17 ? today's dramatic presentation: 1 newspaper, with fast forward intricate descriptions, of countess adventures that happened instantly due to space time manipulation

Today's dramatic presentation: 1 newspaper, with {{fast forward ¹ " intricate descriptions, of countess adventures that happened instantly due to space time manipulation


Chapter 17 title {{ fast forward }}

Vitality Family Islands Realm ... Newspaper ... .

Article 1

Photo of a giant airplane, which was too big, to land within the continuing coverage of the continental USA ; yet ; it fit nicely, on the teeny tiny southern Vitality Island, next to the castle.


Welcome, to Stephanie's Mega-tropolis (unbelievable size)

Airplane City.

We have ... :

1. 500 cottage-style homes

2. 10000 hospital beds, in each wing, of our Many different types of hospitals.

5. Seating for 30000 passengers

6. Accomodations for 40000

people with disabilities, and or their animal supports, guides, companions, and pets.

7. several recreational facilities, including the following :

A. School Gymnasiums

B. Fitness Gyms

C. indoor and outdoor track and field arrangements

D. Swimming pools for sports, or family swimming

E. All sorts of art classes ... :

1. ... of paintings

2. ... wall hangings

3. ... knitting, crocheting and other nifty needle work

4. ... you name it, we probably have it

5. ... .

F. Sports teams, with stadiums, leagues, and everything

G. 5 entire multilingual school districts, from : babysitting newborns, to Double Doctorate University Educational System Systematic Schools.

H. 6 Specific Specialized Musical Programs, for everyone, as well.

This Airplane, runs on solar powered energy. It also cleans, disinfects, filters, decontaminates, and purifies the air, everywhere, within the 50 miles, around the plane, as well as, all of the air, within it. This is actually another example of the excellent ways, in which, this flying monstrosity, can make every one, and everything, healthy.

There are actually, absolutely, no residual residue; contaminated particles ; toxic waste ; dirt ; unsuitable, or unstable elements ; trash ; soiled material or faces ; etc.

In short, we have a revolutionary airplane, that is everything you want it to be.

There's no exhaust of pollution, from decontaminating the air, which in turn, cleans everyone and everything.



As we said, welcome to the unbelievably sized Mega-Metropolis
