
The cool, sterile air of the hospital was the first thing Naoki noticed as he fluttered his eyes open. He found himself staring at a plain white ceiling, the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor was the only sound breaking the silence. Turning his head to the right, he saw a familiar face lying on the adjacent bed.

Itachi, his usually piercing gaze softened, was looking at him with a complex interplay of relief, concern, and a hint of reproach.

The corner of Naoki's mouth twitched upwards as he chuckled lightly, the sound echoing in the quiet room. "Looks like we're both still in the land of the living, huh?"

Itachi's gaze remained steady, his voice laced with a seriousness that belied his age. "Don't do that again," he stated, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Naoki tilted his head in mock confusion. "Do what?" he questioned innocently.

"Sacrificing yourself for me," Itachi replied, his voice barely above a whisper, but it carried a weight that hung heavily in the room.

Naoki's laughter filled the room once again, albeit it was softer this time. "Well, I know you'd do the same for me if the roles were reversed."

Itachi's gaze didn't waver as he responded, "Even then."

A grin tugged at Naoki's lips as he countered, "Well, not all went bad. You managed to awaken the Sharingan and I, the Adamantine Sealing Chains. I'd say that's a pretty good trade-off." His eyes gleamed with determination, the promise of their growing strength echoing in his words.

Itachi gave a small nod and a rare grin spread across his face. They both raised their hands, sharing a gentle fist bump, wincing slightly at the residual pain that lingered in their bodies.

Their bro moment was interrupted when the hospital door swung open abruptly. Two visibly pregnant figures burst in, their faces filled with concern. "Naoki-kun!" "Itachi!" Kushina and Mikoto called out in unison.

Mikoto hurried to Itachi's side while Kushina did the same for Naoki. After carefully inspecting both of them, they sighed in relief. Mikoto broke the silence, her voice laced with worry, "What happened out there?"

Naoki, with his innate knack for storytelling, began to recount their recent ordeal, adding a touch of humour here and there.

Kushina and Mikoto's eyes widened in shock as they simultaneously exclaimed, "You awakened the Sharingan/Adamantine Sealing Chain?!"

Both boys chuckled at their synchronised reaction and nodded in affirmation. Kushina then noticed a change in Naoki, her eyes narrowing as she pointed out, "Your hair has turned even more red!"

Naoki furrowed his brows in confusion, "My hair?" Out of nowhere, Kushina produced a mirror and held it up to Naoki. His eyes widened as he took in his reflection. After a moment of stunned silence, he let out a laugh, "Well, I do look more handsome, don't I? More...what's the word... exotic!"

Kushina's jaw dropped, she stammered, "E-Exotic?! Where did you hear that from?"

Innocently, Naoki looked at her and said, "Oh, that? I heard it from Minato-niichan. He's always muttering it whenever he looks at his picture in the Hokage Office."

The room fell silent as Kushina choked on her own spit, her fiery hair starting to stand on end and a daunting aura encircling her. "That shameful blonde bastard!" she bellowed, "Teaching my sweet Naoki-kun such odd terms! He probably spends more time complimenting himself than he does me!" As her menacing aura filled the room, Naoki could only look wide-eyed, silently praying for the fate of Minato.

Meanwhile, Itachi and Mikoto watched on, a shared look of amusement playing on their faces. Itachi, typically so reserved, could not help but chuckle at the unfolding spectacle. "It seems like Minato-niichan has his hands full," he noted, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards in a rare, genuine smile.

Naoki, with a twinkle in his eye, responded, "Well, he did always say he liked a challenge." A ripple of laughter coursed through the room, momentarily easing the tension brought on by Kushina's outburst.

Just as the laughter began to subside, a nurse timidly entered the room, her eyes darting between the animated Kushina and the amused faces of the others. With a nervous clearing of her throat, she began, "Erm, visiting hours are almost over..."

Kushina, momentarily distracted from her tirade against Minato, turned to look at the nurse. "Oh, of course, dear. We wouldn't want to disturb the other patients." She turned back to Naoki, her eyes softening as she gently stroked his hair, "Get some rest, Naoki-kun. You've had a tough day."

