40 Fountain of Youth The Vitality River, before, it was poisoned


40 Fountain of Youth

The Vitality River, before, it was poisoned

An action included, incredibly interesting Informational influential Intriguing inspired, input interview, with the actual ancestors, who are the space-time continuum manipulators, marvelous marvels, who mysteriously mystically, mythically mindlessly musically altered history, with many good bad and Ugly results.


I never would've believed it. I still think I dreamt that. I saw something, that answered everything, about one of the biggest unsolved mysteries, of my lifetime.

Just like in the movies, we were suddenly suspended, in blue air, somewhere, where, I don't know.

A horizontal cyclone 🌪(like this, only, it was lying, on its side), appeared out of nowhere. Wow! Was that louder, and louder, than anything, I ever heard. The swirling winds, went into tighter circles, as they became, faster-than-light. Then, the opening, slowly started to slow down, to shimmering snails' pace. It hovered in space-time continuum, for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly, a giant hand, gripped the outer edge, from the inside, of the swirling vortex. The giant leaped though the opening, faster-than-light.

Oh my! Fortunately, for me, my Virgin, Vitality eyes, were not faster-than-light. I couldn't see him at all, save for an intense flash of light, as, for a nanosecond, he was a sun-shiny shimmering, brilliant, blurry, translucent, transparent naked form. Oh goodness!

His clothing, instantaneously and miraculously adorned, his seriously muscle toned body.

▶ (Once  again, I get to witness, the  results, of our  mysteriously, mystical magical moments a new, as we have a repeat  performance)


As you might guess, this is also what shocked (Emperor Brian ↔Brandan, my  husband)

👱‍♂🀎🏌👑🅱🙀💥. He let out an awesome angry, anguished, silenced scream, as he was jolted, and horrified. He was   PETRIFIED   as a strange statue .🀎🏌👱‍♂🙀◀

Once the too bright 🌞sun-like enormous human form, wore clothing, he slowly became less bright. He also shrunk, to human size.

Now, that I could see him, perfectly well, WE ALL recognized him‌

Shirley Vitality lunged so hardly, at him, that she knocked him down, to the Earth, below us.

(This first sun-man, disintegrated into smaller than dust, nano size. Someone went back in time, to fetch The Vitality River ... Fountain of Youth ; to pour it ever the dust, which was falling, faster, than warp, or light speed. Sonic‌

The water, absolutely bathed every single microscopic particle, of the Sun-Man.

This in turn, restored him, back to the sunshine form.

Someone anonymously summoned me, to catch him, in a huge Vitality armor blanket sandwich trampoline, which sent him, back to the strange "Heavens", where Brian, Uncle Henry, and Auntie Shirley, were waiting.

Other paranormal, supernatural and suspicious looking human shaped sun - bright shapes, each of a different color, also raced through the cyclone, to us, right after the first one did.

I missed the transformations, as,

It took "For the Longest Time", for me to get back, from, rescuing my apparent "Tesseract master", who ... : Fowled-up,

the 'Vitality Realm Islands Empire' ; (And other places), with some types of "time-machine-like", space-time continuum, dimensional manipulation activities.

By the time, I returned to the "Heavens", most of the luminous luminescent life forms, were standing, like regular people, except for the feet, which were covered, by rolling, "fluffy" looking clouds.

The others, formed an ever shimmering sun-bright wall, of various colors.

Everyone, was dressed, even, if we couldn't see them, with the blindingly harsh lights, within a nanosecond, of rushing, or hurtling through, the "Star Gate". (A movie, about visiting another world altogether. James Spader, and other big stars.)

When everyone else was assembled in the vast light-blue void, of sky, and clouds, the first Astonishing Astute Astoria Ancestor, Asked, "Great Great Great ❎🔟°❗" {some kind of math code,

<>that I will look-up later. "10!" means a gigantic number} WHY DOESN'T HE JUST SAY INFINITY❓

"My (enormous number, of) greats daughter, Shirley Vitality, why did you hit me?" Our seemingly immortal and extremely ancient relative, asked, in the booming voice of a 35 year old man, with a built-in megaphone.

🀬🀬👩‍🊳🀬😡👿👿😮😲😱😩😚😧☹😮😫😩😀😠🀬💀🙀👹👺 SHIRLEY VITALITY

ℹℹHOW COULD YOU❓⁉‌

You ruined everything!

You nearly killed everyone!

You destroyed the entire temporal space-time dimensional continuum!

You desecrated my son's brains!

You annihilated my reputation!

You Framed Me!


You destornillador!

masculine noun.

de fusil] hammer. Mexico) (= destornillador) screwdriver.


