Cloaked in Deception

Inside the solemn confines of the Hokage's office, Minato Namikaze sat steeped in deep thought, his brow knitted with worry. The inked scrolls and reports strewn across the polished mahogany desk painted a grim picture. A traitor had infiltrated the village, casting a shadow on the sanctity of their home. With a brief plan crystallising in his mind, he lifted his gaze to meet the watchful eyes of an Anbu standing in the room.

"Summon Team Ro," he commanded, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation, "I need to see them immediately." The Anbu acknowledged the command with a nod and then vanished, leaving only a faint ripple in the air.

Time seemed to stretch taut as a bowstring, each passing second heavy with the weight of impending danger. Minato didn't have to wait long, however, as soon the soft rustling of cloaks signaled the arrival of two masked figures. They kneeled before him, their bodies still as statues, waiting for their instructions.

The room was silent, save for the faint rustling of the papers on the desk. Minato activated a silencing seal, the glow of the seal casting eerie shadows over his face. The next words he uttered were laced with a profound seriousness.

"Dog, Ko," he began, his gaze piercing through the masks of the Anbu, "I'm entrusting you with an extremely critical task. This is a mission of the utmost secrecy, classified as S-rank." He continued, his voice unwavering, "Team Shisui was ambushed by Iwagakure shinobi posing as rogue ninjas. I found their hidden base and that they have been targeting our talented shinobi. It appears we have a spy from Iwagakure within our mission division."

Minato paused for a moment to let the information sink in, "I need you to analyse these scrolls and identify the spy. Once you have the information, relay it back to me immediately. This has the potential to ignite another war."

Minato then handed over a scroll containing all the evidence he had gathered. The Anbu accepted it reverently, their gloved hands carefully cradling the scroll. With a final nod, they intoned, "Yes, Hokage-sama," before vanishing as suddenly as they had arrived.

Minato watched the space where the Anbu had been, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "We cannot afford another war... not now," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "Especially since we're still nursing the wounds from the last one." The weight of his responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders as he stared out at the peaceful village that he was sworn to protect, aware that the tranquillity could shatter at any moment.

Team Ro, after an abrupt summons, found themselves standing at the threshold of the Anbu Headquarters. The imposing edifice was tucked away in a secluded corner of Konoha, an unassuming yet foreboding structure shrouded in secrecy. Its austere, minimalist design, a mix of dark stones and ancient woods, was an embodiment of the Anbu's unyielding discipline and grim determination.

Upon their arrival, the heavy doors parted without a sound, revealing a dimly lit corridor that led them into the heart of the headquarters. The air within the compound held a sense of quiet intensity, filled with the silent echoes of covert missions and unsung heroes. The walls, adorned with intricate scrolls and symbols of the Anbu, held an air of silent vigilance, mirroring the steely resolve of those who dwelt within.

Ko, with his eyes subtly taking in their surroundings, turned to Kakashi, his voice barely above a whisper, "Captain, do we share the mission details with the rest of the team?"

Kakashi, cloaked in his customary aloof demeanour, shook his head, a hint of sternness creeping into his otherwise calm voice. "No," he replied, his visible eye narrowing behind the mask, "Hokage-sama instructed us to keep this under wraps. We're on our own for this one."

His gaze drifted down to the scroll in his hands, the tangible weight of their mission in his grip. He carefully unrolled it, revealing rows of meticulously written script, each stroke an enigma waiting to be deciphered.

"We'll need to scrutinise the handwriting," he continued, his fingers lightly tracing the inked lines, "Our first step is to identify any similarities between this and the signatures in the Mission Division. It's a tedious task, but it's the most efficient lead we have right now."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of their mission. As they delved deeper into the labyrinthine headquarters, the silent corridors bore witness to their resolve. Their task was daunting, but for the sake of their village, they were prepared to uncover the traitor lurking within their ranks, no matter the cost.

Ensconced within the austere confines of the ANBU headquarters, Team Ro engaged in a painstaking investigation that held the fate of Konoha in its hands. The air within the office was thick with tension, the only sounds echoing through the room were the soft rustling of paper and the occasional sigh of exasperation. This was a mission of paramount importance, an undertaking that required their utmost discretion and diligence.

