
3 to 7 Empress Stephanie

Introduction + chapter 3 to 7

Chapter 3

Disappearing Family part1

After all the excitement, we learned a little bit about our island culture.

"Forever ago", as Aunt Tonya, says, a man and a woman came to these two islands, which may have been deserted. They had first names, and birthdays. As new people appeared, (who weren't related to either of the original duo), their birth certificates, reflected the first people's information. Now, the woman was an (untranslatable) birthday. The next person, added his name, (untranslatable) birthday, to the woman's name. After many generations, people could trace their families, by the list of names, and the corresponding birthdays. Does this make sense? It seemed like a great way to keep track of people. Course, everyone had to keep a book of all of this information, with the birth certificate.

Also, the other important thing is this: The actual parents' names were not on the document! They were part of the person's name. The names of the medical team- the doctor and the midwife, were listed instead. That's also how the hospital kept its secrets.

Once my newly realized family got together, it was time, to visit the king. As he was in the hospital, we could only visit one at a time. I was too young. As he battled the poison longer than anyone else, it was harder for the medical team, to heal him. Finally, he was "cured".

I could hear how Lucy, "lit into him". When Anne entered his room, Dad was crying. ( Lucy's tantrum, is a violent thing.)

Anne, waited for the man, to calm down. She asked him a plethora of questions, which he answered, one at a time. (He started to ramble.) Despite everything, he spoke in a gentle, soft, and warm voice. He had no control, over anything, once he got sick. Before that, he wanted to be with his wife, every time she was pregnant and gave birth. The hospital had its way of doing things. There was hardly any communication, at all. The king had a country to co-run, with his cousin. The medical staff lied to the King and Queen.

"Let me start again. Many years ago, after your mother, and I, held our joint crowning ceremony, we planned to have children. Sigh. We had one little girl, whom, we named Anne. She was a feisty, fiery, and funny little thing. We loved her so much. Sigh. After a few years, we had twins. Sometime later, your mother became very ill. I got it too. Groan. The children were taken away before they could get sick. I never saw them again. Groan. We were only hospitalized, for a week ‼️

Someone claimed that the girls, were in a secure place and that it was wrong to return them, to me. It seems they bonded, with the new family. We were outraged! Growl! I still have lawsuits, to make them return our children." He took a long drink of water.

"Well, we wanted our children, as we were cured of what ailed us. When we couldn't get them, we decided to have more children, to love, while fighting, for your sisters" he said.

Anne realized, she was the first daughter. She said, "I'm Anne!"

The king hugged her, for a long time. Then, he continued with his story.

"Well, no one told me, when my wife was having our children. When she awoke, from her nap, she was told, that there was a problem. The baby died". The king started to cry, all over again. Anne dabbed his face, with a bunch of cloth napkins, that someone provided.

"Well, I just found out, that that was a lie. My child was sent to live with my sister. Sometime later, the doctor said, that we could have more children. He decided, to have several, of your Mother's eggs, ready. I didn't know it, yet everyone was born safely. Again, no one alerted me, to what was happening. My beloved came home, destroyed. The staff lied again. They never asked how many kids we had, or anything. The medics, assumed, that we had too many kids !". He didn't have to say anything more. Anne knew. Those donkeys, told my mother, that all of her babies died.

After a while, Anne asked my father, why his story, didn't account for more children.

"Sigh. some years passed. We found out, that someone lied to us, many times. We went elsewhere, to have children. I wasn't notified, of the birthing day. Even so, my wife came home, with good news. Everyone was born safely and in good health. There were so many babies. This is because the doctor prepared as many eggs as he could. Wow. Since your mother, was still woozy, from her ordeal, the nurses tricked her. The staff scattered our children, throughout the kingdom. We finally got smart. We stopped having kids".

"I somehow think, that, you have not gotten to me, yet", I said.

He looked at me. "You were in the last batch of babies, from what my sister tells me. Groan. If I knew anything about what was happening to you or Lucy, I would have saved you," he said, with great effort, and pain.

"I believe you!" I cried. I hugged him.

