I stepped onto the dance floor to pirouette

I stepped onto the dance floor

I heard the music

from my childhood

the bebop

bubble gum music

I suddenly started

to laugh ; leap ; and pirouette!

I don't think

I was graceful.

Some people actually looked at me

They didn't applaud

Other people were

getting serious attention

when they hit the floor

with their sizzle and attitude

Oh, Well. I had fun.

Some of their moves were more outdated than mine

They were putting on a show

as well as having a GREAT TIME‼️

At some point, we all danced on the floor

Everyone weaving around

one another

or staying in one spot, with loved ones

Some even smiled at me.

It was a place; called, :

Three Star Brewing Company


Washington, DC

I had a plain soda; and some food.

I was whisked back to the Southern Vitality Island.

This time; I was 18, with long curly blond hair; that reached halfway down my back.

I was lounging on the beach blanket; on the "Now you see it; now you don't" sand; by the ocean. Wait. Since when; do we have access to the ocean?

Now; someone really goofed-up this one. This is the Pacific Ocean; which is in the wrong place. The original part of Vitality; is across a river; which is boarded by Connecticut USA. Therefore; if there is an ocean; it should be, : The Atlantic Ocean. "Hay! Get Your Geography Corrected‼️ This should be the Atlantic Ocean, on the other side of the S. V. I. from Connecticut"!

I hollered.

First; the beach and the ocean; were replaced by just a small island; about the size of a child's bed. I stood up quickly. I'm taller, than the average 6-year-old person.

The next thing I new; I was in Greenwich Connecticut, getting a haircut. Almost all of my hair; was put in loose, little pig tails. Then; the pigtails were cut; near the top. All of my hair; was caught; in a nice big container. The container kept all of the pigtails separated; and untangled. Then my curls were packaged properly; for the place; where it could be made into stylish, handsome, and beautiful wigs; for anyone championing through cancer; and other maladies.

After all of that; I got a really cute pixy cut; that I really liked.

Once again; I was immediately in Vitality. I can't take this sudden space-time ... travel. I thought; that I made a permanent edict (order) for no more time travel or changing geography; in every direction; of the pertinently permanently damaged space-time drama.

I repeated the orders; which were ... .

I expected to get a cacophony (lot of noise) about these directives (directions, commands, executive orders, ... ) from all throughout the many channels to the fractured space-time ... .

Instead; Brian looked at me. He said, "You once again eliminated the alternate universes; and the spider web of time; that was created through time travel. Also, you wiped out the duplicating of humans, animals, and other things.

We have all of our amazing accomplishments; from all time; whether anyone remembers it, or not. Nothing from future dates; has to be redone; in order for us to have the proof; that it happened; in another jump through time. I mean, at this point in time; we have yet to be married. Even so: we have the videos ; documents ; clothing ; and witnesses. Yes; we have lots of people; who are here today; who have complete memories; of the different times ; we got married ; or renewed our vows.

There's even evidence of hundreds of years of our exploits (adventures); that you cut from your book," Brian finished his excessively extended executive information.

We were on The Connecticut shore; looking at the peak of an underwater mountain.

All of our things; were in a protective bubble; of mass proportions; that rose out of the Atlantic Ocean. It went 25,000 feet above sea level; where airplanes go. Then; it rested on the Southern Vitality Island. (The land, that we were watching.)

Suddenly; the whole multigenerational multidimensional paradise returned; in all of its glory. No illegal activities. No illnesses. All life was Fully formed and functioning perfectly. As were machines ; trophies ; and other things.

Our mountain didn't grow atop of the old one. Nor did that grow. No. The bridge went to the island; which still looked like a noble mountain peak peeking above the water.

Brian and I had our car; so we drove over the river; with the bridge supporting us.

When we got halfway to what would have been the peak; we saw the familiar mountain; which was somehow no longer covered with water. It was just as full of vegetation (grass, bushes, trees ... ) growing in the soil. Also the many rocks, and stones were visible too. From where Brian and I were parked; we wouldn't be able to use any technology; to find gold or precious anything; in the whole thing; nor in the surrounding grounds.

As we looked; from different angles; we could see; the different civilizations; that were solid; current; yet didn't know about one another: The dimensions of space-time ... .

