13 Horrible Day part 1
Chapter 13
Stone stiff, exhausted, and in excruciating pain, from stupidity! 1. Brian and I adopted several youngsters, from various walks of life ...: Humans, from a month old to 19 years old; A small animal zoo; and A lion family. We were new and over-zealous ...?
Well, Empress 911 Superwoman Stephanie Vitality (birthday), decided to single-handedly prepare everyone, for the day. Stupid! Stupid stupid!...
As I got up early, ...: Sneak around the castle; Tend to "terrible", tiny tiny tots, through Tumultuous Teenagers; 🐰, 🙀, 🕊️,🙉,🦎,🦍🦧🐶🐕🦮🐕🦺🐩🐺🦊🦝🐱🐈🦁🐯🐅🐆🐴🐎🦌🦓🐖🐄🐅🐏🐄🐗🦥🦃🦡🦘🦃🦡🐀🦨🐿️🦏🐘🦒🐹🐪🐫🐦🦚🦩+ water animals🐸🦆🦢🐢🐊🐠🐡🦈🐙well, all sorts of other creatures, in the zoo, that was much more expansive enormous and uncontrollable; than I ever imagined! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT THE ISLAND, WAS SO GIGANTIC ‼️
I never had any help, all day! Where were all the spies, family members, ... who popped up, up before Megan's midnight arrival?
I pressed my badge again. "911 Stephanie; Dorothy speaking", she managed, while laughing, hysterically!
"Little girl, I" growled, "were where you, all day"? I don't know know how I got through the day! Why didn't anyone stop me? I need hospitalizations"‼️
"Right Away, Your Highness"! A chorus, of voices, assured me, as an army appeared. I collapsed, immediately.
I was out, for another month. On the 31st day of hospitalization, the staff awakened me. After ensuring that, I was 💯%, they finally let my husband carry me, to our car.
Chapter 14 Horrible Day part 2
As my husband carried me, I heard more and more cat-calls of discordant gales and Thunderstorms, of laughter.
"They kept telling me, not to interfere, with their work. They were taking care of everything. After the third beep, from your health monitor, I came to find you. This place, is one heck of a maze, to navigate, especially when, trap doors keep opening underneath me. I don't know, how many twisted slides, shoots, and rotating floors, trapped me. I never did get anywhere near you. All the while, you were beeping, and hysterical. The others, who were supposed to be our family, closest friends, and bodyguards, were laughing harder and harder, than ever, at both of us. By 10:00 pm, they finally let us get to our room".
"I don't know, why everyone hates us so much. Even though we returned their wagon loads of gold and all, to them, we still give them piles of gold, every day, to make up for everything".
There was a sudden silence, as Stephanie spoke. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the alliteration.)
"Don't worry. I "cleaned house", of those horrible, joking, traitors," Brian responded.
"Sounds like they're still here, all around us."
I said.
When we got to the car, I asked Brian, why we needed to leave the Vitality Castle Mansion. We lived upstairs, from the hospital. (The Vitality hospital, as opposed to the much older one, in Connecticut.)
"I don't want to take any chances, with these people. That day was harrowing". He said as we drove up to our "secret garage". Brian had a secret way of getting to our tower bedroom, which was much closer, than another house, that we could use.
Even though, I knew, that 2 "state-of-the-art, highly sophisticated Lazer, and Klaxon security systems", were activated, especially around my tower, + windows, I knew, something was wrong. I had a creepy feeling when I went to bed. My surveillance cameras showed no trespassers or any sounds, I eventually went to sleep, thinking that some of my family, and I, would be happier, in the new house. Too bad, it wasn't ready yet.
I was dreaming, about the day, when I descended this mountain, for the first time. I was this tiny little thing, in my rags, which I cleaned and hemmed daily. I had thick shoes, which were too small, and somehow, there were all kinds of plants, growing out of sold Rock. I had to step, ever so carefully, as I didn't know, where the thick roots, prickle bushes, and mud were. I couldn't see, as the heavy clouds covered everything. I tripped, and I fell so many times! I'm surprised I didn't break or sprain any part of me. Even though my strange gray armor was scratched severely, I didn't faint or get weak. The one difference, between the dream, and the real thing, was the noise. 2 whopping caterwauls and a lot of screaming hit my ears, as I slept. I realized, that I was sedated again.
