Journey; to the solar burst; which started it all

Journey; to the solar burst; which started it all

Excitement voices came quite quickly. I was 26, tired, and healthy; as I straightforward my form; on my deceptively comfortable; fancy ... throne. I got up, gracefully, as my country folks; rushed over to me.

As soon as we were somehow linked together; we became absolutely transparent. Each one of us; was a different colored glowing balloon person; of the same size. We were one big cloud of bubbles in human forms. Finally; each entity separated; from the others. There was only one ; fully merged person; for each of the original people; on the island ... :

1. Jason Olson

2. Mrs. Olson

3. Doug

4. Amy (aka every female; whose 1st initial is "A")

5. Aunt Satsy (Japanese - Hawaiian)

6. Uncle Henry

7. Auntie Shirley

8. B (every male; who looked like him; or had the first initial "B")


9. Me (I represented all of my aliases too.)

The other civilizations; which coexisted; on different spatial planes; were there too. They were not balloons. They were in their natural human forms.

The original people; who came to this place; were all hovering; in groups ; around; a large section of Earth; and its Atlantic ocean.

We recognized; the familiar Eastern USA coastline; specifically; Connecticut. I was never good at geography; yet; I did know; that somehow something; was wrong; with the Vitality Islands' location; ... .

For the first time; since my "original life"; I saw; the true landscape; of Connecticut's coast; and everything; to the East; of the State.

It was beautiful‼️

Suddenly; the scene in front of us changed.

Today; the vast ocean rose higher than we ever knew it to be. The sun shone blindingly hot; and extra fiery.

The ice; which covered several feet deeply; on land alone; melted.

Wait. Where did all of the ice sheets come from; just now? A second ago; everything; was lush; green; and vibrant; as the wind blew the extraordinarily tall

grasses back and forth; in a spectacular dance.

Groan. Someone or something; is skipping over; long stretches of time.

The whole planet; was submerged. At least; what we could see; of it.

It was like someone poured a supercilious supernatural super-colossal vase of pure water over the whole world. Stunning rippling waters forming wells; and cascading waterfalls; enraptured the associated assembled masses.


We watched this part; "for the longest time" (Billy Joel Song title)

Well; we couldn't sit there forevermore.

The water show; skipped forward; in time again.

The water drained; back to the regular sea level. only now; there was a small; lonely mountain peak; peeking; up from the Atlantic Ocean. Nothing more.

All of a sudden; we heard something; which; directed our attention; to the sun.

All sorts of yellow "arms" of fire ; were shooting up; from the sun's core. these arms; were waving around-the-clock; and bending; like streamers of crackling fire would.

A gargantuan filter systematically cleaned out

1. Radiation

2. All harmful lights

3. The heat

4. Radioactivity

5. Unstable everything

6. Burning; ...

7. ... . ↔️♾️infinity

A Jupiter sized screen prevented any dangerous items; from; the magnificent star; as it was blasting "Who Knows What" towards everything; and everyone; everywhere.

An Extremely Extraordinarily energetic energized plume of solar gasses; fires; and everything; shot straight through the protective filtering shield.

What did get through; the barrier; was simply strikingly increasingly entertainingly entrancing and gorgeous.

Although; it shot through the air; just as fast as ever; we got to take our time; as we watched the longest sun beam fiery arm; of the whole spectacle.

Time slowed down; so that we could really examine; this living slide. It was producing colorful particles; bubbles; and fireworks.

The whole thing; was shiny shimmering soothing effervescent and extremely extraordinarily energetically entrancing and spectacular.

Some people; even hitched a ride; as the harmonious; harmless happy; healthy and purified sun beam; headed for Connecticut's Coast.

The phenomenon; seemed to be alive; and happy‼️

After more extended recreation; it was time; to get on with the show. The fun arm of the sun; finally reached; the Earth.

Folks slid off; of the longest; most comfortable; and healthiest ride; in history. All of their "handicaps"; illnesses; bad habits; and other problems; were gone. Everyone; was perfectly functioning; and perfectly formed. No "birth defects".

The land for miles around was covered with a brightly golden flowing several feet thick substance; from the sun.

This was the arm of light. It took a long time; to completely infuse and integrate; into the pure Earth; and its ocean.

What we saw; was like a movie; in which the story is interrupted; by a new event from millions of years; into the future. As you may have noticed; this happened a lot.

I don't know about the other groups of civilizations; yet; I wonder how everyone; could sit still; without any human or other natural needs. Maybe; things were different; for them.

All I know; is ... : balloon people; and others; who have been touched by this specific special sun material; and or the infused water; don't need bathrooms; or many other things.

