Food Fights in Elementary Schools

Food Fights in Elementary Schools

I monitor everything in Vitality, one way, or any other way. I expect; the billions of mini me's to work as "Stephanie 911 assistants". They get paid 4 gold bars a day; when they work.

There are only about 4 or 5, people, who "save the day". I would think, that, with all of their training; and benefits; they would want to come to the rescue, or prevent crimes.

Instead, we have plenty of people; who hang out in trees; as though; they are policing the public places. Actually; they seem to have turned into monkeys; who appear to have their language; as they lead carefree and nearly wild lives. They do go home, to posh palaces to bathe, once a day.

As soon as I clean out one tree of "Invisible Human Cameras, and Traps"; as some of them; call themselves; the oversized kids climb back up, into the branches.

A group of 4 teenage boys; had to walk under an oak tree; to get to their school. As they got under the broad branches; weapons were noticeable. Also; a terrible plan was discussed.

Immediately; the would-be terrorists; were pounced; and surrounded; by hardened police officers; who were also cross-trained in all sorts of medical; and fire protection. Each of them, covering one's own home, with the doctorates; of each related profession.

Wait. What?

The volunteer group of authorities, doctors, and fire personnel; were also guerilla warfare fighters; in their military.

When the suspected potential criminals, provided proof, of their intentions; wham‼️Bam‼️Boom‼️

The very well camouflaged combat unit; jumped down; with precision; and stealth. All the weapons were instantly confiscated. The suspected criminals; don't know that.

One or more; of the thwarted planners; each had one or more knives.


Otherwise; nobody was cut; by knives; in the whole event.

This only happened once.

I repeat The whole adventure; only happened one time.

Nobody traveled through time; for any reason. This event; was unique.

When I reviewed the evidence; from ...: everyone's personal all-purpose (all health; communications; cameras ... ) talismans; as well as the public surveillance systems; I knew precisely; what I just told you.

Also; everyone involved; got hurt; in some way; especially; as a few guerrillas; body slammed; the guilty party.

The injured; were; hospitalized on-site; without any Original Vitality Water.

That's the reason why, this whole thing, was an isolated anomaly: It was never manipulated. Here, we have, the only piece of the original space-time thing‼️It was never revised, revisited, redone; or rezoned ... . Nobody left this specific location and section of history; to get to another location; dimension; or time.

ℹ️ℹ️ Wow‼️

ℹ️ℹ️ Carumba‼️

ℹ️ℹ️ It is a miracle‼️

ℹ️ℹ️Esto es un milagro‼️

Well, after the dangerous mission ended; I quickly called for all of them, to be taken to the hospital.

Fortunately; no one was paralyzed; critically injured, or killed.

Something bizarre happened; after all of us left the fateful scene; by regular ordinary automobile transportation: I became a white ball of enraged everything. I don't know how or why that happened. It must have been the water. Something strange, supernatural, and physically paranormal; always happens; when; we touch, even the tiniest part, of that water.

While; I am glad; that the suspected criminals; were stopped; I hate; the guerilla warfare. Especially; because ...: A few of the guerillas; planned to land on their prey. Those knees and spiked combat boots were attached to heavily muscled human bombs. I'm horrified‼️

I awoke 6 months later. I was in the regular hospital.

The SUN form; is not harmful; to anything; or anyone. I can be anywhere.

I had time; to think about these things. ( Or rather, someone named, "Doug", was telling me things; somehow.

I awoke, only, when I was in complete human form. I automatically have my clothes; and my full armor on me; even in the sun state, as, I am a modest person; who is often unceremoniously dumped into danger.

My husband, Brian, cried, next to me; in a convertible reclining chair.

"Hey‼️I'm all right"‼️

I didn't intend to shout. I meant to talk loudly; and soothingly.

Instead, I startled him.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I ... ".

Brian interrupted me, by lunging forward; to hug me. His helmet slid in place; over his head; before; his head could collide; with anything. Either someone has quick reflexes; the water has more powers; or someone fiddled with the ... dimensional ... As always, when, I looked around myself; I was in my room.