When I awoke, I heard Brian's muffled voice. A surly looking "poisoned water, toad - troll man", was unlocking an automobile trunk, to expose me, as I was wrapped, like an egg roll, inside the small area.
To punish, all those responsible, for the 2 Unforgivable acts of treason, I made a Royal Decree. The traitors, responsible for both events, were to go straight to prison, for the rest of their lives. The first set of criminals was still laughing about the horrible day when those jokers made Brian, and my day horrendous, miserable, and scary; The second set of criminals was still scowling, about being caught, after they kidnapped me. A team scaled the tower, broke off the window, sedated me, wrapped me up, brought me down the outside of the tower, and finally, locked me in an automobile's trunk. All the while, 2 sets of Klaxon alarms, were screeching, blaring, and "waking the dead". Yet nobody did anything to stop them, even before they got to the foot of the tower. What happened to the guards?
Despite my proclamation, Brian released the prisoners, five years later. I nearly divorced him, not that it would do anything, except to allow me to live far from him. We still had to work together, at times.
We were living, in what was supposed to be, a secret, secluded spot, where no one could track us, except very few, trusted bodyguards.
Well, that didn't work!
Once again, the same irritable "poisoned water toady trolly", locked me, into, the trunk of his automobile. When I recovered, realizing, that this relative. was the same one, who enjoyed ripping the window off of my former tower, fury engulfed me!
Brian blanched. I threw both of them into prison. After a few months, his mother released him. Another 5 years elapsed from the last kidnapping. Brian, thinking that he had the legal right, released the mad man again. I don't know how many times, I have "cured" him of the reforming of the body, distorting effects, of the industrial waste, yet he still enjoys the adventure, which ultimately leaves me, locked in his automobile's trunk. Once again, Brian had to unwrap his wife.
Rage! Fury! Anger! "I think you're helping these people, to capture me! Also, you probably lied, about people keeping you away from me, when they used subliminal messaging, to send me on all of those wild-goose trips, to take care of sea creatures, and everyone else. You didn't look like a tumbleweed"! I growled at him loudly.
I not only set up a marital separation, but I also formally removed his crown from his head. I also took the fake-fur cape, that he wore, when he traveled. "You do NOT HAVE the right, to release my prisoners‼️
If your mother releases you again, that's her right, for now. She's more qualified, to rule a kingdom than either you or me. If by chance, you are found guilty, of anything, after that, She will be punished too. I don't know if this is responsible, or reasonable. As long as it resonates, it will work, " I informed him, while I carefully put this belongs, in a traveler's trunk.
"Your trial, for suspected treason, surrounding the unanswered pleas for help, will be tonight. You will be in prison, until then. If they find you innocent, you still have prison time, perhaps 4 months, for releasing the same person, who continues to kidnap me, or at least rip off my windows".
I didn't look at his milky-white face anymore. "I don't know why my only friend, extremely remote relative, and husband, hates me. I'm still recovering punishment, for that knuckle sandwich, that I gave you". I said, as I left a big path, of freshly polished, and dusted floor, was behind me, from my clothes, and my translucent, transparent armor.
I heard him crying. I walked back to him. "I know I said, "I will never hurt you again, yet your actions, have gotten me, captured, and injured. I'm not sure about you, for my life partner, anymore".
"I never did anything to hurt you. I never lied to you. You are my soulmate. I don't think it was a criminal offense, to release the prisoners, every five years. We are supposed to be equals, in government. You needed checks and balances". Brian was hurt, yet strong.
