Everyone's Excellent Excitement

Everyone's Excellent Excitement

(A second wind, is when I get rejuvenated; to start again, at something, that was tiring).

After exhausting my (umpteenth) second wind, I finally saw "a gigantic Empress Stephanie shaped 'yellow golden electricity' form" float twords me, which was fully dressed.

She regained our human form, as the light cascading from her, was less and less noticeable. The other me, also shrank proportionately, as she started to walk. She looked like a walking glowing manikin, at first. Then, she looked tired, and worn.

Replacement Stephanie:

"I'm your relief. I suddenly feel, the way I did, when I ended my last shift.

That's strange. I was just sleeping. I merged with the infant. I don't remember any dreams. I don't know what the baby was feeling, at the time, either. All I know, is that, she is s real, live human, with working organs, and everything. I interject this information ( interrupt myself), as I heard a lot of people, who were wondering about the strange baby.

I am sorry, to skip subjects.

I was saying, that I don't know why I am having an horrendously awful time, with standing, after a good refreshing sleep. I feel haggard, ancient, gaunt, ugly, and feeble. Is this what dying, feels like? Well, ugly is not an emotion".

The Stephanie sitting at the desk:

I'm sorry I over worked myself. You absorbed all of my actions, activities, and everything else, for the whole time, that I have been sitting here, today. Actually, I don't know how long, it has been.

Replacement Stephanie:

You seem fine. let me sit there, so that I can stop absorbing your fatigue, and everything else.

She just leaned over the desk, and walah‼️Stephanie 2, was all golden, shiny, and wearing a golden shimmering shiny overlapping layered tiered ruffled gown!

She was tremendously happy, vibrant, and vital. This one was 50, instead of the various ages that she seemed to be previously.

I even felt much better.

Reincarnation rejuvenated ... Ecstatic Ecstasies Empress, Goddess Supernatural Stephanie:


Thank You So Much!

You did it!

You removed all of the damage to the space-time thing. No more alternative universes; timelines; versions of Brian, or Shirley. Now, it is just 1 Brian, who is 25.

1 Shirley, who is 50. 1 Henry, who is also 50.

Our parents, are in Connecticut.

Then, there's 3 Stephanie versions. You, the infant, and me.

Oh, there's Doug, and his wife. they were King James and his wife. Our parents, here, in Vitality.

I just got all of that infinite information, just now. I am going to miss Megan the 2nd. She was so much fun.

Well, I guess, we should narrow this down, to one Stephanie, with an unique, unwritten future.

Which one, shall continue?

I think that our work here, is finished. Mr. and Mrs. Olson, are taking care of the regular, natural government, for local, and international community cooperations, in the ever expanding Vitality ... Empire.

All the work that we did, throughout the whole space-time thing, has remained: Every war has been erased, and we have all of the countries, that were at war, in the previous time frames.

The water was never contaminated, either, thanks to us‼️

Well, since all of my work was completely finished: I went home, as one glowing, vibrant, 30 year old Stephanie.

It was strange, to merge, with the other Stephanie, who was a human shaped star, which pulled me into its bright white center, with a strong gravity. Suddenly, wind pushed from behind me, as I felt the strong pull, moving me, into the extreme brightness, of the white figure, with the fiery yellows, reds, and oranges, of rays, which emanated from ... (came out of the ... ) pure light entity (life form), who was, another version of me.

My age keeps changing.

Hopefully, I will be able to age properly, from now, until the true end of time.

I actually skipped, all the way, from the central court room; to the top of my tower; without the short cuts. That took a long time, which didn't matter, while I was moving.

The extreme exercise exertion, exhausted me, in the end. I felt incredibly stiff, and heavy. Then, I crashed, upon the newly appeared, super plush, soft, thick carpet. Wow‼️ I'm glad, it caught me‼️ I would have shattered, on the true marble floors, outside, of the tower, on the roof, of the old mansion.

Except for the one, who put the carpet in place; in the nick of time; No one noticed my ungraceful ungodly collapse.

Well, we were down to about 4 adults, and one baby, on the whole island. (This scaled down dimension, anyway. The castle, mansion, and country homestead, were not sharing space-time ... with any other communities, of the island. The other places, such as the Native American Culture; the unnecessary military departments; and more; occupied different dimensions; on the island. Course, the island was

actually a bunch of realities, called dimensions; which actually overlapped each other, over a tiny island.

The whole thing, was quite complicated, as well as absurdly fanciful.

While I fixed the Vitality Reality Realm Family flow of time; as Brooklyn Roberts and Stephanie originally found the area: I did not touch the other dimensions; that existed at various times and places, throughout the other space-time dimensional continuum systems.

Therefore, the whole island, kept changing; in every way possible. It was like a random light show. Sometimes we were in a forest, that extended past the beaches, and there was no waterway. Then, ghostly mother of pearl, outlines of buildings; or a mountain; would appear; for a second; before disappearing, altogether. It was mesmerizing, hypnotizing. I could faint; if I looked to long; at the supernal phenomenal space-time manipulation effects and affects. It was too much to consume, completely. Comprehend? No.

As I lay, in the comfortable carpet; contemplating my out of body experience; of watching the various complexities of fractured space-time dimensional manipulation ; my body relaxed into a liquid.

¡¡ Yikes !!

My body can become ... : a sun ; various types of glass ; various types of liquids ; a human ; a muscle bound human ; various kinds of glowing and or sparkling materials ; and more, that I haven't noticed yet.

¡¡ Grr Grr Growl Grr !!

When I finally got my regular, athletic, graceful, lady like muscular form, back again; I said, " Why can't I be a regular human being, like this, all of the time? I don't want to shatter into nothingness, from, whatever form I have, when, some other "river enhanced person", attacks me; or I fall, from fatigue, or whatever. I don't want to become ... : liquid, when I relax, or any other time ; or some other type of solid mass ; either. I just wanted to be me: A nice person, who is much stronger, than I look; in every way.

I can glow, shine, shimmer, and be effervescent; during Public, or private, "formal regal Empress Stephanie" appearances.

ℹ️ℹ️ WHOOPS‼️

I didn't tell you, that, while I was still looking for my family; I also learned about a much as I could; about almost everything I could find.

Therefore, I became a doctor, of as many different things as possible; such as : religions ; psychologies ; psychiatric services ; physical and mental illnesses ; physical anatomy ; other sciences ... .

To be specific, here's an example, of what I am :

A master of too many things. Like Father Mulchahey (spell); on the sort-of authentic portrayal; of an Army Religious leader; I can lead many different kinds of Christian ; Catholic ; Jewish ; Roman Catholic ; Buddhist ; Non-religious ; Spiritual ; Justice of the Peace ; and other denominations of people ... : in Marriage ; Mass ; Confession ; Church Service ; Therapy ; and whatever other GOOD services ; these people do for the society.

In addition to all of that, I can also lead other countries ; in their customs. I don't do anything ; that I know is evil.

As I am the ... : Empress ; Justice ; Judge ; Permanent Citizen, of the USA, from birth, I also adhere to, and change the USA laws, as I rule over my ever expanding V ... Empire.

I am an Executive Presidential Mandated inclusion, into the all of the State, local, Federal, and country constitutions, of everywhere, under my reign.

In my dimensional reality ; I left all of the "non - presidential" roles, and activities, to my Aunt Shirley and Uncle ; ( for what I thought were ) eight regular years. I was President of them USA, after President Barack Hussein Obama II.

( Well, somehow, that did happen, in conjunction with the real world. It's just that nobody remembers it. I get flashbacks, in my "dreams", so that's how I know it happened, before, it was erased from all histories of all dimensions. )

Before I get back to the day's events, I want to remind everyone, (who might actually read this story), that the waters, and the atmosphere, of the ... V ... Empire ... have a tendency to erase memories; restore memories; as well as to change = modify anyone, or anything, in shape, size, age, and chemistry. Also this stuff, around me, is a wishing well. It can't seem to create peace, or clear-up misunderstandings. The people have to do the actions. Then, something that was accomplished in the future, like : the results of, winning a race ; can suddenly appear in the past. The engraved trophy, is sitting on the ground, somewhere; thousands of years, before the item, was even created. The winner, doesn't even have to be born, in the future, of this altered timeline. That's why, I was sent to various times and places; for creating peace; and expanding the empire. Well, various forms of me, and various forms of about 3 other people.

"Today" only about one quarter of the earth, is NOT connected to the ... USA ... V. ... Empire, of Space-time ... . Except for that one region, which behaves itself, anyway; the Earth and its inhabitants and items, are all affected or effected; by the ... River ... as I just explained it. I have a museum of crowns, tiaras, and other royal items; from the future. Nobody, has to relive the wars; or anything; that led to my acquiring anything, when they days come. Does that make sense, in this ridiculously fantastic world? No.

I think, that, this is a good Segway = hook = way to return to the original story, of this chapter: I was telling the ... Wishing Well ... that I want to be a regular human, who stayed in human form; no matter what.

I can be a gloriously glowing ... person; when the serious occasion calls for it, although I don't want to be too brightly lit, for anyone, who has to look at me.

I don't think that a Religious leader, needs to be any more vibrant, than one's flock, or members. I also don't need a halo (light "coming out from all over me, = emanating = radiating") when I'm a judge, doctor, empress, or anything.

The original water, is full of all kinds of harmless colorful elements, particles, and chemicals; that automatically, make us effervescent, glowing, shimmering, and sparkling.

We are immortal, as the special recipe, of the ... River ... never leaves us. We are constantly reconverting; rejuvenating ; recuperating ; replacing ; regrowing ; improvising ; improving ; and even adding mental and physical features ; that "perfectly formed and functioning" people have.

For instance: A baby born without an arm, would grow a new arm, after the water, touched the socket, that was missing an arm. The new arm, would be exactly like the original arm, on the other side of the body, except for ... : the color, which world be effervescent, ... , and the person's natural skin color. Usually, the original arm, would be tanned, or something. The new arm, etc. would be

My, I am going off on the "wonders of this world" tangent type of ocean (pun intended) again.

As I was saying