Konoha, Village Hidden In The Leaves

Naoki's heart swelled with pride as he walked through the bustling streets of Konoha. The happy chatter of the civilians and the Uchiha police force patrolling the streets created a lively and welcoming atmosphere. The sun's rays illuminated the village, making it seem even more vibrant and full of life.

The stone faces on the mountain behind Konoha were imposing, yet reassuring. They reminded Naoki of the rich history and legacy of the village, and the duty of its inhabitants to protect it at all costs. As he looked up at them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the shinobi who had come before him.

As they made their way deeper into the village, Naoki took in the sights and sounds around him. The marketplace was bustling with activity, vendors calling out their wares and trying to attract customers. Children ran through the streets, laughing and playing.

Despite the noise and activity, there was a sense of order and discipline in the village. The shinobi moved with a sense of purpose, and the civilians respected their authority. Naoki felt a deep sense of pride to be a part of this community, and he knew that he had a duty to protect it as well.

"Have you been to Ichiraku's yet?" Tsunade asked, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Their ramen is the best in the village."

Shizune laughed. "Of course you would recommend that, Lady Tsunade. You're always thinking about food."

Tsunade grinned. "Well, I do have to keep my strength up to train this young one," she said, nodding towards Naoki.

Naoki smiled, feeling grateful for their guidance and excited for the training to come. He knew he had much to learn, but he was eager to prove himself and make a name for himself as a shinobi of Konoha.

As they walked further into the village, Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. He was finally home, and he knew that he was meant to be here, among the best and brightest shinobi in the world.

Without warning, a masked figure appeared in front of Tsunade. He wore the uniform of an Anbu, the elite black ops of Konoha. His mask was shaped like a dog's head, with a snout and ears. His spiky gray hair stood out from the rest of his dark attire. He had a gray flak jacket that covered his chest and stomach, metal arm guards and gloves that protected his forearms and hands, and black shinobi sandals that matched his pants. He had a short sword strapped to his back and a spiral tattoo on his left shoulder. His eyes were hidden behind the mask, but Tsunade could feel his gaze on her. He spoke in a low voice, "The Hokage wishes to see you." Then he vanished in a blur of speed, leaving a faint afterimage.

Tsunade turned to both Shizune and Naoki with a smirk, "Well, let's go see the Hokage. I'm sure he'll be surprised to see how strong you've become, Naoki."

As they approached the Hokage's Residence, Tsunade took a deep breath, memories flooding back of the many times she had visited this place. The building was impressive, with its deep red color and wooden tiles encircling the middle. The massive kanji that read 'Fire' on the front of the building was an apt description of the power that resided within.

As they walked into the reception area, Tsunade could see the admiration and respect in the receptionist's face and voice as she greeted them, bowing deeply. Tsunade nodded in response and continued on up the stairs, with Shizune and Naoki in tow.

At the door to the Hokage's office, two Anbu guards stood, their masks hiding their expressions. They knocked on the door and, hearing a 'come in', opened it for Tsunade, Shizune, and Naoki.

Entering the office, Tsunade's eyes scanned the familiar surroundings. The desk was littered with countless papers, as always, but the room itself had a warm and welcoming feeling. In the center of the room stood a man who radiated power, but also kindness, the Hokage, Minato Namikaze, also known as the Yellow Flash.

As they entered, Minato greeted them with a warm smile. "Tsunade-sama, it's good to see you again," he said, then turned his attention to the young boy at her side. "And who is this little one?"

"This is Naoki, Akako's child," Tsunade replied. "He's grown quite a bit since you last saw him."

Minato's eyes widened in surprise as he took a closer look at the young boy. "Ah, I see the resemblance now. He truly takes after his father and grandfather Tobirama Senju," he remarked with a nostalgic smile. "It's hard to believe how much time has passed since then." He then gently ruffled Naoki's hair, showing a warm gesture towards the young boy.

Minato's smile grew wider as he greeted Shizune, "Shizune, good to see you as well. How have you been?"

Shizune bowed respectfully to the Hokage, "I've been well, thank you for asking, Lord Hokage."

