Graduation Exam

Naoki awoke to the sound of the morning birds chirping outside his window. Today was the day he would finally become a shinobi, and he couldn't contain his excitement. He opened his closet and took out a new set of clothing, a style he had never worn before, but one that held great significance to him. He was going to wear the same outfit as his grandfather, Tobirama Senju.

He carefully dressed himself in a long-sleeved black shirt with matching shinobi pants, both made of a durable, high-quality fabric. He then donned a set of blue armour that had been passed down to him, which featured a distinctive white fur collar. The armour was a work of art, constructed from numerous metal plates that had been formed into multiple protective guards, offering him maximum protection in battle.

Beneath the shoulder armour, he wore two extra shoulder guards on each arm, giving him a unique appearance. He completed the look with bandages wrapped around his ankles to his shin guards and a pair of high black shinobi sandals.

At the front of his armour was the emblem of the Senju clan, a symbol of pride for Naoki. To honour his grandfather even further, he decided to wear Tobirama's distinctive face paint, which he applied with great care and attention to detail.

With his new outfit in place, Naoki was ready to take on the world and begin his journey as a shinobi.

As he walked downstairs, he saw Shizune and Tsunade chatting at the dining table, their conversation stopping abruptly as they noticed him.

Tsunade's eyes lit up as she looked at Naoki's new outfit. "I'm liking the new look, Naoki. You look like your grandfather in his younger days," she remarked with a smile.

Shizune, in the meantime, prepared his breakfast and asked him, "Are you ready to take the graduation exam today?"

Naoki's face lit up with excitement as he replied, " Yeah! I can't wait to finally become a shinobi."

After finishing his breakfast, Tsunade informed him that she had a meeting with the council and couldn't accompany him to the academy. "Don't worry, Shizune will take you to your exam," she assured him.

Naoki nodded in understanding, though he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. "Okay," he said with a smile, determined to do his best.

As they stepped outside the Hokage building, Naoki looked around in awe at the bustling village. The streets were lined with cherry blossom trees, their delicate pink petals falling like snowflakes in the gentle breeze. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as villagers went about their daily business, vendors selling their wares and children playing games in the streets.

Shinobi clad in their distinctive Konoha headbands walked past them, their serious expressions a stark contrast to the carefree atmosphere of the village. Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility wash over him. He was a Senju, and it was his duty to protect this village and its people.

Tsunade noticed Naoki's expression and smiled, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "This village has always been protected by strong and honourable shinobi," she said, her voice filled with nostalgia. "I have no doubt that you will continue this legacy, Naoki-kun." Naoki nodded, his determination solidifying as they made their way towards the Hokage Residence.

Standing in front of the Hokage Residence, Tsunade stopped and turned to Naoki, her hand reaching out to ruffle his hair. She wore a warm smile and her voice was confident and reassuring as she spoke to him. "Good luck, Naoki-kun. I know you can pass the exams easily."

Naoki's determination swelled within him as he nodded in response. "Thank you, Tsuna-nee. I won't disappoint you."

As Tsunade made her way to the Hokage building, Naoki and Shizune approached the academy. It was a grand building, surrounded by trees that gave off a peaceful aura. The dirt ground beneath their feet muffled their footsteps as they walked towards the entrance. A single swing hung from one of the trees, its old, creaky chains swaying in the wind. It added a sense of melancholy to the otherwise serene atmosphere.

The academy building itself was an impressive sight. Its white concrete walls were adorned with the Konoha symbol and a kanji for fire, emphasising the village's strength and passion. The roof was made of brownish-red wooden tiles, adding a touch of warmth to the building's stark exterior.

As they passed through the academy's red doors, Shizune stepped forward and spoke to the receptionist. "Excuse me, we're here for Naoki's graduation exam," she said, her tone firm and confident.

The receptionist looked up from her paperwork and gasped in surprise as she took in Naoki's appearance. "Oh my, you must be Naoki Senju!" she exclaimed. "Yes, your examiners are waiting for you in Classroom 3B. Good luck!"

