The Sword Of The Thunder God

A day had passed since Naoki's vigorous training session with Might Guy. As he made his way home, his muscles hummed with a pleasant fatigue. His mission-free day had allowed him to dedicate more time to his training, returning home later than usual. The moment he pushed the door open, he heard Tsunade's voice ring out in the familiar warmth of their house.

"Naoki, go freshen up. I need to speak with you once you're done," Tsunade instructed, her voice resonating from the downstairs living room.

"Okay," Naoki responded, nodding towards her general direction before he made his way upstairs.

Emerging from the comforting cascade of the shower, Naoki felt revitalised. He slipped into his comfortable attire, donning his happori forehead protector and face paint. His mesh armour fit snugly under his blue haori, tied together with a black cloth. He wore black shinobi pants, adorned with bandages wrapped around his right thigh and both ankles. His trusty scroll and weapons pouch hung securely from his waist, completing his ensemble with a pair of black shinobi sandals.

Feeling refreshed and comfortable, Naoki descended the stairs, the scent of soap and clean clothes trailing behind him. As he approached Tsunade, he noticed the affectionate smile adorning her face.

"Every day, you grow more and more like your grandfather," Tsunade observed, the tender nostalgia shimmering in her eyes. She then unfurled a scroll, its parchment crackling with age and importance.

Naoki's curiosity piqued as he cast a questioning glance at Tsunade. "What's this scroll for?"

"Watch and learn," Tsunade replied, her smile broadening. As she poured her chakra into the scroll, it hummed into life, a sudden poof echoing around them, followed by a waft of smoke. As the smoke dissipated, it revealed a sword hilt bearing the vajra symbol of the Senju Clan.

Naoki's eyes widened at the sight, his heart pounding with a surge of excitement. However, he managed to maintain his composure, turning to Tsunade for confirmation. "Tsuna-neesan, is this…"

His question hung in the air, his anticipation palpable. Tsunade chuckled at his reaction, the sound rich and warm. "Yes, Naoki. This is exactly what you asked for. This is your grandfather's sword. The Sword Of The Thunder God."

His joy bubbled over, and Naoki launched himself at Tsunade, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Tsuna-neesan!" he exclaimed, his voice muffled in the fabric of her clothes.

Tsunade returned the hug, ruffling his hair affectionately. When they parted, she handed him a scroll, caution evident in her eyes. "This scroll contains the instruction manual. Be careful, Naoki. This sword isn't a toy; it's a formidable weapon."

Naoki carefully stored the instruction manual scroll and the thunder sword scroll in his weapons pouch, which was significantly larger on the inside due to Kushina's sealing technique.

With a final glance at Tsunade, Naoki announced, "I'm going to meet Shisui now. He promised to help me learn how to wield the sword."

"Remember to be careful, Naoki," Tsunade reminded him, a hint of worry lacing her words.

Nodding in agreement, Naoki dashed out of the house, the wind tugging at his clothes as he ran towards the Uchiha compound. His feet lightly pattered over the rooftops of the buildings, the wind whipping past his face, carrying the scent of Konoha and the distant murmur of the village life. The exhilaration of the run, coupled with the anticipation of wielding his grandfather's sword, sent adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The tiled rooftops of the village passed beneath him in a blur of earthy hues, the morning sun casting long shadows that danced and flickered with his movements. The wind was an invisible force against his skin, ruffling his hair, and cooling the sweat that had started to bead on his forehead. It tugged at the hem of his haori and whistled past his ears, carrying the earthy scent of the village and the fresh tang of the forests beyond.

As he leaped from one rooftop to the next, he could feel the slight strain in his calf muscles, the gentle tug in his core as he controlled his movements. His muscles worked in harmony, contracting and relaxing with the rhythm of his run. The thrill of his journey flowed through him, his heart pounding in sync with the rapid thud of his feet on the clay-tiled roofs.

He could see the Uchiha compound drawing closer, the distinct architecture becoming more defined with each passing second. The anticipation of meeting Shisui, of finally mastering the Sword of The Thunder God, left a warm feeling in his stomach. Today marked the start of a new chapter in his life, and Naoki couldn't wait to turn the page.