(playing with space-time continuum dimensions, so that one can go instantly, from Earth, to Saturn)

(👩🏌‍🊳 Shirley was instantly interrupted)

The Ancestor God


I understand, your anger. You, just said, "I wish, that I could have given birth, at the same time, as Stephanie's mother. That way, our kids, could grow up together, in a ..." .

👩‍🊳Shirley Vitality

"I wish that, I could have given birth, at the same time, as Stephanie's mother, so that our happy, healthy, and fun-loving children, could grow up, together, in a rich, and heavenly, home. Henry and I are healthy, and we can take care of both of them. Stephanie, wouldn't be lonely, or sad". 👩‍🊳

👩‍🊳 What happened to that?👩‍🊳

How did you change history?👩‍🊳

Why, did you do it?👩‍🊳

Why didn't you stop, when things were fine? 👩‍🊳We were healthy, with 2 babies, and Laura, too. 👚‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍🊱

👟Another one, who still was green, and glowing, said, "Pardon me, your highness. We haven't met. I'm (unpronounceable, Vitality of unpronounceable birthdate),

or Brooklyn Robarts, originally, of Brooklyn NY. I am actually, the Co-founder, of the Vitality Islands Realm Empire. My friend, Stephanie, is actually your niece.


👩‍🊰Stephanie Blasted‌




Well, we found out, that we could do anything, that we wanted, to do, before, the water was poisoned.

When the water was poisoned, we thought, that we could have protected the water, or prevented, it from getting poisoned, in the first place.

While we were planning, what to do, and learning, how to do it, your relative, here, said, basically, what you just said, Your Highness, Shirley." Founder👟💚 {Author's complaint, about emojis. ... :

(Well, there was this incredibly intense important green emoji, on my other phone. Instead, there's a purple octopus, on this other phone. Why aren't the emojis the same, on each device?)}

👩‍🊳Shirley interrupted.

I got a tranquilizer shot. Good Night‌


end of chapter 31

34 Fountain of Youth

The Vitality River, before, it was poisoned

Supposedly, a certain pair of friends, were the first two people who came to the islands, "next" to Connecticut, USA.

When these people, arrived, they naturally, needed to drink, from the glowing, clear, extraordinarily, excellent, exhilarating, electrical, elemental, exonerating, exuberantly flowing, colorful, multipurpose, multi-hued (many colors), living elementary and completely composed completely orchestrated miraculously mysterious mystical marvelous liquid life, of love, and potential.

People who drank the water, were entranced, enthroned, embodied embedded everlastingly. Energetic energy, enthusiasm, and everything enthralled excellently excited excellencies. Empress, Emperor, emissaries embarked on endless adventurers animatedly. Incredibly Immediately impeccable

Impressed Important Impartial Immortal imbibed imbued individuals, had different reactions to the perfect cure

perfect Sunlight-People !


The river, seems to be made up, of so many different things, as well as actual giddy gaddy life forms.

There are bubbles, of various sizes, and colors, which frolic around, in a zany dance.

Other spots show, the pure sunlight, which is forever eliminating all waste, and all other contamination.

This restoring ; rejuvenating ; revitalizing ; really relaxing ; Renovating ; regrowing ; reforming ; refreshing ; harmoniously elegant or sometimes playful mixture, of electrical energy, and other elements, transform anyone, into an important impartial immortal being.

Pour this, on the dust, of a former living being.

Incredibly Innocently, ingenuously, innocuously, more- than- restores the individual, to life.

When the founders, (can't remember his name, Robards, think, and I ... .)




HOW ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌





HOW ‌❓❓👁👁💣💥👟👺👹👻☠💀😡👿🀬😱😭‌‌❓❓😀😠🀮🀧🥶🥵🀢🊁🔥🊁🌪⚡⛈

DID ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


I ‌❓❓

Wait ! What ! ? Where ? ! !

How can I be a founder, who drank from the River, centuries ago ; and still have this rotten life?

What Happened 💣‌


💣💥👟👺👹🔥⛈🌋🏜♚⛈👻☠❓❓‌‌😭😱🀬👿😡💀👩‍🊰⛈🌡😀😀😠😭⛈👺👟🀮🀧⛈⛈⚡🌪🔥🊁🌋🀢🗻🥵🥶🌋🔥👿🌋🌩🌚🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🟀⚫⚪⚫🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠(facial colors)

The Founders Found Freshening Fortitude Fountain of Youth

When the man, and the woman ; first come to the Islands ; they had to drink, the exotic water.

It was definitely a dreamy blend of benefiting delicacies; delicious and delightful.

The people, started to glow, more and more brightly, than, the moon, until, the duo, were 2 stars, hovering, over the river, itself.

The stars grew into huge, double-giant-sized anatomically correct, Muscular Sun-People, who didn't have anything, except pure light, "where the bathing-suit goes". That is, until, they shrunk, all the way, back to their normal size.

