

Rough Draft

On April, 4th, 1989, Gregg McCloud married Laura Caimbeul¹ in the 1st Vitality Church. ²

Due to the special couple's families' preferences, their native lands, and the venue; the ceremony, was a combination of Catholic Gaelic Scottish Traditions; which were clumsily and unabashedly manipulated by Vitality's "well-meaning" supernatural chaos. ³

As I unwittingly agreed to become Queen of the SVI, I was manipulated into a variety of "necessary obligations".

I was the Mistress of Ceremonies, as well as the Minister. I narrated everything, in not one, not two ... but countless languages ... as if there were representatives of every official or unofficial human language known to anyone .⁴

By the time I finished the arduous talking, I couldn't speak at all. I looked normal. I just couldn't open my mouth. My throat was sore, too.

Someone meddled with the time again. This time, the ceremony was finished, with a gap in the clock's chronology: As soon as I introduced Gregg and Laura, they were married, and my mouth and throat were constricted, by invisible means.

After a whirlwind jumble of weird activity, including someone becoming visible, long enough, to be pulled away from me, by someone else; I was standing there, alone, sweating, shaking, and crying, on a raised disc, type of platform. I was just wearing my long grass-green dress, which worked like a full slip, over my undergarments.

The platform existed atop a circular staircase, that got bigger, as it went toward the ground.

For me, it was like standing on a Giant, non-edible, hard and I decorated growing wedding cake. The round landing, pushed me higher, and higher, to just below the thin air ceiling.

During this adventure, I could see the scars, tunnels, and more, of the damage, from the time travel. I don't know, how the life-forms move people, and things, throughout the extra dimensions of "where and when".

I wish they would stop it!

Next, (as I watched, like a ghost beside each one,) Gregg and Laura's lives started all over again, with their births, and some changes in their lives.

¹ This Gaelic name, which is now spelled, ed "Cambell", means "Crooked Mouth.

² The 1st (Arlo Guthrie's) Bring your own God Church, on ... South Vitality ... Island, by the ... effervescent ... River.

³ Someone tried to stop time, for unknown reasons. Whatever the reasons, they cannot be done. People still have to use the bathroom ....

At this point the "multi - this - that - and - the infinite mass of various types of "Sun-Water Heroes", was manipulating time, in the following ways: infinite time tunnels with or without the vortex were created, to shoot people hither thither, and yon, throughout time and space. This caused many repercussions, such as:

1. a permanent ... space-time continuum... chaos: Items from anywhere, and anytime, came in invisible slides, and tunnels, to new places and times. For example, Something, like a riding lawnmower, in ancient Egypt, is called an anachronism.

A time traveler is also an anachronistic phenomenon.

Translating for all Earthlings:

I found out later, that this Traditional Vitality "communication clarity", of translating for as many people as possible, was an unnecessary and tediously tiring task: Ony the Connecticut version, of USA English, and Gaelic Scottish, were spoken, by the masses. Any other speech was only known, to the individual, who spoke it.

Also, nobody knew international, or any agreed-upon sign language.

Grrrr! 500 lions roaring!





a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists especially a conspicuously old-fashioned thing.

"Everything was as it would have appeared in centuries past apart from one anachronism, a bright yellow construction crane"

an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.