Ko and Kakashi, their gazes laser-focused, were hunched over a seemingly endless pile of files, each containing the signature of everyone employed within the Mission Division. With the meticulousness of seasoned detectives, they examined each document under the scrutinizing light, cross-referencing the handwriting with the suspicious scroll they had been given. As the hours trickled away, the mounting disappointment grew evident on their faces; no matches were found.

Undeterred by the lack of results, Kakashi, with his eyes reflecting a steely resolve, suggested a daring plan - infiltrating the Mission Division's base. The risks were high, but the stakes were even higher. Slipping into the shadows, they moved with the stealth of a whispering wind, their ANBU training coming to the fore.

Once inside, they found themselves in a labyrinth of information, surrounded by countless scrolls, each containing myriad missions. The task was daunting, akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet, they pressed on, unyielding, their eyes scanning every scroll for the elusive identical handwriting. Their persistence finally bore fruit as they found a scroll bearing handwriting that was an uncanny match to the suspicious document.

With their hearts pounding against their chests, they rapidly retrieved the personnel file corresponding to the scroll. Their eyes fell upon a name - Ishiha Uragiri, a man of 35 years, who had recently taken a holiday break. The name sent a ripple of disbelief through them. Even in the world of shinobi where names often held deeper meanings, Uragiri's name was a chilling coincidence.

Ko, his gaze fixed upon the kanji of Uragiri's name, couldn't help but scoff, "Tch, even his name suggests he's a traitor, and 'Ishiha' is literally 'stone'. It's as if his very identity is mocking us." His voice dripped with a potent mix of disdain and grim amusement. They had found their traitor, hidden within the steadfast exterior of a 'stone', betraying the very village he was supposed to serve. The gravity of their discovery was not lost on them, the stakes had just become even higher.

[A/N: Ishiha means stone and Uragiri means betrayal/traitor.]

At the gloomy residence of Ishiha Uragiri, an air of abandonment hung heavy. The dwelling echoed with the ghostly whispers of betrayal, its emptiness a stark testament to the fleeing traitor. Amid the deserted surroundings, Kakashi's keen gaze fell upon a single piece of clothing left behind. The tangible evidence of Uragiri's presence was the final piece of their puzzle, the scent trail that would lead them to their quarry. With the urgency of the situation tugging at their nerves, the duo, Kakashi and Ko, evaporated from the scene, their destination - the Hokage office.

Within the heart of Konoha, in the solemn office of the Hokage, Minato Namikaze was in the throes of contemplation. The weight of a looming war lay heavy on his shoulders, threatening to fracture the peace they had recently achieved. His cogitation was abruptly interrupted as Kakashi and Ko materialised before him, dropping to one knee in the customary ANBU salute.

With a sense of impatient anticipation in his voice, Minato asked, "So? What have you found?"

Kakashi, his tone as cold and steady as steel, replied, "We found out his name is Ishiha Uragiri, and he seems to have left the village a few hours ago. I have his scent, so it will be easier to find him."

The mention of Uragiri's flight from the village heightened the urgency of their situation. Minato swiftly rose from his seat, approaching the two ANBU operatives. His hand clasped their shoulders, a flash of yellow, and they were teleported outside the village gates in a blink.

With a resolute nod from Minato, Kakashi understood his task. He bit down on his finger, blood welling up, and swiftly formed a series of hand seals, his palm making contact with the ground. With a puff of smoke, a small dog, Pakkun, materialised before them. The canine, recognising Kakashi's ANBU attire, looked up and inquired, "Who do I have to find, Dog?"

Kakashi held out the piece of clothing and said, "Pakkun, please try to locate this person as quickly as possible."

Under Pakkun's guidance, the trio advanced with haste, their path led by Kakashi, and followed by Minato and Ko. Within minutes, they found their target - a middle-aged man, Uragiri, frantically attempting to flee. His escape was abruptly cut short as the three shinobi emerged from the shadows, effectively blocking his escape routes.

"For providing information to an enemy nation and killing fellow shinobi, you are hereby declared a traitor of the Hidden Leaf. Hand yourself over, or else you will be killed," Minato pronounced gravely, his voice laced with an undercurrent of righteous anger.

