C-Rank Mission

Time had passed like the shifting sands, and over a month had elapsed since Naoki had begun his arduous training journey with Might Guy and Shisui. Each day was a new opportunity, a chance for Naoki to push himself further, to test the limits of his body and mind, and to grasp the true essence of the arts he sought to master.

Sunrise after sunrise, the vivid hues of orange and pink bore witness to Naoki's diligent practice of medical ninjutsu. His chakra control had become a finely tuned instrument, precise and powerful in equal measure. While he had only just begun to explore the complex world of Fuinjutsu, Naoki's growing repertoire of simple storage seals and explosive tags was a testament to his potential in this intricate art.

As the days turned to weeks, the fierce sun climbed higher in the sky, marking the passage of time and the progress Naoki had made. His Kenjutsu skills, nurtured under Shisui's expert guidance, had advanced in leaps and bounds. While he may not have been entirely confident in his newfound abilities, there was no denying that Naoki had come a long way from where he began.

In this crucible of relentless training, Naoki had also forged a new weapon: versatility. His taijutsu had improved dramatically, especially when combined with his growing prowess in ninjutsu and Kenjutsu. Water release jutsu flowed through his veins, and despite his youth, Naoki was already becoming a formidable force in C-rank jutsu or lower.

Yet, even with such progress, there was still much to learn. Naoki's medical ninjutsu abilities were in their infancy, and he had yet to delve into the captivating world of genjutsu. He knew that his grandmother, Toka Senju, was a legendary genjutsu master, capable of rivalling the Sharingan's illusions, and Naoki longed to follow in her footsteps.

As Naoki's thoughts danced through the memories of the past month, reality tugged him back to the present. He stood at the threshold of the Hokage's office, flanked by his teammates, Shisui and Itachi. Together, they stepped inside, surprised to see the third Hokage.

With deep respect and anticipation, Naoki, Shisui, and Itachi bowed, their voices harmonising as they said, "Greetings, Sandaime-sama."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, chuckled warmly as he puffed on his pipe. "You're here for a mission, I presume?" he asked, his voice like aged wood: rich, steady, and seasoned.

Shisui's response was prompt, his respect for the elder evident. "Yes, Sandaime-sama."

Hiruzen offered a nod of approval. "Word of your team's progress has reached my ears. I'm pleased. Continue on this path." He then returned to his pipe, the silent puffs of smoke carrying his unspoken expectations.

To the side, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, observed the young team with a proud smile. His blonde hair, gleaming like the sun, mirrored the warmth of his expression. He picked up a mission scroll and extended it to Shisui. "Since you're here for a mission, here's one for you." His voice carried the confidence of a leader. "I've been keeping tabs on your progress, and your skills are already at Chunin level. This is a simple C-rank mission, but don't take it lightly. You're tasked to eliminate a group of bandits causing trouble. Leave as soon as possible."

Shisui accepted the mission with a nod. The three shinobi exited the Hokage's office, the weight of their new assignment hanging in the air. Once outside, Naoki released a sigh of relief. "At last, a C-rank mission. I was getting fed up with chasing that darn cat, Tora. The Daimyo doesn't even live here, how does that cat keep finding its way back to Konoha?"

Shisui, ever the composed figure, let out a light chuckle at Naoki's exasperation. "Alright you two," he began, adopting a more serious tone, "prepare your gear, double-check everything. We can't afford any mistakes. We meet at the village gates in an hour." The unspoken order was clear: this was not just another training exercise, but a real mission. The time had come for them to step up.

Naoki and Itachi nodded in unison, their swift departure sending the dust swirling around their feet. Naoki, reaching his home in mere minutes, slid open the door to a familiar scene. Tsunade sat, engrossed in a medical book, her face softening as she noticed Naoki.

"Off on a mission?" she asked, her tone casual yet filled with a motherly concern.

"Yes, Tsuna-neesan, my first C-rank bandit extermination mission. I came here to tell you and gather what I need," Naoki affirmed, his voice steady.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "C-rank? That's a step up. Make sure to pack extra, just in case."

Naoki responded with a determined nod, making his way towards the weapon room which was located in the basement. He bit his thumb, quickly forming hand seals and pressing his palm onto the sealed door. The seal, once invisible, now glowed brightly, a handle appearing beneath his hand.

Stepping inside, he found himself surrounded by an impressive array of weapons. Ancient tools of war, once wielded by legendary Senju shinobi, stood majestically, their edges still sharp. Alongside them, gleaming high-grade weapons lay on shelves, each sorted meticulously according to their use.

He moved with purpose, swiftly gathering fifty high-grade Kunai and an equal number of shuriken. He added several smoke bombs and a substantial collection of explosive tags to his bag. Not wanting to risk anything, he also took a handful of food pills for emergencies.