As Naoki arrived at the Uchiha compound, he quickly realised, "Oh right, I haven't been to the Uchiha compound before and have no clue where Shisui's house is. Oh well, I can just ask around."

He walked towards the gates of the Uchiha compound but was abruptly stopped by one of the Uchiha guards. The guard's voice dripped with contempt and arrogance as he questioned Naoki, "Stop! Who are you, and why are you here?"

Naoki calmly looked at the guard and replied, "My name is Naoki Senju. I'm here to meet Shisui Uchiha. He's my Jonin Instructor."

The guard's disdain and arrogance intensified as he retorted with a voice of superiority, "Senju? That still doesn't give you the right to enter the Uchiha compound. Leave right this instant."

Naoki let out a sigh as he thought, 'Right, I forgot how dislikeable the Uchiha can be. I've been with Shisui and Itachi for a while, so I forgot how arrogant and superior they think they are just because they bear the Uchiha name.'

Before Naoki could respond, a voice interrupted the tense atmosphere. "Naoki? What are you doing here?"

Naoki turned around and his face lit up with a smile. "Shisui."

Shisui returned the smile and asked, "Why are you here?"

Naoki turned to the guard and explained, "Well, I came here to visit you since I need help. But he wouldn't let me through and said I don't have the right to enter."

Shisui's expression faltered upon hearing this. He turned to the guard with a stern look and declared, "I'll be having a word with Fugaku-san. Not only did you deny someone entry with a valid reason, but you're also tarnishing the Uchiha's name and giving us a bad image. Bearing the Uchiha name doesn't make you better than others. The fact that you're guarding this compound is already a testament to your skill."

Shisui rarely confronted fellow Uchiha members like this, but the clan was already in a precarious situation within the village, especially since Fugaku ranked lower than Orochimaru, a traitor, in the race for Hokage. This had fuelled anger among the Uchiha elders and intensified their hostility, further damaging their reputation.

Turning back to Naoki, Shisui offered a reassuring smile. "Anyway, let's go to my house. It's just a few minutes' walk. But first, let's inform Fugaku-san about the situation." Naoki nodded and followed Shisui's lead.

As they delved deeper into the Uchiha compound, Naoki couldn't help but be captivated by its scenery. The traditional Japanese houses, nestled within the compound, exuded an air of grandeur and elegance. The Uchiha compound boasted meticulously maintained streets, its cleanliness a testament to the clan's attention to detail. A few shops catered to the needs of the Uchiha shinobi, offering a selection of weaponry and specialised gear.

Finally, Naoki and Shisui arrived at the Uchiha Police Force building. Naoki's gaze fixated on the awe-inspiring structure, its towering presence emanating an aura of authority and strength. Crafted from polished obsidian stone, the building commanded attention with its deep black hue, imbuing it with an air of mystery and refinement. The obsidian walls were adorned with intricate motifs, skilfully depicting the Uchiha clan's history and valour.

Naoki and Shisui stood before the grand entrance of the Uchiha Police Force building, awestruck by its commanding presence. The double doors, made of dark mahogany, contrasted strikingly against the obsidian façade. Adorned with the Uchiha clan's emblem—a stylized fan—the doors served as a formidable gateway into the realm of law and order. The emblem, meticulously carved and gilded, glimmered under the light, radiating a sense of power and protection.

Flanking the entrance stood sturdy stone pillars, intricately carved with swirling patterns reminiscent of flames. These artistic elements paid homage to the Sharingan—the legendary kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan—and served as a constant reminder of their vigilance and watchful gaze over the village.

The architectural design of the Uchiha Police Force building seamlessly merged strength and grace, blending traditional roots with contemporary aesthetics. Its sleek lines and harmonious proportions evoked a sense of order and purpose, a testament to the Uchiha clan's unwavering commitment to justice. The building stood tall, a landmark within the village, symbolising their authoritative role in maintaining peace and order.

Shisui beamed with pride as he observed Naoki's awe-struck expression. Together, they made their way inside, traversing the building's interior. They ascended stairs, passed through hallways adorned with traditional art and décor, and arrived at the front desk, where a woman with black eyes and black hair sat.

