Sasuke's Birth

The dawn unfolded in a spectacular display of radiant hues, as the sun ascended, casting its golden brushstrokes across the heavens and the land below. A breathtaking canvas of warmth emerged, blessing all its denizens. It wasn't merely a fresh day; it symbolised a new chapter in life, a narrative unwritten and full of possibilities, as if the world itself awaited the turn of a page that had been too long in coming.

In the span of six weeks, Team Shisui has delved into an intensive training session, honing their skills and acquiring a diverse array of techniques that have markedly elevated their strength. Following a prior incident, the team deliberately distanced themselves from external engagements, channelling their collective energies into the rigours of training. This period of focused dedication has caught the attention of both Tsunade and Fugaku, who, acknowledging the team's progress, have deemed them ready for mission assignments.

In response to this pivotal development, Shisui, Itachi, and Naoki, recognizing the gravity of their forthcoming missions, have chosen to convene for one final collaborative training session.

Awakening to the gentle kiss of the morning sun on his face, Naoki stirred from his slumber with a sense of anticipation, eager to reunite with his team after a month and a half of focused training. As he roused himself from the realms of dreams, the golden hues of sunlight streaming through the window heralded the beginning of a new day, infusing his room with a warm and invigorating glow.

Shaking off the remnants of sleep, Naoki rose from his bed, the excitement palpable in the air. A quick stretch and he was ready to embrace the day, knowing that the camaraderie of his team awaited him. The anticipation of the impending meeting added a buoyancy to his step as he prepared for the day's endeavours.

Dressing for the occasion held a special significance for Naoki. His choice of attire was not merely a matter of practicality but a symbolic gesture, a conscious decision to honour his heritage and continue the legacy of his esteemed grandfather, Tobirama Senju. The azure Senju armour, meticulously adorned with the clan's emblem on both the front and back, held a story of generations past. Each engraved mark seemed to echo the strength, wisdom, and resilience of the Senju lineage.

The happuri forehead protector, worn with a sense of pride, completed Naoki's ensemble. As he fastened it securely, he felt a connection not only to his team but to the ideals and traditions that Tobirama Senju had championed. It was more than armour; it was a mantle of responsibility, a tangible link to the heroic legacy that fuelled Naoki's determination as he stepped into the awaiting day.

Dressed and ready for the day, Naoki descended the stairs of his home, the usual hustle and bustle of Tsunade and Shizune conspicuously absent. A quiet acknowledgment passed through his mind; their responsibilities likely claimed their attention. A quick breakfast later, Naoki embarked on the journey toward the Uchiha training ground, a place that would soon reunite him with his team after six weeks of solitary training.

Navigating the familiar streets of the village, Naoki found himself absorbing the vivacious atmosphere that painted the village with cheerfulness. Laughter echoed through the air, and the vibrant colours of bustling market stalls seemed to greet him at every corner. The village was alive, and the energy of its people reverberated through the streets.

As he approached the Uchiha compound, however, a subtle transformation occurred. The once lively and boisterous atmosphere of the village gradually dissipated. Nature's serene symphony, with birds chirping and a gentle breeze rustling leaves, replaced the urban cadence. It was a shift from the lively vibrancy of one end of the spectrum to the tranquil harmony of the other.

Upon reaching the Uchiha training grounds, Naoki was greeted by a captivating sight. In the distance, two figures engaged in a mesmerising clash, their swords weaving an intricate tale of skill and precision. Itachi and Shisui, engaged in a dance-like duel, moved with such elegance that it seemed choreographed. The Uchiha sword style, a legacy they both embraced, was on full display.

Although standing at a distance, Naoki could sense the intense energy emanating from the duel. The air practically crackled with their refined techniques and heightened abilities. His grin widened, acknowledging the tremendous growth both Itachi and Shisui had undergone during the weeks of training. The distant spectacle hinted at the formidable team that awaited Naoki's reunion, a testament to the progress each member had made in their pursuit of strength. 

As Naoki approached the training grounds, a silent agreement passed between Shisui and Itachi, their keen senses detecting his presence. The rhythmic dance of their blades ceased, each Uchiha smoothly sheathing his sword in response to Naoki's arrival.

Naoki greeted them with a casual wave, "Yo, been a while, huh?"

Shisui, his voice a blend of easygoing charm and the distinct cadence of an Uchiha, slid his sword into its sheath, "Guess so, it's been nearly two months since we last saw you."

Itachi, the embodiment of calm and measured precision, mirrored the action, placing his sword with the grace characteristic of him, "Feels like it has been like five months since we last saw each other."

"Yeah, I thought the same. Feels longer than it should have," Naoki agreed, the trio now standing amidst the hushed aftermath of their training.

Shisui, ever the conversational maestro, chimed in with a grin, "Well, but at least we're all here. Anyways Naoki, spill the beans. What have you been up to?"

Beneath the comforting shade of a massive tree, the three friends engaged in a spirited conversation, recounting the events of the past six weeks. The words flowed effortlessly, painting a vivid picture of their shared experiences. Laughter punctuated the air, creating a delightful melody that blended with the rustle of leaves overhead.