If we were on the SVI, we may never meet the natives; who got there first. Their reality was never affected by the Vitality mess. Unchanged; except for mysterious prizes; videos; machines; documents ; and other things; that indicated that there was at least one other dimension; which littered its items; all over the place. They came to understand; about these things. The people; were suddenly able to understand the language; of whatever the item was. They could somehow use the record player; or DVD player; or whatever was needed. Somehow; I censored the items; that appeared. I take responsibility for anything; that happens; to my dimension; and any other reality; that might be affected.

(I cut out a large section of this chapter. No need to over explain anything.)

Well; there were also The Olson's Paradise ; My homestead ; my mountain castle-mansion and the now unnecessary military this that and the third.

I wasn't expecting any trouble. It is best to be prepared. Besides; it gave a lot of people something worthwhile to do. We don't have weapons. We have always had the V Water; which knocks out anyone; and returns many of them; to infancy; anyway. We have always had a full hospital staff; to tend to the newborn children; their duplicates; and anyone else. These medical groups; have come from all over the world; for this project. We also have international judges ... for court proceedings. That way; we can have court cases and hearings; any time of the day. For example, Mr. Hastings from Scotland; may take a case; at midnight Connecticut time; as it is "during regular business hours, in his native Edinburgh".

He does that as a favor. Why should that peaceful place; need to join the V ?

I am a world wide ambassador. I also have kinsfolk; there; as well as other places.

Well, anyway, The Vitality people; were back to one of each of us. The children; were all adopted; from everywhere. I no longer had millions of sisters of various ages.

I really wanted the children I used to care for all the time. Most of them; really were orphans; who answered my many "Statue of liberty" type pleas; for all people, and animals; who needed good; caring; loving; respecting; and supporting homes full of people; who would want these harmed, abandoned, endangered, or whatever.

As always; there was plenty of the ... V... Water ... to work its magic. The ones who bathed in the water; were perfect. They had no ... : injuries, missing anatomy; illnesses; or even memories; of such problems or disasters; that they may have had. These were the original people, animals, and plants. There were also identical duplicates; who sometimes shared a consciousness.

I was able to keep my Megan, Rose, and 2 others; who were all 6 years old.

I also had only my alternative memories; from when I went back in time; to live my "original" life over again. I was able to prevent most of my bad experiences; so I had new experiences; that I could handle; with the help of my medicine, ( Even without mental illness; I still needed the medicine; as though the problems; were still with me. No body else seemed to have that issue. Or maybe; the people weren't as open about having to take medicine. )

I looked at Brian. We decided to go, to see what the dimensions were like; now; after all of the resent changes.

As we got closer; the various dimensions were easier to see, than earlier. At one point; we could see the few realities; that we had; very clearly. If I wanted my homestead; that's all I saw. I could see for miles; yet the place; wasn't that big; even when I got next to the house; to peek around it; or when I looked through the windows. If I wanted; I could see through walls. I guess I still have Supergirl powers. Sometimes the extraordinary advantages; like supernatural strength and eyesight disappear; after awhile. Or they lay dormant; until I need them. Who knows? These things are automatically done. It's like breathing. Sometimes I can control it whilst thinking about it; and sometimes; it just happens.

When I wanted the SVI hospital; I was in the mountain, at the greeters desk.

When I wanted to go to my room; it was just for me. No room for Brian. Even so; the room and the bed got bigger; if the children wanted to pile on Mommy. They shure are heavy. Suddenly my superpowers kicked in; so that I didn't feel 98% of their weight. I could feel; where they were; and what shapes they were in; as well. I knew them. It was like Buddhism; or Star Wars. I think I already have chapters on that sort of thing. There was also another Star Trek Voyager episode; with Jennifer Lien as Kes.


My husband throughout history; due to the workings of the "broken repaired broken ... " space-time dimensional diffusive dysfunctional continuum sparking systematically permeated ... .


🅱 was leaning against the doorway; crying silent rivers. The poor miserable man! I'm not special. I'm not as nice to him; or as forgiving; as I should be. It must be the kids. He cherishes them. He never mocks them; nor does he get angry; at them. He sets up a peace table; for whomsoever is having problems; or is doing something that's against the rules. As the Mother; or Lady of them house; I can sit in, with Brian; and the other person, or people involved.