Approaching the desk, Shisui addressed the woman, saying, "I'm here to see Fugaku-san." The woman nodded in acknowledgement, and Shisui turned to Naoki, motioning for him to follow.

Walking down a corridor lined with numerous doors, Shisui approached one and lightly knocked. Upon receiving permission to enter, he pushed the door open, revealing a room occupied by a stern man with short, brown hair cascading to his shoulders, and piercing onyx-colored eyes. Fugaku, donning the standard flak jacket and a black shirt adorned with the Konoha Military Police Force symbol, looked up as Shisui and Naoki entered.

Shisui respectfully bowed and began, "Fugaku-san, I'm here to make a report."

Fugaku's gaze shifted between Shisui and Naoki, curiosity evident in his eyes. He addressed Naoki, saying, "And you are?"

Naoki stepped forward, bowing respectfully, and replied, "My name is Naoki Senju. It's a pleasure to meet you, Fugaku-sama."

Fugaku nodded and said, "So you're Itachi's teammate. Nice to meet you too." Fugaku's attention returned to Shisui as he prompted, "Well, Shisui, what brings you here?"

Shisui nodded and proceeded to explain the incident at the Uchiha compound gate, recounting the guard's behaviour and Naoki's purpose of visiting. Fugaku listened attentively, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and disappointment.

With sincerity in his voice, Fugaku turned to Naoki and apologised, "I apologise for my clan member's behaviour. I will ensure appropriate measures are taken, and such an incident will not occur again."

Naoki was pleasantly surprised by Fugaku's genuine remorse. He nodded appreciatively and replied, "Thank you, Fugaku-sama."

Fugaku gestured for Naoki and Shisui to relax their formalities, saying, "You can drop the 'sama.' Just call me 'san.' Also, before you leave, would you like to join us for dinner at my house? Itachi would be delighted to have you there, as would my wife. Shisui, you are also invited."

Naoki smiled warmly and nodded in acceptance. "Thank you for the kind invitation, Fugaku-san. Me and Shisui will be sure to be there."

Fugaku acknowledged Naoki's response with a nod of approval. "Excellent. It's settled then. We will gather at my house later this evening."

As Naoki and Shisui exited the Uchiha Police Force building, their conversation turned lighter. Shisui glanced at Naoki with a playful grin. "You mentioned my name back there, so I couldn't possibly decline Fugaku-san's invitation, right?"

Naoki chuckled and replied, "Well, I suppose I can't be the only one going to someone's house for dinner, especially when it's the Uchiha clan head's residence."

The two continued their stroll through the Uchiha compound, relishing the serene atmosphere and the sight of traditional Japanese houses that exuded an undeniable charm. Each house stood as a testament to the Uchiha clan's legacy, adorned with intricate architectural details and meticulously maintained surroundings.

Eventually, Naoki and Shisui arrived at Shisui's house, a few minutes away from the Uchiha Police Force building. The traditional Japanese architecture seamlessly blended with the modern comforts of a well-maintained residence. The house exuded an inviting warmth, with sliding doors adorned with delicate artwork, tatami mats lining the floors, and elegant furnishings that reflected the Uchiha's refined taste.

Shisui, sitting on the tatami floor with Naoki, asked in a friendly tone, "So, what do you need my help with?"

Naoki eagerly took out the two scrolls and said, "Tsuna-neesan gave me the 'Sword of The Thunder God' today, and I was hoping you could help me with it."

Shisui's eyes widened in excitement, and he said, "Well, let's not waste any time. Show me the weapon."

Naoki unrolled the first scroll and activated it, releasing a puff of smoke and revealing the sword hilt. He then unrolled the other scroll, which was an instruction manual, and said, "This is the instruction manual."

"Let's read the manual first," Shisui suggested, his curiosity piqued. As he read through the instructions, his expression shifted from surprise to astonishment.

When he finished reading, Shisui looked at Naoki and said, "This weapon is incredible. Usually, elemental weapons like this require a massive amount of chakra, but this one doesn't even need chakra. It has fuinjutsu seals that activate it. Plus, it's so versatile that you don't even need to learn the lightning element."

Naoki was both excited and amazed. Although he knew some fuinjutsu from learning with Kushina, he had never heard of seals that could replace chakra like the ones in the Thunder Sword.

