10 Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! or, Oops! they did it again!

chapter 9

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! or, Oops! they did it again!

Brian and I were in a hotel room, as we contemplated the wild goose chase, of the day. As I'm a different sort of girl, there was a heavy curtain, between the two of us.

Brian decided to watch the news. He couldn't believe it! His side of the family was on TV! They all looked like they were in dire need of treatment, from the poisonous water. What were they doing? A quick trip to the hospital would save their lives. Nothing was more important!.

I pulled the curtains open since I was dressed, and well, he doesn't care. "Stephanie! Can you believe this! We have to go. They need the treatment!"

"One second, Brian Brandan. Turn up the volume".

As it turns out, Brian's parents, and company, wanted his younger brother, to be king!

"I'll do it"! he yelled!

No. It always falls on me.

To late. before I could say "no", he already contacted his dad.

We went to the castle, which was also the mansion. Facepalm! My parents were in the castle part of the building, while Brian and I, were in the mansion part!

Oh, I am really mad. Brian just hugged me. I relaxed. We were quite a ways from the building, when an elderly, and kind-faced couple, approached us. They just appeared, from nowhere. They stopped, about a yard from us. "There you are (my real name, which cannot be translated) and (Brian's name)! she exclaimed

"Well now, we can finally tell you. If you go round the base of the mountain, you will find a door".

I looked at Brian, and then, back to where the couple had been. They were gone. What is with this place?

Brian and I walked around the base of the mountain. Sure enough, there was a door.

I don't know why, yet, the door was hard to open. We went inside. It was a very clean, roomy, and homey cave. I used to mine, years ago! I didn't know where mine was, at the time. Facepalm!

We went past a bathroom. Next, we went into another big room. There on the wall, chained (for my benefit) was my FATHER ‼️

Another face palm had to wait. Brian helped me get "Jimmy, " to the floor. He needed medical help, as the poison water was on the rebound again. I took care of my Dad. Brian assisted me. I carried my Dad, to his bed, to recover. A good doctor always comes prepared. Besides, I was initially planning to treat Brian's side of the family.

Well, we found each of the missing family members, in the same way. I also treated each of them.

They all were dumbfounded, to find out, that they'd been in their basement, the whole time. Every one of us was born in that mansion, in the birthing room.

Twice in my life, I searched for my father, only to find him, in the same house, where I lived! I was livid!😈😡😤😱😨💀👹👺😾🙀

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Oops! We did it again!

All of a sudden, we all started to laugh! Quite a few people came to help, in the rescue.

The place was nicely furnished, luxurious, and whimsical. Each room was suited for its master. They spent most of their time tor, in the family room, or the dining room. The couple waited on them. There was a secret way, for them to get natural sunlight, throughout the basement.

My father [King Jimmy] was angry, that he was chained to a wall, even for a little while. When the others said, "it happened to us, too, " KingJamesVitality-Vitality" was even angrier.

I took a deep breath. Then, everyone was doing their breathing exercises. We hugged each other. When I thought it was safe to move my patients, we got a new surprise.

Now there was a hologram, like Star Wars! It was the former soldier, who became a king.

As he was unable to say, anything, except, "I'm sorry !" a dozen times, we were stumped.

The couple suddenly appeared again. This time, the man gave a speech: Ladies and gentlemen. I know you are wondering, 'What's all this?' and 'Why?'. Well, it is quite a tale".

He took a deep breath. " Some time ago, this young fellow, Eric, went off to war. When he came back home, he found-out, out that this was a dual kingdom, (Vitality) technically, under the government, of Connecticut, 🇺🇸 the USA. You thought, that you could 'single handily run the two islands.

At first, you started quite well. You teamed up, with your predecessors, who were already, a magnificent team. With your involvement, the realm was even better than ever. You maintained your brilliant reign, even after your helpers gave you full control. You lasted for quite some time.

Then, you become paranoid, that someone, would take your job".

{{ King Eric Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire Sole supreme Government Emperor }}

The man gratefully accepted some water, after such a long speech.

The hologram, which was somehow produced with movie magic, was shaking. It stopped moving, so it could speak. "I found a place to isolate, myself, as punishment. I figure, you realize, that this is all my fault". He started to get hysterical, so he snapped off the machine. When the reappeared, he was working to calm himself. "I just took a tranquilizer, so maybe I'll be alright". After a while, he looked relaxed and fatigued. Even so, his voice came out, like a king, politely talking to an aid.

"I was getting paranoid. I pressed a red button, on my desk. I don't know why. Suddenly, this pleasant couple came to the door. I told you, to take (Samuel's unpronounceable name), somewhere, where no one could find him. I just wanted my colleague, to be happy, in luxury. I detailed what I wanted. From what I see on the view screen, you have done an excellent exhilarating extremely extraordinary elegant job.

Well, the same thing happened, to each of the others. I never knew where you took anyone. After the last one, I couldn't keep going. I felt guilty, as I saw, for the first time, what my banishment regime did. I never knew, where you want, after I banished you. I just got sick. I had to leave my job. That's when I went to live upstairs from Stephanie Vitality. I couldn't face you, as you nursed me back to health, mentally and physically. I never told you, that I was remorseful, and responsible, for ruining your own life, as you also sought tirelessly, for our family, at the same time. I could tell that you were teleported mysteriously throughout the space-time continuum dimensional system, systematically.

I even had to spoon-feed you, at times.

I never thought, to press the .button, to rescind, my orders". He whined {{ King Eric Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire}}

👩‍🦰👑 "Rescind", I repeated in a low angry tone. "Some of us were practically homeless, as we were fighting, searching, learning, and taking on dangerous adventures‼️ 👩‍🦰👑

👩‍🦰👑 I am ...: Resentful; Hurt Betrayed; Livid, and Horrified‼️ 👩‍🦰👑

I trusted you‼️ 👩‍🦰👑

I felt so sorry for you‼️ 👩‍🦰👑

"You lied to me!‼️" 👩‍🦰👑

"You Hid The Truth ‼️" 👩‍🦰👑

I helped you, while you were the one who Banished our family?‼️❓ 👩‍🦰👑

👩‍🦰👑Almost All-Purpose, including Warrior, Doctors ... Empress Stephanie Vitality 👩‍🦰👑

(unpronounceable name and birthday) of the Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire

{{ King Eric Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire}}

(unpronounceable name and birthday) of the Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire

{{ King Eric Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire}}

"Yes! Rescind! Take back the commands‼️

I should have asked you to restore everyone, to their homes!‼️

He was historical.

He calmed down, a bit.


I needed to leave. "I'll deal with you, later old man!" I said fiercely, as I spun around, to leave.

What's next?