Naoki felt a surge of adrenaline as they made their way towards the classroom. This was it - his moment to shine. He would do whatever it took to pass this exam and make his family proud.

As they made their way towards the classroom, Naoki couldn't help but notice the other students who were milling about, some chatting happily with their friends while others were studying intently. He took a deep breath and steadied his nerves as they entered the classroom.

The classroom was spacious and bright, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The walls were lined with blackboards and charts, and the desks were arranged neatly in rows. Naoki could see two shinobi seated at the front of the room, their faces stern and focused.

"Ah, you must be Naoki," one of the examiners said as they approached. "I am Takumi Yamamoto, and this is Ren Tanaka. We will be your examiners for today."

Naoki took a deep breath and nodded, his excitement growing with every passing moment. This was it - the moment he had been waiting for his entire life.

Takumi gestured for Naoki to take a seat, his eyes conveying the gravity of the moment. "Your first exam will be a written one, covering everything learned in the academy," he said, his voice firm but not unkind. Naoki sat down, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Takumi handed him the exam sheet, Naoki's hands trembled ever so slightly. The test wasn't a breeze, but it wasn't impossible either. It covered geography, math with shinobi examples, history, biology, and tactics, and Naoki excelled at most of it. He answered each question carefully, taking his time to consider his answers. By the time he finished, 25 minutes had flown by, surprising even the Chunin examiners who had allotted one hour for the test.

As the examiners scrutinised Naoki's answers, he couldn't help but feel a bit of nervousness. But then, Takumi stood up, and Naoki held his breath. "Well done," Takumi said, his voice ringing with approval. "You got 95.8% in your written exam. But don't get complacent yet. It's time for the practical exam. We'll be testing your throwing skills, taijutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu."

Naoki swallowed hard, his palms sweaty with anticipation. The real test was about to begin.

As Takumi and Ren led Naoki and Shizune towards the academy training grounds, the air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The training grounds were situated at the back of the academy, nestled within a clearing that was surrounded by a lush canopy of greenery. The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground below.

As they stepped onto the training grounds, Naoki couldn't help but take in the sights around him. The ground beneath his feet was a mix of grass and dirt, and he could feel the soft blades of grass brushing against his ankles. The scent of the trees was sweet and fresh, and the small pond nearby sparkled in the sunlight, reflecting the clear blue sky above.

The training grounds were well-equipped, with various training equipment scattered throughout. Wooden dummies lined the perimeter, each one riddled with kunai marks from previous training sessions. Naoki's eyes were drawn to the obstacle course, which was a complex web of ropes, ladders, and climbing walls. It looked challenging, but Naoki was eager to give it a try.

Further down the training grounds was a running track, which was a series of straightaways and curves that looped around the perimeter of the field. Naoki could imagine himself racing around the track, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he pushed himself to go faster.

Overall, the training grounds were a perfect place for shinobi to hone their skills and master their techniques. Naoki swallowed hard, his palms sweaty with anticipation. The real test was about to begin.

"Alright, Naoki. Let's start with testing your accuracy in throwing kunai and shuriken. You will stand behind this line, and your target is the wooden dummy. You will throw a total of 10 kunai and shuriken," explained Takumi as he handed Naoki the weapons and pointed to the line behind which he should stand.

Naoki closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused on the task at hand. With practiced ease, he placed five shurikens between the fingers of his left hand and five kunai between the fingers of his right.

He stood behind the line, his eyes trained on the wooden dummy in front of him. Naoki could feel the weight of the ninja tools in his hand, their cool metal surface smooth against his skin. He focused his chakra into his fingers, ready to channel it into the kunai and shuriken for greater speed and accuracy.

Taking a moment to centre himself, Naoki exhaled slowly before raising his arms. He swiftly brought them down in a sharp, fluid motion, releasing all ten ninja tools in a single throw. The shuriken and kunai sliced through the air, the sound of their cutting piercing through the otherwise silent training grounds.

