More results from studying the history, of the 2 Islands, currently called Vitality.

More results from studying the history, of the 2 Islands, currently called Vitality.

[The copies; or versions of people; are due to the established movie fact ... : that: Everytime someone travels though time; one is creating a new self; who must not meet the other self; in that instant of time. According to Hermione Granger and Harry Potter: Previously; when a future version of someone; met oneself; as one used to be; the one who went backwards in time: Was killed; by the other one,who was already in that time and place.

No wonder; most of us; didn't know; that we were Reincarnated; or forced into time travel. If someone purposely went through the space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities; then; of course, one would remember that.

I only have flash backs; when I relive something. I can also see other versions of myself; when we're in the same second; in time. I don't know how anyone can make it seem; like time stopped; and only certain things happened. If I watch myself; in another episode; of my lifetime; I look like a 20 year old maiden. In a fraction of a second later; I'm 45; married; and much thinner. ]

More results from studying the history, of the 2 Islands, currently called Vitality ... :


Brooklyn Robarts, is also, all of the Vitality islanders; who look like him, in human form ... :


all versions of Brian ↔️ Brandan ( Shirley has always been his mother. When he was reborn on the Southern Vitality ... Isle; the midwife, who was also the doctor, had something in her ears. She didn't know, that Shirley clearly stated, "Brooklyn Robarts".


All of the other blond boys; including the one; who helped my sisters; and me; after my sister; screamed Bloody Murder; about our shabby lives; and more.


Old " once an army General always a (Vitality ... ) General Archie Sloan-Vitality, was also an older version of Brooklyn Robarts.


the brunette males; with the same kind of hair; as Brooklyn Robarts and Brian ↔️ Brandan .


I am actually a million people to... :

a. Megan 1, 2, and every version of "them".

b. Margaret

c. All of the "Mini Me" females. The doppelgägers. No wonder, they all look exactly like me; at different ages ‼️

d. all of the adventures that I had; which were manipulated; to happen; at the same time. I knew; that the other "Stephanies"; were of almost all different ages. Time was "condensed"; so that; all of my accumulated accomplishments, happened simultaneously. My memories were often erased.

3. My oldest sister; in this life ... :

a. Amy is Anne.

b. All of the brunette females.

c. Aunt Shirley.

1. Shirley was reborn; to my parents.

2. Whoever was struggling with the disappearance of the fresh water investigation; accidentally made quite a few mistakes; while manipulating the space-time dimensional continuum. Manipulation activities; give us spontaneous; new events; and ridiculous activities; which occur every nanosecond; anyway.

That's why; everything happened: people kept changing events. The new space-time dimensional continuum manipulation set up new born destinies; for everyone and everything. I was forced; to solve; all of the problems; simultaneously; to fix; someone else's problems; with new and old terrible things; as well as unpleasant things.


Brooklyn Robarts and The original Stephanie;

were the original ones; to use the sunshine infused River. As soon as I drank the pure Vitality ... water; I was copied; exactly. This is another Star Trek Voyager idea. I was then a template; for more copies of me. I also was reborn, into the new space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities system; which had the ... : children taken from the king; contaminated water; Stephanie Vitality as Cinderella, ( only my care takers loved me.They were ill); and the rest of it.

Whenever someone drank the pure ... water without the tiny lifeforms in the water; the person was again copied. The copies didn't always stay ignorant; of each other.

My original self; and the copies; were all forced into the space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities. Well; nobody knows; what happened; to the original Stephanie. Not yet.


Right now; my Vitality Realm Reincarnations; are my various memories; of myself. The original adult Stephanie; just materialized briefly once; after Brooklyn Robarts appeared; infont of me; for the first time; as a green waterdrop.

I always wondered; why I could see the founders; in my imagination. I could see them.

Wait! I am the original Stephanie! Or; at leat the original copy; of myself.

(Wow! I need a hospital ! Maybe there is one for me; that has only the good therapeutic experience; that the hospital should have ... .)

One more time (Who said that?)