These two, were each restored, to a younger age. Not only that‌‌‌

1. Both of them, were completely healthy, without any signs of trauma. Everything, was fresh, natural, and PERFECT.

2. Their teeth, were all brand-new, without, any hardware, like fillings.

3. No more scoliosis, arthritis, high blood pressure, or anything else.

4. The man's extra toe, was gone. There weren't any signs, that it ever existed.

5. Neither one, needed glasses, or eye- surgery, afterwards, at all.

6. Some strange misshapen bone, was replaced, with a properly shaped bone, in one of their hands.

7. Also, something, that was missing, was suddenly in the body, doing its job, splendidly.

Okay, that piece, about me, came back to my memories.

When the male founder, came to talk to us, he told us "mortals", all about the River, and what it could do, for people, animals, plants, air ... .

He also, said, that I, was his friend, the other founder.

I was so amazingly angry!

Why, did I have to go through this evil childhood, when, he got to be a Supported Supposed Supernatural paranormal phantom phenomenon?

He's like Brian. They give me all the work to do, while I'm in rags‌⛈🌟🌡🌩🌫⚡🌪☠💀😡👿🀬💣😱😭👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁🌋💣🌚🌩🌡⛈♚🔥⚡🌊🏜🀬🗻⚪🀬⚫💣🟀🌪🔥🀬💣🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🔎⛈🌊⛄🌪🌀🔥💣

The two of them, punished me, for everything, as well.

I really hate them🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🔥🌀🟠🌀🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🌫🌩🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🌟🌡⚫⚪🔎🌚⛈♚🏜🗻👻👹👺👟💥💣👁🌋⚫

WAIT ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


HOW ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌

COULD ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


YOU ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣






That's one thing, that, I can't comprehend. I have no memory of that other life, whatever.

I know, I would never, volunteer, to be reincarnated, at all.

Especially, not like this, with a horrendously demanding and malnourished childhood experience.

8 Temporarily Blinded Former Army General Bulldozes The Olson's Estate

Chapter 8

Vitality Family Realm Islands EMPIRE, Connecticut, USA 🇺🇞


🀩Temporarily Blinded, Former Army General Bulldozes The Olson's Estate 🀬😱😈‌

Janice Olson, a "relatively new", lady, was out in her garden, when, (Former) General Archie Sloan-Vitality, causally drove his ancient, vintage, six-time refurbished, forest green Army "Hummer" All Terrain Tank Vitality Victory Vehicle, straight through, Jason and Janice's "Fancy" Hawthorne Fence, which was made, in a specific specific especially, customized, original, way, that could never be duplicated. Did I mention, that they LOVED IT❓

The fat, old, careless man, jumped-out of the crude He-Man Sized Hole, where the "shotgun" side door, of his misshapen, misshapen, monstrous monstrosity, of a wide, long, roomy, luxurious inside, tin-can,) automobile, automatically, upon, stopping the rumble tumble crumbeler.

Even Though, his Vital Vitality Victory Vision, was keen, and he was astute (smarter and sharper than a physics teacher, who decided to teach computer technology), General Archie Sloan-Vitality, didn't notice, that Janice May Campbell Olson, was constantly changing colors, from 😡😈👿👹(👟my funny green guy, who looks like a dewdrop, with ears, paws, a black nose, and black grin, is on this V60Thinq Att&T phone, where as, the same emoji, comes out as a weird purple,🐙octopus, with tentacles, seemingly coming out out of its head.)

In Plain words ... :

Janice was gardening, when Archie plowed though, the beloved intricate fence, with his crazy automobile.

He hopped out of his "Hummer", as soon as he parked it, halfway through the woodshed, with Jason's carefully cut, and stacked firewood.

Everything, in Archie's path, was a shambles, of disintegrated, or splintered wood, churned-up ground, flying This That and The Third, thing, as well.

Janice, and her whole backyard, were, showered { assailed, assailed, sprayed, splashed, swathed, swatted, spewed, Splutter, Splurged, splatter ( splash with a sticky or viscous liquid. "a passing cart rolled by, splattering him with mud") soaked, slammed, slapped, stained, salvo stormed}, with everything, in a 6 foot wide, 4 foot deep scoop, of Earth, Wood, Grass, Turf (grass still planted in the soil) Rocks, as well as small life forms, that were in the wake, or path of demolition destruction.

Okay. let's clean that up, again.

1. Janice, gardened.

2. Suddenly Archie plowed though the fence, and yard, to halfway, through the woodshed.

3. Everything flew, in every direction

4. All of creation, showered Heavily, on Janice, and whatsoever else, was in the way.

5. Janice, was seriously dripping, with all kinds of muck.

6. Janice's face, was visible under everything.

7. She was turning all sorts of colors, with her outrage.

8. Archie automatically jumped, out of his ridiculous ride.

9. The man, hobbled over to Janice, in a jolly good mood.

10. Despite, his intense intelligence, eyesight, and his considerations, for other people, Archie ignored Janice's outrage.

