An adult again.

An adult again.

I managed to live an uninterrupted life; from age 4; to 35.

Meanwhile; the other versions of me, lived some kind of complicated way. By the time; I awoke; this morning; we were all one human being; with many paths; leading to this one point. I knew only the original life; and the "corrected" version. I didn't know, about the Arizona Stephanies.

As for the

"Empress" Stephanie: They Think, "She's a Goddess"! Well, I'm Not

convoluted timelines; I also had ... : my reappeared and restored book ; newspapers ; my broadcasts on various "mediums" ; museums of items from the damaged space-time dimensional continuum systems ; "visions" ; and night time dreams ; to remind me.

"I don't want Arizona Stephanies, to lay dormant in my body," I announced.

They floated out of me. Again, we're not human; with gross anything.

"Are you able to tell me, how, you manage life?"

"NO" Everyone said at once.

The Megan, who served as my daughter, and my assistant; came running. She had a book, in her hands. (I suddenly felt like, I just ran at full supergirl speed, over a great distance). We both flopped onto the bed.

I couldn't understand, what the book, was saying, about the ways in which that set of life forms existed.

I decided to ignore it. Why should I have a headache?

I looked up from the book; in time; to watch them "act out" their unique life processes.

It was mind blowing. I can't explain it.

"Well okay. ..."

I didn't have to say anything more. Doug came in, looking like a giant with weird muscles, in his arms. He was wearing jeans and a tee-shirt.

Every one around him; laughed for a long time. He couldn't understand.

I pushed him, into the bathroom; where I had a few large mirrors. When he saw himself; from every angle; he turned red with embarrassment. Then Doug shrank down to the size of a flea; so that he could fly away ASAP.

I was still smiling as I sat upon my bed.

The other 35 year old Stephanie; said, "Well, I am a different person, from you. I lived my life, to a point. Then, I was suddenly getting younger; as your soul was placed with mine. I was confused. I did not have the same color scheme; for my clothes; all my life. I also couldn't afford such fancy clothes; or hair styles. Instead of just placing you in a new place; to live out your life; the mystics could not agree on how old you should be. That's why, they kept making us younger; and younger. I don't know why I was chosen; to host your soul.

We were like twins, in the same body. We didn't know anything about each other.

As it turns out; we initially were sisters. Well, in my first merry-go-round of life; we were. I'm Rose. Reincarnations are real, you know.

Boy! Wow! I sure do have a lot to say!

Now, the mystics, (or whatever, who ever they are), could not just pull me out of my life story; to give you a new body; and a new home. That form of me, had to stay, in the new dimension; or timeline.

That's why; there are so many different Rose versions.

As the baby got older, she merged cleanly, with the next oldest Rose girl. I see how this is confusing.

When the baby did things, those activities became my history. My old life was slowly changing, in that way. Eery. At the same time, there were many others; who were different ages. As they did things; they also changed my history. It is so confusing. I don't like; trying to explain a chapter, of my

Number Next

While Rose was exploiting; some of her various; were cheering exuberantly. Others were sleeping. Another set started to hover around her, until they took turns hugging her.

Rose cried; as she couldn't take the abuse anymore; of trying to make sense of her bizarre Twilight Zone life; with all of the different memories; of each adventure.

As she cried; her normal tears ; turned into an effervescent shiny sparkling mist and mini streams of V river water ... .

Suddenly; all of the extra Rose girls; vanished.

After a long time; Rose calmed down, a lot. "I just have my original memories now. I was born on Monday; April 20th 1324; as we would call it today. People like to change the calendar; at strange intervals; through out history.

Wow! I can see the space-time in different dimensions and directions; too. It's like Epcot Center, in Disney's World in Orlando Florida. A large round screen; that shows what's in front of me; when I look forward; and what is behind me; when I turn to look. Wow! This is Great!

Yay‼️ Yay‼️ Yay‼️ Yay‼️

Number Next

Once again; I was sitting on my bed, when Brian came into the room; accomplished by children; who were reincarnations of me.