"When someone nearly murders your soulmate, he only deserves 5 years, of prison, no matter how many times, he captures me, wraps me tightly like an egg roll, and crams me, into the trunk, so he can lock me in it? Not to mention sedation. He crashed me, down the tower! How did he know, where to find me❓ ‼️
"I see your point, about how the villain, needed to be more severely punished".
"Good. Also, Brian, I'm not the whole court system. You, and everyone else, get properly arrested, with your Miranda Rights, and all, as you go through the court's system, as outlined, in Connecticut, Federal, and Vitality Law. If the court reaches the guilty verdict, the judge, asks the prosecution (victims-champions), or their survivors, for the first sentence. If there isn't anyone to speak for the victims, then, it is up to the judge, to set sequencing sentencing, as far as, that one, sees fit. There are sometimes guidelines, and limits, depending on the crime. As I am the victim or champion, of the crimes, I get to set suggested sentences. Since the jurors, will be unrelated to anybody, in the room, we will have proper court cases."
The jury came up, with the same sentences, that I did, so that was that. I made Royal Proclamations, to ensure, that everyone, even Brian understood, that none of the prisoners, were to be freed, ever. He freed them anyway.
"Within hours, of being kidnapped, I'm waking from sedation, in a car, that smells of gasoline. The aroma, that they give gas, so we notice", I finally finished fighting".
"I understand, how those criminals, should have been kept in prison. I even see that I broke a necessary law when I released them. I had nothing to do, with them. I didn't have anything to do with their plans. I let you choose, who to trust, with the house. Either of us, you or I, could have unknowingly brought that man, to our place. I don't know. We had security guards, and police, who were missing. I moved us so that we would be safe. I never expected any of the attacks! " Brian explained in an excellent exclamation.
As for the court proceedings tonight, I can honestly tell you, that everything I told you, is true. I had a nightmare, scrambling, to reach you, as the floor, kept giving weight, to a slide, or a shoot. The floor sections, also rotated, so that I was suddenly running in the wrong direction, away from you. This place, is jam-packed, with booby traps"!
"Maybe I am paranoid, about you, or maybe I'm right. I will watch the proceedings".
Another Vitality family member, who was also a policewoman, properly arrested the big man, again. "She's lost her mind. I'm innocent, for the attempts on her life," he said, in sadness, and frustration.
"I know, honey. I was overseas when a lot of those "incidents" happened. I could see everything, on my helmet's view screen, as it all happened. I had a split screen, to see what you, and Stephanie, were doing. I got on Stephanie's gigantic airplane, which, is just next to the mountain. I flew it myself, with an army, of people, who can verify everything. Course I took off my computerized helmet, and visor, so I could manage that beast. I'm sorry, we could not get here, any sooner, than that time. For a huge, oversized airplane, that cleans and restores pure air, it moves as fast as a jet. Even so, it seemed to slowly snail its way, to Vitality".
"Thank you for everything! I'm sure we can prove to Steph, that I'm telling the truth, about that day". he said with mixed emotions.
Brian: "Did you happen to find-out, out about how someone knew where to find Stephanie, and me? I was sedated too. The enemy snuck up on me. We were supposed to have foolproof protection. I always seemed to wake up, in time, to catch the bad guy. Course the first time he was hanging halfway inside the room, I was scared. I wasn't expecting that! Stephanie screamed while launching me at the man. I was in really bad shape. Somehow, the hospital cured everything". Brian
Stephanie: "I'm not accusing you, of plotting that first caper. You were naturally scared. You and I trained as soldiers, yet anyone would be hysterically frightened, to find a laughing lunatic, lounging in the window, with his deformed, form. He tore off the window, after all. I was wrong, to hurtle you, at the fellow. I am still recovering, and receiving punishment, for that one". Stephanie
"Well, now, that you know everything, call off all of my imprisonment, and court cases, and let me go home".