11. The (former) General Archie Sloan-Vitality, just started to talk, to Janice.

General Archibald Sloan-Vitality

"Good Morning, Mrs. Jason Olson.

What a beautiful day, today is.

I meant, Today, is a beautiful day. I just came from the eye doctor. Everything's so much brighter, than usual.

When, I spotted you, just now, I thought, I would tell you, that, some interesting things, are happening, today".

General Archie Sloan-Vitality

Words to describe Mrs. Olson ... :

Angry ; Anger ; Angrily ; Angst, Anguished ; Anguishing ; Annihilated ; Raging ; Rancor ; Horrible ; Dripping with all kinds of Earth, and Wood ; Demonized ; Silenced ; Color changing ; MAD ; Hysterical ; Hyperventilating ; Tight ; Extremely Rigid ; Over Heated ; Loathing ; Hating ; Exploding Strained ; White ; Livid Purple ; Splotchy Faced ; Brick Red ; Gray ; Ashen ; Green ; Beet Red ; "bubbling, as she screeched sermons, without the sound ; 🀬😈🀬💣😀😠👺👹💣😡😀 🀢🀮🀧💣🥵🥶😊💣🧟😡🀬🀬🧟‍♂"Weapons she sent through her eyes", when she glared at Archie" 🗡🗡⚔🏹🔫🔧⛏🪓⚒🗡🪓Missiles ; Daggers ; Machetes ; ... ‌‌

By this time, an awesome angry anguished and annoyed, army, appeared. They were, police, and medical emergency personnel, who politely got the General's attention.

Vitality 911 first responder

"Sir, do you know, what you just did?" Vitality 911 first responder

"What do you mean? I just came, to talk to, my friend, Janice, who, is married to Lieutenant First Class Jason Olson,"

Vitality 911 first responder

"Sir, you mauled, massacred, and Showered, everyone, and everything, in your path, with your Army Vehicle‌

The showers, were from all of the debris, etc. that flew-up in the air, after you hit everything. Poor Mrs. Olson, is clobbered, with all sorts of carnage, from her prided prized fence, all the way, though the yard, to halfway, through the woodshed. Mrs. Olson, is having a double heart-wrenching, 💔 Heart-attack‌

She's in excruciating anguish, and extreme rage.

Do you know, how she spent truckloads of money and a decade of time, to design, and create, an unique custom made Hawthorne Fence, with real hawthorn, from real trees? She can't duplicate it‌

It disintegrated, upon impact, from your Hummer‌

The ground, and everything in it, is covering Mrs. Olson. You made an enormously long, wide and deep hole, in the ground‌

Not to mention, Jason's meticulously cut and neatly piled wood, that was, in the shed‌

Can you see, all of this, for yourself?"

Vitality 911 first responder

All this time, a bewildered, blind, and horrified, Archie, listened, in anguish. Abject Terror. He could not believe, that he, was, responsible, for total antiabortion, and terrorism, of private property, and his favorite younger friend. He was wandering around, in circles, with his maw agape‌

maw = 👄 mouth

agape = extremely wide opening

Someone, who was formed of pure sunlight, appeared, out of thin air. One caught-hold of the terrorized Archie. Then, the sunlight person, poured pure original Vitality River water, carefully, down, Archie's throat.


It worked instantly‌

This water, came from, the River, before, the contamination ‌

Archie started to shine, as brightly, as the sun, himself‌

He grew as large as the house‌

Then, the first sun-person, said something. Archie, shrank, back to human size, although, he was thinner, and very muscular. He also, started to look more, and more like a much younger, 35 year old man. His clothes, were different, too. Instead of any old white shirt, and a sweat suit, Archie, was wearing a brand-new 5 Star Army General's Uniform, complete, with a helmet.

He was very somber, as he surveyed the scene, with excellent, extremely extraordinary eyesight.

Archie, was completely cured, of all ailments‌

"Welcome, to importantly impartial, incredibly innocent, indemnification, increasingly impressive, intriguingly interesting, intrepid, informational, incredible, imaginatively inspirational, intrepid input, invaluable astounding, astronomical, enduring immortality!"

Sunlight person, who evidently, drank, this HEAVENLY ELIXIR previously.


Sunshiny Someone said, "Welcome to perfection, and Immortality‌

You can tirelessly do anything that you want, to do. You have vitality! Vigor! as well as zest, for knowledge and life activities. We can manipulate the space-time continuum dimensions, too.

Some of us, seam to have difficulties, with transforming, from, pure stars, to humans. I don't know why. Maybe, they don't want anyone, to recognize them".

