Kirby's Past

"What do you think the immortals are going to be?" asked Conor from Kirby as he laid back in his bed. 

It was past 11 and he still could'nt get himself to sleep. He just stayed there with his eyes wide open. 

"Immortal? Well... I was immortal... I died." said Kirby almost ruining all of Conor's hopes. 

Conor was shocked. He never knew that Kirby was a dead immortal. "Bruh!! What the fuck!! How?? How the hell did you die??" asked Conor in confusion. 

Conor was feeling completely hopeless. He had never heard such a thing in his time, being immortality. 

He had never even heard of an immortal dying. "Were you that weak?" asked Conor from the hopeless Kirby. 

"Bruh! What the hell man... I wasn't weak!! The opponent. And my teacher. I had a great story you know. To be reincarnated as a soul with memory, I risked my whole time." said Kirby.