Wait! What?

Wait! What?

In the last chapter,( which was cut, due to the time-traveling residents of Vitality)my husband, Emperor Brandan, informed me that I was rude.

As I gazed at him, I realized, that he was correct. I was rude to my shimmering and shining constituents, who swam in or drank from the specially formulated sun-infused Heavenly Southern Vitality River. This unusual gathering of genetically perfected and then reproduced and multiplied monumental, magical, mystical, metaphysical, multigenre, multigenerational, multicultural, multicolored, microscopic, miniature massive multitude of Sun-infused Vitality water people, were angrily shouting at me. They were floating in a brilliantly lit cloud of malice, just outside of the palace window, which was by my new bed.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. I should be perfectly nice to you, no matter what happens," I said.

"No. You are the Emperess. We're angry, as we were told, that we broke a law. What law was that? We had to design, and produce that bed from scratch. We made everything. Then, we moved it here, there, and everywhere. Someone sent us through the space-time continuum," the greatly glowing god-like life forms announced.

"Oh! My! Wait! What," I exclaimed. "When I said something about a broken law, it had nothing to do with the gorgeous and mysterious bed, nor anyone who worked on that adventurous project," I attempted to clarify myself, in a long-winded way.

"Oh. We didn't know that,"! they exclaimed in anguish.

"We could have stayed in the bedroom, to recuperate," they concluded miserably.

Suddenly, Brandan and my environment expanded exponentially, empowering elegantly enlarged entities with enough restorative rehabilitation resources.

"Wow,"! I exclaimed.

"Listen, Brandan was attempting to say something, as someone kept resetting time. I don't want anyone to have to go through that. Just let the nice man speak,"! I yelled. "It's illegal to 'edit' someone's speech, with quantum leaps," my voice became quieter and quieter, as I finished explaining my frustrations.

"Oh. We don't mess with time and space on purpose, Your Majesty," a yellow fellow said.

I just noticed that the god-like people were enlarged to normal human size and elegantly dressed. They were still brilliantly lit, with vibrant Vitality colors.

"Oh. Right. You are like me, in that, we are propelled through different epochs, eras, etc, " I started. "I hate that. I know, this water is the fountain of youth. It is also the wishing well. Fast forward. I don't want to suddenly or slowly, find myself at another time, or place. Why do I need to go to the past, to change history? Why do I have multiple visions of myself, doing different, difficult, dangerous, and demanding demonstrations, all at once? It is like having a bunch of TVs playing versions of my life. I hate it," I am having a tantrum.

"Brooklyn Robarts, the original model for Brandan<->Brian speaking," said a vivid green fellow, who resembles "Monsters Inc's Mike Wazowski", (except that Brooklyn has 2 good eyes).

"Ah, Brooklyn. I remember you from chapter 40," I started to say.

"Well, I don't know about your chapters," he said pleasantly.

"Good. I can change it. I didn't do well in that one. I hate my life," I complained.

He suddenly changed into a real man. Double Vision, anyone? Brooklyn stood next to Brandan.

"Wow,"! Everyone said in unison.

"I didn't know that I could ever have my natural form again," Brooklyn said excitedly.

"Well, let me fast forward a bit. Okay. When the river was fast forward-contaminated, I tried my best to restore it to the magic waters. I suddenly found that I could travel through time. I collected the sun water, from some point in time. Then, I took it to my 'present time'.

Taking a little water, to a catastrophic event, failed miserably. Time kept resetting. I kept repeating my actions. Every time I returned to the revolting river, it was a hundred times worse than the previous time. I mean, usually, when I watch a time-travel show or movie; the person finds the past exactly the way he or she left it, every time.

Not so, in Vitality. The second time I got to the contaminated water, 2 sets of vicious vandalizing villains were pouring all kinds of poisons, into a normal river. (I don't know how time got messed up so badly unless additional people were quantum leapers.)

"Oh boy," I gasped. "The water duplicates everything. All of that is given life, and it's "perfected", so that ...," I fainted. I don't know what happened 10 or 20 minutes before I lost consciousness, as my memory was erased naturally. (That's another story).