As for me, I just haven't done, it in a long time. Also, I'm not finished yet.


In a nanosecond, the whole area, was covered, in the extremely intense sunlight.

Just as instantaneously, the intensity, lowered, to a beautifully glowing, paradise‌

The wholly ... :

land, people, and home, were all in haloes. (Not circles above the head. I mean, the original way, with light coming out, of people, places, and things. Everyone, and everything, glowed, with their own auroras).


The house, become a Vibrant Palace, with... : "Perfect Janice Olson Hawthorne Fences ; Gorgeous Lawns ; Lusciously Beautiful Gardens, of Flowers, or Vegetables ; and there were also Sumptuously Delicious Fruits, and Nuts, from the Various Tree Nurseries. Through out the brightly glowing estate, one, could find, many various choices, of elegant or casual seating.


as follows ... : An Excellently Excelling ; Exhilarating ; Extremely Extraordinarily Elegant ; Exalted Endearingly Enduring Empress‌



(All health, abilities, and your favorite age, as well as all sorts of strength, and understating, is restored, and perfected, for the one, who drinks pure, never contaminated Vitality Family Realm Empire's River, or Fountain of Youth, Vitality, Sunlight, and Strength ... .)

[Sloppy recap # ?]

#? .1 Editing The newly-made Empress Janice, and Emperor Jason Olson

long reminder, of a newspaper article, about Mr. and Mrs. Olson,

The former General, whose " many times " renovated "Hummer " tank, destroyed the Olson 's property ...

Recall, the newspaper article, about the Olson estate, and the retired army General.

After General Archie Sloan-Vitality accidently ; Gave flying lessons ... :

to all of creation, in his horrendous "Hummer"

automobile 's path of death, and destruction ; he still didn't know ; what happened ‌

He drove nearly blindly, to his friends' house, after an eye-doctor visit.

Janice Olson, witnessed the whole massacre ; of her favorite fence, which she made herself ; as we'll as the grounds ; and halfway through the woodshed.

All of creation tarnation land sea Hawthorne Hawthorn Fence, and woodshed

Flew at Janice, with such typhoon velocity ;

That it attacked her harshly!

She was battle bombarded, bleeding, breathless, bruised and shocked ‌

Even so, Janice, was still standing, as she was, all covered in muck, splinters, and yard materials.

She was agitating, in excruciating embarrassment abject pain, fury, Rage, Loathing, and more.

Janice's face was bubbling, as though she were trying to 😱scream, yet, at first, her mouth, didn't open.

When she did have use of her mouth, no noises, came out of it.

Janice, had a grand mal seizure, as she was shaking violently ; while she ; was silently 😱screaming excruciatingly extremely excitedly ; with such fiercely forceful velocity intensity, that a strange strong wind, emanated around her ; which was like a 🌀 cyclone, or tornado which ; kept everything at bay. She was also able to get the wooden and earthen carnage, off of her. She sent splinters, and everything else flying, like a porcupine, or a cartoon.

Jim Carey, as: the Mask, in the movie, about a man, who finds Norse God of Hijinks and mischievous activities, Loki, who was emprisoned in a Mask, by his father.

How'd They Do That?

If you think, that's unreasonable, unrealistic, and unexpected, well, this isn't a normal world ‌

The next part, really is more Phantom Phenomenon phenomenal.

Then, a shimmering, sun-bright Sunman came, to surreptitiously (secretly) drown the Olson 's entire environment ;


saved ;

superb quality ;

supremely ;

revitalizing restoring reincarnating refurbishing revitalizing ; released ;

recently received ;

revolutionary ; recurring radically ; radically reforming reissued tissue ; bubbling ; rambunctious remarkable memorable life forms repelling repulsive or unnatural contaminates, or medical procedures ; Vitality Vista Family's

Realm Islands Empire Monarchs Forevermore River Water:

Fountain Of Youth and Vitality ... .

An awesomely important; impartial ; incredibly powerful living, colorful elemental and jubilant solution, that can do almost anything ‌

The water seems to make people immortal.

It definitely restores people to life, Vigor Vitality, insight, inspiration intensity incredibly inspiring insatiable interests; research; and hard work.

River Water 🌊💧separates Connecticut USA, from the Vitality ... Empire... .

Instantaneously Rejuvenated

completely composed

except for shock, and wonder, the people in the scene, stared. They were all glowing !

The definitely desired

definitely different changes ; between the destruction ; and the new world, were astounding ‌

Paradise ‌

It was a glowing, greatly enhanced, fortified and enlarged palace, with all kinds of beautiful (and non-poisonous) ... : gardens ; trees ; and parks.

Everyone, and everything, had a brilliant sheen, of light, emanating, (shining) from within, the entity, or object.