Once again; my husband; placed a tiny baby; into my arms.

This time; Amy happily led the group of family members; into the room.

I couldn't get enough; of my kindred‼️

"Well; Everyone; even Doug; is here ; for our meeting," Brian announced; as he beamed at me; more brightly and exuberantly; than ever.

"Now;" The one who wanted to explain things to us previously, got her chance. "The water wasn't always infused with sunlight. Silly stories emerged over time; about that. Some still say someone from the sun; successfully sent a river of good, health promoting non radical (no radiation) rays; to what is now; a river. The thing is; Whatever happened; nothing ever burns ; melts ; or catches on fire. We simply don't know; how things happened. Possible space-time tampering; to confuse us; most likely.

The next piece is; "Brooklyn; why did you and Stephanie; create this ... unpronounceable language; and the naming system" ?

"We didn't start the fire, its always been burning since the worlds been turning ... . Sorry, I suddenly channeled Billy Joel.

Excuse me? What language, "? 🅱 bewildered.

"I saw you. I was a little girl, witching you. You were having a good time; laughing and joking," I suddenly remembered again.

"I also remember; I was older than you, Brooklyn, as we entertained each other. After walking around; to explore this new land; we sat near each other; to make wild plans. Do you know; this whole place; is a wishing well; as well as The Fountain of Youth". I was so proud of myself; for my ability to say that in a nice way.

"So that's how I got this name", the mystical magic created all of this". If no one were around; I would kiss Brian's face; with those wide eyes .

"Smoothing else. I don't know if you realized it; Brooklyn Brandan Brian; yet; when we were above the clouds; you pulled an invisible blanket over yourself; which cured you of everything.

Well; we get a mouthful of that stuff; right after giving birth; in this insanity inducing Realm. It is hard to say anything; especially hard names; like Brooklyn; and Stephanie; with a blanket in one's mouth".

I came up with that one; yet it was a team of my mother; and Shirley; who answered that question.

"Why did you write, 'Brandan ↔️Brian', on my birth certificate"?

"I didn't write anything, you oversized pain! The hospital staff, wrote that, as she couldn't understand me; and she didn't know; I was wrapped up like an eggroll; in an invisible; thick; soft; and purifying cocoon"! Shirley yelled.

"How"? she yelled.

Her son, 🅱 (for short); picked up his mother, Shirley, to cradle her.

She sobbed. "I hate this place, too. Why did you bring me here"? Shirley was actually asking the one; whom she pounced on that time; that the star people first arrived in the heavens above the V realm.

"That's also me, mother. I needed a mother, for my reincarnations ; when I found out ; that I was going to be a baby again,". 🅱


"ℹ️ℹ️ Did you have to be born through a mother each time? That stuff HURTS " ‼️ Shirley screamed in mortal anguish and agonizing pain; as though it where happeing again.

"¡ Infinite times !" She breathed forcefully. "How did I survive"?

"You were reincarnated infinite times; throughout the whole thing,". My great grandfather; who was also living yet another life; and still had all of his memories; as though; whatever death he suffered; was erased; and he just started a new life; each time.

Anyway, that's my summary, of what the old boy said, as translated from an ancient version of a Scottish dialect.

How could I understand him?

How'd they do that

I know a place

How'd they do that

Where ain't nobody crying

Ain't nobody worried

How'd They Do That

Ain't no smiling faces

Lying to the races

Can you take me there

I'll take you there

I'll take you there

How'd They do that

A place

I'm starting to remember

I need to surrender

what I never really knew

so take this divided nation

under one sedation

... . (Another of my Staples Singers and Melissa Etheridge compilations complications of "I know a Place; I'll take you there; How'd they do That ; Ain't nobody crying ... "

"How do I know, what you just said,"? I finally got to ask aloud.

Everyone laughed historically, heartily, and ? (I don't know what those monkeys were doing)...