"I want you to meet my remotely distantly related cousin, Brian<~>Brandan", I said. When my father, looked in Brian's ancestry book, the king yelled,

"Ha! My relative, Martin, who is about 8 generations away from me, did have a son!" KING JAMES VITALITY OF THE VITALITY FAMILY REALM ISLANDS EMPIRE

Oddly enough, nobody remotely distantly remembered, any of this, until decades later. That's so bizarre ‼️

End Chapter 3

Chapter 4:

Disappearing People, part 2

Also a new EMPEROR

{{ King Marc Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarch, the First Solo EMPEROR of ..., Connecticut, USA }}

The thing about the water poison is that it comes back to haunt us, every so many year. We start to look more like trolls, than people. A simple trip to the hospital is required, to "cure" us again.

Well, I was 14, when we all had to report to the emergency room.

Shortly after that, some {Marc Vitality} relatives, came home. He was a soldier, overseas, who thought that he would be a great king. Each time, he asked one of our kings, for the throne, they willingly obliged. Both Father, and Cousin Eric, (Who ruled the Noth Island), were overjoyed to relinquish the throne, after decades, of government. Eric was very close, to everyone, on his island, with loyal supporters, and loyal cunning spies, so nobody could fool him. He and Dad, helped the newly-made king, to Rein over the Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire, as one government.

Once, The New King, got the hang of his new job, his predecessors, slowly let him take more, and more authority, and obligations.

By the time, this man, was in total control, with just the former kings, as advisors, he was creating a much-loved, and far better communications-oriented, law-abiding country than anyone, ever did, previously, for the Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire. Former king Eric, was extremely excitedly enthusiastic, about the whole accomplishment.

My Dad, gave his successor, a special surprise ceremonial celebration, to salute him. Jimmy also thanked the newly-made king profusely !!

Well, what was so fabulous about this important impartial incredibly powerful personality?

Let's call him Marc. Marc, raised an army, to seek out all of our missing kin. He also improved transportation, communication, and the justice system. King M Vitality, seemed to enjoy his job, for a few years. He enthusiastically, tirelessly, and humorously engaged, in everything, in his new life.

I was still quite young, at the time, yet I remember, how great it was, for me, back then. I didn't know, who the king was. Nobody told me, that 4x great Uncle HAPPY, was this incredibly important impartial sovereignty.

After a long time, Uncle wasn't smiling as much anymore. I started to see him clearly, as an old man, even though, he was younger, than my Dad. He came to the mansion, more and more often. He was sad, disappointed, and something else. I didn't know, he was getting paranoid. I started to worry about him. I sent him to the hospital, as, I figured out, that the staff, could help him, as they helped me.

One day, when I came home for dinner, Dad wasn't available. I immediately knew something was wrong. My mother called the police. I joined the search party. In addition, to this, and my regular studies, I had to join the army, in case things became harrowing. I also joined the Red Cross, so that I might be able to assist my father if he were injured.

I became aware of many crimes, during all kinds of dangerous adventures. I had learned to be versatile, in various forms of medical work, as well as fighting. Dad could be anywhere, in any perilous predicament. fortunately, somehow, I excelled, in everything, that I needed to do. Space-time continuum dimensional manipulation activities occurred all day long. I could tell, that I was aging, faster-than-light, at times. The next thing I knew, I was suddenly surprised to find out that I was even younger than before, the rapid aging happened. I wasn't stupid. Someone was messing around with time and space. I realized, that this particular job, wasn't just a feeling of déjà-vu‼️




That's impossible !!

Even so, it was so !!

Somehow, I kept doing the same thing, over and over again, until I got it right...

My memory was erased, so I wouldn't remember this action, yet I still retained the lessons, that I learned from each attempt, at the surgery, or whatever my duty was for that day.

Who's responsible for all of this?

Why did "he, she, or they", put me through all of this?


As I didn't know, where to find my father, I traveled further, and further, from home, to cover as much territory, as possible, with "a fine-toothed comb". I searched "the underground" ...: Dark allies, and other suspicious places, might hold clues, as to where my king might be.

As a princess, I managed to fight, and arrest, several criminals. The current king's forces were quite helpful. While my country's people, (who were mostly my Vitality kinsfolk) and I embarked on many treacherous adventures, I still couldn't find my Dad.

I used a machete, in the jungle, against thick vines, and other plants. That's how I discovered some people abusing their children. I called reinforcements, with my phone. Then, we all went to the local capital, for prosecution, against the parents. The parents had no choice. They gave their children, to me, for adoption. When I was only a teenager, I took all of the abused children, to the hospital. From there, I made sure, that they went to good homes, in Connecticut.

