Naoki Senju Vs Tsunade Senju

It had been several weeks since Naoki began his newfound journey into the art of Earth Release and Genjutsu. The journey was hard but fulfilling, challenging him to surpass his limits every day. The break of dawn would see him leave the familiar comforts of home, stepping out into the raw elements, only to return with the dying evening light. Today was no different.

After a gruelling day of moulding chakra, practising Earth Release and Genjutsu, Naoki returned home. His steps echoed off the quiet walls, whispering tales of a hard day's work. The house greeted him like an old friend, its familiarity washing over him with a sense of warm comfort.

Eager to wash off the dust and sweat, Naoki made his way towards the bathroom, his muscles screaming in silent protest. The coolness of the water offered a welcome reprieve, washing away not just the physical remnants of the day, but also the mental exhaustion. Freshly bathed and dressed in clean clothes, he felt a renewed sense of energy.

Descending the staircase, he found Tsunade nestled comfortably in an armchair, her fingers wrapped around a cup of steaming coffee. Her golden hair framed her face, reflecting the soft evening light. The serene picture she painted was a stark contrast to the usual energy that she radiated.

As Naoki entered the room, Tsunade turned her gaze towards him, her eyes studying him thoughtfully. "Just back from training?" she asked, her voice carrying a note of acknowledgement.

Naoki simply nodded in response. Tsunade's brow crinkled as she continued, "You've made impressive progress over the last month, Naoki. Your dedication to training shows. I think you're ready to start accepting missions again."

At this, Naoki's eyes lit up. His excitement was palpable as he eagerly responded, "Really?! Thank you, Tsuna-neesan.-"

But before he could complete his sentence, Tsunade raised a hand to stop him, "However," she began, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips, "there's a condition."

Naoki's brows furrowed, his curiosity piqued. "What condition?" he asked, a tinge of caution lacing his voice.

Tsunade's smirk broadened as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I want to see how much you've grown first hand," she said, her voice carrying an undeniable challenge. "We will have a spar. It's time I test your progress myself."

A matching smirk formed on Naoki's face, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can agree to that. We've never sparred before, so I'm curious to see how I do against a Sannin. When are we having this spar?"

Tsunade's smirk softened into a smile. "Let's do it later today, so that Kushina, Minato and Shizune can come watch," she suggested, her voice filled with anticipation.

And just like that, the stage was set for an unforgettable evening, marking yet another milestone in Naoki's journey.

Nestled in the heart of Konoha, the Senju training ground was a testament to the endurance and strength of the Senju clan. The field was expansive, enclosed by a thick cluster of towering trees that reached out to touch the open sky above. The ground was even, despite the countless battles fought and lessons learned.

In the centre of this training haven, two figures stood facing each other, a respectful distance separating them. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, the looming spar adding an almost tangible tension to the air.

Tsunade stood tall and resolute, her demeanour radiating confidence and authority. Her golden hair cascaded down her back, glinting under the sun's gentle rays. Her brown eyes locked onto her opponent, her gaze appraising yet warm.

Across from her, Naoki stood just as tall, an unyielding determination blazing in his crimson eyes. His white-reddish hair was tousled from the day's training, adding a touch of defiance to his otherwise calm demeanour. There was a palpable energy about him, a clear signal of his readiness for the upcoming spar.

Off to the side, Minato, Kushina and Shizune stood like silent observers, their presence adding gravity to the occasion. Minato's golden hair danced in the light breeze, his cerulean eyes holding a tinge of excitement. Kushina, her vibrant red hair a striking contrast against the green backdrop, had a proud smile on her face. Beside her, Shizune watched on with a thoughtful expression, her dark eyes flickering between Naoki and Tsunade.

As Naoki took his stance, his body poised for combat, the atmosphere grew even more intense. The previously gentle breeze seemed to catch on the electric anticipation, swirling around them with newfound vigour. Leaves rustled, and the grass seemed to bow to the wind's whim, as if nature itself was holding its breath for the upcoming clash.

The world seemed to still, time seemingly frozen in anticipation of the impending spar. Then, slicing through the silence, Minato's voice rang out, clear and loud. "Start!" His word shattered the stillness like a thrown stone breaking the surface of a pond, triggering a ripple of action. The spar had officially begun.