5 weeks after that day; I asked Brian; "Whatever happened to the terrible terrorists and the guilty guerrillas"?

"You didn't have to wait this long; to ask that. In fact; that is the first communication; from you; since the day before all of that happened", he was hurt and upset.

"I'm sorry I am not sociable. I was simultaneously tracking a bunch of problems; including that one. A bunch‼️Sorry. I don't know why, I have to monitor everything and everyone; almost all over this Earth; and the galaxy too.

I don't know, how I do anything.

I was working; when that catastrophic everything happened; in and around that Oak Tree. I couldn't get there in time‼️ After that, I couldn't do anything for months. When I awoke; I needed you, and I couldn't speak. I can't get my medicine; unless I'm in complete human form. I wanted to be at my best; when I said or did anything," I finally stopped talking. I was crying. The whole series of events; was problematic. Also, don't think that speech; came out properly.

Brian, don't... . Well, maybe; I should ask him questions; instead of musing, assuming, and judging him.

"Hi, Brian, Honey. Did that speech sound okay?"

"Yeah. You are awesome. It was thoughtful; considering the massive oversized galaxy

temper tantrum explosions; that happened; when; you didn't have access to your medicine," Brian said.

We had a moment together.

"What did I miss; after I sent everyone, to the hospital, for their needs"? I asked him, in another way.

Time played tricks on me. Aña ran into the room. Time reset. She was skipping toward us. fast forward; over various ways, Aña could join Brian and me. She was 5; the first time; she came over; to say something. ... . Skipped over "many more interesting informational interruptions"; due to "fixing an event, by time travel with the ... space-time ... water...

I tend to have to experience; each reenactment; of an event; plus; all of its various variations. Then; my mind is wiped clean. The trouble is; It all comes back to me; whenever; and however; it pleases - not just flashbacks of daydreaming - but; in real life as well. I mean; it happens all over again.

For example; sometime in the future; I will be with Brian; when Aña; will run into the room; to make an announcement. Maybe at that time; she will be able to give that speech. I don't know; how many times; the clock reset; before; Aña; could talk.

Finally; I heard what must have been my voice, from the future,

"Sorry. There are still some glitches; in this system of time and events".

Brian laughed. I don't know why. I didn't say anything; when; I was in the situation.

"The looks on your face; as you deal with the phenomenon; are sped-up; so that; you look ridiculous," Brian finally found a way to speak; between fits of laughter.

"I still don't know what happened, with the tree people, and the suspected criminals," I said.

Brian had a lot to say, about this,

"Well, you would not remember; 20 minutes; before; going unconscious; due to the water therapy.

You got everyone's attention, so that, you could arrest them all, with specific; insults; and specific insults.

As the highest Empress and Highest-ranking Police Chief; you always have your Miranda Rights book, which you used to properly arrest people, in the USA.

You also have a machine from the future, called a DVD recorder; which plays your perfected mean queen speech; from an audio-video, and digital disc.

This is where you ...: list many of the extra ... Vitality ... luxuries; that good person, automatically get in the realm; tell your highly detailed '... excruciatingly horrible childhood story'; which explains why folks get the luxuries. Your speech constantly repeats that 'People are stupid to commit, or plan, crimes. This is because, if someone does something illegally, then one is giving up all one's luxuries; and some of one's rights; including ...: One's freedom, home; and free vegan food and drink,'.

Then, you get into,: 'How the Various Automatic Punishments' Fit Each Crime and Forfeited Luxury, or Good People's Rights,'. You give examples; and extremely detailed definitions.

You called out the armed terrible terrorists, one by one; for each specific felony charge.

You also arrested the guerilla warriors; who purposely landed on the suspected criminals. Never mind about the guerillas' injuries. The ...: gun bomb; gunpowder; and knife toting gangsters; who were injured; due to the falling human bombs; got exonerations; as they were punished enough.

