Olson nutshell

Olson Story, in a nutshell

Remember, the newspaper article, about the Olson's Bizarre day?

let's put it in a nutshell.


Janice was in her garden, when Archie bulldozed most of the Olson property, including the Nathaniel Hawthorne Hawthorns fence, and gate.


Archie, just came from the Eye Doctor, so he was nearly blind.

3. Archie didn't know, what happened, so he was happily talking to Mrs. Olson.

4. Janice Olson, was on a silent rage, as she was bombarded, with everything, that, was in Archie's way. That's some automobile‼️

5. 911 responders came.

6. A man, who drank, from the pre- contaminated fountain of youth came.

7. The Space-time continuum was disrupted, when, the New man, went back and forth, in time, to get enough water, to help the Olson's Estate.

8. The savior, who was pure sunshine ; poured-out the rejuvenating water; so many times, that The Olsons, had an Empire, of their own. It was a paradise.

9. The couple's fancy realm, was suddenly, so many times bigger, than, the actual island, yet, the Paradise fit, on the solid ground.

If you remember, everyone, on the grounds, was bathed, in the Fountain of Youth water, which is so powerful, that it puts people in a comatose state ; while the whole being ; becomes perfect.

A hospital, was established, in the palace, to accommodate, everyone, as they still had to breathe, and receive nourishment. Not to mention, hygiene, and preventing bedsores, and blood clots.



When Especially Ecstatic Emotional Empress Janice, awake, months later, she really was established, invigorated, and everything else.

She was giddy gaddy, as she started her new morning 🌅 routine. Janice was wearing, a nice, new Sunday Sun dress, which, really looked fancy and fantastic, with her youthfully glowing, and somewhat muscular self.

Jason, was already up, for the day. He was even more handsome, than ever ‼️

With ... : perfect posture ‼️ apparently soft and smooth looking skin ‼️ no scars ‼️ He looked like a much younger ; fun loving man ; who never had any hardship ; or injury.

Jason smiled, and laughed, as his wife, fluttered around, in her fancy flounces. When she stopped, to gawk, at him, he felt uneasy.

As, Janice realized, that, she was rude, to stare, she quickly stopped. Feeling badly, she said,

"I'm sorry. I didn't intend to be discourteous. It's just, that, you are perfect‼️ You are not tightly wrapped, with scars, fatigue, and age"‼️Janice, was happily explaining, after apologizing.

"I didn't know, you were worried, about me. The wrong sun rays, will burn the skin, and then, the skin, gets leathery, like a deer's skin.

I also had to deal with brutal bullies, for a long time," pause, huge sigh.

Janice thew her arms around him. "You never told me, that". She was a little bit high pitched, and worried.

"Oh, who wants to worry, my wife? Besides, as soon as my dad saw me, he ripped into those people. They're still in the hospital, with permanent injuries. Actually, I think they beat each other up, for no good reason".

Janice, started to puke. "You are full of yourself. As if, anyone, would ... ".

Jason and Janice, went to the emergency room, in their palace ; as her sudden illness, seemed suspect, and suspicious.

It turns out, that, it was a reaction, to the Fountain of Youth. Some of the little team members, don't like, to be swallowed. That makes sense. Right💚❓❓⚜️

Well, that's all for now. I will fix some other clarifications, later