It's a good thing I was already on my comfortable bed.

When I awoke, the room was back to normal. Brandan rubbed my back.

"They are gone," he whispered.

"What did that immortal fellow say, after he described the ever-changing river,"? I mumbled in a whine.

"Nothing. You were talking about how the water does its works. Plus, the people were shrinking again. They said, 'When we're microscopic, we find all of the atoms we need, to restore people to perfect physical and mental health. We also duplicate everyone who is in the water, or drinks it. We can even work on everything, that, gets wet with the specific special water. Inanimate things, like stones, that were part of larger rocks, are restored to the exact shape, size, and composition, of the original rocks. Then the new rocks can be animated if someone is in the water beside them. I don't know how anyone, or anything, acquires a life, as an individual. Each duplicate, is more and more like a human, until, there's no telling who descended from branches, stones, or people,'. Oh, that's all. They finally noticed that you were asleep," Brandan concluded in his recitation.

"Yeah. Well, do you know anything more, about Brooklyn's Vitality research,"?I asked.

"Yes. Nobody knows how we time-travel, to new points in history, the present, or the future," Brandan said, as he ran out of breath.

He lay down beside me, on the suddenly extra-wide, and extra-long bed. 'Since when, is he taller than I am,'? I thought. I was too tired to correct my grammar.

Even so, I looked around the place. A few children, who looked like Brandan, and me, were also on the bed. Some animals, of various descriptions, appeared as well.

"I still don't know why I went to President Biden's Amphitheater, for a lady's presentation, about the problems with the police," I complained sleepily.

"Oh. That's where you were before you appeared on the new bed," Brandan said.

"Never mind. It was lost in translation," one of the boys said.

"No. It wasn't. Well, not all of it. It is a jumbled mess now.

The president recognized some pictures, that were on gigantic view screens. His grandparents, their home, and himself. The president was a kid back then.

He was elsewhere when something happened to his grandmother. No one came, to help her, when a relative called 911.

In one photograph, it looked like both grandparents were lying on the floor, of the house. In the photograph next to that, a young man lay on the ground near your house, before, it looked like a castle," a blond "mini-mi" said.

"Oh. I can see it now. Yeah. Somehow, with the pictures shown side-by-side, someone thought that the two homes were side-by-side. Some kind of reality was created, to match this delusion.

When someone Mr. Biden's relative saw the young man, who happened to be in the area, the relative assumed that the youth was responsible for whatever happened, to the grandparents.

Not true! There were fractures and tunnels, in time and space, which confused everyone. The young man was not born, when Mr. Biden's family lived in that house. Nor was he around, when the Vitality Family were simple folk, in a regular home," another person said, in the darkness of the re-expanded bedroom.

"During the Sumit about how the police didn't come, whenever they were summoned, The President recognized a portrait of his grandmother. That's when he started to tell a sad story. Someone else kept mismanaging time, and space so that even Mr. Biden couldn't remember what the old newspapers said, about the situation. Somehow, he was there, as an adult, when he and his uncle ground the stranger. It was so convoluted, we had to take Mr. Biden to the river, to cure him, of everything, including the wild, mismatched memories.

We also found a way, to erase everything from history. Nothing happened to The President's family, and they are healthier and more vibrant than ever before the weirdness happened," yet another female voice declared.

"Hay! That really sounded like you, when you were 10, Stephanie," a young version of Brandan said.

"Yes. I Remember that. This place is


comfort zone,"! I shrieked.

"We're sorry. We're just answering your questions, as the answers come to us," they all said in unison.

Somehow, I felt much better, than I felt in months.

"Okay. I was minding my own business when a series of weird things happened. 1st. A house appeared out of nowhere. I was instantly climbing through a window, of that place. The place looked like an elegant parlor, from centuries ago. Then, I slid down a long tunnel. The new underground space, was a former mine, with almost all of the gold removed from the rock walls," he started to describe my crazy home.

"That's my house! I didn't know that my family was royalty. I lived upstairs from all of that. I used to mine the gold, too. Mining was a punishment, for anyone, who committed any type of crime. I never had the opportunity to do anything bad. I ...," was about to dive into my pathetic story, when my ramblings were interrupted.

