12 Chapter 12 Megan's arrival, and Megan and other people climb my tower, to my bedroom.


Chapter 12 Megan's arrival, and

Megan and other people climb my tower, to my bedroom.

Chapter 12


Megan's arrival, and

Megan and other people climb my tower, to my bedroom.

Even though I delegated authority, and was supposed to supervise, I ended up having to save the day without help. People torched their 911 Stephanie badges. Nobody in the call centers answered the emergencies, so I got all the calls. As I started for the most important destination, I alerted the regular 911 call centers. I also dragged my husband, along for help. While I drove the ambulance, Brian called everyone, who was supposed to work that day. Course, he called several people, who each called several more people. Finally, as I was rushing to my first patient, I got a steady stream, of 911 confirmations. We worked for more of ...: BILLY JOEL "FOR THE LONGEST TIME OOOH AH OOOH AH OOOH AH OOOH " ‼️

I made a global announcement, "When the people, who were late, for their emergency center jobs, finish their current jobs, report to the courtroom, to wait for the police.

I don't know what got into these people.

I collapsed on my bed, once again. I hardly had a chance to look, at Brian, who managed to take a shower. I could just see his handsome face, before I lost consciousness, again.

When I awoke, the sedative syringe was still sticking through my bedding and my ankle.

Another month was lost. Even so, the Vitaliy was running smoothly, without crimes. My finally diligent family was on top of things. For 15 -- 30 years old "idiots" hung from trees, to spy on people! We have cameras, and other means, of knowing, what SANTA knows! Are you behaving yourself, or not? Are you well, or not?

Well, at least Brian caught the mad sedative dispenser. On the other hand, I had to not only remove the syringe, in one piece but, also had to treat the wound myself.

"Someone else should have done all of this as soon as I was stabbed. I don't understand, why... " I just rolled over and cried.

If I hadn't taken care of all of this, no one would. I managed to heal my ankle so that there are no problems or scars.

I was well-rested, so I went back to work. I reviewed the law books, for Vitaliy, Connecticut, and the Federal government as well, to make sure everyone agreed. I Kew Brian and the other Vitaliy King, were working closely, on improving the lives of our subjects, other people, and other life forms.

When I finally went to supper, I was disappointed, that Brian was not available. My folks appeared. I searched for a trapdoor. "How"?

"We found a secret way, of getting to you. I'm not sure what happened. All I know, is that someone was behind us, there was a fog, and presto! Here we are. It's probably a parlor trick".

"Oh. Do you know where C..."

My mother cut me off, with a short: " You promised not to call him that"!

"There you are, Big Boy!" I happily announced as I saw him.

"I'm a fully grown man ", he informed me. I know you like alliteration, and I wish you would consider my request. Please don't belittle me. I learned my lesson, when you, PUNCHED MY FACE "‼️

My mother was ashen and elderly-looking. Lucy restored Mom, to Mom and Dad's room.

My sister came back downstairs, to complain to us. "I wasn't much older than you two, and I was supposed to raise you. I know I did a better job, thantthee way you two treat each other. Speaking of marital abuse, didn't the girls' mother, punch the girls' father, in THE PARENT TRAP staring at Hailey Mills, as the twins, in the movie magic?" I know, someone else, who slapped his wife! I can think of more and more, real family fights. What's wrong with you?" She was getting more and more hysterical, with every word. Dad, materialized, again, so he could carry Lucy away, to the hospital.

While some of our more experienced rulers, took control, or resumed control, of Vitaliy, Brian and I went to the hospital, to learn interpersonal skills, and positive coping skills. While I thought, that I was very good, with everyone, except Brian, the "Hospital" thought that he would be a distraction. How am I going to make peace, with him, if I'm dealing with someone else? Well, whatever. I decided, that I wouldn't fight it. Afterward, I could always get couples therapy, if I still thought, that I needed it. Whatever.

Well, this time, the hospital was much better. Unlike the Vitaliy Hospital Prison, I was free to take a shower on my own. When in Prison, a nurse, with huge, calloused, strong hands, brutally bathes each person, one at a time.

I was greatly relieved, that I could take care of myself. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I could use the program. I stayed there, for a year, like it was an exclusive boarding school, with various classes, challenging games, and exercises. I secretly called my Dad, every day, for an update, on Vitaliy and Word Affairs. Although he was working diligently, and everything was going better, than in his original reign, "Good afternoon, Stephanie, Sunshine, it's good to hear from you", is all he ever said. I want my job back again, so I know what's happening!".

