Finally an Adventure! Wait! Not this! Help‼️

Finally an Adventure! Wait! Not this! Help‼️ Why won't anyone help me?

Nobody laughed; as I suddenly reappeared; all crumpled up; and changing skin color at lightning speed; Greased Lightning Greased Lightning‼️

Nanosecond. Flashing faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound it's a bird it's a plane it's superman! Only I it's only me; and I think I shattered my whole body; with all of that abuse. Apparently some mysterious power; was fiddling with me again, once I was carried into the room. Either that, or I swallowed someone.

I was limp, pale, and srunched-up; yet not flashing colors. Bruise colors mostly.

"Hay Douggie Doodle Poodle Boy" If I want to get his attention; I have to really insult him. Actually, to me; it's the nicest thing I can call my adorable relative. I was right. I did swallow Doug. As soon as he stopped bombarding; what he must have thought was an exit; he suddenly came out of me; through diffusion. My face started to rejuvenate; to a point better than ever; especially; if one knew my real accumulated age; over time; which was the real me. I absorbed everything; that my copies, or time travelers did; who were different versions of me; from any origin; in the still fractured space-time boondoggle.

Doug just flew away again. instantly; I had tremendous vision, as I watched the minuscule dot fly over to the river; perform a tight corkscrew maneuver, of ten downwards twisting turns, and then 6 back flips; before gaining height; by shooting straight up; and finally diving straight down, with no splash.

"Show off! Next time put some shorts on yourself. I'm NOT a pervert. I'm a pure non-godess human bean". I grumbled, into the golden talisman; with my engraved picture on it.

"She noticed! She watched me!" a jubilant giant's deafening bcry came through my charm.

A 22 year old suddenly started screaming in a scared horrified anguished barely understandable voice rang out of the golden charm; as Doug realized; that I saw him naked. He lost his clothes at some point. I guess it was an accident; unless some cosmic force or being; or multiple entities were manipulating; and man handling us, all of us; again. It was not his intention; to be nude; even if he were nearly microscopic.

"Why did you look ... " ? he sobbed.

" I got only one glimpse; honestly. You got through the whole thing; before I could shut my eyes; and cover my face. I'm still going through changes over my failed instant reflexes. I hit my face hard; after slamming my eyes shut! I'm all bruised up and swollen"!

Caroling Cascading Cackling coursed its way through out the island.

"That's definitely not funny; I growled. " That's how I said it; as well as what I said. I do that. Incidentally; sort of related to my clarifying comment; just now: I talk; like I'm writing an account of something. I have a lot of writing to do. I am still the Empress Stephanie with the colorful elements and effervescent papers. I also have to write an apology to my husband. " Hay! "Powers that be" what a stupid name! How come I have to write this 800+ year old letter to Brian"?

" This is not the same apology. This is for the last time you insulted him; or sent him away crying". Another one of my restored ancestors said. " I don't make the rules. I don't know who does. I don't know how anything works; around this realm of yours,".

That makes a large number of us," I said. Cheers echoed almost all over the Earth.

The other folks; had their all purpose medical, communications; video camera ... charms, talismans, badges, or whatever one wants to call those things. Doctors can monitor everything going on inside a person's whole being. The Emergency people come instantly; to create the perfect private hospital especially for one's needs.

Well; for everyone and everything; EXCEPT my family; especially; if it is Shirley; Mom, Dad; 🅱; That Fellow in Red; and ME.

On to more interesting things.

Without warnings; the whole bed; slid out from under a bunch of people; who looked either exactly like me; or similar to me; at various ages. Also; non relatives were with me too. I don't know when the bed got so big; and was still in proportions with the room; and everything in it. I don't know; where all of the people come from either. All of a sudden; there was no strong support beneath me. We all fell, into a tangled heap; on the regular ground; at the bottom of a giant pit. " We just dug up this well; as we were ordered. We would have done something to protect us all; or not dig at all; had we known; you were going to fall;" Someone said. I looked at a pair of sturdy work boots; that cost me $ 250.00 ‼️

The owner of the boots; and the voice; looked like Bart Simpson's neighbor; with the brown hair and the mustache. Great! Now, I'm ripping off, some other prominent enterprise.

Those of us in the pile; reduced to just me. As close to a regular human being; as I'll ever be.

"I cancelled all of your punishments; and I also convinced the wishing well; to fix the space-time thing properly. You missed a great 7 dimensional speech; which was hard to do. 🅱's voice called down to me; with cupped hands. "Just whisper into your com badge; Sweet heart. It's much easier; and like Star Trek; you can send your voice to a specific com badge. Don't get upset. Only you can hear me.

Woops! I forgot to say some things. I love you. Thank you for everything. I think my body is shattered. I seem to be in the Simpson's TV show. I hope no cameras or people can see me now. Hay! Brian"!

"Yes, dear, I thought you said you don't have to shout".



Still nothing. "Brandan"

"Oh. You are not raising the roof,"

"If I could raise anything; I would not be stuck at the bottom of a well; with Bart Simpson's Neighbor looking down at me. I don't know why I can't insult you; as my dying last accomplishment on this soil," I said; mostly through gritted teeth.



"Would you please get me out of this pit; please; I'm talking as nicely and as clearly as I can. Blood is coming out of me all over; my bones are shattered; and I'm puffy; and I am trying not to die. I will remember this; in my next life. I always do; eventually. I will tell all of your embarrassing secrets; and I will not only divorce you permanently though my own means of off sending actions through the nervous system systematic space-time dimensional coordinated continuum manipulation".