The spry; agile; and 'Ninja type of Quick Tree People, Guerrillas; who worked like acrobats; instead of bombs; were not insulted. You were amazed; and proud, of them. They removed all of the weapons; bombs; and gunpowder; with grace; ease; and dedication.

All the same; you arrested them; for "hanging out" in the trees; after you outlawed the practice; for the 'invisible cameras' or whatever; they called themselves.

In retrospect, you exonerated the good Ninjas.

Almost everyone went to the hospital, to get rest.

As for the human bombs; you didn't think, that they were conscious; during the whole thing. They remained on site, as you viscously, verbally, tore into them; from a 5-foot distance.

You repeated the entire Empress Stephanie performance; over and over again; until; you got it right.

That repetitive turmoil; was all your needed to get the whole thing perfectly done; in one take; like an actress in a movie. An ... extremely ... dramatic ... actress; reliving an ... ugly ... very real ... experience.

We finally got you and everyone else, to the hospital. Mostly; we could set people up in their own homes; if they were exonerated; and not too badly injured.

Everyone has finished getting well; in hospital.

By the way; you exonerated the human bombs; as they were almost dead; by the time you finished your ... extremely ... loud verbal and dramatic exercises," I told you, that Brian had a lot to say.

"In that case, how come nobody pulled me away from the battered people,"? I asked.

"Well; they were okay, until, you got your 2nd wind. You were moving, quickly all around the people. You were dramatically terrorizing, traumatizing, and nearly annihilating all of us. We couldn't do anything; until you stopped on your own. Then, an enormous, blindingly bright star; came shooting down; from the highest point I could see; in the sky. It came right to you; enveloped you, and then it carried you home; to this bed. You stayed in it; for several months.

I have been crying ever since, I found you, on the bed. I went through all sorts of horrible emotions and experiences; with the whole thing. You've been awful. Do you realize; that nobody can understand you; in most situations; especially; when you're angry? Then, I didn't know what was happening to you, while you were enveloped in that star. It wasn't hot.

The only reason, I know, what you were trying to say; is ... "I lived through the same childhood; in which I had to read all of your essays regarding this particular set of issues; in order; to help you govern," Brian has a point. While I don't remember, my ... explosive ... tantrum, from, that time; I do vividly remember previous ... tantrums; that wererereeust like what 🅱 described. My behavior was much worse; than anyone can describe. You have no idea. Now that I have the water's supernatural power; I am a blur of flailing arms; screaming; and descriptive sign language. I must not have had my medicine properly for 3 months before that. With all of the forced time travel; I am not surprised.

My health; and everyone else's; is at stake. I wish; people would stop sending me throughout the broken space-time whatever.

I made sure; that I finally found a way to stay in this reality; without; suddenly; finding myself; in another dimension.

Okay. Your Question, "Why does the chapter title, say, "Food Fights ... "?

My Answer, "The would-be terrorists; were about to sabotage the school; by Starting a normal food fight; and then ... secretly ... strategically ... surreptitiously ... introducing weapons of mass destruction; into the fray.

I asked them, "Why"?

They had this whole thing; about ...: Since the beginning of time ...; several tangents, that related to that theme, for them; each one's own life story; several tangents for those stories; and more complicated explanations; that happened before any of them went to school. That is a very brief synopsis; of the entire speech.

Okay. They talk as much as I do. They also talk like I do.

We need to go back to the behavior school, to recapture, our skills.

"I see. I can follow what you just said, as my brain, works as yours does; and I have a boosted attention span," I informed them.

They all showed, that they were relieved, that, they didn't have to say anything, anymore.

"All the same, is there really, any need for violence"? I asked them.

I got a prompt, resounding, "No".

"Then, does what you just said, have anything, to do, with blowing up, the school, which has protected you, as a building, and a place where you have mostly great learning and fun experiences? Not to mention free vegan food, prepared by yours truly? You almost killed my whole kingdom, and most of the USA eastern coast; with what the Guerrillas recovered from you"‼️ My voice rose; as I reacted to them‼️

They just curled up, into human balls; which was astounding; as none of them were flexible. They were not thin agile intense thinkers. They were just intense thinkers; who didn't have a reason; as to why; they were going to bring on DOOMSDAY‼️

Maybe, they somehow never heard of me; and how I treat Federal Crimes.

