed to be learning about coffee and business!" Aura grumbled in annoyance, throwing his hands up as he stood and paced for a bit.

Loop sighed, swallowing against the vulnerability in his heart. "I got the resonance surgery, Aura."


Aura stopped his movements, turning around slowly to stare at his friend as though he were seeing for the first time. Loop watched as a myriad of emotions swam to the surface of the man's eyes. It seemed that he was conflicted. Not knowing how he should respond or perhaps having too many responses.



"Say something."

"I always knew you had some spunk..but it turns out you're actually bat shit crazy..."

Finally gaining his composure, Aura let out a long sigh and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah. I kind of am." Relieved, Loop finally calmed his nerves and managed a smile.

"This is why you can't be left alone. You know that now, right?"

The two exchanged a long and meaningful look before sharing a laugh.

"Did it hurt?"


"The surgery.."

"No. It was intense though. And required tests and procedures. Most of the time I was out of it. Everything felt like a dream I was watching in the third person.."

" know it's illegal to undergo that surgery as a human, right? If any of the anti-Idol groups find out, you may not leave in one piece. Worse still you might not even see the light of day again."

"I know." Loop looked down at his folded hands. "But I don't care. I don't regret my actions. I just..wanted to feel a little have some hope, you know?"

"Hm. I guess we'll skip planets if things get hot around here. I bought a villa on ERY. I'm not renting it at the moment.."

Aura nodded to himself about his plan, taking out his phone as it's alarm sounded.

"BUT there's only one way to find out if the surgery worked.." He sounded excited.

"We've gotta get you around some Idols!"


"Let's go to that concert!"

"No! I only did it for myself, I never wanted to see if..!"

The words became stuck in his throat, the flush that covered the barista's ears spread across his cheeks in a deep shade of pink.

Aura grinned, pocketing the device and taking his hand gently.

"We 'are' going to Wolf's concert. Or, you can forget about me helping you flee the planet if someone finds out what you've done! What's the worst that could happen?"


"What's the 'best' that could happen?"

Noticing the veil of happiness concealed in his friend's eyes, he smiled.

"Hold on to that feeling. And in the meantime, come with me!"

"Where are we going?"

"What do you mean 'where are we going'? Your live stream starts in 30 minutes!"