I have to tell you ... : I don't know you anymore.

I have to tell you ... : I don't know you anymore

Someone gave me some more pure Vitality water again. When I awoke this time; I was in the middle of the river ‼️

Whatever his name is or was; pulled me; onto a big inflatable raft. He said; something; while laughing. I squinted at him; though the hazy lively atmosphere.

"Douglas Arnold Little ‼️

You brat ‼️

What's the big idea; pushing me into the water; in the first place ❓"

I was furious. Not like I was; when those people took me off of my medicine; yet huff; all the same. I knew; that I was awakened; by my own fall; into the water.

How did I know him? He wasn't in any of my lives; as a regular human being. Well; not a 16 year old boy ‼️

This place; isn't a paradise ‼️

It's a crazy dream. It's the Twilight Zone ‼️

As for me; I was 18; at this point. I was wearing my favorite yellow and white dress: the high neck to the floor; little loose fit; with all of the overlapping ruffled layers; which would have stuck to me; like suran rap; if I didn't have one a slip. the frills nearly choked me; as it was. I was glad I was wearing something underneath my fancy dress; as I am quite modest.

That boy; was still laughing so hardly. I just relaxed.

My latest versions of me; waited until; I was ashore; with Brooklyn Robarts; who was hysterically questioning and crying hysterically. His sister; Jane; held him back; from trying to get to me. He can't even swim. That boy loves me. The trouble is: I don't know him. I don't even know how we met.

(How do I Know about anything or anyone; in this latest life? It is all brand-new to me.)

When I did get to my husband; from another life; I looked over at the river. The newest copies of me; who were 30 and 25; respectively; towed Doug back; to the deepest part of the wate filled

ravine. Then; they capsized the raft; over his3 head.

2 Dougs swam out from under the raft. one went over to Connecticut. The other one; flew out of the water; did some spectacular acrobatics in air; without any support or net. He actually wrang himself out; over us; like Caspar The Friendly Ghost the movie; 👻

Well; Brooklyn Robarts = Brian ↔️ Brandan ; Lucy age 20; and I were soaked. Well; I was soaked again; after drying off; in the Breese of the Vitality ... wind; without the tiny multicolored lifeforms; who made-up part of the effervescent look; of the atmosphere.

once again; more copies of each of us; appeared near us. They went up; into the air; together; to chase after the Doug; who was still laughing so hardly at all of us; as he floated about; just above me.

Then; two different immaculate; 2 dimensional enormous lifeforms rose higher and higher out of the water. They were perfectly formed transparent translucent effervescent images of Brooklyn Robarts and Me.

As I watched; the projections ; the following things happened:

A . Some people came. up to us. There were copies of 4 or 5 different people ... :

name = age of person or version

1. Lucy = 25 yrs.

2. Jason Olson 50

3. Mrs. Olson 51(how many times; did the story get retold (in this case; "how many times; did the event repeat itself?) countless versions.

3. Archie Sloan-Vitality =

a. 7 yrs.

b. 17 yrs.

c. 25 yrs.

d. 90 yrs. - the one who plowed though the Olson's property and all; was the original version. He was copied; and then transformed; into a star hero. Old Archie; was never thrown through time. That's why; he didn't know; what happened; that day.

Other versions of him; kept having to repeat the exact same adventure; until the "sun hero" ; dumped all of the water at one time. Apparently; one dose of the Fountain of Youth; just reset the clock; to repeat the same performance.


Brooklyn Robarts; or Brian ↔️ Brandan ; was holding me; with his arms under mine; and his hands; were clasped. he was holding my head. At first; he was crying hysterically.

When he started to kiss my face; almost everyone else; had to detach; us.

Well; I didn't know him anymore; so it wasn't appropriate; for him to do that. Also; we were each having problems with breathing; for one reason; or another.


All of the tiny versions of myself; went to my projection; to add a 3 dimensional; shimmering; shining; sparkling; effervescent image; of me. I was finally gorgeous ‼️


Not to be outdone; the same thing happened to Brooklyn's image. I was enraptured. He was wearing a conservative suit; with a nice modern-day look; that had a long jacket.

(I didn't know him; yet; he certainly knew me. I'm a modest girl. Besides; we're Rulers of an Empire. We have to look professional; and formal.)

The human Youth, hugged me; from behind me. "I was so worried, about you, Stephanie. He could have killed you".

