Removing the Invisible barrier ; that separated Brooklyn Robarts from me.

Removing the Invisible barrier ; that separated Brooklyn Robarts from me.

When I was finished; with my conversation with the disembodied voice of Douglas Arnold Little; I told him; that Brian thought that he was talking to me.

The air around me shimmered, and then faded away. The similar visible translucent transparent air; that was around my companion; dissolved as well. I also realized; that the fresh air; was flowing into my uncovered ears. My long hair; was waving; like a flag behind me; no matter; which way; I turned.

(Stephanie doesn't remember Brooklyn. Doug; just told her; what to call him. ):

"Pardon me; Lyn; I'm sorry. Somehow; someone was explaining things to me; over headphones; so; also; the atmosphere of the island; was interfereing; with your romantic looking self.

Also someone, or something; has edited my memories; and even distorted the original flow; of the Southern Island history. We get to keep the rewards of whatever we did; eventhough; no one knows anything; anymore. None of this makes any sense. I must have been dreaming.


"That's alright; Stephanie. I notice; that some strange things are happening as well. ... :

There's a different view; of civilization; or nature; depending; on whichever way; I look at this place. I though we were on a sort-of small flat island. Now; We. are standing on a high mountain. Suddenly; There's a tower; with a door. "

We went inside the tower; to the bedroom. Everything from all my existences; even before the "original lifetime " hit me ‼️

I fell right on my bed. I was seeing a kaleidoscope; of images -out of order- from 100s of years ‼️

My face started to bubble up ‼️

Eddie Murphy is the Nutty Professor.

Robert Duncan McNeill is Tom Paris; in Star Trek Voyager: Threshold.

What's his name; the villain is Box Trolls is allergic to cheese.

All of the movies came to mind; which had someone 's face transforming.

Yikes ‼️

All of the versions of me; wanted OUT of me. I remembered something someone said; recently.

"Relax. You will float out of me."

I managed to relax. Suddenly; an enormous cloud; of tiny little super bright humans; was all around me. The released entitles; were dancing like the Splish Splash Song ; and many more songs.

So much for starting over again ‼️

On the plus side; I didn't have any memories; of being a broken record child : having to repeatedly do the same thing forever and ever again. All of that was gone; again.

I was left with the life; of Empress Stephanie Vitality. Empress; is my first name; as well my rank.

I was actually born "Stephanie ". I just don't know; the rest of it. I don't remember my childhood; before the Islands were gifted the Fountain of Youth.

The book; that I wrote; disappeared; and reappeared. I have it now.

I can't get anyone; to help me; to edit it. Well; at least; I can use it; to recapture; my memories.

A large selection of items; was cut; restored; and finally cut again; from the marriage law chapter. I don't like the portions; that I removed. I saved a copy. I don't know why.

Back to Empress Stephanie Vitality Dream log; before the book was erased. That means that; I shouldn't know: anything about the mysterious circumstances surrounding this place. Yet I do. I was this same person; when the Fountain of Youth; was explained.

Well, the time has been reset; to the moment Brooklyn and I first came to this place. We did peacefully receive the Dee's of land; for most of the world. Yes; the wars and other horrorific events never happened. Some of the Royalty; or Dictators; haven't been born yet. Another set; haven't even gotten a thrown; or a country to represent; control; or whatever.

I have the videos of everything.

To be continued.