Journey to Konoha

The relentless flow of time is akin to the ebb and flow of water, swift and unpredictable. As the sands of time trickle down, a little over a year has passed by, and Naoki has grown from a timid child to a young boy with a fierce determination to master the art of the ninja. It has been just over a year since Naoki first began his training, and in that time, he has fought fiercely to overcome his limitations and strive for greatness. Despite the struggles he faced, Naoki continued to pour his heart and soul into his training, pushing his physical limits to the brink in order to emerge stronger and more resilient. Though his muscles may not have been the largest, they were imbued with a newfound power and strength that could pose a serious threat to any unsuspecting Genin.

In addition to his physical training, Naoki also continued his lessons in the art of tool wielding under the guidance of Shizune. However, it was in the realm of chakra control and water release that Naoki truly began to shine. With unyielding determination and unwavering focus, he honed his skills until he could expertly wield C-rank water ninjutsu with ease. His success in this area did not go unnoticed, as Tsunade herself recognized his exceptional talent in chakra control. It was then that she decided to introduce Naoki to the intricacies of human anatomy and the functions of the body, setting him on the path to one day become a master of medical ninjutsu.

Although Naoki still had much to learn before he could perform medical ninjutsu, the mere prospect of one day mastering this art filled him with boundless excitement and motivation. As he looked back on the past year, he felt a sense of pride wash over him. Despite the many challenges and obstacles he had faced, he had persevered and emerged a stronger, more skilled shinobi. The passage of time may be relentless, but with every passing moment, Naoki's potential continued to grow and expand, a testament to his indomitable will and unshakable determination.

The trio, comprised of the esteemed Tsunade, her trusted pupil Shizune, and the young and talented Naoki, embarked on a journey towards the illustrious village of Konohagakure, known far and wide as The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Their path was laid out before them, a long and winding road made of dirt, stretching out into the distance as far as the eye could see. The dirt road was surrounded by tall, majestic trees, standing guard on either side like sentinels of the forest. The verdant leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, their branches swaying gracefully in unison, creating a natural symphony that was music to the ears. The aroma in the air was fresh and clean, a delightful blend of blooming flowers, rich soil, and the sweet scent of nature itself.

To the left of the road, there was a stunning view that seemed like a painting brought to life. There were vast and sprawling rice fields, their golden stalks standing tall and proud, their tips swaying gently in the breeze. The fields were dotted with a rainbow of colourful flowers, adding a touch of elegance to the natural beauty of the area. The soft and gentle rays of the sun bathed the entire landscape in a golden hue, creating a breath-taking sight that was almost ethereal in its beauty.

Above them, the sky was a canvas of vibrant colours, painted by the masterful hand of nature itself. Shades of pink and orange mixed together, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, while the soft blue sky in the background provided a calming contrast to the bright colours. As they walked, the trio gazed up in wonder at the magnificent sky, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the majesty of the natural world.

It was a journey that would take them a few days, but it was one that they were happy to make, for the beauty that surrounded them was a testament to the wonder and mystery of the natural world. The trio continued on their path, each step taking them closer to their destination, and each step a testament to the power of nature and the human spirit.

As they walked further into the town, they stumbled upon a cosy inn that seemed to glow warmly in the moonlight. A sign with the inn's name "The Lucky Sparrow" hung above the entrance, and the sound of merry chatter drifted from within. They stepped inside, greeted by the warm scent of fresh bread and roasted meat.

At the reception, a lively girl with sparkling eyes welcomed them with a cheerful smile. Her raven hair was tied up in a bun, and she wore a dress with a bright floral pattern. "Welcome to The Lucky Sparrow! How may I assist you?" she asked, her voice melodious and friendly. Tsunade approached the counter and requested a three bedroom room. The girl nodded and handed them three keys, each one attached to a wooden sparrow-shaped keychain.

As they walked up the creaky stairs to their rooms, they could hear the sounds of laughter and merriment from the common room below. The rooms were cosy and simple, but clean and comfortable. Three single beds with crisp white sheets and fluffy pillows were neatly arranged against the walls, and a small bathroom with a shower and a sink was located at the end of the hall.

Naoki couldn't resist bouncing on the bed, giggling with delight at the softness of the mattress. Shizune smiled at him fondly before sitting down on her bed, letting out a contented sigh. Tsunade stood by the window, gazing out at the moonlit town. The Lucky Sparrow may have been small, but it had a certain charm that made it feel like a home away from home. As the moon cast its luminous glow upon the trio, they drifted off into a peaceful slumber, unaware of the enigmatic figure that fate had in store for them.


Naoki stepped out of the inn, the early morning breeze sending a shiver down his spine. He made his way towards an open field nearby, where he could train undisturbed. The grass was wet with dew and the ground was still cool from the night. He took a deep breath and began his routine.

The gravity seals on his clothes made his movements heavy and laboured, but he was determined to push through it. He started with a slow jog around the field, feeling his muscles start to warm up. Then he moved onto push-ups, the weight from the seals making each one feel like a hundred. He grunted and strained, sweat already beginning to bead on his forehead.