Before Uragiri could utter a word, a sudden gleam of a seal lit up on his body. With a swift and shocking explosion, his head was obliterated, leaving the shinobi stunned. Minato's eyes widened in surprise, but the seal was too fleeting for him to decipher its nature. Suddenly, a flicker of chakra caught his keen senses. He swiftly turned to the source, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving no trace of its presence. It was as though it had never been there, deepening the mystery of the situation they found themselves in.

In a dimly lit room, shrouded in the tendrils of ever-present darkness, an emotionless figure kneeled, its countenance obscured by an impassive mask. The cold, metallic glint of a sword hung ominously on its back, a chilling symbol of its deadly intent. Before it stood an elder, his form leaning on a cane, a silhouette carved out of the dismal surroundings.

This was Danzo Shimura, a man who bore the scars of countless battles, both visible and hidden. His black, shaggy hair framed a face that was a testament to a life spent in the shadows. His right eye was hidden beneath a bandage, while an x-shaped scar marred his chin, lending him an imposing presence. Cloaked in a black robe that enveloped his form, reaching his feet and draping over his right shoulder, it concealed his right arm, a secret he held close. His attire, a white shirt underneath, was as stark as his ruthless ambitions.

Danzo's single, piercing gaze fell on the masked shinobi before him. His voice, cold as winter frost, cut through the oppressive silence, "So? Did you get rid of him?"

The shinobi, a puppet of Danzo's Root, devoid of personal feelings and desires, nodded in affirmation. "Yes, Danzo-sama. I've made sure to explode his head, to not leave any evidence behind."

Satisfaction flickered in Danzo's eye as he nodded, "Very well, you may go now." As the Root operative faded into the gloom, the room was once again cloaked in silence, punctuated only by the solitary figure of Danzo.

His lips curled into a grim smile, a quiet menace in his whispering words, "Just you wait, Minato, Senju, and Uchiha. I'll make sure to get rid of all of you. You are but thorns in my path to becoming Hokage." His words hung in the air, a chilling promise echoing through the room, adding an eerie resonance to the already foreboding atmosphere. The echo of his ambition bounced off the darkened walls, painting a picture of the storm that was yet to come.

In the heart of the Hidden Stone Village, Iwagakure, nestled between the sturdy, towering cliffs, stood the Tsuchikage's office. Inside, an air of grave concern hung heavily. Standing before the Tsuchikage was an imposing figure, a shinobi whose muscular physique was sculpted by the harsh environment of the stone village, every muscle a testament to his strength and discipline.

He was addressing a man of diminutive stature but exuding an aura of undeniable authority, Onoki, the Tsuchikage. Despite his small size, the old man was a daunting figure. His skin was as craggy and weathered as the surrounding cliffs, matching his white, bushy eyebrows and mustache. His eyes, sharp and determined, were set beneath a prominent forehead, while his back was slightly hunched, bearing the weight of many years and countless battles. He was dressed in the traditional garb of the Tsuchikage, complete with the stone hat that denoted his rank.

The shinobi's voice reverberated through the room, breaking the tense silence, "Tsuchikage-sama, it seems the hidden spy planted within Konoha's Mission Division has been found and killed. The team planted within the Fire country's border has also been killed. We got a message from Danzo, to not worry as he has personally taken care of their bodies, so no evidence will be found by the Yamanaka."

At this, Onoki's brows furrowed, his face contorting into a deep frown. His voice, heavy with irritation and frustration, echoed in the chamber, "Tch, they've only been there for a few years and they have gone and gotten themselves killed. Seems we will have to wait for the plan to commence a little while longer, unless something massive occurs and damages Konoha."

He paused, his gaze piercing the stone walls of the office as if they were transparent, looking far beyond their confines towards the distant Leaf Village. His voice, now low yet filled with a sense of grim determination, carried on, "Guess we will just have to patiently sit and see what the Raikage has planned."

The tension in the room was palpable, a testament to the seriousness of their situation. The news of the fallen shinobi had set a new course for their plans, a course filled with uncertainty and anticipation.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The story is now truly starting.

Also, the Kyuubi attack is now approaching. Be on the lookout for that.

Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~