Minato chuckled, "Please, no need to be so formal. We're practically the same age."

After their brief exchange, Minato turned his attention back to Tsunade and asked, "So, what brings you here today, Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke, "Actually, we're here for something quite important. Naoki here is ready to take the graduation exam and become a genin!" Her voice was full of pride as she looked at her young student and only family member.

Minato's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's impressive," he exclaimed, his voice full of admiration for the young boy.

"This new generation of genin are true monsters," Minato continued, his excitement building. "There is Shisui who became a Jonin at 11, and Kakashi who became one at 10. There is also Itachi Uchiha, an Uchiha prodigy who has just graduated at 7, and now Naoki is taking the exam at 5. It's incredible to see such talent in such young shinobi."

Tsunade's mouth dropped open as she heard this. Although she had been away from the village for a while, she never expected so many young prodigies to be born. "It's amazing to see so many talented young shinobi," she said, her voice filled with wonder.

Minato nodded and said, "I'll make sure everything is ready for the exam. Good luck, Naoki."

Naoki bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Minato turned to Naoki and ruffled his hair with a gentle hand, his warm smile never leaving his face. "There's no need for the 'sama'," he said in a friendly tone. "You can just call me Minato-niichan."

"But aren't you the Hokage?" Naoki asked with curiosity.

Minato chuckled softly. "Yes, I am Hokage," he confirmed. "But your father and mother were like older siblings and mentors to both me and my wife, Kushina. So, I think it would be fitting for me to be like your older brother."

As he spoke of Naoki's parents, Minato's face and tone were filled with a deep sense of admiration and respect. It was clear that he held them in high regard and cherished the memories they shared.

Naoki's eyes widened in surprise at Minato's words, and he looked up at him with a mix of respect and gratitude. "Thank you, Minato-niichan," he said, his voice full of sincerity.

Minato beamed at his words and turned to Tsunade, "Before you leave, you should visit Kushina. I'm certain she would be delighted to see the three of you, particularly Naoki. Just remember not to be too surprised when you see her."

Tsunade's face softened as she reminisced about the young, headstrong, impulsive, eccentric, and stubborn kunoichi. She and her grandmother, Mito Uzumaki, had always cherished her, as she was sent to a different village without parents at a young age. "Of course, I'll make sure to see her before heading back to the Senju compound," she replied with a warm smile.

As they made their way down the stairs, Naoki looked up at Tsunade with curiosity in his eyes and asked, "Tsuna-neesan, who is this Kushina?"

Tsunade turned to him with a warm smile and replied, "Kushina is not just the Hokage's wife, but also a dear friend and a fellow Uzumaki like us, and I'm sure you'll love her company."

Naoki's eyes widened with excitement as he listened to Tsunade's words. He couldn't wait to meet Kushina and learn more about her. Tsunade chuckled at his enthusiasm and ruffled his hair affectionately before continuing down the stairs.

As they made their way towards the outskirts of the village, the scenery changed from bustling streets to quiet neighborhoods. Naoki looked around curiously, taking in the sights and sounds of the residential area. Eventually, they arrived at a modest house with a warm and inviting exterior.

The house was a single-story building with a traditional design, featuring sloping eaves and wooden panels that had been painted a soft shade of blue. The front of the house was adorned with a small porch, and a well-manicured garden surrounded by a white picket fence.

As they approached the glass front doors, Naoki noticed that they led straight into the kitchen, where he could see a small table and chairs. The doors were framed by two large wooden pillars that were intricately carved with swirling patterns. The roof of the house was covered in dark shingles that gleamed in the sunlight, and a small chimney poked out from the top.

Overall, the house had a cozy and welcoming feel, as if it were a place where a family could gather and spend time together. Naoki couldn't help but feel excited to meet Kushina and see the inside of the home where his parents had spent so much time in.

Tsunade walked up to the front door and gently knocked on it. She heard a metallic clang and a voice saying, "Coming!" After a few moments, the door opened, and a woman with strikingly long, bright red hair stood before her. She wore a green dress that hugged her curves and a white blouse underneath, which accentuated her vibrant hair. A silver bracelet adorned her left wrist, and she wore a pair of gray shinobi sandals.