Naoki's body flickered with lightning, like a shooting star across the twilight sky. The Thunder Sword in his hand was a deadly extension of his will, crackling with raw, untamed electricity that danced along the blade like snakes, shedding an eerie azure light. He had improved his Body Flicker Technique exponentially, to the point where his movements were a blur, a streak of indistinct lines against the backdrop of the lush, verdant field.

Like a tempest, he surged forward towards Tsunade. His momentum was a wild rush, a furious torrent of energy that roared with a promise of a storm. It was not the languid walk of a child, but the fervent, unstoppable rush of a seasoned warrior, a spectacle to behold, and a terror to face.

As Naoki drew near, his hand deftly formed a single-handed seal, a subtle yet deliberate movement. His chakra flared as he cast a minor Genjutsu, attempting to trap Tsunade within an illusionary world. The technique was well-executed, the transition almost seamless.

Simultaneously, Naoki executed a powerful spin, his body twisting with a fluid grace that was deceptive in its lethality. The lightning sword traced a bright, cackling arc in the air, the air humming and fizzling under its power, the blade illuminating the training ground with an otherworldly light.

But Tsunade, with her years of combat experience, sensed the slight disturbance in the flow of chakra, the tell-tale sign of an incoming Genjutsu. Her mind resisted the phantom chains, shattering the illusionary world with a swift burst of her chakra. She was back in reality in a split second, just in time to spot Naoki's thunderous strike closing in on her.

Without missing a beat, Tsunade ducked under the crackling sword, her movements fluid and precise. The blade whistled past, slicing through the air where her head had been a moment ago. Seizing the moment, she retaliated with a swift, chakra-enhanced punch, her fist blazing with her distinct, bright green chakra.

Naoki was quick to react, interlocking his forearms to block the incoming blow. The impact was a thunderclap, sending tremors through his arms. Despite his block, the sheer power behind Tsunade's punch sent him skidding back, a whirlwind of dust marking his backward trajectory.

Naoki gritted his teeth against the pain as he tumbled, feeling the familiar sting of dislocation in his arms. But even as he crashed onto the training ground, his resolve remained unbroken. He pushed himself up, his eyes never leaving Tsunade, his spirit unyielding. As he channelled his medical ninjutsu, the soft glow of healing chakra enveloping his arms, the spar continued, more thrilling than ever.

Tsunade, her lips curved in a smirk that bespoke confidence and battle-hardened experience, offered a measured response to Naoki's earlier onslaught. "Impressive," she acknowledged, her voice laced with both surprise and admiration. "Using Genjutsu as an opener? A surprising gambit, indeed. However, it seems you've forgotten one important thing – Genjutsu scarcely works on me."

There was no response from Naoki, only the resolute gleam in his eyes, a silent oath that he would not back down. A whirlwind of thoughts, strategies and plans swirled within him. He was aware of the chasm between Tsunade's strength and his, but such disparity served not as a deterrent but fuel for his spirit. The decision was made. He would give it his all.

With deft, swift motions, he wove a series of hand seals, his fingers blurring into a mesmerising dance. The moment the seals were formed, he pressed both hands onto the lush, verdant carpet of the training ground, an intricate waltz of chakra manipulation unfolding beneath.

"Earth Style: Flying Stones."

Stones began to form around Naoki, rising from the earth like blooming flowers. With a sudden burst of chakra, they shot towards Tsunade like a volley of arrows, each stone an embodiment of lethal intent. Tsunade, her gaze sharp and unwavering, dodged the stone projectiles with effortless grace. Yet, she felt something amiss, an unusual resistance to her movements. One glance at Naoki's triumphant smirk, and the realisation dawned upon her. It was a trap – a cleverly concealed movement restriction seal.

On the side-lines, Minato's eyes gleamed with interest. Turning to Kushina, his voice held a tone of inquiry. "Did you teach him that?"

Kushina's lips stretched into a warm, proud smile as she shook her head, "I merely taught him basic movement restriction seals. But, incorporating it with the earth style jutsu – that's all him." Minato simply nodded in response, his gaze returning to the unfolding bout.

Seizing the opportunity that Tsunade's slow movements presented, Naoki's fingers danced into a complex string of hand seals.