The Chunin examiners were surprised as they watched the kunai and shuriken fly towards the wooden dummy. They expected Naoki to throw one or two tools at a time, but to their amazement, he had thrown all ten at once.

The ninja tools struck their target with such precision and force that the wooden dummy shuddered upon impact. Naoki had scored a perfect hit, all ten kunai and shuriken lodged deep into the wooden surface.

The Chunin examiners exchanged a look of surprise and admiration, impressed by Naoki's skills. Takumi quickly composed himself and said, "You hit all 10 kunai and shuriken, you pass this test, we will now test your agility." He then led Naoki to the obstacle course, eager to see what else the young ninja was capable of.

Takumi faced Naoki and gestured toward the obstacle course, "Alright, Naoki. This test is simple. You need to go through the obstacle course and cross the finish line. There are no rules, except that you have to complete every course without skipping them. You'll get two tries, and we'll take your best time. Ready when you are."

Naoki stood at the ready, his eyes fixed on the daunting obstacle course before him. His heart thumped in his chest as he waited for the signal to begin. The Chunin's voice rang out, and Naoki burst forward, his legs pumping hard as he aimed for the first obstacle.

With a leap, he soared onto the tall log roll, his feet finding purchase on the rough bark. He moved with a zigzag motion, his body swaying to and fro as he navigated the narrow logs. He stumbled once or twice, his arms flailing as he fought to regain his balance. But he refused to give up, pushing forward with gritted teeth and fierce determination.

Finally, he made it to the last log roll, leaping onto the platform with a burst of energy. He grabbed onto the monkey bars, his muscles flexing as he swung from one bar to the next with fluid ease. The bars clanged against each other as he moved, the sound echoing through the air.

Next up was the massive wall, towering above him like a behemoth. He gritted his teeth and began to climb, his fingers finding purchase on the rough surface. His muscles burned as he pulled himself up, his feet scrabbling for a foothold. But he refused to give in, and with a final burst of strength, he heaved himself over the top and scrambled down the other side.

The thin wooden surface lay before him, wobbling and swaying as he ran across it. He moved with slow and steady steps, his arms outstretched for balance. Finally, he made it to the end, crossing the finish line. The Chunin came over and said, "Not bad,45.97 seconds. Do you want to have another go?"

Naoki's chest heaved with each deep breath he took, sweat glistening on his forehead. He wiped his hand across his face, the heat of the day making his skin feel slick and damp. "I think I can do better," he said, his voice hoarse from exertion. Despite feeling drained, Naoki was determined to improve his time and show the Chunin his full potential.

"Alright, step back behind the line when you're ready." Takumi said with a nod, his eyes fixed on Naoki.

Naoki stood poised behind the starting line, waiting for the signal to start. As soon as the Chunin shouted "go," Naoki took off at full speed. This time, he used chakra to his advantage, incorporating it into his footwork to maintain his balance on the wooden rolls and gain a boost in speed. The monkey bars posed no challenge for him, as he easily swung from one bar to the next using his chakra-infused grip. With the wall towering over him, Naoki used his tree-walking technique to run along its surface and reach the top with ease. The thin wooden surface was a test of balance, but Naoki managed to maintain his composure and quickly cross it, finally crossing the finish line in a flash.

Takumi peered at his stopwatch and was taken aback by Naoki's significantly improved time. "Impressive. You finished the course in 24.58 seconds, a considerable improvement from your last attempt," he said, his voice tinged with astonishment.

Shizune then approached and congratulated Naoki. "Great job, Naoki. Did you utilise chakra this time?" she inquired.

"Yeah. During my first attempt, I wanted to get a feel for the course and see my time without chakra," Naoki responded.

Ren, who was nearby, nodded in agreement. "I understand. Moving on, your next test will be taijutsu. We'll be sparring together using only taijutsu. There are no strict criteria, but we'll see how well you fare in a fight," he explained.

