Sharingan Training

In the heart of Konoha, in the distinguished Uchiha training grounds, dawn arrived, painting the sky with ethereal hues of gold and peach. The morning sun breathed life into the majestic oaks that towered above the landscape, their ancient boughs swaying gently as if whispering secrets of the past. Morning dew clung to the vibrant leaves, and the grass danced in harmony, each blade shimmering with the brilliance of the new-born day.

Standing tall amidst this breath-taking spectacle were three distinguished figures. Their eyes, vibrant with the rich crimson hue of the Uchiha bloodline, held the legacy of one of the most formidable clans of the shinobi world. These were Fugaku Uchiha, the leader of the clan, along with the young prodigies, Itachi and Shisui. They exuded a quiet resilience, an unyielding spirit that resonated with the enduring vitality of the trees surrounding them.

The elder Uchiha broke the serenity of the morning, his voice reverberating with the weight of wisdom and authority. "Today, we train to enhance the prowess of your Sharingan," Fugaku declared, his gaze steady on the two young ninjas. Addressing Shisui, he continued, "Your Sharingan has already matured to the third tomoe, however there is always room for improvement."

His gaze softened as he turned to Itachi, his voice tinged with a nurturing note. "Itachi, your Sharingan has only recently awakened. Our focus will be to enhance your reaction time, ensuring your body's reflexes can keep pace with your newly acquired visual prowess. Gradual and steady, we will extend the duration you can maintain your Sharingan activated."

Upon hearing their mentor's words, both Itachi and Shisui nodded, their young eyes reflecting a fierce determination to overcome the challenges ahead.

Fugaku's formidable chakra flared as he executed the Shadow Clone jutsu. As one clone took Itachi to a separate area of the training grounds, Fugaku himself turned to Shisui, his serious gaze holding a spark of curiosity. "Shisui," he began, "Tell me about the abilities of your Mangekyō Sharingan."

Shisui's voice resonated with an undertone of pride as he began to explain, "My left eye can cast a genjutsu called Kotoamatsukami. It allows me to influence anyone to do my bidding, without them or anyone else noticing and the Genjutsu can last forever, unless someone helps remove the Genjutsu. But, there's a drawback: I can only use it every few years. As for my right eye, it has a Lesser Kotoamatsukami. It's somewhat similar, but with a time limit that I'm yet to decipher. Fortunately, I can use it every couple of days."

Listening to Shisui, Fugaku couldn't hide his surprise. "That's incredibly powerful, Shisui," he acknowledged. "Having the ability to control others without them even knowing, it's a potent skill indeed. But remember, the infrequency of its use is a significant limitation."

Regaining his composure, Fugaku began explaining about the Mangekyō Sharingan, its power, the Susanoo, and the implications of their use. The revelation about a person perfecting Susanoo and rivalling Hashirama Senju, the God Of Shinobi, left Shisui in awe. Fugaku's discourse continued, warning against the overuse of Mangekyō Sharingan and the risk of blindness, only overcome by achieving the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan through the exchange of eyes between family members.

As the sun continued its ascension, the Uchiha training grounds bore witness to another intense sparring match. "We are going to spar, Shisui," Fugaku declared, his voice firm and unyielding. "For this session, you must refrain from using your body flicker technique and your Sharingan. This exercise is designed to enhance your reaction time and physical prowess. Afterward, we will focus on advanced genjutsu techniques that you can incorporate into your Sharingan and Mangekyō Sharingan."

Fugaku then introduced an intriguing concept. "You have shown mastery over the Body Flicker technique, Shisui. But consider its enhancement."

Shisui, intrigued yet perplexed, responded with a question, "An enhancement? Could you be suggesting an elemental infusion, Fugaku-san?"

A confirming nod from Fugaku further piqued Shisui's curiosity. "Exactly. Think about the Raikage's lightning armour. Consider the possibilities of infusing your body flicker technique with wind or lightning release, which could significantly augment your speed and effectiveness."

The seasoned Uchiha leader took charge of the sparring session, launching a barrage of well-calculated attacks at Shisui. Without the aid of his Sharingan and the body flicker technique, Shisui found himself constantly on the defensive, forced to rely on his base abilities against the relentless assault.

Every strike from Fugaku served as a lesson in precision and control. His blows were akin to a master painter's strokes, leaving unseen trails in the air. Each assault was a deliberate, calculated manoeuvre aimed at testing and improving Shisui's reaction time, building resilience, and enhancing his instinctive reflexes.

On the other hand, Shisui responded with a fierce determination that characterized the Uchiha clan. His sweat-soaked face displayed a mix of concentration and resolve as he dodged, deflected, and retaliated, pushing his body beyond its known limits. The spar was a symphony of offense and defense, a gruelling dance that tested the mettle of both participants. The relentless sun overhead bore witness to their intense commitment and effort.

