What about the Northern Vitality Island?

What about the Northern Vitality Island?

While we were watching the phenomenal Fountain of Youth's birth; we also noticed the Northern Vitality Island. This was a region; that was supposed to be covered by the Atlantic Ocean. The "island", was actually a leveled off hill, on the ocean floor, which should have been invisible, under the giant waves.

Oddly enough, for those of us, who were right there, at those mapped coordinates: We didn't see the water! Instead, we saw the "table of land, rising from the ground". It was about a 4th of the overall height; of the fully visible Vitality mountain, to the South.

Both "islands", were covered in fresh lush vegetation, not the lilly pads, or seaweed.

Hovering over the Northern Vitality National Landscape; was a bustling city; with real trees, grass, ... of its own.

Due to some phenomenon ; the reining Northern Vitality Isle. king, looked like a giant, in his office.

I don't know, how the city, or its king, would have been there, in the very beginning.

Oh. Someone is talking to me, about that. It seems, that, I'm watching a fancy presentation, of how all of the magical mischief, came to be. I'm not sure, what they're showing me. The problem is, that, today, they're showing me, how things actually happened; as well as; a clever way to "break it down".

After the sunbeam, touched the coast of Connecticut, there was a lot of beautiful fire, gold, and only the safe and beneficial components of the sun, all mixed together, in a spectacular way. Then the water came, as a typhoon. Next, it looked like a gigantic sun rising from the swelling and swirling clouds.

finally, there was the sparkling, shimmering, shining, gl

** Editorial Interruptions AKA random thoughts, that don't belong **

° I never knew; (until a second ago) that my enhanced vision; allows me, to see things extra clearly for miles.

° Again, when I bathed in the fountain of youth water, I became a new being.

° I'm not a Goddess, despite, all of my new abilities, and my new condition: I really don't know everything. I am not immortal. I also can't do most of what the established religions' creators, famous folks; nor the mythological nor legendary folks can do.

°° Oh. I'm not the only one; who gives a running commentary; about this realm.

** End Interruptions **

Well; the people of the island-city never knew; that their whole reality; was a separate "dimension"; from the table-land; below it.

In the same way, the animals, and the plants, on the dry moor; don't have a city, blocking their view, of the Stars above them. Nor, do they have anything; to shield them from the rain.

A dimension, can be a totally different world; that can exist; in the same place, and space; as another independent world.

Well, that's the lovely fiction; that is found in ... : "Felix The Cat : The Movie"; and many other forms of entertainment.

In other words: Neither place; has any connection; to the other dimension; except for specific means. For example : The wardrobe, in : "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"; was the gateway; from : Earth to : Narnia; where The Lion and The Witch Were. This is the first of a series of books by CS Lewis, entitled, "The Chronicles of Narnia".

In the greatly expanded Vitality Almost Everywhere; If I were on the beach, in a far away place; yet; I wanted to be, in the Northern Vitality Island's courtyard; a super quick shortcut; was provided. I might have only one small step to take, and, here I am, in the courtyard. I still don't know how that works.

The Northern Vitality Island: Part 1: An interrupted mini story; about many insanely huge fabric structures; and a planet full of people; all in one even bigger dormitory.

I fell asleep; with all 30 of my adopted children; on my unbelievably oversized bed. My husband, the incomparable ... Brian ... watched us; from his bed. The heavy opaque embellished curtain ; which usually encircled my sleeping area ; was wide open.

I was in an unbelievably extraordinarily huge tent, straight out of the Harry Potter Franchise.

Brian and my bedroom chamber itself, was also colossal ; as ; three million hired "Mama and Papa's helpers" ... : a whole army of hospital everybody ; a whole educational system of folks , for every age and subject possible ; nannies ; baby sitters ; mentors ; ... were also in the room, with us. They had their own enormous tents; within the bedroom: One family ; per mansion - like tent. Each of those "Harry Potter" magical absurdities; was a 5 story, 15 room castle, complete, with every good, useful, and even safe amenity; any of the people; could want.

"Is all of this necessary" ?

I asked.

I received, a resounding "no", in perfect harmony, from, an incredibly infinite amount of various voices from; all throughout the chaotic broken, and restructured space-time contusion confusion.

Instantly, Brian<~>Brandan, and I, were back, in the little hotel room, where, we first saw our water - poisoned family, on TV !!

history hopscotch

Well, I didn't remember, that, I already went through this rough, confusing, complicated set of happenings.