Well; I went overboard; to say the least.

To say the least = the "PARTIAL WATER DROP-LET, havering over the very tip-top, of the biggest iceberg, in history" sized remark; doesn't even get close; to the enormous size of my "knee-jerk reactions" to the catastrophic situation.

Wait a minute‼️I did not overreact; to a bunch of kids who almost destroyed half of the known world; as well as all of the dimensions; and the Vitality fractured everything; as well ‼️

They were carrying a bomb; that could slice the earth in half. It could wipe out the half it hit. absolutely nothing. Not even an electron; or a smaller piece of an atom.

I don't know how; I managed the colossal tantrum; that I had. Now, I realize; I didn't react harshly enough‼️


I wonder what was going on, with those people; at every stage; of the whole thing.

How'd they Done That?

(Song which has a couple of chapters, and other references, throughout this book. ... .)

Getting back; to the story; of how we almost got blown up to nothingness :

All over the world, we were all treated, with an even smaller partial drop-let, of ... water ... to only perfectly cure us, of all physical imperfections. No one was duplicated, or subject to

reliving anything.

Before all of that, there were 4 isolated instances; in various countries; of original ordinary food fights. Once I could get to each one; I appeared; as if from nowhere; as an overly brilliant white human-shaped light; with a jeweled crown; on my head. We finally figured out how to attach the crown to my head, and then put on the computerized helmet and visor combination.

In every instance; sudden silence covered the whole room. I waited; a long time. I could see and feel; the foreboding. None of them; ever saw or heard of me.

The first thing, that I did, was easy: in a soft voice, I excused the good, innocent, and troubled children, and adults.

Especially the first time, I had difficulty; with my speech; as it was spontaneous; and new.

I kept interrupting myself; in many ways. Therefore; I had to keep restarting the declaration. It was full of history; that didn't matter; no matter what it was.

Finally; I honed it down; to a simple thing. I named the people; who would clean up the various sections of the room; which were all equally dreadful. They had to work in the cafeteria, every day, for the rest of their lives. Each person would rotate through each job.

Nobody would get paid; for replacing the school staff. The destruction, and ... was epic.

The guilty students had to get outside jobs, ...: to pay the regular cafeteria workers for various reasons; including replacing the specially made lunch food and treats; that students turned into a blizzard of heavy whipping cream and unwelcome surprises...

The jobs also paid for the cafeteria workers' salaries, benefits, and retirements forevermore.

Also; the cafeterias; and the innocent people; were terrorized; and or damaged.

Each cafeteria had lots of decorations; which were ruined. Plus; windows were broken; someone always turned on a few fans; so that it was incredibly windy. People fell.

The perpetrators; made sure; that the scenes of the crimes; were immaculate. They paid for the cleaning supplies; and they did all of the work; themselves. They paid for everyone to get cleaned up. The food-fighting girls, treated the innocent females, to periodic full days at the spas; for everything. The food-fighting boys; treated the innocent males; with the equivalent of hygiene; pampering; massage; and all, for them. Whatever was appropriate, for the innocent independent individuals.

As Peter ... said, in part of his interview, " It was like a swirling blizzard, of heavy whipped cream, and other nasty surprises. I never meant for anything like that. I mean, I didn't plan it. I didn't start it either. uh, well, I heard certain boys, and a girl, from other grades, discussing it; as soon as they got to the school. I'm the hall monitor. I'm supposed to spy on everyone, to help the undercover guards and the faculty.

Sorry. I guess I got off-topic, but, there are a lot of people, asking me questions, and I don't want to be rude.

One person, at a time, please.

When I first heard the discussion, about starting a food fight; I tapped my talisman.

Oh. This is important. Stephanie came to our town; a few years ago; to introduce herself; and to tell us about her harsh childhood, with the rags; and all of that. Anyway; her sisters; gave speeches; while Stephanie put each talisman on us; like we all got 1st place; in the Olympics.

