Water Ninjutsu

As Naoki and Shizune made their way back to the inn, the sounds of Onshimoto village grew louder with every step. The hum of conversation, the clatter of dishes, and the sizzle of grilling meats mingled together in a tantalizing symphony. But Naoki's focus remained unyielding, his determination to improve himself unwavering. Shizune, on the other hand, was in the throes of an emotional rollercoaster. The message they had received at the shrine reverberated within her, shaking her to her core.

The inn they had been staying in for the past few nights was a simple structure made of wooden planks with a red tile roof. The interior was similarly simple, with tatami mats and sliding paper doors. The staircase leading up to their room creaked with every step, adding a sense of eeriness to their return.

As they opened the door to the room, Tsunade looked up from where she sat at the table, seeming to have just woken up. As soon as they entered, Tsunade could sense that something was different about Naoki and Shizune. Their emotions were abnormal, and she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

In her mind, Tsunade started piecing together what could have caused such a drastic shift in Naoki's attitude. What was he so determined, although he was determined before this time it was different, it was a determination to improve. Shizune, on the other hand, seemed to be going through a range of emotions that didn't make sense. Was it fear? Excitement? Tsunade had to find out.

As the three of them sat down, Tsunade studied Naoki and Shizune closely, looking for any signs of what had happened. She knew that her students were hiding something from her, and she was determined to find out what it was. Finally, she spoke up, "What happened while you were out?"

Tsunade quickly picked up on the tense atmosphere in the room and the reluctance of Shizune to speak in front of Naoki. With a stern expression and a commanding tone, she instructed Naoki to prepare for their training session. Once he left the room, she turned her full attention to Shizune, her voice low and serious. "What happened, Shizune? Something is clearly troubling you." Tsunade's sharp gaze bore into Shizune, conveying the gravity of the situation and the importance of being truthful.

Tsunade's expression grew more serious as she listened to Shizune's nervous explanation of their encounter. She could sense the gravity of the situation and the weight of the message written on the shrine's walls. As Shizune described the atmosphere of the shrine, Tsunade could almost feel the eerie and gloomy energy that surrounded it. The urgency in Shizune's voice only added to the seriousness of the situation.

Tsunade listened intently as Shizune explained what was written on the walls and how the shrine had disappeared, leaving behind a dead end alleyway. The words seemed to hang heavily in the air, like a foreboding prophecy that was waiting to be fulfilled. Tsunade knew that she couldn't dismiss Shizune's story as mere superstition or coincidence. Something was definitely amiss, and they needed to find out what it was.

"I see," Tsunade said gravely, her eyes glinting with determination. "Thank you for telling me, Shizune. I will look into this matter myself. But first, we must focus on our training. Naoki, are you ready?" Naoki, who had just returned, nodded eagerly.

As the trio made their way into their training spot, the Eastern forest, the heavy and oppressive atmosphere that once lingered in the air dissipated. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off their shoulders, and a sense of calm washed over them. The forest welcomed them with open arms, as if it knew they were coming. The lush foliage of the forest was a vibrant green, and the trees towered high into the sky, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, from the chirping of birds to the rustling of small animals scurrying through the underbrush.

As they walked deeper into the heart of the forest, the calming sound of a river reached their ears. The river flowed gently, its surface smooth and calm like glass, reflecting the beauty of the surrounding forest. Its water was crystal clear, and it looked inviting, like a sanctuary of peace and tranquillity. The river snaked its way through the forest, and they followed its path, admiring the beauty of the landscape as they walked.

The forest was like a painting come to life, with every stroke of the brush a different colour and texture. The sun shone through the trees, casting dappled patterns of light on the forest floor. The air was cool and refreshing, and the scent of fresh pine filled their noses. It was as if they had stepped into a different world, a world of peace and beauty, far removed from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Finally, they arrived at their training spot, and Tsunade turned to Naoki with a small smile on her lips. The forest had welcomed them with open arms, and they were ready to begin their training in this sanctuary of nature.

"Naoki, it's time for the next step in your training. You've made great progress in the past two weeks. You've learned to manipulate water, which is a crucial foundation for water release, and you've shown great proficiency in handling various shinobi tools. Today, we'll focus on your first water ninjutsu, which I'll teach you now. And I must say, your chakra reserves have grown exponentially, allowing you to create up to eight clones to help you master this technique," Tsunade declared with a sense of pride in her voice and a broad smile on her face.