I was given a choice, by an actual, luminous, shining angel, who was complete with: translucent butterfly wings; and an aurora (a real halo isn't a circle over the head. It is the glowing light that shines, from inside someone. The light shows though the individual; as the corona, does, for the sun.)

She remanded me, of Disney's Tinkerbell.

The angel, presented 2 doors, for me. The first door, looked dingy and old, as strange images, were carved into the wood, and then replaced with a swirling whirlwind; which was also carved; and filthy. The whole thing was ominously dreadful.

The second door, was white, glowing, shining, and alive, in a jubilantly festive way.

If I chose the yucky door, I would forget the angel. I would have to go through all of the events, of my life, as they already happened, starting with the moment, I saw the family on TV. Brian's brother, didn't want to be king. ... .

On the other hand, if I chose the new and exciting door, which looked like a luminous lady dancing, in my favorite style and fabric of clean clothes; Who knows, what could happen.

As I actually didn't know anything, at the time, I went with the pure, clean, vibrant, virtuous choice.

I said, "Tinkerbell, I guess we're on 'Let's Make a Deal'. Okay. I pick the door, that looks like me, on my wedding day".

I looked over at Brian, who was smiling, under his tussled blond hair. He nodded.

In a fun swirling slide of something soft, bright and white; we were carried around-the-clock around the room, and then gently deposited by the Atlantic Ocean.

The waves were high and animated all by themselves. They were overflowing with spritely spirited multigenerational, equally shining, effervescent, and vibrant life forms, who were dancing.

There were 2 gigantic smooth perfectly round sun globes barely rising, ever so slowly, from a swirling blanket of clouds, which was wrapped around the orange-yellow life giving, and revitalizing liquid, in the center, of the soft looking folds of clouds.

One of these extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited everything good, vital, safe, and clean supernatural paranormal paradise forming phenomena, was where the Northern Vitality Island, was.

The Northern Vitality Island Pt.2

Once the sun finally rose from the ground; we could once again; see the following thrilling mysterious and mystic details; of our unnatural Earth:

The Atlantic ocean, was replaced, by, some thriving dimensional realities. The uncovered land table, with its non-human and non-aquatic nature; was present; in all of its pure vitality.

The low-pressure comfortably paced peaceful, pure, and totally safe city, actually occupied the same space-time, as the non-aquatic non-human paradise; as well as the original aquatic environment.

These independent, individual realities; are completely different places; which are different dynamic dimensional phenomena.

A dot, is one dimensional. Add width and length, for a 3 dimensional, or 3D object. Space-time, adds 2 more dimensions. That would be 5D. I don't know, what it is called, when space-time are shared by "isolated sets of life and objects".

Well, to sort out things, let's get someone else, to narrate this story.

Doug started to speak , in his grandiose way, so that, everyone could hear him, throughout the Southern Vitality Island realm, and its fractured space-time drama:

How'd they Do That?

Show us.

Howdy folks. I'm Doug. I'm the one who telepathically tells you, everything, about the new settings, and histories, that became your new realities, as, you are somehow tossed back and forth through time and space.

There's only one of me, and a lot of you, so, I had to work with the colorful minuscule minute men, women, children, and other life forms; to get an extremely actuate complicated computer system, for all of the mercilessly relentless explosive infinite storm of data, which hits me, every nanosecond. That's a countless amount of pieces, like an over-kill deadly punch; every fraction of a second.

Not even the sun infused highly celebrated miracle water, can keep up, with all of that.

Now, let's get to this demonstration, of how, the water became so special.

Somehow, all life, in every direction, or dimension, or self-repairing interrupted event; was brought to the beginning of the Vitality Time.

Our previous lives, seem to be lost forever.


I guess I digress.


All life from everywhere; and all times; was brought to this moment in time, before, people meddled with the space-time dimensional continuum.


Whoever is giving the demonstration, chose to show the events, in a theatrical way, by just letting us see a slide show, or series of film clips. Then, the slide of the Northern Vitality City, was placed above the paradise, to show a dramatic effect.


Somebody wished something would happen. Apparently, those who grant the wishes, thought that we all should be in a gigantic Harry Potter tent, as we were, a while ago.


Now, we get to watch the spectacular site, of the Vitality Islands births.

"Thank you, Doug. By the way, I was able to change my original life, during, one of my few uninterrupted lifetimes. Will those changes remain"? I asked him.

