Number 3: The Field

The flowers sprout across the land as the skies meet.

An abrasion on the line of reality. A border where only confusion and chaos ensue.

The site itself is dangerous but heavenly beautiful, killing any incautious man who wonders close, hypnotized by its sight.

I stood near the fault line; the safe zone within the paradoxical time frame of broken Sp̻̌a͚̋ce-̻͙̃̃Tȋ̡͙̮̭̐́͟͡͡m̡̛͙̣̹͕͑̊̌́è̢̟͕͖̺̃̄̒̃.

A fault with a force stronger than a black hole, so strong, it's perfectly and infinitely stable.

It was there I heard the voice. From the other side. The other world. The other world I so dearly wanted to see, wanted to venture into.

But I can't.

Me crossing over would cause a new paradox. A paradox no human is prepared to withstand.

So I called out into the flowered land. The land swayed.

A reply? ş͉͇͓͎̀̈́̑̂͘͜͝͞ͅĕ̢̗̍ȩ͚̇͑ ̺͈̥͍̮̠̃̇̏̀̄͠ÿ̥ò͉̗̱̈́̉ǔ͖̗͈̰̆̌̀͢͝ ̮̩͔͌̐́ș͔̝̮̬̞̜̑͒͂͊́̓̕ȯ͙͙̞̥̌̓̋̈́͟o͓͉̙͍̓̐̿͆̎ͅn͈̪̄̀,̧̯̯̰̂͐͐́ ơ̙̗͖̞̳̒̇̒̈́̈ͅt̼̚ḧ̺e̞̥̝̙͊̊͗̇r̡̰̗̦̈͂̑́ ̦͉̠̌͒̿m̝̮̯̗̝͚̄̅͑͐͋̓e̪̜̺͔̗̓͒̍͛͛ #͇̤̩͎̑̆͒͠8͍͚̣͖̓̓̓͝

I hollered out, "Hey!" The land swayed more.

There was a Hello. But reality didn't seem to like this.

Testing my limits, I cried out again, "I'm here!"

But no reply.

What happened? Did they grow tired of me? Did they perhaps step foot near the border and met an unfortunate demise?

No, they are trying to save me.

They must've known what was happening, the danger of the two worlds doing the forbidden.

In a nod of affirmation, as if my responder could see from beyond my world, I turned and left the land of blooming flowers.

The field will soon be left as a natural, unbreakable barrier, leaving the mystery if anyone would be able to cross to the other side.

Until death, we will know the answer to that mystery.