Shisui, oozing charisma, shared Uchiha-flavoured tales infused with humour. "You won't believe what happened during our sparring session. I tried this new technique, and let's just say, things didn't go as planned," he chuckled, his laughter riding the breeze.

Amidst the exchange, the grass beneath them became an unwitting witness to their collective journey. The stories wove an invisible thread, binding them in a tapestry of shared moments—triumphs and vulnerabilities alike. The tree's branches, like protective arms, seemed to stretch out, embracing the essence of their connection.

As the tales concluded and laughter faded, Shisui rose, mischief dancing in his eyes as he surveyed Itachi and Naoki. "Well, no better way to check our progress than a 2v1. You two versus me," he declared, the challenge hanging in the air like a shared secret. Itachi met Shisui's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them, before Naoki grinned in agreement. 

The trio rose to their feet, brushing off the residual dirt, and assumed their battle stances, poised for the impending spar against the charismatic Shisui Uchiha.

Shisui picked up a stone, his voice laced with an enigmatic charm, "When this stone hits the ground, the spar begins." Itachi and Naoki nodded in acknowledgment.

The stone soared into the air, leaving a pregnant pause that enveloped the tranquil training ground. As it descended, the atmosphere abruptly shifted. The once serene air transformed into a tempest as Shisui, Itachi, and Naoki engaged in a synchronised body flicker, the very fabric of the environment disturbed by their extraordinary speed.

Naoki drew his lightning sword, the sound it emitted a crackling symphony, a testament to its latent power. In tandem, Shisui unsheathed his sword, and Itachi, with an entrancing single hand seal, ignited his blade into a cascade of flames.

The unexpected display caught Naoki off guard, but seeing Shisui replicate Itachi's fiery prowess, he surmised it was a facet of the Uchiha sword style. The trio approached each other, a triumvirate of martial prowess, each step resonating with an impending clash.

Amidst the approach, Naoki surged forward, surpassing Itachi, positioning himself ahead to intercept Shisui. Itachi, though initially perplexed, swiftly grasped Naoki's strategy.

Shisui, facing Naoki's rapid approach, swung his fiery blade with a fierce intensity. Naoki pressed on, sensing the searing heat closing in. In a hair's breadth, he deftly slid beneath the blade, Itachi seamlessly intercepting with his own fiery weapon. The moment was fleeting, yet the ballet of movements unfolded in an electrifying display.

As Naoki continued his slide, he deftly wove through dozens of hand seals in an instant, a mesmerising dance of hands that culminated in a subtle touch to Shisui's leg. The sequence unfolded like a blink of an eye, Shisui momentarily taken aback by Itachi's interception instead of Naoki.

Rising swiftly, Naoki wasted no time, unleashing his lightning-infused blade towards Shisui. The impending clash was palpable, the air charged with electricity. Shisui, activating his Sharingan, prepared to counter. Yet, an unexpected heaviness gripped his frame, a consequence of Naoki's strategic brush during the slide.

With no time for analysis, Shisui instinctively performed a one-handed hand seal, reappearing a few metres away from the duo. The weight lingered, an anomaly in the prowess of Shisui of the Body Flicker. Even burdened, he remained one of the fastest ninjas alive.

Naoki's frustration was palpable as he clicked his tongue, realising that his strike had found only empty air. His annoyance was met with a smirking Shisui, a typical Uchiha response to a well-executed feint.

"That was a commendable effort," Shisui began, his voice dripping with the charismatic arrogance typical of his clan. "Using yourself as bait, relying on Itachi to distract me while you prepared your gravitational seal, I assume. But you forgot—"

Shisui's sentence hung in the air, abruptly cut off as an unexpected heaviness settled upon him. His eyes widened with disbelief as he glanced toward Naoki, who had activated a gravitational seal. The interruption seemed to amuse Naoki, who had little patience for Shisui's pontifications.

Naoki, in a swift move, shifted his attention to Itachi. Utilising a unique form of genjutsu, he transmitted his thoughts directly to Itachi's mind. Itachi, momentarily stunned by the intrusion, quickly refocused. This unorthodox communication technique, developed by Naoki's grandmother Toka Senju during the warring states, was particularly effective with the Uchiha due to their ability to read lips.

A nod between Naoki and Itachi signalled understanding, and Itachi materialised next to Naoki in an instant.

Naoki's hands danced through a sequence of seals as he touched the lush green grass beneath him. Mud projectiles materialised, a deviation of his earlier technique used against Tsunade. These projectiles, crafted from mud, lacked the raw strength of stone but possessed a unique advantage.

"Earth Style: Flying Stones," Naoki intoned.

The mud projectiles hurtled toward Shisui, prompting Naoki to glance at Itachi, who responded with a nod and a series of hand seals.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu."

A blazing fireball emerged, colliding with the mud projectiles and igniting them. The resulting fiery mud projectiles gained strength, hurtling menacingly toward Shisui. The Uchiha, faced with this amplified threat, focused his attention.

