Grimlocks •p2

"Fight! Fight!!"

Claus's scream came from inside the swirl of the the Grimlocks as a wave of fair slashed through the swirl.

"Everybody! Get ready!!!" yelled Reno as he clapped his hands up. A shockwave went through and created a custom Veil making them invisible to normal humans.

*Time to level up! Level 10 here I come!!* thought Danny and charged at the swarm of monsters. The skeletal creatures flying around the swarm flew towards the others too.

The impact was hard on Claus cause he had a bloody cut in his palm.

Suddenly, the swarm covered everyone of them individually and sepereated them from eachother.

"Ha! Good to gain alone!" said Conor as he pulled his arms back as lightning sparked from them.

"Get this punks!!" yelled Conor leaping at the monsters at a great speed.

Suddenly, the hundreds of skeletal hands reached for Conor whispering the words death in each breath. But Conor didn't hesitate.