Now, I see why, Space-time ... gives (Star Trek) Voyager's ... Janeway, a headache

Now, I see why, Space-time ... gives (Star Trek) Voyager's ... Janeway, a headache

At first, I looked like a manikin, bent over an effervescent golden shimmering pile of paper, on a solid mahogany, cherry, and oak roll-top-desk, that was too high for me. I had to sit on a large cushion, in order to work comfortably.

Actually, I was getting more and more manic, and frustrated, with undoing the manipulation, of the quantum leaps, (space-time travel). There was so much to do, with somehow unraveling, and untangling an undulating, wriggling, living, electrical ball of yarn, or snakes, with hundreds of loose ends, that merged, and split into two or more new snakes. This was what the situation, seemed like, to me: I had to unify, the sun itself, into one pathway, to a definite destiny.

I stopped, to read all about the History of the Historical Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

by Deepak Chopra.

Also, there's Working with Anger, by a Buddhist nun. The forward, has an awesome anecdote, about the present day incarceration, of Siddhartha Guatama Buddha, who is called, "The Dalai Lama".

A third book, is The Darma of Star Wars by a Buddhist Monk, named Mathew.

I did the excellent exhilarating extremely extraordinary elegant economic excellent excelling eleemosynary1️⃣

experiments; which were suggested as good ideas, from the books.

I also performed my stretching routine, that I learned from Asta O'Donnell. Unfortunately, she isn't teaching anymore. I really miss her. Her video tape, was called, "Good Moves". she partnered with something like Rudiskill Inc. for that.

I leant my copy to someone. I never saw it again. Oh well.

I got back to work, feeling full of golden light, tranquility, peacefulness, and joy.

So many ideas came to my mind, as I calmly and gently straightened out each rope of light.

I took a pile of fresh magical paper, and my special 🐩 poodle pen, so that, I could write down, everything I was thinking, in a nice clear prose (poem, or writing style).

The words flowed like sparking, effervescent (dancing colors), water, onto the mysterious parchment (type of paper).

I was writing about, how the Earth was made, in the first place, as though, I had an authentic Bible, in today's USA school taught English, which retrained the English Lessons, from the e. b. white and Shrunk book, that some people think is outdated.

I don't know, how long, I was in that undecorated throne room. There was no clock, and Sometimes, time really does stop, altogether. Or, someone else, manipulates time, to make it seem, like a bunch of stuff happened in one night; instead of ; taking place over years; with other events erased from my memory.

I had to make sure, that nobody, could have manipulated the space-time ... after I fixed it.

I suddenly got revelations; as I poured over the fancy history documents; for the fractured strange space-time dimensional continuum marvelous mystical mysterious manipulated system epilepsy misfiring dragon fire conundrum caos; called history.


I could see the bright lines of the following: stars; electrical, and other elements; which led to: each version of history; which radiated; from a huge sun; as they emanated; from my present. I was the real Empress Stephanie: I didn't have a past; nor did I know my full name.

The baby Stephanie, with the strange ... emanations; was also the real me. We could not sence each other. We were 2 totally different people.

I could transform, into the electrical being, to merge, (combine) with her. Then, we were one; except; I don't know if the baby gained any information. I certainly didn't. I forgot everything; when I reemerged from her; to go back to work. The work; reminded me; of many things.

In order to sleep; and to rejuvenate: I had to combine, with the incredible interesting intriguing inspiring informational


Neither one of us; needed anything, to consume ; while we were separated; or merged. Our associations with the V. ... water; and the V. versions, of ourselves; took care of that. As any one of us did something; though out the whole fractured ... chaotic mess; it effected and effected all of us.


At first, everyone, thought that, we had to wait for the baby Stephanie, to get to a certain age; in order to change the Vitality history. We wanted to confront, the polluters; before they had a chance to poison our V. river. All of the parables and problems; arose; with this E extremely Evil; and extraordinary


When people played with the ease of going backwards and forwards; in the space-time ... ; they made extra troubles; for everyone. After one hundred years of this confusing activity; which happened every nanosecond; we finally got smart.

Astute = Smart, Brilliant, Sharp


As I watched the endless sun rays, radiating from the central origin of the shattered knot of the space-time ... ; I saw something excellent ‼️ ... : Every time I write on these special effervescent space-time ... papers; I'm permanently changing history! EVERY direction, dimension; continuum; for the entire universe ; incredulously instantly send a play - one scene that becomes a permanent part of each history -

When I get it correctly worded, and signed, my laws start to simplify, the galaxy.


Instead of waiting for the infant to have her 4th summer; and then surreptitiously (secretly); camping-out in a vigilant campaign (keep everyone watching out;) for the criminals; to come to the Entire Region, especially the water; all I needed to do, was make a specific law, with the space-time paper.


As I traced the history, to where 2 variations splintered, and ultimately separated; I found out; what event started the different types of branching out timelines.

