Why do people look like a combination, of frogs, and Boss Nass, of Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Why do people look like a combination, of frogs, and Boss Nass, of Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace?

When the ... Fountain of Youth, ... Vitality River ... was completely contaminated, with corrosive frothy Industrial Waste; people drank the water, as it looked deceptively purified.

Since they already bathed, in the Fountain, before, the poisoning, the people survived. They just looked like large, fat, squat, and amphibious, Frog humanoids.

All they needed, was a bath, in the Fountains water; which; one could do. How? Once a person bathes, in the never polluted river; one can travel anywhere, and to any time; instantly. The water, has the power, to manipulate, the space-time dimensional, continuum, system; which; is supposed to be one way; to the future.

The people, animals, other life forms, and minerals; can become perfect stars, at the actual size, of the sun. They can shrink down to microscopic sizes, as well. In between, they can become perfect examples, of their original species, or mineral. A baby, born with-out a leg; will now have 2 perfect legs, with the respective knees, ankles, feet, and toes.

A tiny toothpick, will grow into a full-fledged fully grown tree.


Why do people's faces, and or bodies; "go all Professor Clump Vs. Buddy Love"; with the strange, bubbles, transforming, and all?🙎🏿‍♂️

ANSWER, from the "Founder"

Elementary, my dear Watson" (Trying to sound like Sherlock Holmes):

Well, we Sunshiny-super-duper-heroes ... .


Empress Stephanie:

"YOU ARE NOT ‼️‼️"

Founder said sheepishly, and in fear. He lowered his head.

"Well, I AM shiny"


The Nutty Professor

An incredibly nice teacher; who struggles with severe obesity (Way to fat, for his health, let alone, fitting in, with society) ; drinks his own laboratory concoction (science experiment), to "release the skinny man, who is tapped; under tons of blubber". This has crazy unforseen side-effects; like all other scientists, who drink some home-made potion: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ; The Incredible Hulk ; Spider-man - was bitten, after a spider got into the potion ; The Invisible Man ; (Please, let me know, if you have more examples).

Eddie Murphy, as Professor Clump; tries to regain; his fat form; from his alter ego, Buddy Love; (also played by Eddie Murphy, as Murphy really looks, without the fat suit) "

- The Nutty Professor : Starring Eddie Murphy : as many of his family members; and Jada Pinkett Smith; is from the comic genius: Jerry Lewis, who starred in a movie.