"We Know,"! The whole world seemed to shout at me! I have to stop telling this story!

"I was saying, that, the hollowed-out mountain, looked like the Flintstone's place, except for the sparkling walls, and the lack of animals," the youth remarked, in a tired way.

"That's where a bunch of us were held prisoner, for 15 years. Oh, I'm Stephie's father. I was in my basement, yet, none of us knew that" he said.

"Oh, King Jimmie,"! What happened,"? Lots of young voices yelled in a cacophony (not in unison, clashing sounds).

"Well, that takes us back a long time. My Queen and I were raising our 3 daughters. Then, we got sick. Some people said, that they would care for the girls until we were well.

About a week or 2 later, My wife and I went to collect our children. We were not able to get them. Someone was attached to them, so, he or she needed the girls. My wife and I are in the government, yet we had to go through a court system. Argh," he was very angry.

People were saying things like, "Oh! I didn't know that," and "How awful," etc.

Well, nothing made sense. That was well before the time travel, as far as I know," my dad continued. "Then, we had a nice normal river flowing through the land. It separated the Vitality Islands from Connecticut, USA.

One day, at night, when I apparently had one daughter, Stephanie, whom I never met, ...," Jimmie was interrupted by a series of questions. All I could understand was, "Wait! What! How?...,"

"I think it has to do with a bunch of quantum leaps, a damaged history, and weird conflicting memories, from the time travel," I advised, in a mumble, that everyone claimed to hear loudly and clearly, albeit sleepily. (Albeit - even though it was ...)

"Well, I am just going by what people told me, at this point," my dad said wearily.

"Well, one day, the Factories in Connecticut, and elsewhere, assembled a large contraption, with unbelievably strong metal tunnels. The people filled this machine, with all kinds of putrid, abrasive, corrosive, venomous industrial waste. Then, they managed to dump the contents, into the previously crystal-clear water. Nobody saw them. Nobody.

We drank the tap water, which was fairly well filtered. We all got sick. Somehow, despite what the polluted pool did to the ground, and the buildings, people were not killed, or maimed. I suspect, someone traveled through time, to get the magical water, to save most of us.

Everyone got sick. We went to the hospitals, on the islands, and in the USA.

No one let me have the antidote. I'm a nice king,--"

"I never understood any of this story," I interrupted my dad.

"Well, this is your mother. There were some misunderstandings, and well, some people were gagged, or too sick, to be understood,"

"This is Jim, again," my father said. "Well initially, I must have had some magical remedy, as I was most alive. After that, I don't know what happened. All I know is that I couldn't get more antidote.

The next thing, I know, I was told, that I was supposed to collect all of the gold, silver, and more, from the miners. I. Said, "No,"!

Nobody listened. People hoisted me on a different enormous wagon every day. They took me to each home, on the Southern Island. Strong men hoisted me down. There was a strong man, with an inflatable spear, standing on either side of me. Someone opened the door. A mini-mi stood in the doorway. No matter how I tried to tell each one, to keep his wealth, he always grudgingly gave it to me. I couldn't take the nightmare! How stupid are you,"? The former king shouted.

"We were either duplicates with no sense, or you kept coming to the same house, via a time tunnel," Someone said.

"Either way, a heaping load of precious metals went somewhere every day," Jim said.

"Yeah. I saw that. I didn't know what it was, until much later. Someone told this story, to a large assembly. I was able to get all of the filled wagons back to the rightful owners," a lady said. I forgot her name.

(I'll put it here when I "remember" it.)

"My story starts with the contaminated river. There was so much quantum leap chaos, for many years, so it seems like a bunch of us took turns with each aspect of the story," I said.

"Well, that seems to wrap up a lot of things. Let's save the rest for later," I pleaded.

"Wait. What's the point of all of this,"? Brandan asked.

"Oh, I wanted to know, why I was sent somewhere. People took turns answering the question. New questions arose, during the discussion. Then, we needed to go further back in history, to answer the new questions. We still haven't finished with this mess. Even so, we have been at this for many hours. It is time to stop, for now.