Julia to be written


A beautiful baby girl with long, curly, blond hair, played in the sand. She wore a silvery, incandescent garment, that, shimmered and glowed. It covered her clothes, as well as her hands and her head. This protective material was an interesting incredible indestructible armor. It also filtered her air, fed her, and it gave her the right mixture of fruit juice, and water. She also had water.

Another thing, this magical apparel repelled war artillery and bombs.

An electric windshield, or solid fence; surrounded her, like a translucent globe.

Even with this protection, and all, Julia, stayed with a superabundance, or plethora, of people, and life forms, of nearly every description.

Julia didn't know, about the majority of her babysitters, as they could shrink to microscopic sizes. She played with other kids or her family.

Today, she was 8 months old. As always, Julia sat in front of her mother. Julia didn't know that her mother was behind her.

As Julia thrived and matured, she learned about the various histories and strange theories, surrounding Southern Vitality ... Island.

To help people to cope, with the absurdities of the place, Julia learned many techniques, to get people to relax. She set up a foundation, for anyone, who needed help. For example, somehow, twigs that fell into the river went through changes. First, it was reconnected permanently, to the original tree, which could become healthier, stronger, and more like a person. Second, as the roots drink more magic water, the tree gets more like a person, until it can walk like you or me.

Julia needed to learn more about how this supernatural phenomenon happened, and how to treat the new souls.

She pressed her golden amulet, to get in touch with me, ("Empress" Stephanie). In return, I sent Doug, who always explains Vitality's oddities. A different someone whispers into Doug's ear, which is why no one knows why things happen.

I also asked questions out loud, in case someone could hear me.

Well, I got answers, from tiny people. I sent them to Julia.

Julia founded a school and hospital system, for everyone, to learn, grow, thrive, and help each other. There were so many different buildings, for specific needs, or disciplines, that it was all underground.

That was just for the objects, plants, animals, and people, who gained souls, and person-type traits.