Brian, and I, were planning, what to do next when another crisis hit!

A couple of years ago, my parents adopted a nice little boy. like most people on our island, he was somehow related to me. He was such a cute little fellow.

When I got home from the jungle, I had 2 days with him.

Then, two ear-piercing shrieks seared the estate.

As Anne, and Lucy, ran up to Brian, they knocked me over. I did some kind of weird flip, before landing in Brian's basketball basket. Then, I slowly met the floor. I was dazed, and embarrassed. When my sisters calmed down, enough to "speak", they lamented, "Tommy's gone too!" I went hysterical. Poor Brian! He had to deal with 3 hyper women, while he had plenty of his own intense emotions!

Somehow, we all calmed down. The police, and the search parties, were already working to find Tommy, and "Jimmy".

Course I doubled my efforts to find, and help, my Dad and my brother.

I instinctively, incessantly, instituted incidental, "invisible" and cunningly comprehensive tactics, to solve, the mysteries, and possible difficulties, of the disappearances.

I started to watch "Charlie's Angels" TV shows, and movies, for inspiration, information, ideas, insights, ingenious interests, intriguing input, and challenging opportunities, for finding the missing family members.

I wanted to become a cunning, courageous carefully committed comprehensive, cunning, tactically perpetually professional master, in everything that I did, the regular way, without supernatural paranormal Phantom Phenomenon Quantum entanglement Teleportation space-time continuum dimensional manipulation activities.

I became a master ...: Spy; Translator; Detective; Lawyer; Modest Model; Soldier; Emergency Medical Team; Marshall Artist; Sailor; Airplane pilot; and more.


Hay ‼️ I don't have to do everything‼️

I have flocks and flocks, of Country Leaders, who are mostly my Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire Monarchs and Kinsfolk, to fan out, throughout the world, to help me, to investigate, increase influence and infiltrate, all sorts of places, where anyone, could put, my loved ones.

End Chapter 4

Chapter 5:

Disappearing People part 3

Brian hugged us. Then, we went downstairs, to sit with Mom. Her eight sisters were all there.

[It was worse than the time I was eleven when I had to midwife (help mothers to birth babies). There were multiple babies per 9 mothers. Fortunately, the fathers were all there, to witness the countless miracles and all the agony. None of those people ever had another child.

That was the first time, that I was a midwife. It was my birthday!


(Still chapter 5)

Sorry, I digress.

Well, The search expanded, with more people, and more places to explore. What would anyone want, with a retired king, who wasn't worth the effort? Now, a boy might be in grave danger.

As for me, I didn't think that either one, was safer, than the other. I had my therapy, and my cross-training, to keep me steady and alert. I was like Charlie's Angels, going undercover, to spy on all sorts of people. Fortunately, I never had to go to a brothel, or "pick up men". I"m a good girl. Other people, made successful raids. Again, no matter what we did, we couldn't find our family.

I didn't want to hear, about the wild escapades, of those people.

I managed to arrest a drug ring, without having to ingest anything. They sure put up a fight! I had a gas mask, with oxygen, as I sprinted over to the bad guys! Brian and several other people covered me! It was intense! I'm glad I had the oxygen!

I "got wind", that my brother, was in another possible drug ring. I went off again. "I swept the floor with them". Still, no sign of Tommy or King Jimmy.

I figured I was good at arresting the bad guys, so I was systematically sent to do that. At the same time, I was constantly searching for the missing royals.

End Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Missing Family part 4

I was 19, with a lot of experience, in many fields ...: Archery; Military (all kinds); Police; Emergency medical, psychiatric doctor or nurse; and martial arts.

I guess that's why even then, they called me, "Stephanie 911".

My search continued, as I cleansed every nook and cranny, of this Earth.

Just when the crime seemed to stop, We got another heart attack!

This time, the other former king, disappeared. Now, even more, people panicked! My older sisters formed a network, where everyone had a charm, on a necklace. It was like a "Star trek comm badge"! It was also a Health monitor, so the hospital could monitor all kinds of nifty things. It was also linked to the 911 emergency, which usually meant me! I was thrust in charge, of virtually everyone.

I had even more experience, using many combinations, of various types of fighting.

The children were moved, every week or so, from one place to another, to keep anyone from finding them. That seemed to be a cruel and very stupid thing to do.

Still, 3 people were missing, in addition, to countless other missing people.