These are cameras, something that's called, or will be called, a cell phone; in the future; and other stuff; all in this solid gold locket; with my face carved into it. Sorry. I have to skip over more interesting information about the talismans.

Well, okay. let me start again. 1st, this new royal administration, comes; to visit us; with these multiple purpose lockets.

2nd, royal members come and go.

3rd. One day, Stephanie stopped an unusual blizzard of a food fight. She was a blindingly bright white star, with a lot to say. As this wasn't the first food fight; she stopped; her speech was succinct. She softly named the innocent people; whose talismans recorded everything, that they were doing. Those people were excused. Next, Stephanie listed certain people responsible; for planning the fight. Again; their talismans gave them away. Also, I reported them; by way of my talisman.

I tried to tell them; not to go through with it. They ignored me. When it was time to start the fight; I was already tied to a pole; in the café; where they didn't think anyone, would find me.

There's a location identification device; on the pole. Besides; I have more than one salesman. Stephanie gives us all a new one; every time we get a haircut; or a scratch; as if our faces are drastically different; and our old looks are unrecoverable.

In other words, Stephanie had surveillance devices everywhere; mentoring everything conceivable or in action. Again, I need to skip over some details.

Well, anyway, I guess, I wasn't untied, because, nobody could safely get to me, yet. I was the first one, who was "free" to go. No one else could leave either, until; the bad people started to clean out paths as ingenuously, as possible.

They had to get to their assigned work areas. They had to efficiently high tail it to the locker rooms, to get themselves ready. They endured cat calls. I could hear their miseries; throughout the building; as again; we all have about 50 little electronic bugs; that tell all about the heart; lungs; and more.

Not to mention; the open PA system. I don't know what PA stands for at all.

I noted, that the freshly showered spring wear clad kids; walked to the stores; which were all suddenly 6 miles away; in every direction.

They had to go to their folk's jobs; to first, explain in detail; why they needed to borrow a ton of money; and then wait anxiously; for the money. They were all surprised; to have to go to the parents' bosses. This meant going to all of these people; one at a time ...: First, ___, had to go to see our Dad; in the next city. Dad; and the whole gang of workers; customers; and nosey bystanders; listened; asked what seemed like a million questions, and then stepped aside; to pretend to discuss everything. Then; Dad went over to ___; just to stare at him. No daggers. Just a serious stare.

After that, Dad said, "Well, I don't have that kind of money; to clean and to restore the ancient hundred-year-old tapestries; and environmental things; that were brought out for a special occasion; to CELEBRATE you clean-cut, nice kids.

Frankly, I'm appalled. My son. Did you start all of this? It was your idea? You were the leader? Did you tie your brother to a pole?

As he's much older than you are, he's helped us to raise you, every step of the way. He always carried you; as; your Mom; had a bad back; from her pregnancy with you. I was born without an arm. Even though I had some magic water; and I have a perfectly good new arm and everything; all-natural; and better than my other arm; I forget I have it.

Peter changed your diapers. He dressed you, in smart boys' clothes. He stood up for you; when nobody else understood you. I can go on for more exciting examples. Peter always made sure, that you got the best of everything. He also brought your homework to you; when you were grounded; or sick.

Well, you sure burnt your bridges today.

You are grounded; except for Stephanie's demands on you; which have not started yet.

You still have to explain all of this; to your Mom; all of your grandparents; and as many of our close personal friends family and strangers; as we can find; one major person at a time; with an audience; so that nobody murders you.

Also; you have to put together a real "song and dance" extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited everything perfectly elegant proposal and all. You need him; to finance your retributions, and you need to pay him back DOUBLE TIME ‼️ That means; if you need $ 4,000 to clean, fix restore, or replace items from the school; you will need an Academy Award Winning Presentation; just to get the contracted loan. You have to show; that you can pay him back; TWICE as much as he gives you, in the first place. That's $ 8,000 from your pocket; that you will EARN all by yourself.