As Kushina and Mikoto bid them goodnight and left the room, Naoki and Itachi were once again left in the comforting silence. They shared a knowing glance, a silent promise of their unyielding bond and the shared strength that they would carry into their future battles. Their journey was just beginning, but they knew they could face any challenge as long as they had each other.

The dawn of a new day painted the hospital room with a soft, warm hue, gently rousing Naoki from his sleep. He blinked away the remnants of sleep, his gaze landing on the empty bed beside his own. Itachi had left, presumably to return home, and in his consideration hadn't disturbed Naoki's rest.

As Naoki was about to swing his legs over the edge of the bed, the door creaked open, and Tsunade stepped through. Her eyes, usually so fierce and resolute, were glossy, and when they met Naoki's, they lit up like the morning sun. In two swift strides, she was at Naoki's bedside, her arms enveloping him in a fierce hug. Naoki was taken aback, but he returned her embrace, his young arms reaching up to hold her as best he could.

Tsunade held him tightly, as if she was afraid he would slip away from her grasp. A low sob escaped her, shaking her entire frame. "I'm so glad you're okay, Naoki... I was so scared thinking you would…" Her voice faltered, trailing off into a whisper. A torrent of suppressed emotions seemed to pour out of her, tears streaming down her cheeks and dampening Naoki's hospital gown.

Naoki, although young, understood the depth of Tsunade's fears. He knew of the losses she'd experienced during the war, the loved ones she had lost. He was aware that his presence in her life had offered her some solace, some respite from the haunting memories of her past. But the incident had ripped open old wounds, and her fears had resurfaced more potent than ever.

He held her tighter, his small hands rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Tsuna-neesan," he began, his voice steady, "it's okay. I'm still here, and I promise, I will never leave you." His words were simple, but they carried the weight of his sincerity.

Tsunade clung onto him tighter, her tears slowly starting to subside. Before she could respond, Naoki spoke again, "I was too weak this time, Tsuna-neesan. How about I don't take any mission outside the village until you deem I'm strong enough to protect myself?"

Tsunade pulled back slightly, her tear-stained face softening into a half-hearted smile. "F-Fine," she managed to choke out, "but be prepared, you won't be allowed to leave the village for quite some time."

Naoki nodded, a serious expression on his face. "That's okay with me," he agreed. He then added, somewhat breathlessly, "Tsuna-neesan, can you ease up a bit? You're kind of suffocating me."

Tsunade laughed through her tears, "No, let me stay like this a little longer." She loosened her grip, allowing Naoki to breathe a little easier, but she didn't let go.

Time seemed to stand still in that moment, the hour passing by like mere minutes. Tsunade allowed herself to grieve, to vent, and Naoki offered her the comfort she needed. As the hour came to a close, Tsunade finally pulled away, her eyes red but her face calm. She had work to do, patients to attend to, but she left the room with a lighter heart, knowing her precious Naoki was safe and sound.

Just as Naoki was preparing himself to rise from the bed, the door creaked open once more, bringing with it a draft of fresh air and a familiar figure. Shizune, Tsunade's faithful aide and Naoki's older sister figure, walked in. Her normal face was softened by a heartfelt smile as she approached Naoki's bedside.

The relief in her eyes was apparent as she stretched out her arms, pulling Naoki into a warm embrace. "Naoki," she began, her voice steadier than Tsunade's but still tinged with lingering worry, "I'm incredibly glad you're okay. You had us all worried sick."

Returning to her smile, Naoki felt a comforting sense of normalcy in her presence. Shizune was always so composed, so reliable. It was a reassurance to see her up close, to know that he was truly out of danger.

"I'm here to escort you home, Naoki," Shizune continued, her professional demeanour returning. "You've made a full recovery, and with Tsunade-sama tied up with her duties, I thought I'd step in."

She produced a fresh set of clothes for him to change into. His previous attire, a set of combat armour, had been shredded to pieces during the battle. With Shizune's help, he gingerly dressed up, feeling a twinge of pain here and there but nothing too alarming.

Stepping outside, the cool morning air was a refreshing change from the sterile hospital environment. They made their way through the bustling village streets, the morning rush in full swing as they headed towards Naoki's home.