I was finally getting some rest, when, yet again, Sisters scream throughout the mansion.

On my 21st birthday, (Why is it always on my birthday, when there's a crisis?) We had another disappearance. This time, it was the other former king's younger brother. I worked even harder, to find my people! I found thousands of other people, which was wonderful. I was able to ...: Protect; Cure; Educate; and deliver them, to their caring friends, and family.

No wonder people think I'm a goddess. Good Grief! If they only knew, how difficult, this is!

Where are those men?

Also, someone still skillfully, and unskillfully sabotaged the supposedly impeggnatabble ( impossible to break, bend, enter, change, assimilate ... .) Spacetime Continuum Dimensions, with teleportation, tesseract, or some other kind of, weird, time-machine-like process.

Chapter 7 "still missing part 6"

I thought that I went everywhere. Brian and I, spent two more years, as a manic demolition team. Well, he was more reserved than I was. He had the gun, and I had the precision high kicks, and combat moves.

There weren't any wars or crimes. We were all diligent! I assigned many people, to potential trouble areas. I also had a bunch of volunteers, who decided to climb trees, to spy, on everyone. It was their mission. I told them, to let me allocate a useful job. They wouldn't listen. Once or twice, they dive-bombed some bad guys. Fortunately, My team and I were "nearby" them. It took us an hour by car, to get to the carnage. The ambulance, which was there instantly, didn't even open its doors. I had to deal with the gory details. Then, after I cleansed the unconscious group, the fleet of ambulances, took the idiots all to the ICU. Would you believe, all these years later, people are still hanging in trees, to spy? I made it illegal,...

Guess what? Yet another person vanished. None other, than the current King's fragile twin brother. Now, how do you like that?

Now, I'm growling like an enraged lion! Grrr! Growl! Roar!

Nothing makes sense.

"We're overlooking something important! I just can't figure out, where they could be!" Brian exclaims over and over again.

After we calm ourselves, we go to the king, to see what he's doing, about our ever-shrinking family.

For some reason, he's suddenly out of the office. I went inside, as I'm heir to the throne. Also, maybe, I can make sure, that he doesn't disappear too. He wasn't in the main office, as he was in an adjacent room. I snuck up on him. Aside from startling the man, I couldn't see what he was doing.

This king looked malnourished, scared, and aged. I just thought, that the job, coupled with the disappearances, cost him his health.

I just looked at him. I said, that I needed to give him a medical exam. He nodded. I helped him. Then I called his chef, to prepare a certain food. I didn't want to cook.

After all of that, I asked him, if he liked being king. He crumbled. Slowly, he removed the crown from his head. Then, he put it on my head.

I carried him upstairs, to his room. He had a lot of problems, yet he never said anything to me. He never looked into my eyes either.

As I had ever-increasing responsibilities, Brian's parents, and some other relatives, helped with the kingdom, and other places, which needed our help. Brian and I reformed the armada, and all else, to resume our search for all missing people, not just the family.

I couldn't go very far from the mansion, as I had to tend to the latest former king. He wouldn't let anyone else help him. Yet, he always looked so pitiful. The only thing he said, was, "I wish I knew where those men are".

Ultimately, after a few more years, that old man, recuperated enough, to let me concentrate on my search, for the missing people.

Once I finished my massive educational undertaking, I was ready for the celebration. Brian and I got married. Everyone was there, either virtually, or in person. We were having a sensational time when a different unpleasant shock came: It is tradition, for all newlyweds, to work in the castle soup kitchen, at 3:00 am, on the wedding night!

Let the lions ROAR !!




in a clever, original, and inventive manner.

"rooms ingeniously designed to withstand the most devastating earthquakes.


noun [ invariable ]

 [ masculine ] /deʒavy/

{{A feeling of déjà-vu, is when it seems like, "I did this already", "I have been here before, this day", when I haven't even heard of this activity, or this place.}}


chose qui me surprend pas, sans originalité

the thing that lacks originality

Ce scénario, c'est du déjà-vu, ça a déjà été fait cent fois!

It's a tired old storyline, it's been done a hundred times before!

 impression de déjà-vu


{Kings Jimmy and Eric were King Marc's predecessors. In other words, Kings Eric and Jimmy were, the Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarchs, "déjà-vu" (before) King Marc, took both thrones, of the "2 Island Realm".