Well; it helps to eat; sleep; take medicine; and ... .

Once again; we were "suspended in time"(Olivia Newton-John Song title).

Next; the whole planet; as for as our supernatural eyes could see; was filled with the dancing colorful shimmering soothing shining effervescent clouds of extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited elements; life forms; and even items; that bounced around; in the currents. Or; maybe those handsome or beautiful brings; were playing games.

The fireworks noiselessly illuminated the globe; with more miracles; and joy.

Soon; everyone; in this supernatural paranormal paradise; was either transforming; like I did; at various times. It sure is just as scary; to watch this phenomenon; as it is to under go; any; or all of it.

I yelled, "No copies or simultaneous reincarnations; of the same person, or animal ‼️No "recurring dream" types of real life adventures‼️

No damaging the ... space-time ... ‼️No polluting the water, land or anything; anywhere ‼️No erasing memories ‼️... ‼️... "‼️

Just like that; I solved all of our problems.

I still don't know much about the life or lives; that I had; before ; the first time; I stepped on the island. I still; don't know my name; except for "Stephanie".

I do know; that I successfully went back in time; to solve all of my problems; and to prevent other people; from suffering; from any of my actions.

I don't remember; much about that re-worked existence.

I felt a tap; on my shoulder. Giant inflated 🅱; smiled, and laughed; while giving me; the "thumbs up" sign of appreciative approval.

Brian and I, were temporarily back to being people; long enough; to hug each other; while still suspended supernaturally in multiple dimensions.

Before I was finished; we were transformed into gigantic bubbles again.

The scene below us changed; as the new people to come; to this enchanted land and ocean; somehow created; or received; the geography; resources; and whatever; to start their civilization.

We watched as the space-time whatevers came into reality. They changed in various ways over time.

finally; there was the forest that lead to a clearing; which is always my first memory; of anything.

Suddenly; the water was missing; from the original sun-lit mass of the submerged island. The whole mountain was exposed. The miles wide river was there; without any banks; or beaver's "darns" whatsoever.

It was a free standing waterway; with nothing; to keep it contained. Even so; an invisible wall; must have held the river in place. Bizarre.

It would take much more time; to explain; how the place got to be how I knew it; when I went through that repetitive; seemingly never ending day; when I was attempting to get to 1st grade.

Watching the evolution; of the planet; from the prehistoric days; up until I was about 4 or 5; in a certain lifetime; was astounding‼️

We were there; in person; for the glorious supernatural paranormal paradise ; that; really will be a fantastic place; in every way.

A place

Starting to remember

I surrender

What I never really knew

How'd they do that

I know a place

I'll take you there

How'd they do that

ain't nobody crying

I'll take you there

ain't nobody worried

How'd they do that

Ain't no smiling faces

lying to the races

I'll take you there

How'd they do that

Another one; of my "mash-ups" from The Staples Singers and Melissa Etheridge's cover of their song: "I know a place; I'll take you there; How'd they Do That"

When the ... grand ... presentation was finished early; due to my outburst of commands; we all went to our respective homes.

No body needed to give me a shot; of anything. I went straight to sleep; so that ; my national dreams could help me to react to; as well as to revisit; everything; from these events.

When I awoke; Brian; was sleeping soundly; in his own bed; on the other side of a thick and heavy blanket type of privacy curtain.

The room was big enough; for two people; for a welcome change. My side was frilly; with overlapping ruffles; tiers ... . I also have a real jukebox

{ ( Wurlitzer - Wikipedia ) }

[ I don't feel like copying and paying; anything today. See the pictures.]

His side; was basically empty. I guess; he didn't have any opportunity; to decorate it yet.

I noted; that I could turn my side of the room; into a café; an office; or whatever; with a soundproof wall and door; dividing the my space; from his.

This reminds me of another movie. ... .

The important thing; was that the children whom 🅱 and I adopted; were still with us; in their respective rooms. They had nurses; for parents' helpers. Well; the right honorable Mrs. Clinton; said, "It takes a village to raise a child,". Besides; with all of the responsibilities ; and crazy unexpected adventures; we need help; with raising our large family.

The children; were not longer actually mini versions of me; who could merge with me. I no longer had to go through the shrinking; growing; rapid ageing; and rapid getting younger; confusion.

Megan, was her own person. She got to have one identity.

Also; 🅱 could just be Brian. He no longer appeared as a green dew drop; with one eye ... .

We were so happy.

Now, this does not mean; that; there were no more adventures.

We had several children; and other folks; in this place; after all.