You will do all of the household chores; until you leave me; that is OUR house. I will not send you to university, college, or anything.

You will not get any allowance.

We will not take you on family trips this year.

As always, only, Peter, and the ones you hurt; annoyed; or damaged, can take away your punishments.

This includes the inanimate objects, which cannot speak for themselves. A lot of people are and will be horrified about all of this.

A lot of people are very disappointed in you. We were going to get some pets, and have adventures. You won't be able to go on adventures. The pets will be kept away from you.

No. You can raise the pets; as long as you are on your best behavior.

One of Stephanie's demands for everyone, who steps out of line; is mandatory hospitalizations; while building your own homes; among other things.

It was especially cold that day.

Everyone, all of the bad guys; froze, while going through all of this; while everyone else wore lovely warm fake furs and other fake animal clothing with accessories; provided by Stephanie; of course.

Now, everything was done one bad guy at a time; so I didn't have to miss anything. I could use one locket TV at a time. The Talismans were TVs, too.

Now, someone played with the time. Those of us; who were innocent; only endured the fight, the 1st part of Stephanie's announcements; and the aftermath, for a quick fraction of a second.

Stephanie says, "In the future, a new Star Trek show, called, 'Voyager' will use this measure of time. Someone named, 'Seven' will call it a nanosecond,". I can watch it when I get home. Stephanie knows how to do that.

Anyway, this is a lot. I'm sorry I interrupted myself again.

Well, as everybody heard ___ and Dad; Each of the adults; treated the bad guys in the same way; as Dad treated ___. I turned off the videos; or live telecasts; when I saw enough. Again, it wasn't longer than a regular blink of an eye; for the innocent people.

I don't know; "How'd they Do That" anyway.

There is a song I just mentioned. Stephanie, please, stop talking about my interview answers.

Yes. thank you for apologizing.

Okay. Well, while I was suspended in time,..?

Yes, Stephanie, I know. Olivia Newton-John sang that, for a movie, called, "XANADU", around 1980. Gene Kelly's last movie. It was a musical; that you enjoyed. Got it.

Please, 'your fast forwardness'.

Fast forward again.

My brother, and his gang, managed to borrow the money. They all were ridiculous as they; did all of this; respectfully; and exactly like my Dad said; to do it. The kids; were freshly showered; in gym clothes; and trying not to freeze to death; as everybody else was dressed so warmly.

Also, the boys and girls had to walk everywhere; they went.

It was a long time for them. Stores closed. Their supplies were unavailable. Their people gave them more "third degrees", and constantly repeated themselves; Dad; and each other.

To me, the kids returned to the café; as soon as they left it. How'd they Done That?

(Yes, Stephanie, we discussed that song. Well, we'll do it justice later.)

It seemed like time sped up; as the workers; cleaned the entire place; and finally freed us all.

___ untied me himself. He was the one who arrogantly tied me up in the first place.

(Yes, thank you, Stephanie. I am glad you like the adverb. Please, save all congratulations; interesting information; interruptions; and all; until later. Write it down, for yourself. You won't miss anything. You can always listen to this later.)

I'm sorry I can't help it. Stephanie seems to need to say something. I don't want to be rude.

Let's see. Ah, okay. We were finally freed.

We were taken down to the locker rooms; by way of; ' ___ and the company's newly cleaned passageways.

(Yes, Stephanie, I could have said "hallways". We will talk, after you let me finish this elongated interview.)

We got ourselves all showered. Our families; came; with fresh clean clothes; for all of the innocent people.

need to go back, a minute. While my little brother; untied me; I noticed; that he was crying. I tapped one of his talismans. They all came open. The one sticking up, from his head, like a weird telescope; showed; how one of our grandmothers; beat him to a pulp. He would have died; if grandpa hadn't intervened; as soon as he got home.

___ got a nanosecond size drop of water; which was enough to save his life, yet not enough to get rid of the swelling about the head. I gave him more magical water; as I washed his face; with my hands.

