Will and Drago dropped off from the parking lot of the city hall.
There were people pouring into the city hall and the large banner said, "Heroes for hire."
"This is it! Let's go Drago." said Will and stepped out of the car. Drago smiled and stepped out of the car. Then, both of them started to walk to the city hall.
Will saw some people with wings entering the building. *So there are others who wish to join.* he thought to himself.
When Will walked through the crowd, he felt the aura spread across everyone. In the crowd, there were more players than he expected.
But then, if there are murderous hungry bastards, it was the end of the weak players.
They stepped into the middle of the hall where they have all gathered. There were several police officers in each corner.
The hiring hasn't started yet. In the middle, there were another 2 players. They were the ones who were with the police.