Shisui, shaking off his initial astonishment, picked up the hilt and, with a sense of anticipation, declared, "Alright, let's see this thing in action." He referred back to the instruction manual, "It says here to press this button and..."

With a press of the button, the hilt sprung to life, a blade of compact lightning materialising from the hilt, almost striking Shisui's eye. He reflexively jerked back, barely avoiding the bolt of energy.

"Whoa!" Shisui exclaimed, wide-eyed as he stared at the blade that had nearly struck him. "That was close! Almost lost an eye there."

Naoki couldn't help but laugh at Shisui's close call, the humour of the situation overcoming him. He'd come to Shisui for help to avoid any mishaps, and yet the Uchiha had almost blinded himself on their first attempt.

Seeing Naoki's laughter, Shisui couldn't help but chuckle too. "Hey, it's not funny," he protested, trying to hide his own amusement. "I could've seriously hurt myself."

Naoki, still chuckling, advised, "Well, maybe next time don't aim it at your face."

Brushing off the teasing, Shisui proposed, "Shall we take this outside and really test out what it can do?"

Without waiting for Naoki's response, Shisui stood up, the electrified sword in hand, and gestured for Naoki to follow him. The two shinobi made their way to the Uchiha clan's training grounds, the anticipation of testing out the 'Sword of The Thunder God' filling the air with an almost palpable excitement.

As they stepped onto the training ground, Shisui's eyes took on a mischievous glint. "Alright, Naoki," he said, spinning the electric blade with an ease that spoke of years of experience, "From what I read, it's said that this sword can cut through anything, even chakra. So, shall we put that to the test?"

Naoki's own excitement mirrored Shisui's as they spent the next few hours pushing the limits of the sword's capabilities. They tested its cutting prowess on a variety of materials – trees were sliced clean in half, rocks were split as easily as if they were made of paper, even thick chunks of metal stood no chance against the sword's electric blade.

When Shisui unleashed a fireball jutsu, the blade split the flaming projectile cleanly in two, the halves dissipating into harmless embers around them. The sight was nothing short of breath-taking.

They tested the paralysis effect of the sword, discovering that a simple touch of the blade was enough to lock up the muscles of the unlucky target. And one of its most unique and arguably best defensive features – when the sword was stabbed into the ground, it created a lightning forcefield with the wielder at the centre. It was like having a personal thunderstorm at one's command, electrocuting and paralysing anything or anyone foolish enough to approach.

As the hours slipped away, they lost themselves in the exploration of the sword's power, each test revealing another facet of its deadly potential. Their faces held matching expressions of awe and respect for the weapon they held in their hands. It was a tool of destruction, yes, but also a masterpiece of craftsmanship and fuinjutsu.

Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant shades of orange and pink, they decided to call it a day. With the sword safely stored back in its scroll, they made their way towards Itachi's house, where a warm meal and friendly company awaited them.

Approaching the Uchiha residence, they knocked lightly. The door was promptly opened by a woman with hair as dark as midnight and eyes full of warmth. "Welcome, Shisui-kun, Naoki-kun," Mikoto Uchiha greeted, her voice soft and welcoming. "Come in, dinner's almost ready." With that, she ushered the two tired but contented young shinobi inside, closing the door on their day of discovery and adventure.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, I do apologise for the late upload, since I returned to writing this, I have just spent everyday writing without a break. So, I decided to take a little break to relax, think more about how the story will progress and spend sometime with friends and family, since I haven't had the time to do that in the last month.

Also, if you see me not uploading in a while like I did now, it probably means I'm taking a little break, or have wifi problems, so just drop a comment.

Also, this is very important. So, from you guys have seen my chapters tend to be kind of long and tend to have around 3 scenarios, so in this chapter was talking to Tsunade, the Uchiha compound and testing the sword.

So, just asking since next chapter will be short time-skip. But when I write about certain missions like C-rank higher. Would you like me to write them in multiple chapters or in one chapter. Of course not all of them will be in a single chapter. But since higher missions have more action and dialogue, I could certainly write it in a single chapter.

So would you like me to write C-rank missions in one chapter or multiple?


Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next chapter~