Once they reached, Shizune immediately got to work, whipping up a hearty breakfast. Naoki watched her work, marvelling at the ease with which she navigated the kitchen.

As she slid a plate of steaming food in front of him, she spoke up again, "Naoki-kun, I won't be able to stick around. I've recently been promoted to the Hokage's assistant and there's a lot of work that needs my attention."

Naoki nodded, understanding the weight of her new responsibilities. He thanked her for the meal and watched her leave, her figure disappearing down the street.

After finishing his breakfast, Naoki found himself in a bit of a predicament. It was still too early to visit Kushina, and he didn't have any training scheduled since he had just recovered. His teammates were probably still recuperating, just like he was. In the end, he decided on a leisurely walk around the village, a simple pleasure he hadn't indulged in for a while.

Leaving his home behind, Naoki strolled through the desolate expanse of the Senju compound. Each empty building, each silent courtyard, echoed a legacy once vibrant with the lives of the strong and the noble. His heart ached as he surveyed the scene; the once bustling compound now silent, its prestigious shinobi all but vanished.

The loneliness was a palpable entity, gnawing at the edges of his resolve. He yearned for the days when the Senju compound would thrum with life once again, would echo with the laughter of children, and the friendly banter of shinobi. He was aware of distant relatives scattered across the elemental nations. As an Uzumaki-Senju, he was born with an innate ability to sense the presence of kin. It was a mystery why they chose to remain away from Konoha, but he knew that their absence was rooted in a necessity for safety, a need he couldn't yet fulfil.

Yet, in the throes of his solitude, Naoki found the strength to make a vow. He promised himself that when the day came that his strength matched his ambition, when his name echoed in every corner of the world, he would resurrect his clan. He would lead as the Clan head, extend his protection to those scattered kin, and offer them a haven within the compound's walls.

Departing from the Senju compound, Naoki found himself meandering through the bustling streets of Konoha. The sight of joyous civilians, from sprightly children to the wise elderly, warmed his heart. Their faces were lit with the glow of tranquillity and safety, a testament to the protective barrier that Konoha provided.

He realised that these civilians were the heartbeat of the village, the lifeblood that kept it alive and thriving. They were the gears that kept the village mechanism running, supporting the shinobi with their trade and commerce. Naoki knew that military strength, while important, was not the singular determinant of a village's success. The love and unity that underpinned Konoha was its true strength, setting it apart from other military-focused nations.

Indeed, Konoha may not have boasted the military might of Kumogakure or the personnel strength of Iwagakure. It may not have enjoyed the strategic location that Kirigakure had. But it had something far more valuable - its civilians and fertile lands. The revenue from the civilians funded the shinobi system, enabling the village to produce numerous prodigies over the years.

Many of these prodigies were not born of clans but were civilians who rose through the ranks with sheer talent and determination. Sakumo Hatake, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Minato, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy - they were all products of Konoha's nurturing environment. Each had their specialties and contributions, from Jiraiya's expansive information network to Minato's leadership as the Hokage, from Might Guy's expertise in Taijutsu to Kakashi's record-breaking achievements in the Anbu.

As Naoki walked among the civilians, the sun beaming brightly overhead, he felt an overwhelming sense of pride and determination. He was part of this community, part of this legacy, and he would do everything in his power to protect it. He would uphold the values of love and unity that Konoha stood for and strive to be a beacon of strength for his people, just like the prodigies before him.

The burden of guilt and self-blame had been pressing heavily on Shisui's heart. The traumatic events that unfolded on the battlefield, the sight of his team in peril, had stirred up a turbulent sea of emotions within him. He felt powerless, he felt incompetent, but more than that, he felt determined. He vowed to become stronger, to become a shield that would protect his team, his clan, and his village. Clad in this steel-like resolve, Shisui walked down the quiet streets of the Uchiha compound, the moonlight casting long, dancing shadows on the stone-paved path.