The grass, and the people, were double giant sized, 🌟stars of pure sunshine.

Everyone, and everything shrunk, as they all slowly descended to the earth, from an incredibly, lofty, high mountainous height.

The people were clothed, as they regained their previous heights. "The aura aurora sun-people halo" brilliantly bright light, diminished, in intensity as well.

Empress Janice and Emperor Jason Olson, really reincarnated ‌

The newly-made reincarnated reining Duo, each had ... :


Supercilious fake-fur full ensemble, including a cape, clothes, and fake-fur lined crowns. ( The plush fabric, was to protect their heads ; from: the heavily jewel encrusted ; sharp, thin, gold metallic ; pointy hats. These "hats" let the rain 🌧 fall, on the royals bare heads ).


A scepter


a fantastic fancy, and powerfully sharp sword, that could cut though anything ‌

It could even decimate, annihilate anything.

4. The same updated

perfectly formed




body-relaxing armor ; microcosm ; environmental protection ecosystem, with pure salvaged pre-pollution River Water ; as well las

Purified, cleansed, filtered H20, fortified with vegan ... : recipes ; electrolytes ; nutrition ; vitamins ; minerals (antibiotics as needed) ; antioxidants ; and everything else.

The incomparable ... River, was not used as a water source, for the inhabitants, of the realm, once buildings were built, for housing, commerce, and government.

The Mystical magical mystery mysterious mythical water, was forever destroyed, when, a group of people dumped all of their poison, and trash, into the water.

Fortunately, those who drank the Fountain of Youth, before the Sun-infused-River; was irreversibly damaged ; Could ... :

















In order to change history, as well as the present, and the future.

In some way, the sunshine man, was still the same Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarchs forever Member ; whose first drink from, the River, was actually centuries ago.

When, he assessed the damage, to the Olson estate, and the couple, themselves ; he

"simply" disappeared from Janice Olson estate, only to reappear in China, centuries in the past.

Sunny, retrieved a Gigantic Ming Vase, from the ancient dynasty fortress.

Suddenly, he was all of those miles, across-the-world, in the river, next to Connecticut.

Incidentally, the future Vitality Islands, weren't very big, back then.

After Sunny poured 30 Vase-fulls, of uncontaminated water, on everyone, and everything, everyone was unconscious.

The people, and the loose grass, lifted into the air, to the stratosphere Olympics training grounds.

When everyone finally, gently, touched the ground, the grass, and all of nature, were still enormous ‌

Then, the newly-made forest of Hawthorne Hawthorn Trees, which sprouted, from every separated piece, of the fence, simply disappeared, without a trace ‌

Instead, Janice, was overwhelmed with joy and tears, as she was surprised to see her own custom designed, custom made fence, duplicated, in a nice large maze, which, not only enclosed the extraordinary elegant and super ginormous Olson Empire ; It also meandered along paths, and separated gardens, and pastures alike.

There was a brand new, stunning, and original

Fountain of Youth Vitality ... . River Water fountain, playful bubbling and bright, natural guiser and perfect rainbow 🌈waterfall, in the ❀heart, of the palace grounds .

This was what sent a luminescent multicultural multicolored community, of these special, spectacular specializing little buddies; into the air, where they formed a living aurora borealis.

Polar lights (aurora polaris) are a natural phenomenon found in both the northern and southern hemispheres that can be truly awe inspiring. Northern lights are also called by their scientific name, aurora borealis, and southern lights are called aurora australis.Nov 19, 2019

The Fountain of Youth ⛲Sunshine water,

which sent the vivacious ; vibrant ; vibrating vocal ; vital ; Vitality, Insight ; insightful instantly inspired, interestingly interactive ; informative instituted

instinctively creative, cunning enormously powerful, and protective, riveting revitalizing restoring reincarnating refurbishing recurring reforming radically ( not radiation ) ; rehabilitation ; relaxing ; relaying ; rich ; River

The river, seems to be made up, of so many different things, as well as actual giddy gaddy life forms.

There are bubbles, of various sizes, and colors, which frolic around, in a zany dance.

Other spots show, the pure sunlight, which is forever eliminating all waste, and all other contamination.

This restoring ; rejuvenating ; revitalizing ; really relaxing ; Renovating ; regrowing ; reforming ; refreshing ; harmoniously elegant or sometimes playful mixture, of electrical energy, and other elements, transform anyone, into an important impartial immortal being.

Pour this, on the dust, of a former living being.

Incredibly Innocently, ingenuously, innocuously, more- than- restores the individual, to life.

When the founders, (can't remember his name, Robards, O think, and I ... .)