"Water Style: Water Tornado Jutsu."

From the water seal engraved on Naoki's scroll, a gush of water erupted, morphing into a gargantuan, swirling tornado. Unlike the version he'd used against Jiraiya, this tornado grew in size and ferocity with every moment, absorbing water vapour from the air. It was a lethal monstrosity, a testament to Naoki's evolving skills, inspired by the countless scrolls he'd studied in the Senju library.

A juggernaut of water, several times her height, was barrelling towards Tsunade. Recognizing the impending threat, Tsunade leaped into the air, her foot reared back for a devastating blow.

"Heavenly Foot Of Pain."

With a thunderous crash that resonated across the training ground, her heel slammed into the earth. The very ground splintered under the sheer force, and a massive crater formed. Deftly, she adjusted the angle of her impact, causing one side of the ground to rise sharply in an attempt to barricade the oncoming water tornado.

The clash between the elemental forces was explosive, a cataclysmic display of raw, uncontrolled power. Dust and debris were flung into the air, obscuring vision, and providing the perfect cover for Tsunade's subsequent move.

Seizing the momentary distraction, Tsunade sprang into action, her body a blur as she

lunged towards the unsuspecting Naoki. The punch that followed was a comet, a green-streaked harbinger of destruction.

Naoki sensed the surge of chakra behind him, turning just in time to see Tsunade's fist bearing down on him. With a swift reflexive lean, he evaded the punch by a hair's breadth, feeling the rush of air displaced by the near miss.

Capitalising on Tsunade's brief surprise, he sprang into an acrobatic move, his foot arcing towards her head. Tsunade deflected the kick with her forearm, but failed to notice that Naoki had attached himself to her, mimicking the tree walking technique.

In the fleeting moment of surprise, Naoki launched a chakra-enhanced punch at Tsunade's abdomen. The impact resonated across the field, sending Tsunade flying backwards by a good five metres, a testament to the sheer power behind Naoki's attack.

"That was a commendable effort," Tsunade commended, her voice cool and composed, betraying no sign of fatigue or injury from Naoki's punch. Dusting off her clothes, she met Naoki's gaze with a firm and determined look. "However, it's time to bring this spar to an end."

Without warning, Tsunade sprung into action. Like a falcon diving towards its prey, she closed the distance between her and Naoki in a fraction of a heartbeat. Her speed was extraordinary, an awe-inspiring blur that Naoki could scarcely track, much less anticipate.

Tsunade's attacks were unleashed in a dizzying flurry, each one brutishly powerful yet executed with deadly precision. A torrent of fists, as swift as they were potent, lashed towards Naoki, each strike carrying the potential to end the life of an unseasoned shinobi in an instant. Despite their raw, unfiltered brutality, they were fast, faster than anything Naoki had ever encountered, forcing him into a desperate dance of evasion.

Despite his best attempts to retreat, Tsunade was relentless, like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Her superiority in both strength and speed was undeniable, and Naoki felt the mounting pressure, a sense of dread permeating through him.

However, Naoki was not ready to concede just yet. His willpower fuelled him, and with renewed vigour, he summoned his Adamantine Sealing Chains. Rapidly weaving a series of hand seals, he formed a protective barrier around him, a shield that he hoped would offer some respite from Tsunade's relentless assault.

Just as Naoki breathed a sigh of relief, the unthinkable happened. Tsunade, with a simple cock back of her fist, let loose a punch of staggering power. The barrier, a construct of his last hopes, shattered upon contact like brittle glass under a hammer's blow. The punch, retaining its unspent energy, continued on its path and slammed into an unprepared Naoki, catapulting him several metres away.

The fight was over, the dust of battle settling, leaving behind a field bearing the testament of their intense bout. It was a testament to both their strengths - the adamantine resolve of a young shinobi and the immovable force of an experienced Sannin.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. How was the fight? Because honestly I had an idea in my head but putting it into words was super hard and I don't think I even did it right. Kyuubi attack is approaching very very soon.

Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.

Next 2 chapters:

The Birth Of Sasuke Uchiha

Escort Mission to The Land of Tea


If you join the discord you can write any ideas you have for this fanfic, and perhaps future fanfics I will write. I'm pretty active, so if you want to chat, feel free to join.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~