Stephanie dating Brian

Stephanie dating Brian

After the many harrowing versions, of each of my childhood days : I finally, got some normal days. I did not, have to constantly "re-do", each adventure, until, I got it right.

Brian, and I, were still searching, for our missing family members. Even so, there were days, when, oddly enough, we didn't even think about the Vitality mysterious disappearances, of royalty .

Stephanie's First Home

I bought a new house, for myself, in New York. It was nice while house, with a veranda (fancy porch), that went all the way, round the house. It had broad white steps, around the front of the home. On either side, there were fancy circular ramps, for wheelchairs, luggage, and more.

I also had elevators, on the other side, of each ramp.

People, could take their pick, of how to get into, the place.

There was a nice big rounded picture-glass, baywindow, in front of the building, as well.

I had several round, large port-windows, above the baywindow, and the veranda, too. The top of the multiple - style house, had gables.

I had a huge yard, all around, the mansion. There were flower gardens, placed between various types of bushes. A nice forest, of almost, every kind of tree, was in a huge Cresent Moon, behind the backyard. It was always lit-up, with colorful lights.

I had cameras everywhere, all over the whole estate, except for bathrooms, and bedrooms. Well, I had all kinds of security, so that, if something, even slightly wrong, was sensed, then, the cameras would show everything, even in the bathrooms, and the bedrooms .

The trees formed a circle, around the property.

I also, had "self-appointed (volunteer), spies, hanging-out in trees, and stationed at every door, even the locked ones, that no one, could open, except me.

I also, had a fully functional all purpose ... : hospital ; 911 emergency center ; police academy, to go with the Station ; court house ;

Lawyers office ; housing, and military installations ; and more, inside this place.

Wow, the People, who drank the pure Vitality River Water; went backwards in the space-time dimensional continuum; for the magically magically MOJO Fountain of Youth ; to create all of these offices, schools, forts, and more.

Did I mention, there was housing for everyone, who worked there, all of their friends and families; as well as homeless people? There was an abundance of space, with spectacular views; and spectacular craftsmanship everywhere. It was like a paradise. It boasted, "Almost all sorts of communities, and businesses".

When I was there, I saw just the house, landscaping, and my visitors.

People who lived in the quaint huts, only saw that community. They had nothing to do, with the house, although, it supposedly occupied, the same property. The same, went for, all of the other types of military, retail, housing, hospital, ... use.

Well, I just thought, that, I had a nice big house.


I was sitting on a rocking chair, on the veranda, one day. I was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, with a six flounce, tiered skirt. The fold-over top, actually fit on my shoulders. I can't show too much skin:

1. I'm pure, and 2. I'm royalty.

Brian danced, up to me. He pulled-over another rocking chair, so that, he could sit next to me.

He was wearing a nice suit, like GILBERT BLYTHE, OF ANNE OF GREEN GABLES.

A nice white collar shirt, with dark pants, and suspenders. Wow ‼️

He was talking, about his day. After winning a court case, for a framed person ; Brian, and some of the other lawyers ; of our law firm ; played softball ; with another grown-up team ; from our Paradise League.

Before coming, to see me ; he went home, to get ready, for me.

I asked him, why, all of humanity, appeared, and then disappeared, at the borders, of my property.

He told me, about the whole supernatural complicated story. What we didn't know, was that, all of this, was due, to the Foundation of Youth.

We were puzzled, about this, and all of the other paranormal activities, that we endured, somehow.

I was surprised, when my oldest sister, Anne ↔️ Amy, appeared, in the doorway, with a try, of treats, to serve, to us. How did she get into the house, in the first place? (trap doors, tunnels, chutes, poles, and more. As always, she forgot all about this visit ; when, she found herself ; back in a war-torn country ; as an all purpose hospital person ; for Doctors Without Boarders Vitality Style. She was looking, for our family, too.

Anyway, we had a jolly happy, humorous, vegan lunch. The 2 of them, performed scenes, from ... : Grease 1 and 2 ; The Back to the Future Trilogy ; Rogers and Hammerstein videos ; Julie Andrews ; and more.

My sister, disappeared again. Brian and I sat outside, for a long time ; talking about our favorite things. Nobody else, likes to talk about innocent things, with us. We were laughing, at each other's jokes, and silly mannerisms.


After a while, as it started to get dark ; my family members (including some, 'who were supposed to be missing' ), "flew" out of the house, onto an enlarged verandah.

"We rounded-up all of the homeless people, in the world-wide-ever-expanding Vitality Family Dream Paradise Paranormal Supernatural Foundation of Youth Mountain Monarchies Forevermore Foundation Former war-zone annexed and more River water Islands Realm".

(The people, who were speaking, took turns, to say all of this. )

Brian, and I , had no idea, what these people were saying.

(That's because, they were from the future. They bathed, or drank from the original, never contaminated, River Water. Then, they traveled through time. They could fetch water, people, animals, plants, and objects, too.)

A seemingly endless, uniform line, of all sorts of people; were in single file; for as far, as I could see them. Somehow, I could see, each one clearly; for hundreds of miles. (That's some water ! )

Suddenly, the front door, was a welcoming archway. A lady, was in place. She had on an old fashioned cloth bonnet, with lace trim, and a

frilly apron, over her dress. She wore army boots, as she expected people, to stomp on her feet; even though she was far enough away, from them.

One at a time, the people went to the lady ; who; handed out, a seemingly endless supply ; of clothes, and bedding ; in a ridiculously small, transparent translucent body armor- bag. It was 6 inches square, and only 3 inches thick. Even so, it held everything, including : the towels, and hygiene supplies ; as well as ; everything else.

Somehow, the steady stream, of people, and other lifeforms ; finally ended. It seemed like forever ; yet ; it just took 30 minutes. (The Foundation of Youth people, can "suspend me in time " (Olivia Newton John, as Kiera, in Xanadu)

When the clock restarted, so did (Brian and My) life needs. We were getting hungry, and thirsty, again. We forgot all about everything, as soon as we witnessed it, so we didn't wonder, about, the strange events, like ... : Missing people, (who were much older, than they should be, ) who were rushing around, while helping people get though, the process ... (of becoming new people).


When we reverted, back, to just beautiful date, on the normal sized verandah ; Brian, and I went inside the house.