Checking his inventory, he found himself well-prepared: 250 kunai and shuriken, 3 water scrolls, 5 food pills, 15 smoke bombs, 20 explosive tags, his treasured Thunder Sword, and an extra tanto as a backup.

With a final sweep of the room, he exited, making his way downstairs. As he approached the door, he turned to Tsunade, a mix of excitement and determination in his eyes. "I'm heading out, Tsuna-neesan."

Tsunade met his gaze, her voice steady yet filled with concern. "Stay alert, Naoki. Be careful out there." With her parting words ringing in his ears, Naoki ventured out, his path leading him towards the village gate and the mission that awaited.

Upon reaching the village gates, Naoki was met with the sight of Shisui and Itachi, their figures silhouetted against the light of the sun. He joined them and without missing a beat, Shisui asked, "You both have everything you need, right?" Both Naoki and Itachi responded with affirmative nods. Shisui continued, "Good. According to our information, it will take us around two days to reach the bandit hideout near the border of the Grass Country. We're not in a rush, so let's take our time."

And so, they embarked on their journey, stepping out of the village and onto the winding path that lay ahead. They chose to walk, the steady rhythm of their footsteps echoing their shared resolve. As they moved, the scenery shifted from the familiar architecture of Konoha to the sprawling forests beyond its walls. The tall trees stretched towards the sky, their leaves rustling in the breeze, painting a picturesque scene.

Their journey was filled with conversations, their words blending with the ambient sounds of nature. Naoki, curious, turned to Itachi, "Is this your first time leaving the village?"

Itachi's face softened, a subtle wistfulness in his eyes. "Yes, although I visited the battlefield during the Third Shinobi War when I was younger with my father," his voice dipped, hinting at the traumatic memories associated with that visit.

Feeling the mood shift, Shisui quickly redirected the conversation towards Naoki. "Have you been to a country outside the Fire Country?" he asked.

Naoki nodded, "Yes, I've travelled to several places, like the Land of Rice Fields, Land of Hot Water, Land of Tea. I've even visited some countries on other continents like the Land of Honey."

Surprise flickered in Shisui's and Itachi's eyes. "You've travelled outside the Elemental Continent? That's pretty rare. I've never been myself," Shisui admitted, his curiosity piqued.

Naoki elaborated, "Tsunade-neesan wanted me to experience different cultures and widen my horizons. I found that these other continents were advanced in agriculture, technology, and medicine. I also wish to visit the continent to the south. I've heard it's home to ancient animals and monsters... like dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs?" Itachi queried, his confusion apparent.

Naoki shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure myself, but they're supposed to be giant carnivorous lizards." Their conversation continued, the topics shifting and evolving as the sun began to set. When darkness began to envelop them, they decided to set up camp for the night, their journey to be continued under the dawn's first light.

As the trio completed their meticulous process of setting up camp, the last rays of the sun were replaced by the ethereal glow of the moon. The night air around them was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the warmth of the day. The surrounding trees stood as silent sentinels, their leaves rustling softly in the wind, and the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustle of unseen creatures lent an eerie soundtrack to the otherwise serene scene. It was then that Shisui, the most experienced amongst them, broke the tranquillity of the evening, his voice calm yet firm, "Who wants to be on guard first?"

In response, Itachi raised his hand without hesitation. "Alright, Itachi," Shisui acknowledged him with a nod, the moonlight casting a long shadow behind him. He then turned towards Naoki, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his question, "Would you prefer to take over after Itachi, or to guard last?"

Naoki considered his options for a moment, his gaze unfocused as he weighed the pros and cons in his mind. Eventually, he came to a decision, "I'll watch guard last."

Shisui's nod served as a seal of approval, "You'll take over after me. I'll wake you up when it's your turn." With their watch schedule firmly established, both Shisui and Naoki retreated to their respective tents. The canvas flaps closed behind them, leaving only Itachi outside, a lone figure under the vast, star-studded sky. The night wore on, with Shisui dozing lightly while Itachi maintained his solitary vigil. Shisui was half-sleep half-awake, a skill honed by shinobi during countless missions and times of war, allowing them to spring into action at a moment's notice.

As the moon made its way across the night sky, marking the passage of time, Shisui gently nudged Naoki awake. "Naoki, it's your turn." He nodded in acknowledgement, his sleep-filled eyes quickly sharpening with alertness. He emerged from the tent to sit on the dew-kissed grass, feeling the cool moisture seep through his clothes. He took a deep breath, focusing his chakra and letting his senses expand into the enveloping darkness.

With the silence of the night as his companion, Naoki found it the perfect time to further his knowledge. He summoned a shadow clone to read about fuinjutsu barriers, a complex and intricate aspect of shinobi arts that had intrigued him. As he immersed himself in the study, the first light of dawn began to creep into the sky, the darkness gradually retreating before the onslaught of the golden rays. With the break of dawn, the team packed up their belongings and resumed their journey, leaving no trace of their temporary habitation.