HOW ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌





HOW ‌❓❓👁👁💣💥👟👺👹👻☠💀😡👿🀬😱😭‌‌❓❓😀😠🀮🀧🥶🥵🀢🊁🔥🊁🌪⚡⛈

DID ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌

I ‌❓❓

Wait ! What ! ? Where ? ! !

How can I be a founder, who drank from the River, centuries ago ; and still have this rotten life?

What Happened 💣‌


💣💥👟👺👹🔥⛈🌋🏜♚⛈👻☠❓❓‌‌😭😱🀬👿😡💀👩‍🊰⛈🌡😀😀😠😭⛈👺👟🀮🀧⛈⛈⚡🌪🔥🊁🌋🀢🗻🥵🥶🌋🔥👿🌋🌩🌚🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🟀⚫⚪⚫🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠(facial colors)

The Founders Found Freshening Fortitude Fountain of Youth

When the man, and woman, first come to the Islands, they had to drink, the exotic water.

It was definitely delicacies delicious and delightful.

They started to glow, more and more brightly, than, the moon, until, the duo, were 2 stars, hovering, over the river, itself.

The stars grew into huge, double-giant-sized anatomically correct, Muscular Sun-People, who didn't have anything, except pure light, "where the bathing-suit goes". That is, until, they shrunk, all the way, back to their normal size.

These two, were each restored, to a younger age. Not only that‌‌‌

1. Both of them, were completely healthy, without any signs of trauma. Everything, was fresh, natural, and PERFECT.

2. Their teeth, were all brand-new, without, any hardware, like fillings.

3. No more scoliosis, arthritis, high blood pressure, or anything else.

4. The man's extra toe, was gone. There weren't any signs, that it ever existed.

5. Neither one, needed glasses, or eye- surgery, afterwards, at all.

6. Some strange misshapen bone, was replaced, with a properly shaped bone, in one of their hands.

7. Also, something, that was missing, was suddenly in the body, doing its job, splendidly.

Okay, that piece, about me, came back to my memories.

When the male founder, came to talk to us, he told us "mortals", all about the River, and what it could do, for people, animals, plants, air ... .

He also, said, that I, was his friend, the other founder.

I was so amazingly angry!

Why, did I have to go through this evil childhood, when, he got to be a Supported Supposed Supernatural paranormal phantom phenomenon?

He's like Brian. They give me all the work to do, while I'm in rags‌⛈🌟🌡🌩🌫⚡🌪☠💀😡👿🀬💣😱😭👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁🌋💣🌚🌩🌡⛈♚🔥⚡🌊🏜🀬🗻⚪🀬⚫💣🟀🌪🔥🀬💣🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🔎⛈🌊⛄🌪🌀🔥💣

The two of them, punished me, for everything, as well.

I really hate them🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🔥🌀🟠🌀🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🌫🌩🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🌟🌡⚫⚪🔎🌚⛈♚🏜🗻👻👹👺👟💥💣👁🌋⚫

WAIT ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


HOW ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌

COULD ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


YOU ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣





That's one thing, that, I can't comprehend. I have no memory of that other life, whatever.

I know, I would never, volunteer, to be reincarnated, at all.




ï¿ŒLearn to pronounce


destroy utterly; obliterate.

"a simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all"



wipe out





ï¿ŒLearn to pronounce


compensation for harm or loss.

"the plaintiff sought indemnification for the cost of the suit against the corporation"

security against legal liability for one's actions.

"whistleblower protection is indemnification for individuals who are dismissed as a result of reporting a violation"

Supposedly, a certain pair of friends, were the first two people who came to the islands, "next" to Connecticut, USA.

When these people, arrived, they naturally, needed to drink, from the glowing, clear, extraordinarily, excellent, exhilarating, electrical, elemental, exonerating, exuberantly flowing, colorful, multipurpose, multi-hued (many colors), living elementary and completely composed completely orchestrated miraculously mysterious mystical marvelous liquid life, of love, and potential.

People who drank the water, were entranced, enthroned, embodied embedded everlastingly. Energetic energy, enthusiasm, and everything enthralled excellently excited excellencies. Empress, Emperor, emissaries embarked on endless adventurers animatedly. Incredibly Immediately impeccable

Impressed Important Impartial Immortal imbibed imbued individuals, had different reactions to the perfect cure

perfect Sunlight-People !


The river, seems to be made up, of so many different things, as well as actual giddy gaddy life forms.

There are bubbles, of various sizes, and colors, which frolic around, in a zany dance.

Other spots show, the pure sunlight, which is forever eliminating all waste, and all other contamination.

This restoring ; rejuvenating ; revitalizing ; really relaxing ; Renovating ; regrowing ; reforming ; refreshing ; harmoniously elegant or sometimes playful mixture, of electrical energy, and other elements, transform anyone, into an important impartial immortal being.

Pour this, on the dust, of a former living being.