(My version of the )

Quote of Melissa Ethridge's Version of the Staple Singers Song: I Know a Place

I 'll Take You There

Starting to remember

something that I Never Really Knew

I Know a place where ain't nobody worried

ain't nobody cryin

ain't nobody smiling

in their faces

lying to the races

I'll Take You There

How 'd they do that

5. (It hit me!)

Brooklyn; and some other people; somehow managed to keep their original lives; eventhough; they had copies; or forced time travelers.

As for me; the original one; is somehow; in this life. I often seem to be able to watch Brooklyn Robarts and Stephanie ... :

1. Walking hand; in hand

2. Standing on a small hill; on the Island

3. sitting next to each other; as they ... : laugh; talk; and make a ridiculous language, for themselves.

I remember watching Stephanie swim, in her modest, opaque; and loose; scuba gear; which only shows her head, with the long flowing hair; and her hands. Her pants; were tucked into her knee high boots. I remember thinking; that's not me. I can't do that. I can't swim very well.

Yet; I remember that. It's like; I'm swimming now; just like that 2 legged mermaid. I start to feel like I'm spinning; in a white frothy whirlpool; with blue water. I open my eyes. I am a little girl; sitting on the riverside. I 'm lost in a daze.

--- I don't think that was an original idea; either.

I don't remember what happened, before, we came to the island. I don't remember what happened; after I swam alone; in the magical water.

At this point; I asked, "Does anyone know; what happened to me? Why don't I remember life; before Vitality? I remember being here. I even watched from afar; as I accompanied Brooklyn Robarts. I forgot everything else.

Unnamed orange sunshine lady:

You're memories were supposed to be permanently erased; as soon as you set foot; on the Islands. We had to take the original version of Brooklyn Robarts; to watch history unfold; as though; he were watching a movie. Brooklyn; reacted with all kinds of emotions; just like the folks in movies; which feature time-travel. Many variations of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickins; were invented; for various reasons. We were able to visit the past; in this way: Elderly Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past; were able to visit a much younger version of himself; as he really was; way in the past. The people's of the past; couldn't see; or hear the visitors; from the future. I think; in the story; Elderly Scrooge, was really visiting his memories; which is why he couldn't interact with his younger self.

We may have to do; the same thing; to you; so that you can remember the original lifetime; that you had; before you came to this place.

I also think that; The Cronicles of Narnia many novels series; by Clive Staples Lewis (C S Lewis) Starting with, "The Lion; The Witch; and the Wardrobe"; speaks to this too. It is like; we are in a new world; which we can come to; or leave; and the old life; is waiting for us; like no time has passed at all. Course; whatever happened with this really; stands; so your accomplishments are still here; in Vitality.

Before we take you; down memory lane; there's some more bombs for you. ... :

1. I'm the merger of the yellow 💛man; whome you met; and that weird red guy; who dressed like the devil. People thought; that this scary looking person; was really the devil. That's why they did; whatever he told them to do. The problem is/ was; nobody got the message directly from him. I can't access that part of me; except; to say that "Everything was lost in translation". He was evidently trying to do something for himself; that had nothing to do with the king. Maybe those people had wax; or something; in their ears. Let's see; I wrote it down, on a paper for them. Here it is. Oh no!

Someone got it wet. Smells good. Smells like the original river water. Well; at least they cured me.

oh; the reason; that I was never seen again; was that someone; my uncle Doug; is his original name; poured the water over me; so that I would be lighter. He swooped down; like an invisible bird; to carry me away. I was also invisible.

No. I'm not remembering anything. Someone has a tiny wireless communicator; like you see in the movies. Well; this one is an ear bub. We also have Stephanie 's all purpose badges, or whatever she calls them.

Oh. I'm just talking to Stephanie?

I'm sorry. I don't wish to offend you; by referring to you; instead of talking directly to you.

Well; let's see. Oh. I thought I was invincible; until I become a ... oh. I was a Piller of microscopic pieces. Shirley tackled me. The original river water restored me; to yellow; at that point.

Oh. speaking of colors; did I mention that someone; had to jump in and out of time; until one found me; when I was dressed in red; and what ultimately happened to me?

No. Well; I just did.

Why was I supposed to say that!