His destination was a particular house, unremarkable in its exterior yet housing a man of great importance to the Uchiha clan. He knocked gently on the door, a soft but crisp sound breaking the stillness of the night. A few seconds later, the door slid open revealing a stern face, etched with lines of wisdom and authority. It was Fugaku Uchiha, the clan head, his dark eyes reflecting the silver glow of the moon.

The butterflies fluttered wildly in Shisui's stomach, but he squashed down his nervousness, steeling himself for the conversation that was to follow. With a seriousness that belied his young age, he looked Fugaku straight in the eye, "Fugaku-san, I request a private conversation with you."

Fugaku's brows furrowed, clearly taken aback by Shisui's grave request. Nevertheless, he nodded, gesturing for Shisui to follow him into a room at the back of the house. It was a space reserved for important clan discussions, imbued with a solemn air of confidentiality. They both took their positions, sitting in seiza, the formal Japanese posture, facing each other.

Fugaku initiated the conversation, "Shisui, what's the urgency for a private meeting?" His voice was deep, steady but laced with curiosity.

With a heavy heart, Shisui began, "I must first apologise for the incident involving Itachi. If I had been more adept, none of that would have happened." His voice was heavy with guilt, his head bowed in sincere regret.

Fugaku, however, was quick to dismiss his apology, "Accidents are a part of missions, Shisui. You needn't blame yourself. Itachi's awakening of the Sharingan is a testament to his will to become stronger." A pause lingered before Fugaku finally asked, "So, what is the real purpose of your visit?"

Shisui breathed in deeply, steadying his nerves. "Fugaku-san, I have awakened a power few Uchiha's have ever possessed," he confessed.

Fugaku's eyes widened, his breath hitching in his throat, "Y-You don't mean..."

In response, Shisui simply nodded. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were transformed. The scarlet hue of the Sharingan blazed in his eyes, but with an additional black pattern, a four-pointed star that looked similar to a Fuma Shuriken.

The sight of the Mangekyo Sharingan in Shisui's eyes sent a wave of shock through Fugaku. He visibly trembled, his voice barely a whisper, "M-Mangekyo Sharingan?!" He paused, collecting his thoughts before he asked, "When did you awaken it?"

Shisui looked down, his voice a mere whisper, "I've had it since I was seven... I lost a friend in the war due to my own jealousy and that's when it happened. But I was too ashamed to use it." Shisui added, the soft timbre of his voice laced with a touch of sadness and regret.

Fugaku's shock intensified, "S-Seven?!" The words echoed in his mind. To awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan at such a tender age was unheard of. He had known that the Mangekyo Sharingan was awakened through immense emotional turmoil, having gone through it himself during the war.

Raising his eyes to meet Fugaku's gaze, Shisui's expression shifted to one of intense determination. The once innocent eyes were now hardened, reflecting the resolve of a man who had made a solemn vow. He declared, "Fugaku-san, I wish for you to train me in the use of the Sharingan and the Mangekyo Sharingan. I want to be strong enough to protect our clan, my friends, and the village."

Fugaku could see the unwavering resolve in Shisui's eyes, a resolve that was born out of regret but was now burning brightly with hope and determination. He knew that this could potentially elevate the Uchiha clan's strength, and in turn, their status. With his son, Itachi, set to become the next clan head, and Shisui's and Itachi's close friendship with Naoki Senju, the next Senju head and likely future leader of the village, their clan's future was looking bright.

After a moment of contemplation, Fugaku finally nodded, "Very well, Shisui. I'll train you in the ways of the Mangekyo Sharingan." His voice held an undertone of gravity as he added, "However, you must not reveal its existence to anyone unless they are people you deeply trust."

As the moonlight seeped in through the paper windows, casting long shadows on their faces, the room fell into silence once again. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves outside, whispering the secrets of the night. It was a silence that marked the end of a significant conversation, a conversation that would change the course of their lives and potentially, the destiny of the Uchiha clan. It was an ending, but it was also a beginning; the beginning of a new chapter in Shisui's life, a chapter filled with promise, hope, and unwavering determination.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make the conversations as good as possible, and included Shisui vowing to become stronger. Naoki vowing to get stronger to protect his clan in the future, and although I didn't write about it. Itachi will also get trained in the use of the sharingan.

Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~