When that was finally finished, I set up a couples therapy series of meetings. Brian and I were able to work on ourselves, and our relationship, quite well. After several months, we went home.

It was beautiful, to walk in the sunset, with Brian. We talked about many things.

When I got to each security checkpoint, I made sure, that everyone was wary, diligent, and alert. I thought that everything was secure, all around the castle, and the mountain.

Well ‼️

My amazing amulet, which could monitor my vital signs, and more, was fully functional.

I kissed my husband, on the forehead, since he was eating something. He knows he's not supposed to eat in bed. I didn't argue, as he wasn't making a mess.

I fell asleep peacefully. The next thing I knew, my sister was climbing into my tower window. I have so many sisters. This was a younger sister, named Megan, not to be confused, with my second-oldest sister Megan. This one is shorter, and sillier, that her elder.

"Hi! may I live with you 2? I don't want to stay, where I have been living. Mom said, to call first. Well, this is not what she meant, yet, it is still calling".

First, I made sure, that she was okay. Second, I checked with her previous guardian. Third, I got Lucy, to help Megan.

Brian was smiling and laughing, the whole time. I was not amused. That was dangerous!

I contacted the guards, who were supposed to be ensuring, that nobody climbed up the tower, to find out, what happened.

Megan wouldn't talk, about how she got to that window. Nobody seemed to know. So much for surveillance equipment, and guards.

Gerr ‼️

The other king got married, with a huge ceremony, to give people jobs, as well as to have innocent fun. Many people got permanent high-paying jobs.

Well, that couple of that island, and this couple of this island, visited our neighborhood.

Almost everyone was related to me. I was the midwife, who helped everyone In the world, who was 11 years younger than and I still had time for everything else. Something doesn't add up, with that!

It was great to see the folks, in their homes. We did all the housework, and Maintenance, for each place, like we used to do.

That reminds me. Way back when I was cowering from the angry people in school, my sister was yelling, about the injustice of all of it. Not only did she detail the same experience I had, minus having a friend, but she also had to raise two kids. She also had to babysit neighbor kids, cats, and dogs. She was loved in their homes, yet they acted like cruel savages, in school. She was screeching. She also did all the housework, and Maintenance.

My relative, who owned the house, looked at me, with concern, as I snapped out of my flashback memory. "You are Lucy's real mother". I said.

Auntie gave me some, fortified water, grape 🍇juice, and a vegan meal.

I worked hard in the various houses that day. Even so, I wasn't tired, until I had the flashback. After eating, I pushed the empty dishes, and glasses to the side. "I'll get it later".

"Don't worry about it dear. You helped us, so much today already".

I noticed that I didn't make any sounds, while I was preoccupied, with my past.

I was starting to fall asleep when I could feel someone lifting me. I glanced at Brian, who was helping me. I closed my eyes. If my husband wants to carry me, that's great. Just as long as he's careful, where he puts his hands.

He helped me into the car. I finally fell asleep.

It was a long ride up to the base of the mountain. Then we took the new elevator, to our floor. Inside the tower, we had more floors to go. As always, when I'm gone, for a while, I checked all of the security points. My amulet worked. Guards were posted everywhere. I made sure, that my tower was secure.

I made some refreshments, for my family. Then, I went to bed. I fell asleep. All of a sudden, there was a tremendous racket. A man, who needed treatment, for water poisoning, was climbing through my window! His bizarre troll/ frog 🐸 face was jubilant! He somehow tore the window and frame, right off of the wall. No one came to help me!! My amulet was summoning the emergency center, as well as the guards! I was screaming! I picked us the phone, to dial the other 911! Finally, someone to help me!

I pulled the curtain, to find Brian white-faced, and staring. I hefted him, at the ogre in the maw of the tower. The people outside, on the ground, caught the intruder, in a tarp.

Brian was in a heap, at the window. White, I made sure, that my husband was okay, Someone thoughtfully replaced the window, with more refinements and precautions.

The next morning, I sought justice. All of the people, who were supposed to prevent the crime, were legally punished according to the Vitaliy Law, which is good.

As for Brian, I didn't know what to do with him.

We found ourselves in the same hospital, for a month.

Once again, Dad and company took care of everything splendidly.