I started to laugh, which wasn't very nice. He broke off his embrace. I turned to tell him, that the River would not kill me. It might put me through catastrophe; if I swallowed someone; or if I were being improved. Yet, I would get through it, stronger, and younger, than previously ( before the latest effervescent water encounter.

Instead, I picked him up, with new strength, from The Fountain of Youth. I don't know, if that was the right thing to do, or not.

He was sort of hiding.

"I'm sorry I laughed at what you said. I guess, if I suddenly appeared in this lifetime, without the memories of them past; I should have been more understanding. I don't know, why, I know certain things. It just hit me, that, This is The Fountain of Youth. I have a history with it, that I'm starting to remember".

"Put me down, on the ground‼️" Lyn (Brian Brandan Brooklyn) Robards.

"I'm sorry. I was just reincarnated, over 25 billion times. I don't know, anything, about social graces" Stephanie

I put him, in font of myself, so he could stand on his own.

He started to laugh. "You may be animated, awesome, and awkward, yet, you really are a wonderful woman". 🅱

How'd they do That?

"You sure do change your tune, faster, than a speeding bullet". Stephanie

"Must be the water." Brian

" I was just going, to tell you, something about that. Yes. This time, it really is the Fountain of Youth".

"You are crazy‼️" Brian laughed.

Lucy came up to us, to say , "Nope. Nobody here, is crazy".

Then a bunch of people who were no longer minuscule, or whatever size, approached , as well. Each person, took turns, with ... carefully explaining the situation; one or two sentence(s) at a turn.

Both of us, listened carefully.

The entire recital, was video- recoded, in a number of different ways, so that any gadget, could reveal, the documentary.

I had to study it, for a long time. The incredible interesting intriguing inspiring information; was all about the water. It wasn't about my relationship; with 🅱. I don't know what to call him. Face palm! Why don't I ask him?

We were still, in this perpetual (non-stop), paradise; of the mid day sun.

"I have to tell you ... : I don't know you anymore. I don't know what to call you. I don't know you". Stephanie


Then, he kissed me. Just like they songs; I knew, that we were in love. I saw, a movie, of us, growing up, together. It was really nice. We didn't always get along, yet, we could find ways, to solve our problems, peacefully. There were some adventures, in all of it too.

Wow. I love to live like this. The thing was ... : I couldn't feel, his face against mine; he was not touching me, at all, after the first second. There was the mineral atmosphere, which was between us.

At one point, I could tell, that someone, was pulling him, into the space-time dragon drama dimensional constant conspiracy continuum contingencies conspicuousness

marvelous mystics mystery manic manipulation stupidity.

I held on to him. Somehow, he came back to me, completely.

I know myself. I know my boyfriend.

When all of this was finally finished; I turned around; to see the different dimensions; of this ... place. I said, "Homestead". I was suddenly surprised‼️

I'm 24. I was in the vast estate, with the grand mansion, with the wrap-around verandah. (Wide porch, that goes, all around, the home).

I went upstairs; to my room. Once again; I saw the different uses of this room.

"How about something nice and new? Ruffles, that overlap, in many layers, all over the place? No Stair steps!"

My room, was perfectly formed, in every way!

"Hay‼️" Brian


I'm not your wife yet. Go get your own room, remodeled, and redecorated; to your tastes".

"Doug‼️" 🅱

"You Yelled, your not exactly excellency?

"Right now, would you please tell us, why, we are not the correct ages? I remember marrying this lady. She says, "We're not married yet‼️"

"Don't yell at me, Brooklyn Robards. I'm not responsible for the ages. My niece, was 24, when she got the homestead".

How'd They Do That?

"I'm right here, with you. Now need to talk about me, like I'm elsewhere".

How'd they Do That? How'd they forget their manners?

"I'm sorry Stephanie. I don't know, you were in the room. There's a heavy curtain, in font of you".

"Oh. Well, I don't see it. This is one crazy place. I don't know; why my age keeps changing.

Before; I got to this place; I had enough troubles; now I have a another problem: I'm a different person; every few minutes. I don't like this". Stephanie

" Well, I don't like it either. I just wanted to live happily ever after, with my country folk".

Jason Vitality-Vitality, appeared. "Hello. The Fountain of Youth, is also, a wishing well. I just found out, myself. I don't know, it works".