The Domingo Effects (nouns) and Affects (verbs) = common sense = The Historical Buddha, who was originally known as, " Sidhartha


Effervescent Aurora Borealis - Fountain Of Youth - wishing well - memory erasing - electronically transforming - Vitality Family Realm - Real Relationships - River Water



conundrum • \kuh-NUN-drum\ • noun. 1 : a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun 2 a : a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b : an intricate and difficult problem. › ...

Definition of Conundrum by Merriam-Webster





plural noun: emanations

an abstract but perceptible thing that issues or originates from a source.

"she saw the insults as emanations of his own tortured personality"

the action or process of issuing from a source.

"the risk of radon gas emanation"

a tenuous substance or form of radiation given off by something.

"vaporous emanations surround the mill's foundations"


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Gautama Buddha


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For other uses of the term Buddha, see Buddha (disambiguation). For other uses of the term Gautama, see Gautama (disambiguation).

Gautama Buddha, popularly known as the Buddha or Lord Buddha (also known as Siddhattha Gotama or Siddhārtha Gautama[note 3] or Buddha Shakyamuni), was a Śramaṇa who lived in ancient India (c. 6th to 5th century BCE or c. 5th to 4th century BCE).[5][6][7][note 4] He is regarded as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism, and revered by most Buddhist schools as a savior,[8] the Enlightened One who rediscovered an ancient path to release clinging and craving and escape the cycle of birth and rebirth. He taught for around 45 years and built a large following, both monastic and lay.[9] His teaching is based on his insight into the arising of duḥkha (the unsatisfactoriness of clinging to impermanent states and things) and the ending of duhkha—the state called Nibbāna or Nirvana (extinguishing of the three fires).

Gautama Buddha

The Dharmachakra Pravartana Buddha, a statue of the Buddha from Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India. Gupta art, c. 475 CE. The Buddha is depicted teaching in the lotus position, while making the Dharmacakra mudrā.

Other names: Shakyamuni ("Sage of the Shakyas")



Siddhartha Gautama

c. 563 BCE or 480 BCE

Lumbini, Shakya Republic 

(according to Buddhist tradition)[note 1]

Died c. 483 BCE or 400 BCE (aged 80)[1][2][3]

Kushinagar, Malla Republic

 (according to Buddhist tradition)[note 2]

Religion: ( It really wasn't a religion. There's no Buddhist God; Buddha knew of the one God over everything and everyone. This one doesn't give out commandments; there are no angels to give messages; or any miracles to grant. Also, there wasn't anyone to worship.

Siddhartha was only a man, who knew everything. (Actually, he did not know absolutely everything. Otherwise, he had some reason, for asking his cousin; questions; about what the strangers were claiming; that Buddha did.





Rāhula (the world means, something like "hindrance" or, you are "in my way", like a pest.

Until Siddhartha returned home, from his epic transformations; and decided to love his son; the baby; was a nuisance; to the well groomed spoiled prince.


Śuddhodana (father)

Maya Devi (mother)

Known for:

Founder of Buddhism

Other names:

Shakyamuni ("Sage of the Shakyas")

Senior posting

Predecessor: Kassapa Buddha Successor: Maitreya

Sanskrit name


Siddhārtha Gautama Pali name: PaliSiddhattha Gotama

The Buddha was born into an aristocratic family in the Shakya clan, but eventually renounced lay life. According to Buddhist tradition, after several years of mendicancy, meditation, and asceticism, he awakened to understand the mechanism which keeps people trapped in the cycle of rebirth. The Buddha then traveled throughout the Ganges plain teaching and building a religious community. The Buddha taught a middle way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the Indian śramaṇa movement.[10] He taught a training of the mind that included ethical training, self-restraint, and meditative practices such as jhana and mindfulness. The Buddha also critiqued the practices of Brahmin priests, such as animal sacrifice and the caste system.

A couple of centuries after his death he came to be known by the title Buddha, which means "Awakened One" or "Enlightened One".[11] Gautama's teachings were compiled by the Buddhist community in the Vinaya, his codes for monastic practice, and the Suttas, texts based on his discourses. These were passed down in Middle-Indo Aryan dialects through an oral tradition.[12][13] Later generations composed additional texts, such as systematic treatises known as Abhidharma, biographies of the Buddha, collections of stories about the Buddha's past lives known as Jataka tales, and additional discourses, i.e. the Mahayana sutras.[14][15]


Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

Physical characteristics:

Always skinny as an adult. First, from the self- harming,

and starving aesthetic damage


He was a "wandering medicant, or person; who only ate what others put in his all purpose


He wasn't depicted as fat, or laughing, until some 300 years after his death; at the age of approximately 80 years old. The Chinese altered Siddhartha Gautama Buddha's appearance.

Why? I don't know. Ask their history teachers.

The gentleman; never let the Indian peninsula, in

his entire life.





relating to or dependent on charity; charitable.

Eleemosynary in a Sentence 🔉

After the hurricane, the Red Cross was accepting eleemosynary help from surrounding communities.

Because the orphanage relied on monetary donations, it was classified as eleemosynary.

The soup kitchen was made possible by eleemosynary donations. › elee...

Eleemosynary: In a Sentence