If there needs to be a punishment; we usually just ground the wrong doers. "Stay in your room; no guests; no outside activities, unless you need to go to the school, for education, or the school play,". They also have to go to their sports teams; or whatever they committed themselves to do. Art group; doesn't count; unless you are working on a project; with someone else.

We don't let them shirk their respective responsibilities. If something is "a bad fit" ; then we may be able to resign from something; when they play or project is finished. Sometimes; we need to let the child stop the extra curricular activities. If there's a problem anywhere; we address it. We cannot read your mind. We can help; only if you communicate; or show us; what is wrong. Course, there are cameras; and other spy equipment; that reveal a lot. Most of the time; folks do not react to problems in obvious ways.

We all go to the therapists; doctors; nurses; and other members of our respective medical teams; on a weekly or as much as 5 days a week basis.

Well; even with the river; and the atmosphere; we are all individuals; with independent thinking; free will; and feelings.

It is not always harmonious.

ii WHOOPS !! "Brooklyn !! Honey !! Nothing is keeping you out of this room !! Get these giggling rambunctiously dangerous monsters off of me" !!

I yelled as if I were in a panic over that. I was in a panic over his crying. It is an annoying thing; even for me; that I get distracted ‼️

Instantly my laughing man ran at full speed; into the room; with no trace of tears or anything.

My armor suddenly covered me completely; despite the fortifications I already had on me. That's not counting the young body guards all over me; who were doing a great job of that. Well; at least I won't get accidentally hit; or scratched; anymore. These kids are just as powerful as I am. All the problems from before my superpowers kicked in; were cured instantly; with the supernatural activation. The little problems; that accumulated after that; also went away; with the healing powers of the atmosphere and waters inside the armor. No more worries for me‼️Course; I still don't think I am immune to fire; bombs; and bullets.

I really don't want to be an Empress. I can't share the job; or give it away‼️Plus; people are still giving me their crowns; and other indications of rank or leadership ; in every way possible. I cannot do everything‼️I didn't make this place‼️ ...

"Empress" Stephanie: They Think, "She's a Goddess" ! Well, I'm Not‼️

Leave it to me; to get angry; when I'm the guest of honor; and everyone is trying to show me; that they love me ‼️

I had to laugh‼️

"Do you realize; you have been talking out loud; ever since we got to this room❓You said, there was no space for me"‼️

"I'm sorry. I'm writing a book; about these insane adventures. I didn't know; you could hear me" ‼️We both sounded like stressful people.

"You did it again"‼️He wailed. Then, he groaned.

(This last time; I could hear my dictation voice, (my future self talking; which was Erie. Hearing my thinking voice; at the same time; as my recorded voice; ... ) "WAIT‼️I'M STILL DOING THAT‼️Sorry, I don't mean to be so loud. I can hear a chorus; of my own voice; at different ages; saying what I'm thinking; and saying right now. I can also hear a cacophony of voices; discussing other things. Wait. The unpleasant voices; are all mine. I will be quiet; everyone else's voices are melodic harmonious; and Heavenly. Oh. That's Brian; Doug; Archie; the children; and others all over the space-time whatsis.

Everyone burst out into laughter; at that one. Shirley, the Olsons; and some mini me Shirleys; were already laughing.

"We heard that, too"‼️Gales of laughing. laughter. Same thing.

"Boy‼️She can't stop"‼️rang out as well. That was at least 5 different Shirley voices at once.

"You're right about that"‼️Archie exclaimed jubilantly‼️ Instead of whatever; I unceremoniously got up suddenly. Big cushions instantly covered the walls and ceilings; as folks went flying off of the bed‼️They just started to laugh again; as soon as possible. Everyone was shocked; that I bolted out of bed; knocking family to the farthest reaches of the already expanded room. Some people gasped. Fortunately someone or something padded the room; as soon as I moved. This was a real; as it happens live action; and not a space-time jump; to fix a past event. The people who heard the initial noise; let out a sigh of relief; as they heard me announce the soft cushions; for the first time. I didn't say anything after I bolted.

I was glad to hear the laughing.

Like I said, " This time around; everyone else's voices were heavenly,".

I don't hear my echo anymore. I'm still talking; All the same.

I crashed into my desk. Everything went flying‼️

Fortunately; the same kind of mattresses were everywhere; so only the desk shattered