Repeating Dreams: They weren't Dreams ‼️

Repeating Dreams:a They weren't Dreams ‼️

I told you; that; I have these horrible recurring nightmares; in which; I'm trying told solve a problem. The thing is: it all seems

like a dream. I just found out that; those weren't Dreams After All.

I go to bed, each night, so that I can get a good night's sleep. I already checked on everyone else : pets; children; and husband. I also called my parents and the other people I know. That's a lot of people ‼️

I didn't know; how I had time; to do all of that; plus "Police" or clean the "castle mansion". On that; you wouldn't believe; how filthy the place got; exactly every 10 minutes; when; I went to check on the estate. Somehow; time was manipulated; either that; or; a bunch of muddy kids ransacked the buildings; as soon as I left them. Why ❓

Why did I have to do all of that?

For some reason; one of the times that happened; was actually: When; someone was actually adjusting time. For once-in-a-lifetime; it wasn't me; who had to keep going through a day; until I got it perfectly done. Also; there was no waking up; after each repeated episode; to have someone talk to me. I didn't know; "who? What? Why? How?" about anything or anyone.

I went though my (by now) reformed habitual temper tantrums; whenever; I heard about this sort of thing; or anything else; that was egregious = heinous = evil = unforgivable. The new problems were ... :


Sometimes the "horrible event, ike being reborn, was nobody's fault; except my own- I swam in the ... River Water.


The nurse with the sedative, couldn't use it on me! The only sedative; or source of medicine; was that reincarnating water. There were already billions of me; alone; due to Someone's interference with the space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities system that occurred every nanosecond (fraction of a second.) [Nanosecond is a term; that Jerry Ryan; as Seven ... used a lot; on Srar Trek Voyager. Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway defined the long term. ]

Well; I also found out; that the reason, that we all had to suffer; though my rages was: Nobody was giving me my medicine; anymore. What the island's pharmacies sent to me: were fakes ‼️

Sugar pills; that looked like; and tasted like; my regular medication; as well as my supplements; really made things uncomfortable; painful; and ... so that; I was 300 times worse; than; before I started any medication; or therapy.

I really let go; of all of my accumulated catastrophic emotions; that time. I nearly died. I wouldn't have survived; without a last minute injection; from the nurse.

That stuff takes forever; to kick in; when given enough to sedate a regular person. I needed another dose; as I was dying again; when the usual amount of time elapsed; that got me to sleep. Previously; someone sent my duplicates; as well as my original self; through the time travelers jazz; that I am complaining about today. Someone told me about that; once; when I was in one of the hospitals in Vitality Connecticut; or on the mainland.

People found out; that my vegan medicine and vegan supplements; do not come from the saved river water.

I was hooked up to intravenous things; that put everything I needed; into my veins; in both arms. I also had oxygen canisters ; which sent pure air; into my nose. I also had cameras; and feeding tubes; down my throat.

Before the medical staff did anything; they pumped out; all of the accumulated sugar. Then; they set me up; for a long "my bedroom converted to a hospital" stay. As they didn't know; that I was going to be in there; for so long ; they rigged me up too tightly; the first time.

This time; nobody; did anything with me; as far as the space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities system that occurred every nanosecond; was concerned. Yay‼️

I eventually fell asleep. I didn't even have any dreams. My actual medicine; gives me dreams. Somehow; I didn't have any dreams; even with the reinstated treatment. (The hospital staff; have a way; of tracking that too. It could have been; the water; that knocked me out; for a long time ‼️

By the time; I actually awoke; 5 years later; there were 2 identical twins of me; sitting next to each other; on Brian's bed. Well; Brooklyn Robarts' bed.

He was fully reintegrated = mergeged = combined; with all of his billions of versions; of himself. He was 40.

That would make me 45. Wrong. I am actually much older; than that; Right now. I seem to be reintegrated with all of the billions of versions of myself; (except for the twins; who were created; when; I had those last two injections; of Pure V. water). I'm more like 300; what with everything; that actually happened; without condensing time. I would like to be 40 again.

OKAY. Remember; how I had to keep going through the "General Archie Sloan-Vitality ruined the Olson's property ..." problem; with all of those attempts to "clean up the story "?