"Your highness"! They shouted in unison, like a choir; " We're all wearing the first-aid enhanced Star Trek commutator badges that you helped to make! You have been carving miniatures of our heads, as casings for them. You use solid extremely pure gold. Don't you remember? Suddenly; you are working on one now!"

I looked at my hands. It was true. This is a strange place.

Well, at least the original Staples Singers Song got one thing right; about this country: Everyone is honest; as the Realm takes over the entire cosmos. (I think that one country; which is not a threat to us; nor does it harm its people; animals; nor anything; is still self-governing. They are still bound to aggreements; that they made with me. I don't see their "crown" or symbol of independent leadership; in my helmet's computerized inventory; of such items.

(Just like with the theme music used for my news casts; you can claim whichever place; you want this to be. Choose your own country.)

I was too tired, to do anything. I felt like; I just completed a running race; that was many times longer; than what I ever did; in this reinvented body.

Suddenly, out of the loudspeakers and com badges:

My amplified excellent exhilarating yet exhasted voice rang out clearly and harshly,

"Gasp Gasp Gasp I DID IT ‼️

I'm going to die again. Oh gee. Oh no. I don't know how it started; or how I endured. I felt my body; going through everything; without the usual V interruptions. Gasping COUGH cough cough pardon me! I'm dying! Why did someone put me through a marathon? Everyone else finished 2 weeks before I did. I am not an athletic person. I know you can hear me, " the voice got extremely strong; and vicious.

Great Grandfather disappeared. Three seconds later; he reappeared; with an anomaly. My exact replica; was shimmering shiny fading in and out, and disappearing. I felt her weight; as our old man; placed her lovingly and gently on the bed next to me. I reached out to touch the invisible blanket that engulfed her. I couldn't see through the bundle. I couldn't see her at all. I heard her as she breathed. She had various breathing sounds. I carefully blindly unwrapped her face, by touch, feel, and gently pulling the material. It was some strange composition; of plain air; made into a blanket.

How'd they do that

How'd they do that

How'd they do that

I know a place

ain't nobody crying

ain't nobody worried

ain't nobody smiling in their faces lying to the races

I'll take you there

How'd they do that

How'd they do that

How'd they do that

She looked at me. I looked at her. Suddenly; I was the one in the race; from the starting line!

I am really here, doing this. I'm not having an out of body experience. Nor is the body, that last housed my consciousness still on the bed. " She disapped. She's not here ate all; all of the various com badges rang in my ears; as I ran. Is the other running Stephanie still on her bed; in her air cocoon?"

"Yes. I'm here, now. see if you can slow down, and then stop. You need gaterade, or something". An exhasted nearly dead Stephanie's voice; said; with tons of concern.

It worked. I managed to slow myself to my regular running speed. Next, I was able to walk . The transisions were too harsh. The original running speed; should have gotten me through the finish ribbon; in a fraction of a second. A nanosecond.

That's too fast; even for whatsoever I am.

Anyway; I managed to drink something; that another clone or version of me; gave to me. I don't know which type of Stephanie; she was. River made; or stuck after time travel.

How'd They Do That

number next

Nobody laughed; as I suddenly reappeared; all crumpled up; and changing skin color at lightning speed; Greased Lightning Greased Lightning‼️

Nanosecond. Flashing faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound it's a bird it's a plane it's superman! Only I it's only me; and I think I shattered my whole body; with all of that abuse. Apparently some mysterious power; was fiddling with me again, once I was carried into the room. Either that, or I swallowed someone.

I was limp, pale, and srunched-up; yet not flashing colors. Bruise colors mostly.

"Hay Douggie Doodle Poodle Boy" If I want to get his attention; I have to really insult him. Actually, to me; it's the nicest thing I can call my adorable relative. I was right. I did swallow Doug. As soon as he stopped bombarding; what he must have thought was an exit; he suddenly came out of me; through diffusion. My face started to rejuvenate; to a point better than ever; especially; if one knew my real accumulated age; over time; which was the real me. I absorbed everything; that my copies, or time travelers did; who were different versions of me; from any origin; in the still fractured space-time boondoggle.