As Shisui adeptly dodged the projectiles, some managed to scrape against him, making his movements sluggish. The unexpected weight on his body added to his challenges, a consequence of Naoki's strategic use of fuinjutsu.

Recognizing that he could no longer dodge effectively, Shisui decided to end the fiery onslaught. With rapid hand seals, he conjured lightning projectiles aimed at both the incoming fiery mud and Naoki.

Undeterred, Naoki swiftly created a shadow clone, and both Naoki and his clone initiated their countermove.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall."

"Water Style: Water Formation Wall."

An earth wall rose before them, while a water wall surrounded Naoki and Itachi. The lightning projectiles, stronger than both water and earth releases, pierced through the water wall, but its power was significantly depleted. Upon striking the mud wall, it crumbled.

Acting in perfect synchrony, Naoki and Itachi unsheathed their blades and deftly deflected the remaining projectiles. Shisui, observing the seamless cooperation between the Senju and the Uchiha, prepared to make his next move.

However, his intentions were interrupted as he sensed another Uchiha speeding toward them with an urgency that demanded attention. The unexpected arrival put Shisui's plans on hold, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the skirmish unfolding in the serene training grounds. 

In the midst of their intense training, the air crackled with tension as Naoki and Itachi discerned the abrupt cessation of projectiles, their keen senses tingling with the arrival of an Uchiha. Their furrowed brows mirrored the gravity of the situation as the elder Uchiha approached, visibly breathless from haste.

With a palpable solemnity, the elder addressed Itachi, "Itachi-sama, Mikoto-sama is currently in labour. Fugaku-sama told me to tell you to go to the hospital right now."

Itachi's composed demeanour faltered for a moment, his dark eyes betraying a flicker of surprise before he calmly responded, "see, thank you."

Shisui, who had been approaching the trio, interjected with characteristic nonchalance, "Well then, let's go to the hospital."

Guided by the breathless Uchiha elder, the trio traversed the village streets, an air of urgency propelling their every step. Arriving at the hospital, they swiftly communicated their purpose to the receptionist, setting in motion the sequence of events that would unfold.

Beyond the door, a scene awaited them — Minato and Kushina, the latter visibly on edge. As Naoki greeted them with a casual "Minato-niichan, Kushina-neechan" Which prompted them to look at the trio approaching.

Shisui, respectful yet casual, bowed to Minato, "Hokage-sama," to which Minato genially responded that formalities were unnecessary.

Kushina, nerves evident, approached Naoki and Itachi. Addressing Itachi with a mix of excitement and concern, she inquired, "Are you ready to see your baby brother, Itachi-kun?"

Itachi, a mosaic of emotions, struggled to articulate his feelings. Before he could respond, the door swung open, and Tsunade beckoned them inside.

In that sacred space, Fugaku, wearing an unusual yet heartwarming smile, cradled a newborn.

Minato approached Fugaku with a warm smile playing on his lips, his eyes reflecting genuine happiness as he extended a congratulatory hand, "Congratulations, Fugaku. 

Fugaku's eyes met Minato's, and a genuine smile of gratitude adorned his face as he expressed his appreciation, "Thank you for taking the time to visit us in the hospital, Minato."

Kushina, a bundle of worry, bombarded Mikoto with questions, her concern unrestrained. Minato, observing the scene, intervened gently, reminding Kushina of Mikoto's fatigue.

Naoki, defying formalities, addressed Fugaku with a familial "Congratulations, Uncle Fugaku," eliciting surprised yet warm smiles from everyone.

Fugaku, initially shocked, eventually rubbed Naoki's head with a newfound paternal warmth. Itachi, more an observer than a speaker, gazed curiously at the newborn in Fugaku's arms. Fugaku, noticing his interest, offered, "Do you want to hold him, Itachi?"

As Itachi cradled the infant, the baby responded with a smile and a giggle, an innocent exchange that warmed the room.

Minato, fixing his gaze on Fugaku, inquired with genuine curiosity, "By the way, have you decided on a name for the little one?"

Itachi, with a soft murmur, expressed affection for his little brother, "Sasuke." A silent vow echoed in his heart: 'I will always protect you, Sasuke.' Observing this, Mikoto and Fugaku exchanged knowing smiles.

As the group took turns holding baby Sasuke, an unspoken joy enveloped them. Leaving the room to allow Mikoto and Sasuke their much-needed rest, they descended the hospital stairs.

Shisui, their leader, looked at his team with a glint of happiness in his eyes, "We will start taking D-rank missions starting from tomorrow. Meet at the mission centre tomorrow morning." With nods of understanding, the team dispersed, leaving behind an air tinged with the warmth of new beginnings and shared joys.


A/N: Hi guys, been a while. I haven't written in nearly half a year, so I apologise if the writing is adequate.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And like I said, even if it takes me years, I won't give up on this story, its become one of my life goals to complete it.

if you guys want to join the discord you are free to do so.

Lets try go back to the rankings so, please send your power stones and add this fanfic to your collections.