Naoki nodded and followed Ren to the sparring area, taking his position opposite Ren. They both assumed their stances, with Naoki adopting the Senju stance and Ren using the academy's stance.

Takumi's voice boomed throughout the training ground as he shouted, "Start!"

As soon as both Ren and Naoki heard the command, they both rushed towards each other rapidly using chakra to accelerate their movement. Naoki went in for a punch which Ren easily deflected and delivered a punch of his own to Naoki. Naoki, who saw the punch incoming, blocked it with his forearm, however he went skidding backwards due to the power of the blow. The fight continued with Naoki delivering kicks and punches to Ren, however Ren was always a step ahead of him and delivered blows of his own.

Naoki winced after every blow Ren landed on him. He could feel his body starting to ache from the continuous barrage of punches and kicks that Ren was delivering. Despite his best efforts, Naoki couldn't seem to land a solid hit on Ren.

Ren, who was a skilled fighter, was able to read Naoki's movements with ease. He was always one step ahead, blocking and dodging Naoki's attacks effortlessly. Naoki was getting frustrated as he couldn't seem to break through Ren's defences.

The fight continued for what seemed like an eternity, with neither fighter able to gain the upper hand. Sweat was pouring down their faces and their breaths were becoming laboured. Naoki's muscles were starting to tire, and he was struggling to keep up with Ren's movements.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Takumi called out for them to stop. Naoki was gasping for air, his body aching from the intense fight. Although he was defeated, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew he had given it his all, and despite his loss, he had learned a lot from the experience.

Ren walked over to Naoki and offered him a hand up. "You're a strong fighter," he said, "with more training, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Naoki smiled, feeling grateful for the praise. The spar had been intense, but he knew it was all part of his journey to becoming a stronger ninja.

Shizune walked over to Naoki and ruffled his hair as she praised him, "Well done, Naoki-kun. Although you lost, you put up a good fight. Here, let me help you recover."

Using medical ninjutsu, Shizune helped Naoki recover from his muscle soreness and fatigue.

Takumi then approached the duo and said, "Alright, technically you already passed, however, we still need to check your ninjutsu. The minimum requirement is at least an academy-level jutsu."

After Shizune finished, Naoki walked over to the nearby pond and nodded to Takumi, who nodded back. Naoki went through hand seals and, as soon as he finished, the once peaceful pond became violent as the water started forming water projectiles.

"Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu."

Ren and Takumi watched in amazement as the water projectiles flew through the air with deadly precision. The force of each hit obliterated the training dummy into pieces, leaving only a few splinters behind.

Takumi couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He knew Naoki was a prodigy, but this display of ninjutsu was beyond anything he had ever seen before. The young boy's control over water was uncanny for someone his age, and it was clear that he had already mastered the Water Bullet Jutsu.

Ren was equally impressed. He had seen his fair share of prodigies during his time at the academy, but Naoki was something else entirely. His control over the water was so refined that he could make the water move and take shape as if it had a mind of its own.

The emotion on Takumi and Ren's faces was evident. They couldn't help but feel amazed and slightly intimidated by the young boy's raw talent. It was clear that Naoki had a bright future ahead of him, and they were excited to see what he would achieve as he continued to grow and learn as a ninja.

"Congratulations, Naoki. You've performed exceptionally well in your graduation exam and have earned the right to become a shinobi of the Leaf Village. We're proud of you, and we hope that you'll continue to train hard and serve this village with dedication and honor. Please come with us, and we'll present you with your shinobi headband."

Takumi and Ren led Naoki and Shizune towards a classroom where the shinobi headbands were kept. As they walked, Naoki's heart was pounding with excitement and pride. He couldn't believe that he had made it this far and was now officially a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village.

The hallway they walked through was quiet, and the only sounds were the echoes of their footsteps. Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence as he walked through the halls, knowing that so many great shinobi had walked these same paths before him.

