Is there a story ?

Is there a story ?

Let's see ... ?

Ah yes.

Let's pick up; with the following "jumping off" spot:


As I was an unusual infant in Arizona; I could sleep; without any dreams; that turned out to be real life adventures; thorough the manipulated space-time dimensional continuum system of artificial tinkering.

That was a relief; for my multitude of lives; which each had superb super duper supernatural forms.

Since I was a baby; my future selves; of this time line; didn't have any history; to share. It would have been strange; to wake up; with full knowledge; that : Somehow; my life; was ?

The girls, were each an actual version of me; at various times ; in the future. This was a new feature; of the broken V. space-time dilemma.

I don't know, how to explain this. The good news; is that all of us are really independent individuals; who have different presents and futures. The thing is; I don't know; if they will inherit my memories; as I do things. I don't know. Maybe; I can ask them later; when I learn enough English; and I have done something. I'm an infant.

Okay. I think, we can get back to the story.

My original parents; were back to the ages that they were; when I was a month old. That's how old; I was; when people; finally agreed on how old I should be.

Yikes! Did everyone get that wrong. I wasn't from the beautiful state of Arizona. I didn't want to become a baby. I just wanted to "go home" ; which ; 🅱 should have known ; was a nice fancy house ; in Greenwich Connecticut. Come to think of it; That's where we met. He really was my remotely distant cousin; who came to my home; as soon as possible. He was an infant. His parents; and his older siblings came to stay with us; as the new nursery; wasn't finished yet.

I don't know; how I remembered all of that.

Okay okay. Back to the Future; of Vitality.

My parents didn't seem to notice; all of the little girls; and other versions of me; who were helping with everything.

Their security cameras picked up everything. There were all sorts of life forms; which were reveled with infrared components. Even the invisible ones were caught. The other ones; were shown, just as clearly; as My parents were.

I don't know; why ..?

Well; who knows; why my folks were oblivious; to all of the various entities.

My mom, and dad, took turns with household chores. They planned everything together. It was surprisingly surreal: They never seemed to argue. The three of us were always together; except, when one of them was in the bathroom.

The cameras throughout most of the house; recorded every sound; and action. The bathrooms and the bedrooms ; had infrared cameras; and electronic bugs; just in case of emergency. If an emergency were detected; then the doors would unlock; open; and allow first responders to enter. The regular cameras would turn on, as well.

My parents even took turns currying me all over the house; and the village; until I could walk. We were working together; in the kitchen; and everything.

I had lots of visitors; who would say "hello" to me. My folks had some way of making money. I don't know. I think that some of the adults; were their coworkers.

I enjoyed playing with the children; who came; with their parents.

Well; to jump ahead; I did have a lot of adventures; as I got older.

One time; when ... .

All of a sudden; I was an adult; of 43 years of age; who was striding into the tower; of a castle. I don't know; how ‼️

I had a determined look; on my angry face. I walked on a marble

floor, that led to an open door. I walked right past all of these V. people, even bumping them; out of the way. I walked through the door, on the other side of the room. I gently picked up my other self; who was sprawled on a magic carpet. I carried her, lovingly; to her bed. Then; I put her on it gently.

I kicked everyone else out of the room; with my fancy boots. I tended to the Empress Stephanie.

I waited; for her to awaken. She was more beautiful; than I ever imagined. I couldn't remember being her; yet I knew we were absolutely identical in every way; except in age; lifetime ; and hair color. She was blond. I had mahogany hair; which was just as long; thick; wavy; and clean.

The bruised back-sides type of life forms; started to painfully sneak back; into the room.

I didn't have to say anything to them.

Meanwhile; the interrupted space-time ... was having a problem; with the lack of a Stephanie; outside of the tower; on the rug.

Some strange things were happening, in the place; where the rug was. Such bright white lights‼️

I watched; as Stephanie's form; came out of the woman on the bed. She went back to the throne room. Suddenly; I was was Empress Stephanie; in the throne room; in my stupidly superfluous transparent translucent armor; over my real gold-sequin dress, with silver threads and sparkles.

I was exhausted. I had amnesia. I looked around myself. That crazy Brian walked into the room. He carefully; gently; lifted me ; into his arms. He loves me. My husband carried me back to over the strange marble floors; stairs; and all; to the tower.

What happened to me?

What happened to the new life; and all of its versions?

Once again; I was just getting to the really good part ..?

When oewent back to work; a week later; I found that; There were only two people on the Southerns Vitality Island. Just Brooklyn Roberts; and me.

Only one forth; of the Earth; was not under V. control. I was the only one, who knew; that all sorts of wars happened; that were erased from history; and the repetition; of life events. ( Back to the Future; shows that, if you go back in time; you can watch history unfold. You can also change history.

With V. you can change history; yet if you won something; then the victory; will be known; in the past. I mean; I have a museum full of crowns; that haven't been made yet.

Go figure. No wonder; what's left of the space-time ... is confused.

I got up; from my fancy chair; to go to the castle. Instead; I was suddenly outside; in a pretty garden of wildflowers; next to a forest. Brian was a little ways in front of me; on a beach. He was doing something; with a lit-up blue ball.

" I Hate This Place ‼️"

I told him.

He tossed his ball to me. I caught it.

Then he kissed me.

"Mrs. Robards; I love you".

"If I'm married; it's to Brian ↔️Brandan Vitality-Vitality.

"That's me". He kissed me some more.

I didn't want to ... .

"Stop that. I'm serious. This magical domain is a pain".

"Quit complaining. I had to do just as many tedious; challenging; and outlandish things; as you did," he said; as he held my head.

Again; he says, "Mrs. Robards, I love you".

"Why did you send me; to Arizona"?

"I didn't do anything. I don't know; how any of this works. I didn't want to lose you. I couldn't go with you. I'm glad that you're with me; again. My memories are coming back to me, now; in case you were wondering," 🅱 said.

I let him hug me. I remember that wedding day; when I was a bright white overdone fluffy thing.

"I just wanted a regular natural life. I'm glad that this reality; will never know wars; terrorism; bullying; or any kind of tantrums. I'm also glad; that there are no illnesses. We still have variety; different opinions; and various other things; that make this country mostly a democratic capitalism.

There's something for almost ever one. I wonder what the future will be. I wonder how teachers will explain ; to the students; that we have proof of hysterical current and future events; yet; none of it happened"? I said.

"Maybe; they will grab, one of your long winded, looney; convoluted; incomprehensible descriptions". 🅱 Held me tightly; while he mocked me. I would have hit him; otherwise. Wait; I couldn't do that anyway. There was no more violence.

He let go. We floated up into the air.

What a crazy existence.

For a gloriously long moment; we were "SUSPENDED in TIME" (sung by: Olivia Newton-John; of "XANADU"; also Staring Gene Kelly)

The clouds were out of reach; as they looked like cotton balls. The sky was cyan; which is the natural sky blue; and a primary color.