"I want to just go normally through life, without the dragon drastic age changes. I just skipped several years of my life; you want me to skip some more of them. I can't stand it. Let's agree on something". Stephanie

"Stephanie, you are the Empress. Brian is the Emperor. You both have to be adults, over 35. 'Course most of your subjects are duplicates of you and Brian".

"I thought, that there wouldn't be anything to do, since the whole wide world,is one perfect paradise; whether or not; each parcel of land; or body of water; belongs to the vast (fast forward) USA (fast forward)". Stephanie

" Every one, still needs your ... : abilities; leadership; compassion, and your medical doctorates; ..." . My Dad, who was King, along time ago. When did he, get into my room?

"Let Mrs. Olson, have the job. She's qualified. I seem to remember, people calling me "Empress" ; for hundreds of thousands of years". Stephanie

I was quite tiny. I was in perfectly overlapping, layers of ruffles, all over me. I slept a lot. Well, this time, I would really get to have a normal life, even in this Vitality ... .

The film shows as : the newborn, Stephanie Megan Vitality, sleeps soundly; even as she says, " koo koo ... ; in her mother's arms. The Queen; and her princess; are still; on the soft bed; in the Southern Vitality Realm Island's birthing room; in the magical maternity large "cottage".

Somehow; the Mountain; next to it; disappears; reappears; has a strange shimmering look, and well; it isn't always solid; whether it is visible; or not. That's the mysterious mystical hographic reality; of forming a new land-formation; to stay on the island forever; despite numerous catastrophic conditions conspiracies in the continously fluctuating space-time dimensional continuum manipulation activities system that occurred every nanosecond.

The little one; was born perfectly formed by the water; and the atmosphere from the original Fountain of Youth . At this point; it was before; the contamination might happen.

Colorful mineral lights and their waters; kept ... : the island ; everything ; and everyone ; shimmering ; shining ; sparkling ; effervescent ; pure ; cured ; immortal and "Holy" as in well cared for; and loved.

She was always phosfluesent🌅

The glowing; radiant little girl; never needed to cry out in pain. She just made a strange sound; to indicate that she needed help.

The medical staff; was baffled by the effects of the effervescent environment; which put them out of their jobs; as the Empire suddenly expanded; when this child was born.

As the little Stephanie slept; she would become very strangely light. She changed slowly into the following ... : purely transparent translucent effervescent matter; a pure 🌟star, which oddly enough wasn't hot, harmful or solid (One could go right though her; like she wasn't there at all. Again; she was caught up in the various dimensions of space and time.

While I slept, all of the various variants of variations, of me, lifted out of me, to go do something. The adult versions, took turns in the throne room, at the imperial desk.

I held meetings, which, altered time. This Empress Stephanie, who was, running the country, was also, from the future.

The ruptured space-time dimensional continuum system flowed freely, in every direction, so that, whatever, laws I signed, were known; in every direction; in every dimension. For example:

If I make it illegal for anyone to be on a certain latitude, and longitude, spot, on April 5th, 2022, then, suddenly that exact spot; will already be illegal; before; the planet was made.

Just as suddenly, buildings, and other things; would vanish; from the area. People, would have been arrested, without, being able to build anything.

Course, I don't know, what is real; anymore; anyway.


I love StarTrek.com Voyager ! as well at Felix The Cat The Movie! plus ... .


See the chapters on the ... :


Staple Singers Song : I Know a Place where ain't nobody worried ain't nobody cryin ain't nobody smiling in their faces lying to the races I'll Take You There


Melissa Ethridge's Version of the Staple Singers Song :

How'd They Do That

Starting to remember something that I Never Really Knew I Know a place where ain't nobody worried ain't nobody cryin ain't nobody smiling in their faces lying to the races I'll Take You There How'd They Do That



Phosphorescence is a type of photoluminescence related to fluorescence. When exposed to light of a shorter wavelength, a phosphorescent substance will glow, absorbing the light and reemitting it at a longer wavelength. Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately reemit the radiation it absorbs. Wikipedia

There's something that makes things glow strongly. Neon. See the comments. When I find a better description; that I can understand; I will post it. 🌅


Harvey Productions

When this crazy lady; named Carigan played by ; hires Dr Harvey, played by to get rid of Caspar's Uncles;the Ghostly trio: