Coping x Family

"Put your phones on silent. If I miss even a single moment you're all fired.."

In a black van with tinted windows, the three offending occupants sucked in a breath.

They were on the road, each playing their respective roles; Agent, assistant, and driver.

The fact that the usually somber Idol in their midst, was now barking orders in a voice that lacked the dangerous tone they were used to, drew their eyes to the farthest seat where he lounged in the back.

Much taller than the average man, but built in a way that distributed muscle evenly, he slumped a little in the row seats allotted, knees bent as a way to give his legs the comfort they were otherwise denied.

"Wretched boy. Is this how you talk to your aunt?"

Tossing garnet tresses over her shoulder, a woman spoke defiantly and pursed her red lips. She seemed neither phased nor enthused by the Idol's presence, narrowing clear amethyst eyes as he stared into hers with iridescent silver.

"Don't start, Cherry."

Ruining his good looks with a grimace, the Idol rolled his eyes at the relative in question. The dark ocean blue of his hair fluttered with the wind coming through the cracked window...He ran his fingers through it in an effort to calm himself, his ivory complexion bearing the luminescence of pearls, clearly beyond any human definitions. Were it not for expressive eyes and a lively nature, or the similarities in facial and body structure, one would be hard pressed to believe that Idols shared even a shred of genetic lineage with humanity.

"I put up with you all tour while you played the managing tyrant.. And you still have the nerve to call yourself aunt?"

"Spare me, Wolf. Are you abandoning family ties now?"

"You're my Agent first, remember? Don't interfere now that I'm home.."

"Still pissed I canceled your trip?" The woman called Cherry batted her lashes and sighed. "It's your own fault for abandoning the commander's daughter. She came from another star system just to meet you. And you stood her up for what? Some live stream?"

"What? You're really out of your mind if you think that meeting would've changed anything. Did you forget I'm an Idol? You know it won't work with anyone other than my 'muse'.." The Idol leaned back and crossed his arms, shaking his head at this person who should know better.

"At this point, Wolf, I don't care..You are 'not' a young Idol anymore, and your time on this planet has caused too many incidents. Who do you think has to clean up after your 'descents'? They're getting worse.."

Wolf shrugged, making a noise as he flicked the end of a fang with his tongue. "..Those of the Agent 'genotype' have to look after Idols. That includes when I have episodes...Just, think of it as the price to pay for giving us crap."

"What crap?"

"I don't about..stressful schedules, meager pay, dangerous practices, insane diets, an unhealthy mental environment?..I could go on.."

Cherry raised a brow, considering his grievances. She didn't and couldn't deny the pitfalls of the Idol industry. Such things were a package deal after all. With fame..came the pain.

"Fair enough. But this is me looking out for you. Your Muse hasn't appeared, and 'you' don't seem to be able to sense them, So 'I' have to get the next best thing. These descents will bring an end to everything you've accomplished.."

"I would've made a great accomplishment, By going to IGN!"

Fuming, Wolf snarled and punched the headrest of a seat in front of him. The white sclera around his pupils turned red, and the veins in his arms pulsed vibrantly in the same shade.

"See? Now what happens when you do that to an employee or one of your team? How many times has this happened and I've had to pay for damages? How many times have I silenced the press? How many times has it been more than a vehicle you've ruined?"

"..the scientists on IGN had a breakthrough procedure..and I was going to help them find a candidate.." Wolf refused to acknowledge his outburst, focusing on completing his original thought, using deep breaths to come back into balance.

"You still believe those mad hatters can 'make' a muse? That's just a planet full of failed scientists. They're nothing good.." Cherry crossed her arms, full of doubt. "..And even if they can, who-!"

"Agent C! The return concert is in a few hours. Can you let him be for now? If he has a descent, he can't perform.."



With a calm not befitting his years, the driver with a youthful face turned back to the quarreling pair.

