The Vitality Promise

The Vitality Promise

Since we want to encourage people, to eat mostly vegan foods; an army of volunteers; will prepare; or help folks to prepare; healthy vegan meals; for free. Anyone, may have it, prepared ...: in their own homes; or; in the Vitaliy Kitchens. If it is not in your home; already; either pick up the groceries from a local store; or; from the castle.

The homes; and the stores; must be immaculate; before; during; and after; the visit; from the food army. They don't clean their work areas.

If people want meat; they can buy it; at the same prices; as meats in mainland USA. The food army; doesn't work with meats; which they say; includes any ...: fish; shellfish; or any other life-form. The seaweed may have little fish trapped in it. Those who do prepare seaweed; goto crazy to extremes; to ensure; that; no animals or fish are stuck.

Even though; everything; was returned to the islanders; after they GAVE all of their mined precious stones, minerals, and metals; to the Auld (old) and decrepit (barely alive, weak, and or unable to do much) King Jimmy; we are still giving eople gold, or changing it; to other forms of currency.

Somehow; Megan is always in her kiosk (small office); to help any good people; with money, and other needs.

If someone breaks a law; then; they lose everything. The convicted felon has to work in the castle gardens; among other things. They don't get any meat.

They also don't get anything to smoke.

Right after the conviction; Stephanie will read; her version of the riot act.

if she's unavailable; there's always a horrid video; of her.

We have a lot of resources; jobs; and healthy people.