Incredibly Innocently, ingenuously, innocuously, more- than- restores the individual, to life.

When the founders, (can't remember his name, Robards, O think, and I ... .)




HOW ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣






HOW ‌❓❓👁👁💣💥👟👺👹👻☠💀😡👿🀬😱😭‌‌❓❓😀😠🀮🀧🥶🥵🀢🊁🔥🊁🌪⚡⛈

DID ‌❓❓🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌

I ‌❓❓

Wait ! What ! ? Where ? ! !

How can I be a founder, who drank from the River, centuries ago ; and still have this rotten life?

What Happened 💣‌


💣💥👟👺👹🔥⛈🌋🏜♚⛈👻☠❓❓‌‌😭😱🀬👿😡💀👩‍🊰⛈🌡😀😀😠😭⛈👺👟🀮🀧⛈⛈⚡🌪🔥🊁🌋🀢🗻🥵🥶🌋🔥👿🌋🌩🌚🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🟀⚫⚪⚫🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠(facial colors)

The Founders Found Freshening Fortitude Fountain of Youth

When they man, and woman, first come to the Islands, they had to drink, the exotic water.

It was definitely delicacies delicious and delightful.

They started to glow, more and more brightly, than, the moon, until, the duo, were 2 stars, hovering, over the river, itself.

The stars grew into huge, double-giant-sized anatomically correct, Muscular Sun-People, who didn't have anything, except pure light, "where the bathing-suit goes". That is, until, they shrunk, all the way, back to their normal size.

These two, were each restored, to a younger age. Not only that‌‌‌

1. Both of them, were completely healthy, without any signs of trauma. Everything, was fresh, natural, and PERFECT.

2. Their teeth, were all brand-new, without, any hardware, like fillings.

3. No more scoliosis, arthritis, high blood pressure, or anything else.

4. The man's extra toe, was gone. There weren't any signs, that it ever existed.

5. Neither one, needed glasses, or eye- surgery, afterwards, at all.

6. Some strange misshapen bone, was replaced, with a properly shaped bone, in one of their hands.

7. Also, something, that was missing, was suddenly in the body, doing its job, splendidly.

Okay, that piece, about me, came back to my memories.

When the male founder, came to talk to us, he told us "mortals", all about the River, and what it could do, for people, animals, plants, air ... .

He also, said, that I, was his friend, the other founder.

I was so amazingly angry!

Why, did I have to go through this evil childhood, when, he got to be a Supported Supposed Supernatural paranormal phantom phenomenon?

He's like Brian. They give me all the work to do, while I'm in rags‌⛈🌟🌡🌩🌫⚡🌪☠💀😡👿🀬💣😱😭👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁🌋💣🌚🌩🌡⛈♚🔥⚡🌊🏜🀬🗻⚪🀬⚫💣🟀🌪🔥🀬💣🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🔎⛈🌊⛄🌪🌀🔥💣

The two of them, punished me, for everything, as well.

I really hate them🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🔥🌀🟠🌀🔥🌀🌪⛄🌊⚡🌫🌩🟀🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠🌟🌡⚫⚪🔎🌚⛈♚🏜🗻👻👹👺👟💥💣👁🌋⚫

WAIT ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


HOW ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣👁👁‌‌

COULD ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣


YOU ‌‌🀬😭😱🀬👿😡💀☠👻👹👺👟💥💣





That's one thing, that, I can't comprehend. I have no memory of that other life, whatever.

I know, I would never, volunteer, to be reincarnated, at all.

Especially, not like this, with a horrendously demanding and malnourished childhood experience.

👟👟Here is the emoji, that I meant to use, for the Green Translucent Transparent Sun-Man

(From Chapter 40 : Secrets Revealed)

(Addressing Queen for life : Shirley Vitality; who was queen ; before Stephanie's parents ; ruled the southern Island)

👟Another one, who still was green, and glowing, said, "Pardon me, your highness. We haven't met. I'm (unpronounceable, Vitality of unpronounceable birthdate),

or Brooklyn Robarts, originally, of Brooklyn NY. I am actually, the Co-founder, of the Vitality Islands Realm Empire. My friend, Stephanie, is actually your niece.


👩‍🊰Stephanie Blasted‌👩‍🊰




"She screamed Bloody Murder at him‌‌"


Well, we found out, that we could do anything, that we wanted, to do, before, the water was poisoned.

Replacing the contaminated water, with the original Fountain of Youth, turned out to be extremely extraordinarily exasperatingly excruciatingly Exhausting‌

We're still not anywhere near finished.

Other people, and life forms, intervened, interrupted, and made extraordinary ... troubles for everyone.

That's our answer, as to why, your history, turned out, the way, it did.

We finally have some ideas, to change history, again.

Obviously, we are still, having to relive, some experiences.