As the only human hire who had lasted more than a year with the team, Pip knew his position was stable but still felt a little shy speaking up. After all, Agents weren't particularly keen on humans, but Idols tended to watch and fuss over humans with obsessive zeal. The bond between Idols and Humans was real, so even if he kept professional most of the time, in cases where his Idol was in distress, it was a biological imperative to intervene. Before he could stop himself, his mouth was already moving.

"Spoken like a true fan..always coming to the rescue of your beloved Idols.."

Admonished, Pip shrunk and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. It was common knowledge that Agents killed humans they felt were a threat or getting too close.

"Idols don't have fans, Cherry. And to call them otherwise is an insult. That superficial bond based on nothing... is only for human celebrities." Wolf glanced briefly at the driver who finally relaxed at the sound of his voice. "Idols have 'acolytes'. Our connection is neural and physiological. You know the consequence for willful damage to the AI relationship.."

Gritting her teeth, the Agent rolled her eyes and fumed for several moments. She wanted to say so much 'more', but held her tongue. Because sure enough, that nephew aptly named Wolf, was staring at her with a predator's eyes. The thin iris within those silver eyes narrowed by a hair..It was clear he would love nothing more than to deal some punishment.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt your 'precious' human driver..neither his feelings or his body..your acolyte is safe.." She spat the words with a sarcastic drawl, ruining her otherwise gorgeous looks. "...this is the last time I worry about your future, Wolphlex! You and your acolytes can fall into a ditch!"

Sensing submission, the dangerous air around Wolf scattered. He smiled, giving a warm pat to the human's shoulder up front, then leaned back to regard his aunt smugly. For better or worse, and it was more worse than better, they were still family so he couldn't stay angry.

"Don't tell lies, Cherry."

"Evil brat.."




Without the heckling of his Agent, Wolf's mood improved. He looked around to ensure all was at peace and then pressed a button on the platinum band around his wrist. A hologram flew out in a beam of pixelated light, condensing into a portal that revealed breathtaking scenery. The smell of dew on lush grass, mountain air, and faint flowers began to permeate the van. Even a breeze emanated from the portal's view..

---"Loop here! S-sorry I'm late."---

Treated to a voice both alluring and bright, Wolf's eyes grew childlike as he leaned in close to the projection.


He cheered at the young man who smiled shyly at the camera from behind clear framed glasses..Under afternoon sun, the youth's amber eyes held flecks of gold that seemed to sparkle mysteriously.

"He's..Human?" One of the three non-Idol's in the van, an assistant to the Agent, whispered as she worked hard to stay out of the way.

The human's bone white hair fluttered in windswept silk layers, complimenting a snowy complexion with a faint mole beneath his left eye. Lips that looked soft and peach colored, pursed as he explained the day's events, showing off the grassy plains full of tilled fields and unique gardens.

"Today, we'll be learning how to plant Fennies. Fennies are native to the planet JXY but can still be grown on Earth with the right preparation. Since they heal minor wounds and stop bleeding, they're essential for travelers. One Fenny can supply two times the needed nutrition per day. Fennies are extremely bitter and need to be mixed with honey.."

While explaining many things, the live chat for the stream was energetic. Wolf scowled at the regulars who asked questions..and wished hell on the fanatics just gushing about the host. Said oblivious host put on a sky blue apron, pulling various supplies to a patch of fertile soil...


Wolf loudly lamented at the fellow viewers he had to share a stream with, damned viewers that were probably Idols wanting to see some smooth and supple human arms..

".. don't show them..!" One Idol talked and wailed at a holographic projection alone..

"Agent C, is he going to be alright?" The Agent's assistant whispered again, watching the Idol in question with some doubts.

"Of course not. I don't know when, but somehow he found this person called 'Every Day Loop' and he's been fixated ever since. Though, it's the only thing keeping him together before a performance so..better just let him watch it."

"Given all that's happened, A mandatory retirement could be issued by the Species Regulation Board.."

"For the SRB's sake, they shouldn't. I'm not equipped to clean up the mess he'll make in the aftermath of such a thing.."