As Kushina opened the door and saw Tsunade standing outside, her eyes widened in surprise, and her face lit up with joy. She let out a delighted gasp and leaped towards Tsunade, wrapping her arms tightly around her in a warm embrace. "Tsunade-neechan! I can't believe it's you! What are you doing here?" Kushina exclaimed, her voice laced with excitement and affection.

Tsunade smiled warmly and hugged Kushina back. "I'm here to visit, and I brought someone with me," she said, pulling back slightly to reveal Naoki standing behind her. Kushina's eyes shifted to Naoki, and she looked at him curiously.

"Who is this little cutie?" Kushina asked, beaming at Naoki. Tsunade chuckled softly and said, "This is Akako's child, Naoki. He's come to visit the village for the first time."

Kushina's face lit up with delight as she gazed at Naoki. "Oh my goodness, you're Akako's child! You look just like her!" she exclaimed, reaching out to pinch his cheeks gently. Naoki blushed slightly, but he couldn't help but smile at the warm welcome he was receiving.

Kushina caught sight of Shizune and dashed towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Shizune-chan! It's been too long!" she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Shizune returned the embrace, feeling the warmth of Kushina's affection.

"It's great to see you too, Kushina," Shizune said with a chuckle, feeling a sense of familiarity wash over her as she held her old friend. The two women shared a long moment of pure joy, happy to be reunited after such a long time.

Kushina opened the door wider and gestured for Tsunade and Naoki to come inside. As they stepped into the house, Tsunade couldn't help but take in the warmth and coziness of the interior. The walls were painted in a creamy off-white color, and the floors were made of polished wood. The furniture was mostly made of dark wood, giving the house a rustic charm.

Kushina led them to the kitchen, which had a large window that let in ample natural light, illuminating the room. The kitchen was spacious and clean, with a shiny metal sink, a gas stove, and a fridge. There was a wooden dining table in the center of the room, with four chairs around it.

As they settled down at the table, Tsunade noticed a family photo on the wall, it showed a younger Kushina with her husband Minato, both of them beaming with happiness.

Kushina turned to Tsunade and asked, "So, how long are you guys staying for?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and anticipation.

Tsunade met Kushina's gaze and replied with a small smile, "Actually, we think we're staying for good." The news seemed to catch Kushina off guard, and she gasped in surprise before a broad grin spread across her face.

"Really? That's amazing!" Kushina exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and joy. She turned to Naoki and ruffled his hair affectionately, "You hear that, little one? You get to stay with us for a while!"

Shizune chuckled at Kushina's reaction and chimed in, "We came back so Naoki can take the graduation exam."

Kushina's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Naoki with admiration. "Wow, that's impressive," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "I only knew Kakashi who graduated at five." She then turned to Tsunade and asked, "Do you think Naoki could be on Itachi's team? Mikoto's kid just graduated a few days ago."

"If they do, I'd feel sorry for the third member," Tsunade remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed slightly, and she leaned in towards Kushina, her expression growing serious. "Forgive me for saying this, Kushina, but it seems to me that either you've put on a lot of weight, or you might be pregnant," she said bluntly. Shizune, who had been listening, coughed at Tsunade's bluntness.

Kushina's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she nervously admitted her pregnancy to Tsunade. "I'm due in a few months," she said, averting her gaze from Tsunade's piercing eyes.

Tsunade's expression was a mix of surprise and shock. "What?! Why didn't you tell me anything?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.

Kushina looked embarrassed as she replied, "Well, I didn't know where you were, and I kind of just forgot about it."

Tsunade let out a sigh and shook her head. "Of course, you did," she said with a hint of amusement.

Kushina stood up and made her way to the kitchen counter. She turned to Tsunade's group and invited them to stay for dinner. "How about you guys stay for dinner?" she said, a bright smile on her face. "I'm about to finish cooking, and Minato should be here soon as well."