A rope ladder appeared. A strong; handsome man; climbed all the way down the ladder. He poured a specific jazzy water; into a tiny strainer. He put the strainer on the ground; so that the tiny people could get off of it. Then, he handed the uninhabited water to me; in my favorite cup. I tilted my head; which should have been impossible; let alone communicate. I opened my mouth. Brooklyn carefully poured the water; into my mouth. Even though the first microscopic atom of it; restored me; I just lay like that; until I was full. I really was starving. All of that stuff is good; and it does an awesomeness amount of amazing amulets work; the elements are so tiny; and light; that I can't feel them; yet they take up a lot of room.

When I finally got full; I decided he needed to do more; for keeping me waiting‼️

Elementals and or ... ? Where keeping me alive; albeit in a strange way.

I lay there; looking at him. "Thanks for coming with the cure. Is there some reason; why I had to threaten to divorce you"?

I looked at him.

"Well, this place is not part of the paradise. ... ."

I sat straight up. I was starting to holler at him; when the well digger; said, " Easy; Your Pomp and Circumstance; " I was in full Empress Stephanie Regalía. "I didn't recognize you; at first; and I'm just a regular man, who is stuck here too. I hope I don't really look like a cartoon. I digress! Whoops! I mean I changed the subject," He looked at 🅱, who apparently doesn't know, this guy's definition; of digress.

"This whole place was CREATED BY THE SUNWATER" ‼️

I shouted the whole thing at Brian.

"I thought we were deeper down; than that," Brian was miserable. He understood why I was yelling. He thought that he did everything he could do. He didn't know anything about the ladder; nor that someone could fly in; to save me. "Why didn't someone else rescue my wife, if I didn't seem to know what to do"? Brian asked? "We have helicopter piolets and medics, who could have come here; instantly. I was not interfering; in anything. The Empress almost died a tragic painful death. As it is; she was in a tragic agonizing painful predicament,". Brooklyn Otto Robards

Nobody said a word. I got up, grubbed a tight hold on both men; and thanks to the rockets attached to my boots; up we went; into the castle tower. I gave our guest all of the filtered water; that he wanted, and then I got a spare room ready for him.

I went back to the bedroom.

"Someone please repair this floor. Do not damage; or cut it again. Do not slide it out from under anyone or anything. Do not send anything or anyone shooting down a tunnel, pit, or well. Do not disturb me or anyone at night; unless it's an emergency. Would someone come immediately to my aid; when I'm in an emergency? If you could save everyone else; why not me??"

I thought; that should do it.

I went to bed; thoroughly exhausted.

Brian and the kids; curled up around me. We cried; until; years of built up emotion from emergencies; were all gone.

Then; we all fell asleep. Nobody awoke; during the night; nor did they need the bathroom.

I just kept thinking; maybe I'm some kind of goddess; to these people; like Supergirl would be; to most Earth people.

I do all the things, that the SUNWATER gods do.

I can also command nature; or so it would seem.

I'm glad I was able to get us out of that hole.

"I specifically told this wishing well; and everyone else; not to move my bed; or use it to bring me; or anyone else underground; on an earlier occasion. Do you think; that the need for my specific mandates will change; or that thay become void for any reason? There's notices everywhere; in case you forgot; or someone new comes.

Heads will roll; due to the extremely dangerous plight; we were in; when we fell. It looks like everyone is cured now; from my reports. Why wasn't I wearing my protective gear"? I was going through a prismatic explosion of colorful emotions again; except for this time; nobody was fighting for his life; to get out of me.

Once the floor was replaced; I pushed the bed, back into place. Good Grief Charlie Brown and Snoopy of the Peanuts Gang Cartoons by Charles M Shultz.

My family and I slept; while peace and tranquility reined over the entire Earth.

When I awoke the next day ; I spent quality time; with the family. I also enjoyed my visit to the zoo. The lions were especially happy after a good bath and hair cut. The groomers loved the special translucent transparent armor; which wasn't heavy for them. They didn't have computers; food supplies; air; or special filtered water. That does make a difference.

I gave each of the zoo employees ; an extra bag of collectible gold pieces.

That really made them happy. I also had brunch with them. The animals; had their own meals ; freshly prepared by actual veterinarians ; so that they were properly fed. I had an ingenious way ; of making sure ; that everything was perfectly vegan; and still contain the proper proteins ; and other vital ingredients ; for all of us; even the zoo animals. I am excited about that.

After a glowing glorious goddess morning; I went to work; knowing that I was not alone; in this ginormous room. "Please Show Yourselves, Please,".

They did. Not everyone was human; some of them were stars, who didn't damage anything.

Brooklyn, was a green guy; again. He slowly transformed; into the gorgeous Greek God Emperor.

I got up; to hug him. "What's in the agenda; today,"? I Quietly asked my amplified amulet.

Well; we found some natives ; in another dimension; or country; somewhere near Africa ; so we thought we'd send you through the old passages ; to get to the plane ; which you would pilot to the natives ; to make sure that they are acceptable neighbors".

Firstly ; you got it all wrong.

Secondly ; those passages were not used for that.

Thirdly ; I almost broke my neck a previous time; so; I already decreed; that nobody should send me falling through a hole in the floor again.



Someone somehow managed to open a door way Stargate Dimensional portal; that replaced part of the throne room; with my bedroom. I know; this is another ... ridiculously ... insane situation.

I Know everyone in that room ; as well as whoever sent whomsoever ; to run this errand ; was there too. Not only that ; all of them ; in this one lifetime ; had something to do with accomplishing that goal ; of welcoming the natives to our experience. They could still do as they pleased ; as they were just cerebrating the day ; that they joined me. Otherwise; nobody dressed like that ; for centuries; prior to that day ; if ever they did dress like that ; which was unlikely. It was actually a group of representatives from various lands. The ones who were probably meant to be spear hunters ; had on jeans and tee shirts ; under some loose sheets.

I still don't know why I was there; for that complex event of time travel. I think either someone erased some staged events; or ..? I don't know that I need to worry about it.