Stephanie said; that the grandmother; who beat up ___, would pay the money; that ___, owed Dad's boss.

I just hugged my brother. He wasn't duplicated. For some reason; the water makes real people, which, are just like, whomsoever it touches.

On behalf of everything and everyone; I exonerated my brother.

Nobody else was clobbered.

The other food fighters; had to keep their punishments.

Dad did say, that Stephanie, had more remands; for the bad guys. For example,

All of those essays; with as many highly detailed topics; as Stephanie; and everyone else; could come up with; and still get A++, from graduation level harsh University English teachers; which are still being re-written; are causing people to cry all night long.

Okay. I'm finally finished.

You can talk now, Stephanie, and Doug too. Doug is somehow related to Stephanie. He is also a time traveler; who "helps" to narrate history.

Okay. Okay. You are taking over, for Stephanie.

She just said that she's dropping the essays. Certain things were accomplished: important questions were answered; important apologies were made, and apparently; everyone suffered enough. A lot of the provisions for the essays; were unnecessary for the common theme; for each of them. As such: the writings were rejected by the editors.

That is an awful mess.

Stephanie did not intend; to be cruel. All punishments are dropped now.

One last thing; right after the food fight abruptly finished; everyone was hospitalized; whether they had anything to do with the whole thing; or not. For most; it was a fun holiday or a banana fun vacation.

For the bad guys; it was all work. They had behavior management; closes essays; and other education; as they needed to learn how to create their own homes.

If you forfeit your house; by committing a crime; you must make a new home for yourself. There's a whole educational system for that. Plus, everyone gets to watch you, when you draw up the plans; put the place together; and almost everything. We don't watch people, as they enter the bathroom. Therefore, we have other surveillance; to keep people honest; and healthy.

We will have you use a different bathroom; until your house is finished. There's no way to escape; anyway. The homes; are conveniently set underneath the castle; with easy access; for rescuers; or as needed; to the deceptively "outdoors commons" area, which has a solar roof; as well as filtered actual sunlight; from above the castle.

The island; is a magical structure that floats on the Atlantic Ocean. There's a dangerous man-made wall; that goes up; all around the inmate's use while he or she is imprisoned. Once the person is released; one may stay in that place. The dangerous wall comes down anyway. A special tunnel can be made; to the island surface; and to Connecticut; as well. There will always be a host of tunnels, that spider web; to all sorts of places, in and around the island and the common areas of the castle.

Now, let Doug talk directly to you," Peter finally finished. (His brother's name, appears as ___, since, he was exonerated.)

The narrator named Doug, asks forfor mStephanie's place, for the rest of this chapter.

Hi folks. I just want to remind you, that a bunch of us became supernatural, and paranormal, once we first touched the Vitality water. Stephanie has an annoyingly long title for it; that always changes.

Well, this water got contaminated. We found out, that we could go back in time; to fetch the pure Vitality water; so that we could fix or prevent events. Well, everything backfired on us. We damaged the Space-time dimensional Temporal continuum, or whatever, Stephanie, and "Star Trek: Voyager"; call the thing; that used to go one way in time, and didn't have a way to get to other realities or places or any other measurement of anything.

ph-hoo-oo. That was hard to say. It probably doesn't make any sense. I'm sorry I helped to ruin and to dismantle; a natural phenomenon; that used to be predictable, and seemed to follow strict rules.

I am taking a long time, as everybody else does.

The reason, that, we have things from the future; that just appear on the ground; or fall through the sky; is that some of us poked holes; in the "fabric of time". Every time I appeared in the wrong place and date I set off a chain reaction; of alternate realities. These realities are new histories, and new futures to navigate. There's a lot of confusion now, with an explosive electric knot of all sorts of time measurements in every direction possible. We used to have; just one road to the future. It had ... one global past; one global present and one global future.

That accounts; for the discrepancies in time; as well as the strange placement of buildings; and other things. The water is a wishing well. I don't know how many people wished for things; or took it upon themselves; to change the land, sea, events, and more.

Good Night.