Honestly! Why can't you just ask me; to do something?

"Honestly! Why can't you just ask me; to do something"?

That's what I asked everyone.

Nobody answered.

"Well; if there's nothing else; I have work to do. I have a whole planet to protect; and to govern. Unfortunately; I have to do everything all by myself; without the legions of paid employees who quit their jobs. If you don't go to the office; to govern; then you quit your job. All quitters will be arrested; for breaking your contracts; and shirking your responsibilities. Since the mothers; were unable to do anything else; and were forced somehow; to re-birth us; with the reincarnations; then; the mothers are free to do whatever they want; within the laws. They will be able to help me to change history; and to prevent arduousness atrocities and egregious events; from ever happening; in any part of the space-time thing," I finally got finished with that multifaceted poorly given declaration.

After that; I went to work; to handel various "international" situations; one at a time.

As my so called "law enforcement", was seriously absent; I had to stop; what I was doing. I got the USA police book; from the desk.

I went up to each person; who was supposed to help me; to govern. I actually thew the book at each person. As one caught the book; I told him, her or ? ; to read along with me; as I read aloud from another copy of the book. I covered everything; in great details. I made sure to read the Miranda Rights; in even more powerful painful picayune punishing specifics.

I also had to call Megan ; to haul them all away ; to the waiting rooms ; where diligent people monitored the suspects.

When the hospital staff ; who receive convicted felons first ; heard about the "influx" or intrusion of 10 new patients ; the staff wanted to strike.

"It is not my fault ; you had some repeat patients ; which made it seem like you were understaffed. There were actually 5 nurses ; 6 technicians ; and 8 different kinds of doctors for each person ; as they rotated through the different wards.

Also your shifts were only during the day ; as the patients were all in their own homes ; receiving care ; from still more armies of health care providers.

Also; none of you ; had anything to do ; for a long time.

- Stephanie finally finished talking to the hospital staff ; who suddenly went back to work. Anything, to get away from Stephanie.

How was I supposed to say; why; they were unreasonable ; to protest working ; with his new group ?

I also wonder why nobody is massaging me; anymore. I message you a lot. cheers with orange juice. You have your own beverage.

"Hay! If anyone ever reads my book; there's a place to add comments. I'll even take an ad for another book".

Pleas for help go unanswered.

Did Webnovel blackball me?

Who are these readers ?

Did I offend someone ?

Did I break a rule; that

makes no sense to me?

Who are these editors ?

Why won't these sages

of glorious talent for

the difficulties language

of The United States of America; type of language ; bestow their talents upon my first

literary attempt ; with all of its added frills and chills ? -

Jessie Nicoll, musings of a rejected author.

Well; here goes nothing.

The idea for my justice system; is simple : I have an army of people ; to make your life easier. We have money ; to give people all sorts of good or necessary jobs. You break the law; so you forfeit your home. Well; why should I give you free room and board ; When you break a law ?

First; I see if there's anything mentally or physically wrong ; with you. Off to the hospital you go.

2nd. You will need to build your own home ; with specific limitations. Sounds like you need to attend school ; for the "whole 9 yards" ; of creating an addition to my castle ; somewhere.

The castle ; and the mountain ; look bizarre ; with the odd ; escape proof huts dotting here ; there ; and everywhere.

I'm supposed to have talents in the realm. I have countless credentials for doctorates; and doctrines. Well, with the cameras following me; almost everywhere I go ; there's plenty of videos ; for my own original TV network. That's what the inmates get. Sometimes ; my husband will select other tv shows ; movies ; or educational shows ; for them . When I make my rounds ; to make sure ; that the prisoners are still okay ; I get bombarded with my own video tapes. I'm glad I always wear this ... armor. A person could get killed out here ; in this paradise.

Even Though ; I'm not in danger (unless I fall ; and can not get up; with this heavy all purpose protective armor ; I can still add years to their imprisonment ; no matter what the original crime was. When I do fall ; everything in the armor; gets out of place ; so; it really is impossible for me ; to get up. Doesn't matter ; that I have a medical all purpose diagnostic device ; to let everyone know ; exactly where I am ; and exactly all of my dangers ; as well. No body comes. "Brian ! I guess you don't want a wife " !

Brian came instantly ; to help me. Within seconds ; I was back in my room ; safe and sound ; each time.

The second time it happened ; I said, "Why do I have to suffer ? Why won't anyone help me ? I' the first to help everyone,".

Brian didn't say anything. He just cried. I guess there's a reason, why, I have to wait.

It is true; that except for the supernatural conditions of my life ; I am okay.

"I'm sorry I complained. I didn't stop to think ; that you might not be able to rescue me ; immediately," I said.

Brian, just smiled ; through his tears.

"MAMA ‼️ You can't reduce legions of yourself ; to just one of you‼️ You don't have the people to help you ; instantly ; if you get into trouble,"‼️A red headed girl ran over to me. Her voice was old; and strained ; for such a little thing. She was somehow using a Brooklyn NY accent. I must be channeling Fran Dresher as the Nanny; on TV.

Anyway ; there she was ; from one of my lives ; when I had red hair.

In my earliest childhood; I was strawberry blond ; although not as ruby red ; as this loud person.

"What's your name"? I sang to her. Amusingly enough ; my voice sounded just right ; to me.

"I'm whomsoever you want me to be," she sang; in a different voice ; and accent.

I wasn't sure about her grammar. fast forward.

I was talking about the punishment systems.

Oh. I forgot somethings.

When I first arrest the suspects ; I do a thoroughly picayune and therefore ; brutal job of it. The second thing; is I used to spend another miserable amount of time ; insulting them. I don't see the need to call them names ; or to say that what they did was some unpleasant word. I realized all to late; that I still have a grudge over something like that ; that was said to me a lot. There is a difference between my giving out insults to people ; for braking the law ; and therefore; forfeiting all sorts of legendary luxurious services ; that come with ... V... and its absurd history, that has been changed ; for everyone ; except me. Lucky me.

Back to the story.

Instead of insulting them ; I merely tell them ; what they no longer get ... : Free totally vegan healthy tasty food ; the ability to buy meat , which people still want to do ; and a lot of other free services.