The day was spent in relentless travel, a journey that took them through dense, towering forests and across babbling streams, their clear waters glistening under the afternoon sun. The sights and sounds of nature accompanied them throughout, creating a peaceful backdrop to their strenuous trek. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and red, they set up camp once again. As his turn for guard duty came around, Naoki returned to his fuinjutsu studies, the soft rustle of turning pages and the flickering light of a single lantern punctuating the quietude of the night.

When the sun rose again, they found themselves at the outskirts of the bandit camp. It was not an imposing stronghold, but rather the size of a small village, with humble wooden houses clustered together, their structures weathered by time and elements. Enclosing the entire area were tall walls, crafted from aged wood and stone. The walls served as a grim reminder of the activities within, effectively obscuring their view of the happenings inside.

Shisui broke the silence, turning to Naoki, his voice echoing faintly in the morning air, "Can you try and sense how many people there are and their strength level?" Naoki nodded in understanding, pressing his palm against the cool, damp earth. As he closed his eyes, he allowed his chakra to flow outwards, spreading like ripples on the surface of a pond. But after a few minutes, his eyebrows knitted together in a frown of confusion.

A sense of unease filled the air as Shisui picked up on Naoki's bewilderment, prompting him to ask, "What is it, Naoki?"

Naoki opened his eyes, the confusion still lingering, "I've been spreading my senses and chakra, however, I feel absolutely no presence inside the village. It feels deserted."

Shisui's brows furrowed in concern, the lines deepening with his confusion, "Are you sure? You're not just too far away to sense them?"

Naoki, adamant, shook his head with certainty, "My senses can reach the entire hideout from here, but I can try getting closer for better confirmation." With Shisui's nod of approval, they cautiously approached the hideout, stopping a few feet away. Naoki reached out with his senses once again, but the result was the same.

"I can't feel anything, no presence, no bodies, nothing," Naoki reported back, his voice laced with uncertainty, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment.

It was then that Itachi suggested, "Shall we go inside and check for any clues?" Shisui, agreeing with the idea, nodded and advised, "Yes, let's do that. However, stay close together and stay alert."

As they stepped inside the seemingly abandoned hideout, the atmosphere was heavy with a silence that was almost tangible. The homes, once bustling with activity, now stood empty, the rooms echoing with the ghost of past conversations. The air was heavy with a sense of abandonment, making the hideout resemble a ghost town, devoid of any signs of life.

"Are you sure the information provided was accurate?" Itachi broke the silence, turning to Shisui, his gaze filled with doubt. "There seems to be nothing here."

Shisui, calm amidst the uncertainty, nodded in confirmation, explaining, "You see, missions like this don't always come from people's pockets. Folks report bandit trouble to the village. The village checks if the intel's legit, and if it is, they post it as a mission. The village foots the bill, because it's about village safety."

As Itachi absorbed his words, Shisui started to say, "Now, as for why this place is currently empt-" he was abruptly interrupted by Naoki.

Without warning, Naoki's senses flared up with alarm. Powerful presences, much stronger than him and Itachi, and a couple even matching Shisui's strength, filled the area.

"Crap... It's an ambush." The urgency in Naoki's voice was palpable. Shisui and Itachi, trained to respond instantly to threats, sprang into readiness as gigantic earth spikes rocketed towards them with frightening speed. They were dangerously close to being skewered on the spot, their lives hanging by a thread.


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, although it is a bit shorter than most my others ones. The next chapter will have a lot of action.

Also, for the next few chapters expect some more heavy action. Be on the lookout for the Kyuubi attack and the other thing I'm planning to happen within the next Idk like 20 chapters, perhaps?

Also, remember, plot armour doesn't really exist in this fanfic, well it will only to the point that MC won't die, everything else well...yh

Also, about the other continents. From what I've seen, there exist the Elemental nations which are in the Elemental country. Also, there are other countries like the Land of Honey, Land of Wolves, Land of Demons etc, in a massive island east of the Elemental continent.

Also, I decided to put a continent down south of the elemental continent, that's majorly uninhabited. I believe in Sasuke novel he fought against dinosaurs, so I decided to put that place in a continent down south.

As for the reason why I'm adding all these countries is because perhaps in the future, Naoki will visit these different places and learn different aspect of chakra and stuff. However, do not worry as this will happen wayyy later.


Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

Another important thing, as you guys can probably tell, Shisui and Itachi will be important characters in this fanfic. If you wish to see any character develop and perhaps have a more important role do comment it down. For example, I'm planning to make TenTen a better and more powerful character. However, that will happens wayyyyyyyyyyy later. And when I say wayyyyy later, I mean it since, I'm going all out and including things I wished to see in Naruto in this fanfic, so expect it to be long.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.


Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~