Well; that OCD ●

rambling; was yet another example; of this re-doing history; until we get it right. I don't know; if someone purposely went through all of the space-time ... activities; the pure Vitality water did it; the microscopic people in water; or a combination of those options; kept the scene as a recurring living nightmare ; or what. Once the whole salvaged water; was finally dumped all at once; did they have the paradise. That Perfect for them; palace; and estate; will always be there; with no mistakes ; or problems of any kind.

All of the copies; of these people; were also respectively merged; with the original person. All of the versions of Mrs. Olson; were restored to her. Plus ➕; her memories of the entire dramatic reoccurring horror; were erased. The same thing happened to everyone; except for the yellow (now orange) guy; who dumped the water. He can make sure; that nobody medddles; with that dimension of the space-time .. . Also; that is one of 4 ; dimensions (in this case ; realities ); of the Southern Vitality ... . ... :

1. The Sloan-Vitality Paradise Palace and parks.

2. The original natives of the island.

3. My homestead. It is multipurposeful ... :

1. everyone lives there; who wants to do so.

2. It's a ... hotel; apartment building; bed and breakfast (all meals) ; recreation center; and somehow all sorts of hospitals; Group homes; nursing homes ; medical or helpful people, who come to support someone; in one's home. Each person's own personal bedroom; is always set-up as a hospital room; whenever necessary. They have easy access; to anywhere in the Vitality Islands. We have the historic secret passageways ... as well as Vitality River magic; that makes your hospital room; as an addition; to the hospital department of your needs.

Remember; the Fountain of Youth Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarchs forever and ever River Water is a portal; or time machine; which goes wherever you want; in the blink of the eyes. Nanosecond.


the Castle is actually next to the mansion. The hospitals; other medical care facilities; as well as the entire school district; from pre-natal education; all the way though the new babies ' lives; to whenever they would die (all of the problems that anyone has; are erased. A per d on; gains a perfect human form ; and nearly immortality; from the water.

We just have to figure out; how to keep from being duplicated .

The All purposes of Medical and educational system support services; awesome. They are all somehow; in the mountain beneath our home mansion; and the castle; to. (Most of my homestead; is different from the mansion. When it comes to my bedroom; and the kitchen; I am in the same bedroom; or kitchen. There's another kitchen; for the homestead; to accommodate everyone else. In this way; again; the dimensions of the Space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities system; overlap.

The country homestead; seems like the fantasy. The original Stephanie and Brian Mansion; at least the bedroom; which is now expanded; to cater to Brian or Brooklyn Robarts; and the original kitchen; are the only places that seem real to me. Maybe; it is because someone built them. It was probably me; with some help; in my original lifetime.

As for all other communities; the peaceful ones may also be on the "same spacial plane" as the rest of us. Same time of day; occupying the same space; yet completely different worlds; from one another. Is it the same plane; or a different one? I don't know. See below ⬇️; for the internet-based information regarding the probably fictional idea; of multiple planes; containing different realities.

I think I already gave you information about "A Wrinkle in Time " and the Teseract; "Felix The Cat The Movie " ; " Star Trek Voyager TV Show "; "Back to the Future Trilogy "; and more. There's always "Time Bandits ".

Other movies; that relate to this book; somehow; are ... : "Eddie Murphy as almost all of the Clumps; in "The Nutty Professor"; starring Jada Pinkett Smith; as the love-interest; for The Professor; and his obnoxious alter ego; who is probably the real Murphy; not just in looks.

This; and the storyline itself; is hilarious. ... :

It's the real actor; has to put on a fat suit; to be the protagonist (good guy; who's story is told). The story; is about "the skinny guy; hidden within all of the fat; who finally breaks free. The movie itself; is hysterically funny. Some parts are objectionable to me. Fortunately; no indecent exposure; except for the tight body suits for skinny Eddie Murphy; and the "passing gas" dream. It's the effect of the Gass, that is offensive; to the people in the movie. Professor Clump; is taller than the "50 ft. woman". That's another movie.

I mention the height of these characters; as my story; deals with incredible characters' heights; what with the "Star of the show: ... The Fountain of Youth ... ".

● (To me; the "O" could mean ... : Occupational; Obsessive ; Overly; Obnoxiously; Over-the-top; Obstinately trying to perfect; ... .

I think the medical term is: Obsessive Cumpulsive Disorder.

To be continued later.

⬇️ to be added later.