She had watched Naoki grow in leaps and bounds, mastering the fundamentals of chakra control and applying them in various situations. She was confident that he would soon become a formidable ninja. With this latest milestone, Tsunade knew that Naoki was well on his way to fulfilling his potential as a shinobi.

Naoki's eyes sparkled with anticipation and his grin grew wider as he asked Tsunade, "What ninjutsu will I learn?" His excitement was palpable and he couldn't wait to start learning his first water ninjutsu.

Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle at Naoki's enthusiasm. "I see you're excited to learn some water ninjutsu," she said with a smile. "Well, I have just the jutsu for you - the Water Current jutsu. It's a basic D-rank jutsu that requires good chakra control."

She leaned in a bit closer to Naoki and continued, "This technique allows you to control the flow of water in a specific area. You can create currents that can be used to move objects or push opponents away. And the best part is, you can control the strength and direction of the current to fit your needs."

Tsunade's encouraging smile only made Naoki more excited. He couldn't wait to learn the Water Current jutsu and show it off in battle. "Thank you, Tsuna-neesan," he said with a hug. "I won't let you down!"

Naoki stood on the riverbank, his brow furrowed with intense concentration. He was determined to master the Water Current jutsu, one of the basic water ninjutsu that Tsunade had taught him. Naoki had performed the shadow clone jutsu and created eight identical copies of himself, ready to take on the challenge


Tsunade stood beside him, her gaze fixed on Naoki as he attempted the intricate hand seals required for the technique. The sound of the gently flowing water provided a calming backdrop to their intense training. Naoki's clones replicated his every move as he focused on the seals, but despite his best efforts, the water remained still.

Naoki's frustration grew with each failed attempt, but he refused to give up. He could feel his chakra reserves draining with each try, but he pushed himself to keep going. His face twisted in determination as he tried again, pouring all his focus and energy into the technique.

Tsunade watched closely as Naoki and his clones continued to practice, their movements becoming more fluid with each try. She could see the effort etched on Naoki's face as he struggled with the hand seals. But she also saw the spark of determination in his eyes, a fierce determination to master this technique no matter what.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of practicing, Naoki succeeded in moving the water currents. A look of triumph spread across his face, and he let out a whoop of excitement. Tsunade's proud smile grew wider as she watched him. "Excellent job, Naoki!" she exclaimed. "Your hard work has paid off, and I can already see that you're well on your way to becoming a skilled ninja."

Naoki's face lit up with a mixture of joy and relief at Tsunade's praise. He had worked tirelessly to master this technique, and it had all been worth it. He knew that this was just the first step in his journey to becoming a great ninja, but he was eager to keep pushing himself and improving his skills.

Tsunade placed a hand on Naoki's shoulder, a gesture of both congratulation and encouragement. "You have the potential to become a truly great ninja, Naoki," she said. "Never lose sight of your goals, and always push yourself to be the best you can be."

Naoki nodded, a renewed sense of determination burning within him. He was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead and become a ninja that everyone could be proud of.


A/N- What's up guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, do you guys like the high description on their surrounding and emotions. The reason I do this is because, I don't just want to write a Naruto fanfic that's about a character that just gets stronger and goes out on missions etc. I want to create a story that has a very high emphasis on the world around them and show readers how the Naruto world could look. Also, I want to create a fanfic that anyone, even those who have not read the story can read, as I always describe everything to the best of my abilities, of course the high description on perhaps how to train, how to use different jutsu's like genjutsu, fuinjutsu etc, all that will decrease the farther we get into the story, as I believe most people will have a basic understanding on how it works and me not needing to explain everything.

Anyways the 'training arc' is finished for now, as we will have a time-skip, the next chapters are as follows:

Journey to Konoha

Unexpected encounter

Old teammates bond

Konoha, The Village Hidden In The Leaves


Btw, if you guys have any ways I could improve on or have any ideas you guys want to bring to this fanfic please do comment. Of course not everything suggested will be added on, there may not even be anything added on. However, if I deem it to fit into the story, I will try and added. Also by ideas I mean potential Jutsu's, characters you want introduced, of course they have to exists within the Narutoverse.

Another thing, I will try and keep this fanfic as Naruto as possible, meaning the world background and the physics of this story, I will try and keep it as Naruto as possible, however there will be some AU elements such as Jutsu's and potential powerups the MC will have, of course the power ups won't be stupidly ridiculous like Super Saiyan level, but something MC will have in his arsenal to keep up with the stupidly ridiculous power ups Naruto and Sasuke have and the Otsutsuki's.


Anyways, I hope to see you in the next chapter~