After an hour of relentless sparring, Shisui, drenched and panting, stood tall. Despite the physical strain, his spirit was unbroken. Recognizing his endurance, Fugaku commenced the next phase of the training – teaching Shisui advanced genjutsu techniques that could be incorporated into his Sharingan and Mangekyō Sharingan.

Fugaku's clone's gaze shifted to Itachi, his demeanour an embodiment of a leader's resolve and commitment. His voice, stern but fair, held a fatherly inflection. "Itachi, we must work on your reaction time in conjunction with your Sharingan," he began, the sombre tone indicative of the task's gravity. "I'll hurl numerous blunted projectiles at you, like Kunai and Shuriken. Your goal is to evade them."

Understanding flashed in Itachi's eyes, and he nodded, his youthful face serious. He turned his one tomoe Sharingan on, a flicker of nervous anticipation in his eyes. Itachi's stance was firm and ready, mirroring the calm demeanour he always held.

Fugaku returned the nod, acknowledging his readiness. Without further ado, he started throwing the Kunai and Shuriken towards Itachi with the precision and accuracy befitting of a master shinobi. His targets were strategic, an unspoken challenge designed to pinpoint Itachi's weak spots and push him beyond his current limits.

From the outside, it might have looked like a brutal onslaught. But from Itachi's perspective, through the lens of his newly awakened Sharingan, it was a matrix of perilous beauty. His Sharingan, the Eye of Insight, picked apart each projectile's trajectory, speed, and potential point of impact. The world around him slowed down, each kunai and shuriken suspended in an elongated moment of time.

Yet, his body lagged behind the torrent of information his Sharingan was processing. Although he could clearly predict the projectiles' paths, his physical reactions failed to keep up with his heightened perceptions. Despite his efforts, blunted weapons found their mark, peppering him with painful reminders of his physical limitations. The gap between sight and action was his current challenge.

As minutes turned into a quarter of an hour, Itachi's movements began to sync with his Sharingan's analyses gradually. His body, adapting to the eye's predictive prowess, began to respond quicker. Yet, the constant barrage and the strain of maintaining his Sharingan active started to take its toll. Exhausted and breathless, Itachi collapsed, his Sharingan fading away.

Observing the young Uchiha's resilience and improvement, Fugaku's clone decided to pause the training. "You're making progress, Itachi," he began, his tone softer than before but still marked by authority. "It's clear you're still getting used to your Sharingan, but we'll continue this regimen after you've rested."

Time seemed to stretch for Itachi as he lay on the training grounds, gathering his breath and allowing his chakra to replenish. Taking Fugaku's advice to heart, he used this moment to recenter himself. After ten minutes of rest, he stood up, his Sharingan reactivated, reflecting the unwavering determination in his eyes. "I'm ready," he declared with a firm voice.

The afternoon transformed into the early evening as the rigorous training session continued. With each passing round, Itachi's body adapted more and more to his Sharingan's Eye Of Insight, learning to act in harmony with his eye's predictions. Acknowledging his growth, Fugaku increased the speed and volume of projectiles thrown at Itachi. Even as the challenge escalated, Itachi persisted, each hit he took serving as a testament to his resilience and improving reaction time.

By the time the evening moon had replaced the setting sun, both Itachi and Shisui had reached the limits of their endurance. The signs of a day's rigorous training were evident on their bodies, and fatigue had etched deep lines on their faces. Fugaku, still standing tall and seemingly untouched by exhaustion, looked at the two younger Uchiha.

"We'll continue this regimen every day for approximately a month and a half," he announced. The weight of his words was not lost on Itachi and Shisui. "Due to my obligations as the head of the Uchiha Police Force, I won't be able to join you in the afternoons, but I expect you both to keep practicing the techniques I've taught."

Despite the weariness evident in their bodies, the young Uchihas responded in unison, their voices firm and filled with resolve, "Yes, Sir!"

Their agreement marked the end of a demanding day of training. Under the moonlit sky, the three Uchiha made their way to Fugaku's residence. Their bodies were exhausted, but their spirits were buoyed by the bond of shared struggle and the satisfaction of pushing their limits.

The evening wound down with a quiet dinner, an oasis of peace that stood in stark contrast to the intensity of the day. The flickering candles on the dining table cast long, dancing shadows, mirroring the path ahead that still had to be walked. They took a silent pledge- a vow to persevere, to improve, and to honour the Uchiha lineage with their dedication.

Their journey was only just beginning, and they knew they would face countless more hardships on their way. But they were prepared. As the tranquil night enveloped them, they retreated to their respective quarters, ready to embrace the new dawn with renewed resolve and vigour.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry if this chapter is shorter than my normal ones.

This took me a while to upload since I was planning what to write for the next incoming chapters. The next few chapters will be just training. Also expect the Kyuubi attack, its coming very soon.

Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.

If you join the discord you can write any ideas you have for this fanfic, and perhaps future fanfics I will write. I'm pretty active, so if you want to chat, feel free to join.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~