Okay; kids! 5 minutes

Okay; kids! 5 minutes!

Break it up Now!

We heard some shouting, so 🅱; and I looked up; from our innocent board game.

The few people; who were left on the island; appeared as gigantic human shaped stars; with modest fancy Roman God clothing.

They shielded their eyes from us. "Hay SUPERMAN !! We're not doing anything. You obviously don't know me". I startled them.

"Well, you were kissing each other's faces on the beach," someone said.

"Wrong. He was kissing my face. I was trying to get away; from this rude person," I said.

Brian was crying. He walked away. I just realized; we were hovering; in the air.

"Stephanie, when will you learn?" someone yelled; as one sped after Brian.

I was suddenly an infant; in Arizona; and I was also an infant in the V. castle. It was strange.

"Well, so much for our plans," someone else said. Every time; I'm about to have an interesting adventure; I have to revert back to babyhood. Gee.

After some time; when I was an adult again; Doug asked me," Why did you insult your husband?"

"Which time?" I was bewildered. I remembered some; of my past actions. It wasn't like, I only insulted him; once.

" Just now, when you denied kissing him. You said that he was rude," Doug said.

" Doug‼️ to me; that was in another life. Plus; I'm 35; in this lifetime; not counting some strange space-time activities; and jumbled memories; from centuries. All the same; I do know, what you are referring to, now. That gorgeous guy; made fun of me; and he held me too tightly. He was afraid, that I would hit him. As if; I could ever hit him again. In every nanosecond; of every space-time adventure; or version of myself; with my consciousness as this Stephanie; I am constantly punished severely; for bashing in his face; that time; that he mocked me; for being awkward; when everyone was giving me superlative titles like They most wonderful graceful woman ever," boy; did I ever ruin that speech.

"What?" Doug said.

"fast forward. Your nephew; was mean to me, when he wasn't trying to kiss my face. fast forward," I said.


"I think, we both, need some educación, in dealing with one another. I'm still suffering from a punishment, for, giving him; a knuckle sandwich. I broke my hand. He did not have any damage. He's a solid rock," I said.

Doug laughed. I don't know why.

Brian came over, with a baby in his arms. 8 year old twins Megan and Margaret, were trotting along; next to them. Anne, was solemnly "pulling up the rear" of the formation.

The baby; who was placed in my arms; was me. We looked at each other, with smiles.

"I thought that Megan and Rachel, were the twins," I murmured.


"Oh. Okay. Thank you. Do you have to be so loud?"

"Sorry, Stephanie, mommy," they said; in a much softer voice.

"I'm sorry. Somehow; their voices became one machine's voice. Creepy"!! Shirley explained; as she rushed into the room.

Oh. My old tower room; formed around us; at some point.

I will never get used to this whole thing.

I looked at my 👐 handsome husband. He was so wonderfully adorable; as he gazed at the children; and me.

" I don't know; where or when we are. The last time, I saw you; you were upset. I'm sorry I hurt you; at any time. In that one instance; you just got finished cruelly holding me tightly; while you were making fun of me; in a nasty voice. If you really care about me; then; don't hurt me," I finally stopped talking.

" I'm sorry I bullied you. I was teasing. I could tell; you were going to hit me," he told me.

"I cannot hit you again. I am still constantly punished; every nanosecond; of every space-time ... no matter what. Believe me; I have sought after a solution; to this problem; which haunts me; in every lifetime; in numerous ways.


I cried out in real mortal anguish.

Suddenly, none of us "Stephanie life forms", had calluses from writing an eternally long apology. Our rumps didn't hurt from sitting on a metal bench forever. We did not see the small jail cell; where one of us; was still sitting.

She suddenly appeared; looking even more ancient; and bedraggled, than her unbelievable 800 combined years showed. She was quickly taken; to the river; which was permanently restored; to its "original" sun infused form; without life forms. It did have all sorts of non - poisonous items, such as: minerals ; nutrients ; and vitamins. No radioactive anything. No allergens.

When she emerged, the one who actually worked through the harsh punishments, was returned to an adorable infant; who nobody could ever harm; capture; anger ; or disappoint again; as long as she lived; this new life. Likewise; all of the signs of hardship; that she endured; no longer appeared on the rest of us.

I was finally free !

All of us merged; into one individual. One mind. One body One soul.

I saw all sorts of bright lights dancing in front of me.

I was asked, "How old do you want to be?"

"I want to be 35, with my husband; and my adopted children; who really are not versions of us. They are unique individuals; who need love; affection; and the guidance; that 🅱 and I can give to them, " I said.

No more multiple versions of anything or anyone.

I went to the Native Americans' dimension; to provide those good people; with loving children; and happy pets, too.

Well, the old soul; who was transformed; into the pure brand new baby; stayed with Brian, and me. We made sure; that she was happy.

"If I knew, that you needed a sincere apology; with all of my pain standing behind it; I would have done that centuries ago". I was crying hardly. Brian just looked at me; with a sad expression.

When I felt better; I said; " I really was in Heaven; for that moment, when; we were suspended in time; above the clouds. You were so handsome; hilarious; and sentimental. You can be a lot of fun; when you want to be good. To think; we spent all that time; playing a board game; and chatting," I was about to dance over to 🅱; to kiss him; when; he said, "You talk too much,".

I froze. I sat back down; on a chair. I looked around myself. strange human shaped clouds were hovering above, and next to me. I wasn't scared. I was angry. "Quit spying on me. If you're here, then come in your most human form," I ordered.

"Also, who says I talk to much? Doug? Brooklyn Roberts Base Ball Bat Brains Mushrooms Mind ? I ask both of you; as you talk a lot too". Plus; someone missed-