chapter 11 is more drama

I was sedated again. When I awoke, Brian and I were in the kitchen. Someone turned our room, into a hospital, for my poor mother.

No one spoke for a long time. I glanced at Big Boy. "Sorry. I won't hurt you again".

He kissed my forehead. He patted my head.

We were given temporary quarters, white mother recovered, from a long, hard life.

We didn't talk much about ourselves. We had a country to run. Our cousin, already resumed his sovereignty, on the other island, ASAP. He worked with whoever was on the thrown, on "my" island. Well, that was Brian and me. My father coached us when he wasn't busy apologizing to Mom.

I reorganized the different branches of the military. The members, we're glad to have me, train with them. I also cleaned out the hospital. The new crew also enjoyed working with me. I always took turns, with various people, to do their jobs, while they each had a holiday. I guess that's what they liked the most: a day off, from military, or hospital duties. Maid, and Maintenance, all the way to general, and Chief surgeon. 911 Stephanie, at your service!

Well, I had to do anything I could, to find, and heal my family. Now, that we had everyone, I still needed to sharpen my skills, to provide, for, and protect them.

I came home, one day, after finally finishing my refined public service message: An appeal, for anyone to drop off children, who were not wanted, to one of several hospitals throughout the world. No questions, except health history. I also wanted animals, to be safely caught, and safely brought, to the veterinarians. I would adopt some young people, and some animals too. I guess I looked like the Statue of Liberty, with my best clothes, my shiny armor, and my father's crown, properly placed upon my head.

Countless people brought their children to my door, among others. The adults all turned themselves into the authority: Me.

I sat on the thrown, as potential prisoners came, one at a time. This went on again, For The Longest Time Billy Joel.

I sentenced everyone, to the same fate: Psychiatric lock-down hospital; Followed by Language studies - it helps to know more than one language, even your native one, from preschool level to doctor level. They gave up their homes when they committed crimes, so they can go to school, to build their own homes from scratch: Drafting blueprints ,,,,

Then, as for Harming Children: The guilty ones, had to work with a nurse, to find a suitable solution. Everyone's case is different, and we don't want them near anyone, who has been hurt or is vulnerable.

After a little pow-wow, the guilty parties, and their case managers, presented me, with a proposal, for my consideration:

How about, the prisoners build a haven, for the children, and anyone else?

It was a large undertaking, in addition to everything else, that I was doing.

May you be ...: Happy; Healthy; Humorous; Heart Strong; Healed; Heeled; Heeded; Respected; Respectful; Resilient and

L O V E D ‼️

(fire blasters, of Storm8 Story games, still loves you !)

I also acquired a large zoo, to add to the ones we already had, on the islands, and in Connecticut. I had armies, of medical specialists, for each zoo, or hospital, depending on the lifeforms.

I had a full educational system, for everyone, at any level of ...: Age; Education (in a field or grade); Maturity, and more, as needed. There are a lot of different kinds of people, with different needs.

If people were good, law-abiding citizens, they had a luxurious life, in the ever-expanding realm.

While I dealt with the government, Humanity, and other concerns; Big Boy dealt with Economics, Global Issues, and more. He was the mathematics master, so he was in charge of the accounts. He also knew more languages than I did. He could write the legal language, so that was another chore. Course, we delegated responsibilities, to a "sub-governing agency Army", for each type of thing.

After all this time, I'm naming the realm, "Vitaliy".

Since "Vitaliy", is also a sub-unit, of CONNECTICUT, I, Stephanie, can honestly say, "I was born in Connecticut". (There's a birthing room, in the castle mansion.)

Well, what with establishing a lot of "This, That, and The Third ". The family was too "pooped to popcorn" Yes popcorn. We love it!