Next came the sit-ups, his abs burning with every movement. He took a moment to catch his breath before moving onto squats, his legs feeling like lead. He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before launching into his taijutsu katas. He moved through the motions, each strike and block feeling harder and heavier than before.

By the time he finished his set, he was panting and covered in sweat. He could feel the gravity seals pressing down on him, making it hard to catch his breath. He stumbled towards a nearby tree, using it to prop himself up. He closed his eyes, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

As he stood there, Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had struggled, but he had pushed through it. He was stronger than he was before. And as he looked down at his red hoodie with the Uzumaki and Senju symbols proudly displayed, he felt a sense of pride in his heritage.

Finally, after hours of training Naoki finally went back to the inn, the street filling themselves and the loud chatter of the people getting louder as time went by. He finally reached the inn and took a piercing cold shower. As Naoki stood under the frigid water, he couldn't help but shiver from the coldness of it. He gritted his teeth and endured the numbing sensation, feeling his muscles slowly relax and his fatigue slowly dissipating. After what felt like an eternity, he finally turned off the faucet and stepped out of the shower, feeling a refreshing coolness enveloping his entire body.

He dried himself off and changed into his new attire, which was made of high-quality fabric that hugged his form perfectly. The dark blue shirt and shinobi jacket were adorned with the emblem of the legendary Senju clan, signifying his heritage and power. The navy blue pants and bandages provided both protection and flexibility, while his blue shinobi sandals provided stability and comfort. He finished his ensemble with his waist tool holder, which was filled with his trusted weapons.

As he walked out of the bathroom, he found Tsunade and Shizune already up and ready for the day. He smiled at them, feeling a surge of energy and determination coursing through his veins. The day had just begun, and he was ready to face whatever challenges it may bring.

Tsunade turned to Naoki, her voice filled with curiosity, "Did you just come back from your training?"

Naoki, still feeling energized from his workout, nodded in response, "Yes, I did. I decided to increase the weight for my gravity seal," he replied proudly.

Tsunade's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Already? You must be improving at an incredible rate," she said, her voice laced with admiration.

Naoki grinned, pleased with the compliment. "Thanks, Tsuna-neesan, I've been pushing myself hard every day to get stronger," he replied with determination evident in his voice.

"Anyways, you must be hungry from training, so let's go grab something to eat." Tsunade said.

Naoki nodded in agreement, "That sounds good to me. I could use a good meal after that workout."

Shizune, who had been listening quietly, spoke up, "I heard there's a great restaurant nearby that serves delicious ramen. Maybe we could go there?"

Tsunade smiled, "Sounds like a plan. Let's go check it out."

Naoki followed the group, feeling grateful for their company. They walked through the streets, the bustle of the town filling their ears. Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what other adventures lay ahead.

As they stepped into the ramen shop, Naoki, Tsunade and Shizune were immediately greeted by the bustling atmosphere and lively chatter of the patrons. The restaurant was cosy and intimate, with traditional lanterns illuminating the space and wooden tables and chairs adorning the interior. The walls were adorned with various Japanese décor, from hanging scrolls to samurai swords, giving the shop an authentic and welcoming vibe.

The scent of the ramen broth wafted through the air, hitting their noses and sending their senses into overdrive. The rich, savoury aroma was almost intoxicating, causing their mouths to water and their stomachs to rumble in anticipation.

They quickly found a table in the corner of the restaurant, taking in the lively ambiance as they sat down. The male waitress greeted them with a friendly smile, asking what they would like to order. The trio eagerly ordered the Tonkotsu ramen, excited to taste the delicious dish they had been craving all day.

As soon as the waitress left, the door to the restaurant opened and in came a tall male, with long white hair adorned in a ponytail. He wore a green and black outfit with a red coat and a white sash around his waist. He looked around the restaurant, his eyes widening as he met eyes with someone he never thought he would see again.

Tsunade's eyes widened in shock and surprise as she saw who had just walked in. She stood up from her seat, staring at the figure before her with disbelief. Naoki looked at her, noticing her sudden change in expression and followed her gaze to the tall stranger. However, the male was too focused on Tsunade to notice Naoki's presence.

"Is that really you, Tsunade?" The male asked, his voice filled with disbelief and hope.

Tsunade stood frozen, still in shock at the unexpected reunion with her former teammate. "Jira-"


A/N- I do apologise that nothing really happened in this chapter, however I still do hope you enjoyed it. I don't think I will write another chapter like this solely focusing on their journey and just the surroundings. However, be ready because in the next chapter you guys will see Naoki's strength and skill.

Also can you guy figure who the mysterious male in. Because I don't think you can. Also check the auxiliary section soon, as I will be asking you guys what you prefer to be added in to the story which I thought of while writing this.

Also, please write comments if there's anything to criticise or if you have any suggestions because I believe many of you guys do from reading many fanfics on this website. And please send power stones at it highly motivates me to continue writing.

The next few chapters:

Old teammates bond

Konoha, The Village Hidden In The Leaves


I don't have anything planned after that but it will involve something to do with Konoha, so I'll try to think about something which shouldn't be too hard. But if you guys have any ideas please do comment.

Hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter~