I guess we're still having space-time ... problems

I guess we're still having space-time ... problems

Well, the last chapter, was another "someone, is trying to manipulate the space-time ... of my narrative, again, to perfect it.

Or more likely, a bunch of different people are doing this independently, of one another, meaning: as different cooks sneak into the kitchen; to do things to the soup; the whole thing; is inedible.

In my life: these extra people; are mixing-up my words; so that, my speech, is either repetitive; or badly edited.

I need a real person, from, the real Earth; to edit this "history" properly. I will use your work.

What happened after Stephanie fully awake; on the magical carpet?

I guess we're still having space-time ... problems.

What happened after Stephanie fully awake; on the magical carpet?

When I finally got up, from the magical carpet; It disintegrated.

Now, that, I am standing on the "permanent" marble floor; outside of my tower, I will not, let myself get dizzy, or destructed. An orange appears out of nowhere. Suddenly, some brightly shining human form, is becoming visible. "Sorry, Honey," my father's voice says. "Your fans thought that, you should know, 'Who is handing, an orange, to me❓❓' I am sorry, I didn't intend to startle you. You need this citrus fruit, in order to be, okay. It must have been strange, to have this hovering next to you. I keep forgetting, that we are invisible, most of the time'. He

disappeared, after, he said, "Sorry Honey".

Someone else said, "Except for the bedrooms, and bathrooms; we are everywhere, with our spirits surrounding you. No harm may ever come to you. We are also responsible, for the sudden existence, of a special rug; to cushion your fall; and to help you. We had no idea; that; your body's chemistry; would drastically change; from human; to some fragile solid statue ; to various types of flowing liquids; or substances.

Oh, I guess, you can't see or hear the others. You can't see me. One second". The someone else, sounded, like an elderly female, even older than Shirley.

Shure enough, Shirley's actual mother, was hovering, in mid-air.

"I know you‼️I said. your [unpronounceable] August 4th, 1897. You look exactly like the pictures in my convoluted name book.

Incidentally; that apparently; was all a fiction; as far as having that book; record my name; and ancestry.

"Yes. Okay. please please, let me explain, my much younger family member.

When you and Brooklyn ..."

"ℹ️ℹ️WAIT‼️ Please please".

I rudely screamed, in a panic. "I don't trust this unique unnatural and magical, floor. This should be, a steep roof. It should be a very pointy 3D triangular shape.

Plus, this whole building, and the mountain; should not be here at all. Take me home".

"As you wish," Brooklyn's deep, voice said, as he was crying.

Suddenly, I was in a country cottage, in Arizona. My age kept changing. Finally; I was an infant, in a red and black camouflage, frilly; ruffled outfit; with overlapping layers, of tiers; and flounces.

My dress was like that, from the beginning of this new aspect, of my life. It just got smaller, and fancier, as I got smaller; and younger.

What is with this place?

When those people, finally, decided to let me continue as an infant, I could finally get some sleep.

The group, was uninformed, that, there was still an infant Stephanie; and an Empress ... ; as well as the Sun goddess, who wasn't me; yet she didn't know that. I don't share her memories. She's purely ... river ... She looks like a much older person. Maybe my relative.

Well, the sun goddess, was terrorizing the people, in the tower, until, the tranquilizer nurse jabbed her. I was actually annoyed. Representatives of me, rose out of both babies; and the adult Stephanies; to deal with the situation, in the tower.

As the original soul, I was able to stay where I was; besides; I was an infant. What did I know, about the whole thing?

In the tower bedroom, a host of little girls, of various ages; in various versions, of the same outfit; suddenly floated through the walls. Also, similar bunch of girls, also similarly dressed; rose out of a sleeping baby.

Everyone, except, the new copy of the, sun goddess; fainted. The woman of light; shown much more brightly, as she grew in size, to fill the room, with her aurora borealis. In this way; she caught all of the people; and the pets; so that, they were safe.

When everyone, was resting on my enlarged bed; she laughed loudly enough; in a wonderful way; to be heard everywhere. The sound, and everything, were different, for everyone. Whatever anyone wanted to hear; is what was heard. Also; for that moment in time; everyone and everything; received all of the services; of the ... V ... except; nobody and nothing was duplicated; as a separate entity; or item. Even the part of the Earth, which, was not a subject of ... V ... ; received the full benefits.

This wasn't me. I am not a goddess.

With nothing to do; the multitudes of supernatural females; took the unconscious goddess; to the River. None of them were duplicated. They knew, that I didn't want anyone to be copied.

The reason, that they swarmed over to the tranquilizing nurse; was : That shot; of ... V ... will duplicate the person; who gets the injection.

Obviously; the new goddess, was a perfect cosmos universal savior; which means that; she cured all problems. Well; tranquilizing the 1st goddess; was good to do; after all.

The other new souls; who were not needed in the composites of Brooklyn; or any one else; glided out of those people too.


Since we're not talking about flesh and ... ; we don't think it's gross. We always have our protective armor; and bubbles; to protect us; so we don't have to deal with actual flesh ... .

Well; here's more about the water :

As soon as one V. droplet of mist, or water, touches anyone; or anything; The moisture transforms us all; into something; that doesn't have gross stuff.

For example: This transformation happens to each version of Brooklyn Roberts ; before they can be merged together.

As the water completely covers the tiny former people ... ; they instantly enter newly altered life forms.

Course; the people, who are merged together; swallow each other; or are swallowed; have already bathed in the river; or drunk; out of it.

Once combined with another form; of himself; 🅱 can just relax. He can just separate himself; from the other version; of 🅱. The same thing, goes for anyone; who is ingested.

This is a lot different; from the "old days"; when tiny entities; thought that, they could force their way; out of a human body. The results were that: the person would suddenly, have a huge "growth" or bump; on one's face. Somehow, the face became a stretching material.

This is something like, how Eddie Murphy looked; during many scenes; in The Nutty Professor.


Who did that?

How'd they do that?

Can you take me there?

I know a place

ain't nobody crying

How'd they do that

ain't nobody worried

How'd they do that

ain't no smiling faces

lying to the races

I'll take you there.

How'd they do that?

Can you take me there?

I know a place

I'm Starting to remember

I surrender

Something I never really know

This divided nation

under one sedation

I know a place

I know a place

ain't nobody crying

How'd they do that

ain't nobody worried

How'd they do that

ain't no smiling faces

lying to the races

I'll take you there.

How'd they do that?

Can you take me there?

I'll take you there

My compilation; of The Staples Singers original song, "I know a place; I'll take you there" and Melissa Etheridge's "cover".

The cover, is an extra song; on one 2 MEmphis albums. Melissa Etheridge is from Memphis Tennessee.