As they entered the classroom, Naoki's eyes widened at the sight of the table filled with different styles of Konoha headbands. He knew he had to choose carefully, as the headband he picked would symbolise his dedication to the village and his commitment to his duties as a shinobi.

Ren gestured towards the table and said, "Choose the headband you want."

Naoki looked at the various different styles of Konoha headbands. There were the regular ones, there were ones designed as a hairband, some others were designed to be belts. However, Naoki paid little attention to them and picked the one which had a special meaning to him. He picked the happuri style forehead protector that his grandfather, the Nidaime Hokage, Tobirama Senju, had worn during his shinobi days. Without hesitation, he picked up the forehead protector and wore it. He felt a surge of pride and honour as he gazed at himself in the mirror, the symbol of the leaf village gleaming on his forehead.

"I'm glad you chose that style, Naoki," Ren said, agreeing with Takumi. "It shows that you have a deep connection to your family and your village."

Shizune nodded in agreement, a warm smile on her face. "I'm sure your grandfather would be proud to see you wearing it, Naoki-kun."

Naoki felt a lump form in his throat as he realised the weight of his grandfather's legacy on his shoulders. He knew that he had big shoes to fill, but he was determined to make his mark as a shinobi and honour the Senju name.

"Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I will do my best to protect the village and make my grandfather proud."

Naoki walked outside the academy with Shizune by his side. They made their way towards the Hokage's office, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride after Naoki passed his graduation exam with flying colours. As they entered the building, the receptionist nodded at them, indicating that they could proceed to the office.

Inside, Tsunade and Minato were having a conversation, but Tsunade's attention turned to Naoki as soon as he entered. She approached him with a smile and ruffled his hair affectionately, her expression filled with pride. "I see you passed the exam," she said warmly. "Also, I like your forehead protector. Your grandfather would be proud if he saw you right now."

Minato's voice was filled with enthusiasm and pride as he spoke to Naoki, who had just passed the graduation exam. "Right, Naoki-kun," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Since you've passed the exam, I already have your Jonin instructor and teammate sorted. They are..." He trailed off, his words hanging in the air with anticipation, eager to reveal the next step of Naoki's journey as a Leaf shinobi.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter actual took so long to write and wasn't really fun. Had no wifi for a few days and had to write the chapter on my phone, edit it and stuff, very tiring. Also, I was supposed to make this chapter longer but decided not to, since I actually didn't enjoy writing this and if I kept going I don't know when I would finish it.

Also this chapter is 3764 words, although it was originally supposed to be longer, I preferred not to in this chapter. So chapters should be around this many words unless something happens.

Also, I made a lot of changes to how the story will play out, the love interest is changed. If you saw replies I made a long time a ago, it's not them anymore.

When I started the fanfic the original love interest was supposed to be Ino, since she was underused but now in every fanfic Ino is the love interest. I then thought Temari, I did until a few days ago and decided to change it. She can be the love interest when I start another fanfic later down the line.

I won't tell you who the love interest is until she is finally introduced which will be very long away, as this story will be very long, but not repetitive. But I will give you a riddle, remember she won't be introduced until well she is. So here is the riddle I asked chatgpt to make me:

I am a leader, a figure of great renown, My power and authority, difficult to bring down. My abilities are water and boil, Enemies feel the heat, it's not a toil. A queen of grace and elegance, My name rings out with relevance.

Who am I?


I will introduce the teammate and Jonin Instructor next chapter, so on the lookout for that.

Also, try to guess the Jonin Instructor.

Please comment if you have any suggestions or arcs you want me to introduce to the fanfic. If you have any criticism fell free to comment. Also please send power stones even though I don't know how they work. It is a great motivation.

Also, can someone please tell me how they work? When I go into the ranking there are fanfics which have less power stones than me but are there and mine isn't. I get an average of 70 power stones a week, but it never appears there. Can someone please explain to me why and how they work.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~