Doug answered me, " I didn't know about that, or, my memories were erased. Let me ask ... okay. I have a bunch of voices whispering, and yelling in my ear. Right. I forgive the loud ones.

Stephanie, your alternative life, for your original life, ... wait ... On October 20th, 1989, did you have a real panic attack, in which, your people, thought you were delirious"? Doug Asked.

"Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! The 2nd go round, of that life; I was so afraid of getting hit by the truck; that I was hysterical. My whole family, and my friends; came from miles around my home, to reassure me; that I was safe".

"Congratulations!! You bottled up everything, for your first and only tantrum, or mental health crisis, for the whole 50 years, that you had to redo," Doug said.

" Hey! I wasn't even 40, when, I started these "Stephanie" adventures, in this place.

According to unbroken time, I'm still not quite 50 yet, " I corrected this unseen disembodied voice.

"Our apologies, for everything. That life was 50 pure years, with knowledge about the repercussions, of certain actions. You cleverly avoided your problems, by using medicine, (that would have been a bad idea, if you really were an infant through 21, at the time, you repeated those years)..." . When Doug took a breath, and sighed, I saw him inflate, like a large blue, then red roughly human shaped balloon. He then went to yellow, and then stripes, before sitting in my lap. He was suddenly 8 years old.

"You're not Doug. You're my brother, Dave. Except, your communication is much different. my name, isn't Stephanie. That's all right. I'll be Stephanie. She is a Wonder Woman.

Before you go to sleep, could you tell me, what happens to the physics and nature now"? I, Stephanie finally finished talking.

"Well, except for my mysteriously becoming much younger than you are, " Dave started to answer, as he fought off a yawn, and his voice got louder... .

Suddenly, my 53 year old brother, was sitting in my lap. He looked shocked; and panicky.

Suddenly, he was a cute 8 year old child again. (How am I going to explain things, to everyone?)

"Few! Yikes! What happened to me?"

"Well, we're sitting by the real fountains of youth, which are also wishing wells. Someone pulled you out of your dimension, and brought you to mine".

"You're delusional. That's fiction," my scientist brother said.

"Then, you explain, this insanity," I said, as I kissed the top of his head. He squirmed and complained.

Another suddenly, this little boy, went back, to where ever and whenever, he came from, a moment ago.

The sleepy kid, was restored to me.

"Okay. Now, that we solved those problems; you may tell us, what is the significance; of coming to the birth of Vitality"? I figured out what to say.

"Yeah. Well, I thought that ... wait not again ... no, we don't need the original Dave, to come again. He can stay with his family. Jeez, I never realized, how aggravating it must be, for others, to have to many different people, to communicate with, at one time. Pooh," The new version of Dave complained.

"Stephanie, at this point, you may notice, that people and items are disappearing. The rents, or fissures in the air, are also gone. Except for certain portals, to other words, and those dimensions; there's nothing extraordinary, about life, anymore. I am an exception, too.

From now on, there is only one past, one present, and one future, for everyone.

You, Brian, Megan, and I, are suspended in time. It is just us. No one has swum in the sun water. Nothing has touched it. There are no beings, except the 4 of us, who can be any ... : size; color; brightness; or have perfect physical forms.

When we're finished here, we'll disappear. Time has been restored to normal. We may not remember anything.

There are more things, that will remain, due to the magical mystic mischief:

1. The river won't be tainted.


Odd things from the assorted sorted previous times; will still fall gently from the highest point, in the sky, whenever, Vitality is.


Most of the natural original planet Earth, was annexed in your former lifetime, so, all of that property, is Vitality. It is YOUR responsibility.


All of your commandments, will always hold true, for all of us, so that we can all live in real paradise.


The Northern Island, and its waters were never contaminated. That whole set of dimensions, are not part of the Southern Vitality, which had a broken and seizure ridden spasmodic everything.


Unless you personally worked in the city office, or spoke with the reining king, none of your efforts effected, or affected anything. No golden desk, or writings, got to that isolated area ever.


They didn't need the extra help. What you, and the others did, created a sanctuary.


I don't know why, all of the trouble makers come to the Southern Island.


If you are reborn again, you will live a parallel life, to the one that you corrected. You won't know her, most likely.


There are more dimensions, like they one, in which, we lived our original lives. I don't know, if alternative lives count, in the grand scheme of things. All the same, you did change your own memories. You had new adventures, which, we all can verify," My brother doesn't talk like that. This reality is a different world. (Another TV Show, was called, "A Different World". It had Jasmine Guy, among other people.)