As Kushina continued cooking, she turned to Naoki with a cheerful expression and asked, "Hey Naoki-kun, would you like to come over here when you have some free time and learn more about the Uzumaki clan and their techniques? You are after all half Uzumaki, and I'm sure there's a lot you could learn."

Naoki smiled at her suggestion and replied, "That sounds great, Kushina-nee chan. I would love to come visit and learn more about my Uzumaki heritage."

Kushina's face lit up with joy at hearing Naoki call her 'nee chan', and she couldn't help but let out a happy giggle. "I like the sound of that too," she said with a grin.

Kushina finished cooking just as the door opened and Minato walked in, greeting her with a kiss. His attention then turned to the table where Tsunade sat with a smirk on her face. "Tsunade-sama, you're here. I'm guessing you guys are staying for dinner?" Minato asked, taking a seat next to Naoki. He turned to Naoki and said, "Anyways, I just finished discussing with the academy and you can take the graduation exam tomorrow. Remember, you need to take a written exam and then a practical exam. Make sure you don't disappoint me."

"Of course, Minato-niichan," Naoki replied with a smile.

Tsunade, surprised by the news, spoke up, "So quickly? I'm surprised those three old bastards didn't complain. They were always against Sarutobi-sensei."

"You mean the three Konoha advisors? Yeah, they won't dare disagree with me. And I didn't even tell them. I guess they'll storm my office, demanding why I made a decision without their consent. Last time they argued, I made sure to cut the money they receive from missions," Minato laughed.

"Serves them right," Tsunade chuckled.

As Kushina set the steaming bowls of Chicken Karaage Ramen on the table, the aroma filled the air and made everyone's mouth water. The golden-brown chunks of perfectly fried chicken rested atop the rich, savoury broth, and the noodles were perfectly cooked to al dente perfection. The broth was rich and flavourful, with hints of ginger and garlic that tantalized the taste buds. The sight and smell of the food made everyone's stomachs growl in anticipation. As they took their first bites, the flavors exploded in their mouths, the umami of the broth blending perfectly with the crispiness of the chicken. It was as if each bite was a symphony of flavors, each note carefully composed and perfectly executed.

Kushina slurped on her ramen and sighed contentedly, "I can't believe it's been so long since we last saw each other. I miss those days when we were all part of Team Jiraiya."

Tsunade nodded in agreement, "Yes, those were good times. Remember when we went on that mission to the Land of Honey and we had that amazing honey-glazed pork?"

Minato laughed, "How can I forget? Kushina was so obsessed with it that she made me cook it every week for a month."

Kushina playfully punched Minato's arm, "Hey, I can't help it if it was so delicious."

Shizune chimed in, "Speaking of delicious food, Kushina, this Chicken Karaage Ramen is amazing. How did you make it?"

Kushina beamed with pride, "Oh, it's a family recipe. I marinated the chicken in a special sauce and then fried it until it was crispy. The broth is made with a blend of chicken and pork bones, with a hint of miso and soy sauce."

Naoki, who had been quietly listening, couldn't help but ask, "Can I have the recipe? I would love to make this for my team."

Kushina smiled, "Of course! I'll write it down for you."

As they continued chatting and laughing, the aroma of the delicious meal still lingered in the air, making their stomachs growl with anticipation for the next time they would share a meal together.

After their meal, Tsunade, Naoki and Naoki made their way outside ready to depart with Minato and Kushina standing at the door giving them a farewell.

"Naoki, be at the academy at 10 am, don't be late. If you pass, which I'm sure you will, I already have your team, who you can meet at around 1pm." Minato said before Naoki left. Naoki simply responded with a yes before leaving with Tsunade and Shizune.


A/N: Sorry this chapter took a while to make, been busy with other stuff. Also, although not the longest, I tried to include as much dialogue as I could, while making it somewhat descriptive, so I hope you guys enjoyed.

Also, I'm sure you guys are surprised by the timeline, so I will be uploading a chapter in the auxiliary section mentioning the age difference between characters, and the changes I made to some characters, they aren't going to be much, but expect the timeline to go very different before Naruto graduates, after that there will be supple changes, but still going to be similar. I already have majority of the story planned and how it will go, well until a certain period in the story.