"Too late. We still have to go through the process, for the lawsuit, unless the important impartial unrelated judge 'tosses out the case'. Besides, you have broken the law, about releasing prisoners. If you're not the one who was kidnapped, then, leave the criminals in prison!" Stephanie
I had more to say, " In case you're getting any ideas, you don't have the legal right, to speak for me, if I am unable, to communicate, or whatever. My brother, the attorney, has that responsibility, which I spelled out for him". Stephanie
"I'm not interested, in that. It's too hard for me, to do that".Brian
"Ah, yes you did, Brian, when you released the prisoners, who assaulted me. If they assaulted you, then that hurts me. In that case, you cannot free anyone, who also harmed me until I agree". I was hysterical again. I was correct. Stephanie
Our guide, to the throne room, unhand-cuffed Brilliant Brian Brandan, upon entering the Chamber.
When the Judge entered, he sat at his desk. I went to my fancy chair, which was carefully, and tastefully, cushioned for my comfort.
A large screen was placed, where everyone, could see it.
After everything got started, the judge, said, let's just watch the evidence. Then, we will all be able to solve the case, of whether King (unpronounceable name, birthday), lied, about his misadventures, or not".
At the mention of his name, Brian's face changed colors, contorted, and calmed down, again. Only bad memories were associated, with the ancient names, and then the birthday too! Ugh!
I suddenly felt bad for him.
The screen showed me, leaving my room, and heading for the nursery. I took care of 4 tiny infants. Then, I went to the next bedroom. As I came to each child, one decided to be disagreeable, even though they were in luxury, for the first time. They were already awake.
Well, while my life unfolded, my husband's did as well.
How he got through that mad-house, I'll never know. That was dangerous!
As for the people, who were sending subliminal messaging to me, to get me to deal with all of the wildlife, I got a good look at them, along with the ones who used the mansion, as a "puppet. All of the people, who orchestrated this horrible day, against us, are still in the prison. They will never get free.
When the presentation, was finished, the important impartial jury, declared, that I owed Brian a huge apology, for not believing Brian.
The jury, also had a list, of the guilty parties, including the ones, who told Brilliant Brian Brandan, not to come to me.
I was glad, to apologize, to Brian.
During the recess, from court activity, I informed him, "There's still the matter, of how you interrupted some of the prisoners' punishments".
"Fine. I didn't 'sick him on you'".
"Again, they attacked me, too! I was sedated. There's got to be an antidote, for the Tranquilizer. The hospital has amazing healing properties, if you think about it".
"Well, we are here, to find out, how long you will be here, for freeing the kidnappers. While I am hysterical; with high flowing emotions about this, I have also started separation spousal preparations, for divorce, if necessary. We are acting like enemies".
He "thunderstorm", back over to the courtrooms.
I went inside, to resume my thrown. Brian raged silently. His mother asked him, what was wrong. He told her everything. After hearing his laundry list of complaints, she somehow removed my helmet, so she could karate chop, my face. She walked back to her son, who was ashen.
For once, I was glad to be sedated. Ginger got me, right when my Extremely remotely related Aunty Broke my jaw! I didn't feel anything.
When I awoke another month later, my head was bandaged. I couldn't see, or open my mouth. People laughed at me.
Once again, I looked ridiculous. Someone put my helmet and visor on me. I'm told, that the visor was opaque.
Then, I heard the unmistakable footsteps of someone specific.
"I'm so scared! I'm so sorry! I didn't know she would do that! I arrested her, myself. she understood. She's in the prison, awaiting, the next step. The judge, immediately disappeared, only to reappear, in hospital.
I just saw her, having hysteria, while, I was on my way, to see you. She will be fine. That Judge suddenly retired now. I gave her family, some of the 🐰s. (rabbits) for pets. I hope you don't mind.
The doctors say they can miraculously heal your broken jaw. Mom's hand is fine. I don't know how she did it.
I know I'm rambling.
I love you so much, it is devastating, to have you divorce me, especially since I never did anything, to harm you, in any way". Brian
Another month later, I found, that, my head, was, fully functional, without the signs of trauma. My jaw was completely healed. There wasn't anything, unnatural in my mouth, for my jaw. Wow! Nothing else was injured. I could see better, without glasses.